Substitute Senate Bill No. 302

Public Act No. 12-59


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Subsection (c) of section 10-226h of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(c) The Commissioner of Education shall report, by January 1, 1999, and biennially thereafter, in accordance with section [10-4a] 11-4a, to the Governor and the General Assembly on activities and programs designed to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. The report shall include statistics on any growth in such programs or expansion of such activities over time, an analysis of the success of such programs and activities in reducing racial, ethnic and economic isolation, a recommendation for any statutory changes that would assist in the expansion of such programs and activities and the sufficiency of the annual grant pursuant to subsection (e) of section 10-266aa and whether additional financial incentives would improve the program established pursuant to section 10-266aa.

Sec. 2. Section 70 of public act 11-6, as amended by section 176 of public act 11-61, is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

Up to $ 200,000 of the amount appropriated in section 67 of public act 11-61 to the Department of Education, for School Accountability, for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 2012, and June 30, 2013, shall be made available in each of said years to fund PSAT examinations for students in DRG [1] I, the state's technical high schools, and the Ansonia, Coventry, East Hartford, Putnam and Stamford school districts.

Sec. 3. Subdivisions (4) to (8), inclusive, of section 10-67 of the general statutes are repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(4) "Cooperating eligible entity" means any corporation or other business entity, nonprofit organization, private occupational school authorized pursuant to sections 10a-22a to 10a-22o, inclusive, institution of higher education licensed or accredited pursuant to the provisions of section 10a-34, regional vocational-technical school or library which provides classes or services specified under [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69, in conformance with the program standards applicable to boards of education, through a written cooperative arrangement with a local or regional board of education or regional educational service center;

(5) "Cooperating school district" means a school district which does not establish or maintain classes or programs pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69, but which provides such classes or programs through a written cooperative arrangement with a providing school district;

(6) "Eligible costs for adult education" means the result obtained by subtracting from the eligible expenditures incurred for programs and services provided by a board of education or a regional educational service center pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69, the total amount of any funds expended for such programs and services from other state or federal sources and tuition received for nonresident adult students;

(7) "Eligible expenditure" means expenditures, or that portion thereof, directly attributable to programs and services required pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69 and not otherwise eligible for reimbursement from any other state grant for: (A) Teachers, including teacher aides; (B) administration, including the director; (C) clerical assistance; (D) printing; (E) instructional materials and equipment, including computer equipment; (F) program supplies; (G) facility rental other than for facilities provided by a local or regional board of education pursuant to section 10-70; (H) staff development; (I) counselors; (J) transportation; (K) security; and (L) child care services;

(8) "Providing school district" means the school district or regional educational service center in which classes or programs are established and maintained pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69, provided the provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit the provisions of section 10-66e or 10-66f relating to payments to a regional educational service center.

Sec. 4. Subsection (b) of section 10-71 of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (6) of section 10-67, as amended by this act, a local or regional board of education or regional educational service center shall be eligible to receive an amount to be paid pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section. The amount shall equal the eligible expenditures from funds received from private sources by the local or regional board of education, regional educational service center or cooperating eligible entity multiplied by the appropriate percentage, as determined under subsection (a) of this section, provided such amount shall not exceed twenty per cent of the amount received by the local or regional board of education or regional educational service center pursuant to subsection (a) of this section for the previous fiscal year. For payments from private sources to be eligible for reimbursement pursuant to this subsection, (1) based upon estimated eligible costs approved by the Department of Education, the eligible expenditures from local taxes in a fiscal year shall not be less than seventy per cent of the eligible expenditures from local taxes for the previous fiscal year, and (2) the local or regional board of education, regional educational service center or cooperating eligible entity shall provide, not later than a date to be determined by the Commissioner of Education, evidence satisfactory to the commissioner of a written commitment of a payment from a private source. Evidence of actual payment shall be submitted to the commissioner not later than a date established by the commissioner. Upon receipt by a board of education or regional educational service center of state funds pursuant to this subsection attributable to expenditures of a cooperating eligible entity, the board or center shall provide for the distribution of such funds to the cooperating eligible entity for the provision of adult education programs and services pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69.

