Substitute Senate Bill No. 257

Public Act No. 14-203


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. (NEW) (Effective October 1, 2014) (a) For purposes of this section:

(1) "Hepatitis C screening test" means a laboratory test that detects the presence of hepatitis C virus antibodies in the blood;

(2) "Hepatitis C diagnostic test" means a laboratory test that detects the presence of hepatitis C virus in the blood and provides confirmation of whether the person whose blood is being tested has a hepatitis C virus infection;

(3) "Primary care provider" means a physician, advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant who provides primary care services and is licensed by the Department of Public Health pursuant to Title 20 of the general statutes; and

(4) "Primary care" means the medical fields of family medicine, general pediatrics, primary care, internal medicine, primary care obstetrics or primary care gynecology, without regard to board certification.

(b) On and after October 1, 2014, a primary care provider shall offer to provide to, or order for, each patient who was born between 1945 to 1965, inclusive, a hepatitis C screening test or hepatitis C diagnostic test at the time the primary care provider provides services to such patient, except a primary care provider is not required to offer to provide to, or order for, such patient a hepatitis C screening test or hepatitis C diagnostic test when the primary care provider reasonably believes: (1) Such patient is being treated for a life-threatening emergency; (2) such patient has previously been offered or has received a hepatitis C screening test; or (3) such patient lacks the capacity to consent to a hepatitis C screening test.