Rep. Longhurst & Rep. Schwartzkopf






WHEREAS, according to Kids Count 2016, 21% of children are living in poverty in Delaware and only 38% of children are proficient in math by grade 5 and 49% of children are proficient in reading by grade 8; and

WHEREAS, according to a 2014 parent survey conducted by the Afterschool Alliance, more than 26,000 Delaware students participate in afterschool programs (18% of children); and

WHEREAS, a staggering 11.3 million students nationwide will be unsupervised today after the school bell rings. 28,000 of those students live in Delaware - that's almost 20% of students in Delaware. A total of 48,000 students would be likely to participate in an afterschool program if one was available; and

WHEREAS, study after study has shown that afterschool programs help our students succeed. Students in afterschool programs are more likely to come to school, stay in school and to graduate. Participation in high-quality afterschool programs is linked to significant gains in standardized tests scores and work habits as well as reductions in behavior problems among disadvantaged students; and

WHEREAS, afterschool programs are a lifeline for our working parents - on average they have 7 fewer unscheduled absences when they know their children are safe in an afterschool program; and

WHEREAS, at best, these students are missing opportunities to be engaged and energized. At worst, they are exposed to a host of undesirable activities. Crime committed by and against juveniles spikes during the hours after school.

WHEREAS, students that don't participate in afterschool programs are 3 times more likely to be truant, use drugs, or use alcohol and 37% more likely to become teen parents; and

WHEREAS, afterschool programs save money in the long run.Every dollar invested in afterschool programs saves at least $9 in reducing crime and welfare costs, improving students' school performance and increasing learning potential.


BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the 148th General Assembly of the State of Delaware, that the Statewide Afterschool Initiative Learning Task Force ("Task Force") is established to study and make recommendations regarding the creation of a Statewide Afterschool Initiative Program.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the focus of the Task Force's study, findings, and recommendations include, but are not limited to:

1. Assessment of all existing afterschool programs in Delaware including their quality, performance measurements, populations served and cost.

2. Evaluation of a target population of children currently not being served by existing afterschool programs.

3. The efficiencies and benefits that can be created by greater collaboration between community based organizations and public schools for afterschool programs.

4. Recommendations on how to benefit more students through afterschool programs.

5. Recommendations regarding how to create greater collaboration between afterschool programs and public schools.

6. Recommendations concerning a model and best practices for a state funded afterschool program to be implemented statewide, centered around collaboration between public schools and community based organizations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force shall be comprised of the following members or a designee appointed by the member serving by virtue of position:

1. A member of the public appointed by the Speaker of the House shall serve as chair.

2. A member of the House of Representative appointed by the Speaker of the House shall serve as a vice-chair.

3. A member of the Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore shall serve as a vice-chair.

4. The Secretary of the Department of Education.

5. Two members from non-profit community based organizations, appointed by the Speaker of the House.

6. A superintendent of a school district appointed by the President of the Chief School Officer's Association.

7. A principal of a school appointed by the Delaware Association of School Administrators.

8. A representative from the Delaware Chamber of Commerce appointed by the Speaker of the House.

9. The Controller General.

10. The President of the Delaware State Education Association.

11. A private afterschool provider appointed by the Speaker of the House.

12. A member from the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement appointed by the Speaker of the House.

13. A member from the Delaware Afterschool Network appointed by the Speaker of the House.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the vice-chairs and chair may add members to the Task Force as they deem necessary.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force shall gather input from relevant afterschool program providers and opinions from experts during the development of their recommendations. It is recommended that the Task Force gather input from the following entities: Afterschool Alliance, Attorney General, Delaware State PTA, Food Bank of Delaware, Delaware Library Association and the Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the House of Representatives shall provide staff and support for the Task Force.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force shall provide a report to the Delaware General Assembly by December 1, 2016 of its findings and recommendations.


This resolution creates the Statewide Afterschool Initiative Learning Task Force.