General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 1047

    January Session, 2015




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Section 1 of number 271 of the special acts of 1899, as amended by section 11 of special act of 13-23, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

That [all of] the electors [of this state, who own real estate located in and who have been domiciled for two months during the year last past in the town of Old Saybrook and within] described in section 2 of this act in relation to the territory included within the following limits, to wit: Bounded north by the South Cove, so called; east by Connecticut River; south by Long Island sound; and west by the east line of land of Daniel C. Spencer, said east line running about south from said South Cove to Long Island sound, the territory comprised within said boundaries being situated on the peninsula of Lynde's Point, and known as New Saybrook and so designated on a map thereof on file in the office of the town clerk of Old Saybrook; are hereby declared to be, and shall forever continue to be, a body politic and corporate within said town of Old Saybrook, by the name of the borough of Fenwick; and by that name they and their successors shall have perpetual succession, and shall be a person in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded in all courts of whatsoever nature; and also of purchasing, holding, and conveying any estate, real or personal; and shall have a common seal and may change and alter the same at pleasure.

Sec. 2. Section 2 of number 271 of the special acts of 1899, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

(a) [All of the electors aforesaid, domiciled within said limits for two months during the year last past, and owners of real estate located within said limits, and all] Electors of the borough of Fenwick shall include (1) all electors of the town of Old Saybrook who actually reside within the limits of the said borough, [shall be freemen at the first election of officers under this act and for the year next ensuing; and every elector of this state who shall thereafter have been domiciled within the limits of said borough for a period of two months during any year and who shall have owned real estate located in said borough during said time shall be a freeman of said borough for the year during which he has so owned real estate and been so domiciled for two months and for the year ensuing and all electors of the town of Old Saybrook who actually reside within the limits of said borough shall also be freemen of said borough] (2) every citizen of the United States of the age of eighteen years or more who is liable to said borough for taxes assessed against such citizen on an assessment of not less than one thousand dollars on the last-completed grand list used in connection with the assessment of taxes by said borough, or who would be so liable if not entitled to a statutory exemption, and (3) any holder of record of an interest in real property located within said borough. Any [freeman] elector of said borough who votes in the said borough under the provisions of [this act] number 271 of the special acts of 1899, but whose permanent residence is not within the limits of the town of Old Saybrook, may vote at all elections in any town in this state where he or she permanently resides, and the fact that any person is registered as [a voter] an elector in the borough of Fenwick shall not deprive him or her of the right to register and vote in any town in this state where he or she has a permanent residence.

(b) (1) For purposes of voting at meetings held by said borough, a corporation shall have its vote cast by the chief executive officer of such corporation, or such officer's designee. Any entity that is not a corporation shall have its vote cast by a person authorized by such entity to cast its vote. No owner shall have more than one vote.

(2) No holder of record of an interest in real property shall be precluded from participating in any district meeting or referendum because of the form of entity that holds such interest, whether such holder of record is: (A) A corporation, partnership, unincorporated association, trustee, fiduciary, guardian, conservator or other form of entity, or any combination thereof, or (B) an individual who holds an interest jointly or in common with another individual or individuals, or with any one or more of the entities listed in subparagraph (A) of this subdivision.

Sec. 3. Section 3 of number 271 of the special acts of 1899, as amended by section 1 of number 256 of the special acts of 1943, section 1 of number 325 of the special acts of 1951 and number 28 of the special acts of 1957, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

A meeting of the [legal voters] electors of said borough of Fenwick shall be held on the first Saturday of July in the year 1957, and biennially thereafter, for the election from their numbers by a plurality of votes of a warden, six burgesses, a clerk, a treasurer and a collector. All of said officers of said borough shall be sworn faithfully to perform the duties of their several offices, and shall hold office until the next meeting and until others shall be chosen and qualified in their stead. Notice of any meeting shall be signed by the warden or any three burgesses, and shall designate the time and place of such meeting, the officers to be elected, and other business to be transacted thereat; and such notice shall be posted at least five days before the date of such meeting on the public signpost in said borough.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

from passage

Number 271 of the special acts of 1899, Sec. 1

Sec. 2

from passage

Number 271 of the special acts of 1899, Sec. 2

Sec. 3

from passage

Number 271 of the special acts of 1899, Sec. 3


Joint Favorable Subst.