HR 9005
House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing August 10, 2010, as "Little
3People of America Day" in Florida.
5 WHEREAS, Little People of America, Inc., is a national
6nonprofit organization that provides support and information to
7people of short stature and their families and is the only
8dwarfism support organization that includes all forms of
9dwarfism, and
10 WHEREAS, in 1957, well-known actor Billy Barty made a
11national public appeal for all little people in America to join
12him for a gathering in Reno, Nevada, and thus Little People of
13America was formed, and
14 WHEREAS, today, Little People of America has more than
156,000 members internationally and has 14 districts and 70
16chapters, and
17 WHEREAS, Little People of America provides social
18interaction, parent and peer support, medical support and
19education, and scholarships and grants, and its members include
20both little people and people of average height, ranging from
21newborns to senior citizens, and
22 WHEREAS, Little People of America offers information on
23employment, education, disability rights, adoption, medical
24issues, clothing, adaptive products, and the many stages of
25parenting a short-statured child from birth to adulthood, and
26 WHEREAS, Little People of America is dedicated to improving
27the quality of life for people with dwarfism throughout their
28lives while celebrating with great pride little people's
29contribution to social diversity, and
30 WHEREAS, Little People of America strives to promote global
31awareness of and offer solutions to the prominent issues
32affecting individuals of short stature and their families, NOW,
35Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
38 That August 10, 2010, is recognized as "Little People of
39America Day" in Florida.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.