Florida Senate - 2010                             CS for SB 1174 
       By the Committee on Regulated Industries; and Senator Altman 
       580-04334-10                                          20101174c1 
    1                        A bill to be entitled                       
    2         An act relating to the regulation of hoisting 
    3         equipment used in construction, demolition, or 
    4         excavation work; creating s. 489.1138, F.S.; defining 
    5         the terms “hoisting equipment,” “mobile crane,” and 
    6         “tower crane”; requiring an applicant for a building 
    7         permit to submit certain information to a local 
    8         building official; requiring radio communications 
    9         between certain crane operators; requiring certain 
   10         preparations for a hurricane or high-wind event; 
   11         requiring a preparedness plan for certain cranes; 
   12         requiring that hoisting equipment be secured in a 
   13         specified manner under certain circumstances; 
   14         providing penalties for violation of the act by 
   15         certain licensed contractors; preempting regulation of 
   16         hoisting equipment and persons operating the equipment 
   17         to the state; providing exemptions; providing an 
   18         effective date. 
   20         WHEREAS, cranes, derricks, hoists, elevators, and conveyors 
   21  used in construction, demolition, or excavation work are 
   22  currently regulated under federal rules adopted by the 
   23  Occupational Safety and Health Administration in 29 C.F.R. parts 
   24  1910 and 1926, and 
   25         WHEREAS, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration 
   26  has conducted a thorough and exhaustive review of these rules in 
   27  an effort to better protect against the hazards presented by 
   28  these types of hoisting equipment, and 
   29         WHEREAS, the review conducted by the Occupational Safety 
   30  and Health Administration was undertaken in consultation with 
   31  many of the most knowledgeable engineering, construction, and 
   32  safety experts in the nation and in the world, and 
   33         WHEREAS, this review has culminated in the production of 
   34  proposed rules setting forth comprehensive and detailed new 
   35  regulations applicable to cranes, derricks, hoists, elevators, 
   36  and conveyors, and to the operators of these types of hoisting 
   37  equipment, as published in the Federal Register on October 9, 
   38  2008, and 
   39         WHEREAS, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration 
   40  should be commended and supported in these efforts, and 
   41         WHEREAS, cranes, derricks, hoists, elevators, and conveyors 
   42  are routinely transported across city, county, and state lines, 
   43  making uniform federal regulation of these types of hoisting 
   44  equipment and their operators essential to commerce, to 
   45  Florida’s economic competitiveness, and to minimizing 
   46  construction costs in our state, and 
   47         WHEREAS, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration 
   48  has recently entered into a strategic alliance with the 
   49  Associated Builders and Contractors of Florida, the South 
   50  Florida Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of 
   51  America, the Construction Association of South Florida, and the 
   52  Florida Crane Owners Council to improve crane safety, NOW, 
   53  THEREFORE, 
   55  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 
   57         Section 1. Section 489.1138, Florida Statutes, is created 
   58  to read: 
   59         489.1138 Regulation of hoisting equipment used in 
   60  construction, demolition, or excavation work.— 
   61         (1) As used in this section, the term: 
   62         (a) “Hoisting equipment” means power-operated cranes, 
   63  derricks, hoists, elevators, and conveyors used in construction, 
   64  demolition, or excavation work that are regulated by the 
   65  Occupational Safety and Health Administration under 29 C.F.R. 
   66  parts 1910 and 1926. 
   67         (b) “Mobile crane” means a type of hoisting equipment 
   68  incorporating a cable-suspended latticed boom or hydraulic 
   69  telescoping boom designed to be moved between operating 
   70  locations by transport over a roadway. The term does not include 
   71  a mobile crane with a boom length of less than 25 feet or a 
   72  maximum rated load capacity of less than 15,000 pounds. 
   73         (c) “Tower crane” means a type of hoisting equipment using 
   74  a vertical mast or tower to support a working boom in an 
   75  elevated position, where the working boom can rotate to move 
   76  loads laterally either by rotating at the top of the mast or 
   77  tower or by the rotation of the mast or tower itself, whether 
   78  the mast or tower base is fixed in one location or ballasted and 
   79  moveable between locations. 
   80         (2) An applicant for a building permit for construction, 
   81  demolition, or excavation work involving the use of a tower 
   82  crane or mobile crane must submit to the local building official 
   83  of the appropriate county, municipality, or other political 
   84  subdivision: 
   85         (a) A site plan accurately identifying the location of the 
   86  crane, clearances from above-ground power lines, the location of 
   87  adjacent buildings, and the structural foundation of the crane. 
   88         (b) Documentation of compliance with the requirements of 
   89  all governmental authorities related to operation of the crane 
   90  on the work site, including compliance with the lighting 
   91  requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration. 
   92         (3) When two or more tower cranes or mobile cranes are 
   93  operating within the same swing radius, there must be at all 
   94  times a clear, independent, and operable channel of radio 
   95  communications between the persons operating the cranes. 
   96         (4)(a) When a tower crane or mobile crane is located on a 
   97  work site, a hurricane and high-wind event preparedness plan for 
   98  the crane must be available for inspection at the site. 
   99         (b) In preparation for a hurricane or high-wind event, 
  100  hoisting equipment must be secured in the following manner: 
  101         1. All hoisting equipment must be secured in compliance 
  102  with manufacturer recommendations relating to hurricane and 
  103  high-wind events, including any recommendations relating to the 
  104  placement, use, and removal of advertising banners and rigging. 
  105         2. Tower crane turntables must be lubricated before the 
  106  event. 
  107         3. Fixed booms on mobile cranes must be laid down whenever 
  108  feasible. 
  109         4. Booms on hydraulic cranes must be retracted and stored. 
  110         5. The counterweights of any hoists must be locked below 
  111  the top tie-in. 
  112         6. Tower cranes must be set in the weathervane position. 
  113         7. All rigging must be removed from hoist blocks. 
  114         8. All power at the base of tower cranes must be 
  115  disconnected. 
  116         (5) A person licensed under this part who intentionally 
  117  violates this section is subject to discipline under ss. 455.227 
  118  and 489.129. 
  119         (6) This section preempts any local act, law, ordinance, or 
  120  regulation, including, but not limited to, a local building code 
  121  or building permit requirement, of a county, municipality, or 
  122  other political subdivision that pertains to the regulation of 
  123  hoisting equipment and persons operating the equipment in the 
  124  state. 
  125         (7) This section does not apply to: 
  126         (a) The regulation of elevators under chapter 399. 
  127         (b) Maintenance or construction activities related to plant 
  128  or mining operations at facilities that have a North American 
  129  Industry Classification System code of 212392, 325188, or 
  130  325312. 
  131         Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.