CS/CS/HB 1299
A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to streamlining the issuance of licenses,
3certifications, and registrations issued by state
4agencies; providing a short title; providing legislative
5findings and intent; requiring the Governor to establish
6the One-Stop Business Workgroup; providing for the
7membership of the workgroup; authorizing the workgroup to
8consult with other agencies and use consultants; providing
9duties of the workgroup; requiring that the workgroup
10submit a plan for establishing a business licensing portal
11to the Governor and Legislature by a specified date;
12providing requirements for the plan to implement a
13technology solution that provides businesses and
14individuals with easy access to state and local
15requirements for business licenses, certifications, and
16registrations; providing an effective date.
18Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
20 Section 1. (1) This act may be cited as "Florida's One-
21Stop Business Connect Act."
22 (2) The Legislature finds that:
23 (a) Individuals who start and operate businesses in this
24state must interact with multiple state agencies to obtain
25licenses, registrations, and tax certificates needed to legally
26operate in this state. This process can be time-consuming and
27frustrating for businesses and often requires business owners to
28provide similar information to multiple agencies.
29 (b) State government requirements for starting and
30operating a business in this state are often cumbersome and
31place avoidable burdens on business owners. For several years,
32the Legislature has recognized that these requirements do not
33serve to promote this state as a business-friendly state that
34actively supports the growth of jobs, businesses, and economic
36 (c) A phased, deliberative, and collaborative approach is
37necessary to streamline and automate the state's business
38processes; to simplify business requirements and eliminate
39unnecessary business requirements; and to provide a single point
40of entry for businesses to complete business transactions with
41the state.
42 (3)(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that by July 1,
432012, the state establish an online connection that is easily
44accessible through the state's official portal, "MyFlorida.com,"
45and that provides an efficient and effective online, self-
46service method for an individual to access state requirements
47for starting, licensing, and operating a business.
48 (b) Once the state's online business licensing connection
49is available, it is the intent of the Legislature that local
50governments have the opportunity to make accessible in a similar
51manner through the state's portal, "MyFlorida.com," local
52requirements for starting, licensing, and operating a business.
53 (4)(a) The Governor shall establish a One-Stop Business
54Connect Workgroup composed of, at a minimum, the secretary or
55agency head, or his or her designee, of the following state
57 1. The Agency for Health Care Administration.
58 2. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
59 3. The Department of Children and Family Services.
60 4. The Department of Health.
61 5. The Department of State.
62 6. The Department of Revenue.
63 (b) The Secretary of Business and Professional Regulation
64shall serve as the chair of the workgroup. The workgroup shall
65be supported by staff from the participating agencies.
66 (c) The workgroup may consult with other agencies
67throughout the state, including the Agency for Enterprise
68Information Technology, and those agencies must provide
69requested assistance to the workgroup.
70 (d) To the extent that funds are available within the
71participating agencies' budgets, the workgroup may use the
72services of consultants.
73 (5)(a) The workgroup shall:
74 1. Compile a complete, categorical inventory of all
75business licenses, certifications, and registrations required by
76each participating agency, including information regarding
77relevant laws and rules.
78 2. Analyze the business licensing, certification, and
79registration processes for each agency and identify processes
80that disrupt workflow and result in duplication, waste,
81unnecessary complexity, and errors and the root causes of those
83 3. Recommend the standardization and automation of
84business licensing, certification, and registration processes
85where appropriate.
86 (b) By December 15, 2010, the workgroup shall submit a
87plan for establishing the business licensing portal to the
88Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
89House of Representatives that identifies:
90 1. Business requirements and the costs associated with
91implementation of a technology solution for businesses and
92individuals that provides easy access to state and local
93business licensing, certification, and registration requirements
94through MyFlorida.com.
95 2. Clear systemwide objectives, a governance structure,
96accountability measures, and an opportunity for stakeholders to
97make suggestions regarding the use of the business licensing
99 3. Issues that need to be addressed before a technology
100solution is implemented.
101 4. Issues that need to be addressed to enable local
102governments to make accessible through the state's business
103licensing portal local requirements for starting, licensing, and
104operating a business.
105 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.