Florida Senate - 2010                                    SB 1302 
By Senator Storms 
10-01111A-10                                          20101302__ 
1                        A bill to be entitled 
2         An act relating to victim advocate services; creating 
3         s. 1006.671, F.S.; requiring that each postsecondary 
4         educational institution provide an advocate to assist 
5         students who are victims of violent crime; requiring 
6         that the advocate complete a specified number of hours 
7         in victim advocacy training and enlist the assistance 
8         of public and voluntary health, education, welfare, 
9         and rehabilitation agencies or groups and law 
10         enforcement agencies; requiring that an advocate be 
11         made available on any campus that provides student 
12         housing or has a minimum number of full-time students; 
13         providing an effective date. 
15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 
17         Section 1. Section 1006.671, Florida Statutes, is created 
18  to read: 
19         1006.671Victim advocate services.—Each postsecondary 
20  educational institution shall provide an advocate to aid 
21  students who are victims of violent crime. The victim advocate 
22  must have completed at least 30 hours of victim advocacy 
23  training, and shall enlist the assistance of public and 
24  voluntary health, education, welfare, and rehabilitation 
25  agencies or groups and law enforcement agencies in coordinating 
26  services. An advocate must be made available on any campus that 
27  provides student housing or has 5,000 or more full-time 
28  students. 
29         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011.