Sec. 5. Section 10-71a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

To be eligible for aid pursuant to section 10-71, as amended by this act, or pursuant to requirements of federal law, a local or regional board of education, or a regional educational service center which provides, or a local or regional board of education which makes payment to another board of education pursuant to a cooperative agreement under section 10-69 to provide a program of adult education pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of said section 10-69, or which provides programs or services of adult education which conform to the state plan approved under the requirements of federal law, shall, on or before April 15, 1991, and annually thereafter, file with the Commissioner of Education, on such forms as the commissioner shall prescribe, an adult education proposal. Such proposal shall: (1) Describe the program to be offered, including the program to be provided by a cooperating eligible entity, and (2) provide an estimate of the eligible costs, as defined in section 10-67, as amended by this act, for the fiscal year following the year in which the proposal is filed with the Commissioner of Education.

Sec. 6. Section 10-73a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) Tuition or registration fees shall not be charged by any school district to adults enrolled in any adult class or program required under [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69. Registration fees may be charged by a providing school district or cooperating eligible entity to a cooperating school district for any adult residents of such cooperating district who are enrolled in any adult class or program of adult classes maintained by such providing school district or cooperating eligible entity and required by said section.

(b) The board of education of any providing school district may charge a registration fee for residents of a cooperating school district registered for any subject offered pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69 in an amount greater than the registration fee charged for residents of such providing school district registered for any such subject.

(c) The board of education of any providing school district may fix and collect a charge from any student for books and materials furnished such student in any adult class or activity or program of adult classes or activities, or may lend books or materials to any such student and require the making of deposits by such student, except as provided in this subsection and subsection (e) of this section. The amount of such deposit made by a student may be refunded upon the return, in good condition, of the books or materials lent him. A refundable deposit may be required by the board of education of any providing school district from adult students who are enrolled in any program required under section 10-69 for books or materials furnished to such students for use in such program, provided such deposit shall not exceed the actual cost of such books or materials. The amount of such deposit made by a student shall be refunded upon the return, in good condition, of the books or materials lent him. The board of education of any providing school district may collect a charge from a cooperating school district for any books or materials furnished to adult students who are residents of such cooperating school district and are enrolled in any program required under section 10-69 for use in such program. No charge may be made to any adult enrolled in the classes and activities pursuant to [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69 offered by a cooperating eligible entity.

(d) The board of education of any providing school district may waive fees of any kind to a handicapped adult, as defined by the State Board of Education, or to a person sixty-two years of age or older registered for, or enrolled in, adult programs, classes or activities permitted by [subdivision (2)] subparagraph (B) of section 10-69, provided such board may charge a cooperating school district (1) a registration fee for any handicapped adult or any person sixty-two years of age or older who is a resident of such cooperating district and who is enrolled, through cooperative arrangements approved by the State Board of Education, in any adult class or program of adult classes maintained by such providing school district and required under section 10-69; and (2) a charge for any books or materials furnished to any such person for use in any adult class or activity or program of adult classes or activities required under section 10-69 or permitted by [subdivision (2)] subparagraph (B) of section 10-69.

(e) The board of education of any providing school district which collects fees may establish and maintain in its custody an adult education school activity fund through which it may handle the finances of the adult education program as outlined in this section, said fund to be maintained and operated in conformance with the provisions of section 10-237.

Sec. 7. Subsection (m) of section 10-145b of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(m) Upon application to the State Board of Education for the issuance of any certificate in accordance with this section and section 10-145d there shall be paid to the board by or on behalf of the applicant a nonreturnable fee of two hundred dollars in the case of an applicant for an initial educator certificate, two hundred fifty dollars in the case of an applicant for a provisional educator certificate and three hundred seventy-five dollars in the case of an applicant for a professional educator certificate, except that applicants for certificates for teaching adult education programs mandated under [subdivision (1)] subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) of section 10-69 shall pay a fee of one hundred dollars; persons eligible for a certificate or endorsement for which the fee is less than that applied for shall receive an appropriate refund; persons not eligible for any certificate shall receive a refund of the application fee minus fifty dollars; and persons holding standard or permanent certificates on July 1, 1989, who apply for professional certificates to replace the standard or permanent certificates, shall not be required to pay such a fee. Upon application to the State Board of Education for the issuance of a subject area endorsement there shall be paid to the board by or on behalf of such applicant a nonreturnable fee of one hundred dollars. With each request for a duplicate copy of any such certificate or endorsement there shall be paid to the board a nonreturnable fee of fifty dollars.