Sen. Simpson & Sen. Ennis & Sen. Lawson & Rep. Carson

Sen. Pettyjohn; Reps. Briggs King, Paradee, Wilson, Yearick












Section 1. Amend Chapter 77, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7700. Definitions

As used in this chapter:

(1) “Agent of the department” means a person who acts on behalf of the Department to carry out its activities.

(2) “At large” means livestock that strays from confinement or restraint and from the property of the owner including livestock that strays into a confined area that is owned by a person other than the owner of the livestock.

(3) “Department” means the Department of Agriculture.

(4) “Livestock” means domesticated species including: bovine, camelid, cervid, equine, swine, ruminants, ratites, rabbits, poultry, and other animals harvested for food, fiber, fur, or leather.

(5) “Unenclosed lands” means lands, other than the livestock owner’s property, where the livestock would be able to run loose, free of confinement, or otherwise unrestrained by the livestock owner.

Section 2. Amend § 7701, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7701. Permitting livestock to run at large; civil penalty.

Any person permitting livestock to run at large on the public highways or unenclosed lands within this State shall be tried before a justice of the peace or the Court of Common Pleas for the county in which the offense occurred and, if found guilty, shall receive a fine, which may not be suspended, of not less than $25 nor more than $200 for each offense.

(a) It is unlawful to allow livestock to run at large, on the public highways, or on unenclosed lands within the State. 

(b) The Secretary of Agriculture may impose a civil penalty of not less than $50 or more than $100 for each offense on any person owning livestock found to have run at large, on the public highways, or on unenclosed land within the State. For each subsequent offense occurring within 12 months of a prior offense, the person is subject to a civil penalty not less than $100 or more than $200 for each offense. The minimum civil penalty for a subsequent offense may not be subject to suspension.

(b) No civil penalty shall be assessed unless the person charged has been given notice and opportunity for a hearing on each charge under Chapter 101 of Title 29.

(c) All civil penalties collected under this chapter must be remitted to the Department or other assigned agency.

Section 3. Amend § 7702, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7702. Taking up and impounding  stray  livestock  at large .

(a) Any person or  resident owning land in this State  agent of the Department  may take up any livestock found running  at large upon the public highways or on lands owned by that person   at large, upon the public highways, or on unenclosed lands within this State  and impound the same. Such person  or agent of the Department  may demand and receive a reasonable sum for the  care impoundment, care,  and feeding of the  animal or animals   livestock  while in such person's care. The care and shelter provided shall be humane and shall be adequate for the size and class of livestock impounded. The State  Veterinarian, a county extension agent of the county in which the livestock is impounded and a livestock owner of the same county   Veterinarian  will be responsible for determining if the  animal or animals   livestock  are being housed and fed properly as well as determining a fair and reasonable cost  for impoundment, care, and feeding  per day.

(b) The person  or agent of the Department  taking up and impounding the livestock shall forthwith give written notice of the taking up and impounding to the owner thereof, if known, or by leaving the notice with an adult person at the owner's or their usual place of abode; or, if unknown, shall place a notice of 3 days duration in  2 local newspapers  at least 2 forms of media, including 1 print,  adequately describing the livestock and giving an accurate  location where the livestock was found, and the  name,  address  address,  and telephone number of the person holding the  animal or animals  livestock .

(c) Any person  or agent of the Department  taking up and impounding  live stock under this chapter who refuses or neglects to give notice as provided in this section, shall be liable to the owner of such  live stock in civil damages, to be recovered in a civil action before a  justice of the peace  Justice of the Peace Court  or the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the  live stock was taken up.

Section 4. Amend § 7703, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7703. Damage by  stray  livestock  at large .

(a)  Upon the application of any person, or the person's agent, sustaining any damage by reason of the livestock running at large contrary to this chapter,  the person or person’s agent may seek restitution from  any justice of the peace   a Justice of the Peace Court  or the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which damage was incurred by livestock, which may or may not have been taken up and  impounded.   impounded, shall designate the State Veterinarian, a county extension agent and a livestock owner of the county in which the damage was incurred, who shall estimate said damages and make a report to the justice or Court, in writing, under their hands or the hands of the majority of them, the amount of damage estimated. The justice or Court shall immediately give notice thereof to the parties interested. The damages so ascertained, together with the legal charges for impounding and keeping the livestock, shall be paid by the person claiming the stock before the same shall be delivered.  

(b) If the owner of livestock cannot be located or identified and the livestock is taken up by the State, the State shall be held harmless for damages committed by the livestock.

Section 5. Amend § 7704, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7704.  Sale of strays.   Livestock disposition.

(a)  In case   If  the livestock is not claimed and all legal charges satisfied in accordance with this chapter within  10   days, the person having the livestock in charge shall  have the option to turn over ownership for adoption or  advertise the livestock to be sold at public  sale,   sale.

(b)  Notice of the livestock sale under subsection (a) of this section must be provided as follows:

(1) If the owner is unknown, by placing a notice giving the particulars of the sale in   2 local newspapers   at least 2 forms of media, including one print,  for a duration of 3  days   and  days.

(2) If the owner is known,  by giving a copy of the notice to the owner of the  livestock, if known,   livestock  or by leaving the same with an adult person at his usual place of abode.

(b)  (c)  At the time fixed in the advertisement, the person having the livestock in charge shall proceed to sell the livestock, but may postpone the sale for good and sufficient cause. The proceeds of the sale, after deducting all legal charges,  shall   must  be  deposited with the clerk of the peace of the county in which the proceedings took place. The clerk shall hold the proceeds for 6 months, unless sooner claimed by some person proving himself or herself to be the real owner of the livestock. If not so claimed, the proceeds shall be  turned over to the Department  of Agriculture .

(d) The State and the Department make no representation as to the health of any livestock sold or adopted under this chapter and may not be held liable for any damages pursuant to the sale or adoption of livestock sold or adopted under this chapter.

Section 6. Amend § 7705, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7705. Exceptions.

This chapter shall not apply to  cattle or other stock in charge   livestock in the care  of a drover using due diligence in the control thereof, or to  cattle or their stock   livestock  which accidentally escapes from the  enclosures  care of the drover . Proof of these circumstances shall always be admitted so that no injustice to the owners be inflicted in consequence thereof.

Section 7. Amend § 7706, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7706. Accidental escape of livestock; liability of owners.

No  An  owner, or other person in charge of  cattle or other  livestock,  who receives 25% or more of the person’s annual gross income from the sale of agricultural products or the resale of animals grown, raised, or produced for food, fiber, fur or leather  shall be  is not  responsible in any action by reason of  cattle or other  livestock accidentally escaping  from their enclosure  and straying  at large,  on any public  highway  highway, or on unenclosed lands within  of  this State unless the owner or other person in charge thereof has  intentionally  negligently  allowed the livestock to escape or unless he or she is guilty of negligence in the care of the  cattle or other  livestock.

Section 8. Amend § 7707, Title 3 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strikethrough and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 7707. Enforcement; disposition of  fines  civil penalties .

The Department has the authority for administering and enforcing this chapter and  may promulgate regulations to administer and enforce this chapter.  The Delaware State Police, local police officers of the community in which the offense took place, and  agents of the Department of Agriculture shall enforce this chapter prohibiting livestock running at large.   Department of Health and Social Services’ Office of Animal Welfare shall assist the Department, at the request of the Department.  All  fines  civil penalties  imposed for violations of  the stray livestock laws  this chapter  shall be paid to the  Department of Agriculture.  Department. Any civil penalties collected by the Department under this section are hereby appropriated to the Department to carry out the purposes of this section.  The Department of Health and Social Services' animal welfare officers shall assist the Department of Agriculture, at the request of the Department of Agriculture.



This Act more effectively and efficiently clarifies the enforcement authority of the Department of Agriculture regarding livestock at large. The offenses will now be civil penalties rather than criminal fines, expenses for impoundment will be reimbursed by the violator, and other sources of media can be used to give public notice of impoundment or sale of any livestock at large. This Act is intended to penalize repeat offenders that knowingly let their livestock run at large.



Author: Senator Simpson