General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 27

    February Session, 2014




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. (NEW) (Effective from passage) (a) There is established the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority. The Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority shall constitute a successor authority to the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority in accordance with the provisions of sections 4-38d, 4-38e and 4-39 of the general statutes.

(b) Wherever the words "Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority" are used in any public or special act of 2014 or in the following sections of the general statutes, the words "Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority" shall be substituted in lieu thereof: 1-79, 1-120, 1-124, 1-125, 3-24d, 3-24f, 7-329a, 12-412, 12-459, 16-1, 16-245, 16-245b, 22a-208a, 22a-208v, 22a-209h, 22a-219b, 22a-220, 22a-241, 22a-260, 22a-261, 22a-263a, 22a-263b, 22a-268a, 22a-268b, 22a-270a, 22a-272a, 22a-282, 22a-283, 22a-284, 32-1e and 32-658.

(c) The Legislative Commissioners' Office shall, in codifying the provisions of this section, make such conforming, technical, grammatical and punctuation changes as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

Sec. 2. Section 22a-241a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

On or before [June 1, 1988] July 1, 2016, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection shall revise the state-wide solid waste management plan adopted pursuant to section 22a-228 to include a strategy [to recycle] for diverting, through source reduction, reuse and recycling, not less than [twenty-five] sixty per cent of the solid waste generated in the state after [January 1, 1991] January 1, 2024. Such strategy shall include, but not be limited to, modernization of the state's solid waste management infrastructure, promotion of organic materials management, the recycling of construction and demolition debris, the development of intermediate processing centers, recommendations for assigning municipalities to regional recycling programs, options for local compliance of municipalities with recycling requirements and the composting of solid waste. The commissioner shall consult with municipalities in developing any revision to the state-wide solid waste management plan and with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station on issues related to composting.

Sec. 3. (NEW) (Effective from passage) On or before January 1, 2016, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority, shall issue a request for proposals from providers of solid waste materials management services, including, but not limited to, recycling, reuse, energy recovery, fuel recovery, organic materials processing, construction and demolition debris recycling, and bulky waste recycling, for the purpose of redeveloping the Connecticut Solid Waste Management System Project. From such proposals, the commissioner may select not more than three respondents who may each conduct a feasibility study with the cooperation of the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority. Any such feasibility study shall be completed not later than January 1, 2017, and any such respondent shall submit a final proposal to the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection not later than July 1, 2017. On or before December 31, 2017, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection may select one such final proposal and direct the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority to enter into an agreement with the applicable respondent for the redevelopment of the Connecticut Solid Waste Management System Project. In selecting such final proposal, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection shall consider the following factors: (1) Whether the proposal is consistent with the strategies developed pursuant to section 22a-241a of the general statutes, as amended by this act, (2) whether the proposal is consistent with the goals of the state-wide solid waste management plan adopted in accordance with section 22a-228 of the general statutes, (3) whether the proposal is in the best interest of the municipalities under contract with the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority, (4) the level of investment proposed by the respondent, (5) any potential positive impacts on the state's economic development, and (6) any other factor that the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection deems relevant to the redevelopment of the Connecticut Solid Waste Management System Project.

Sec. 4. (NEW) (Effective from passage) (a) There is established the Recycle CT Foundation, Inc., a nonstock, nonprofit corporation, organized under the laws of the state of Connecticut as a state chartered foundation. The Recycle CT Foundation, Inc. shall: (1) Target and promote the coordination and support of research and education activities and public information programs aimed at increasing the rate of recycling and reuse in the state, in accordance with the state-wide solid waste management plan adopted pursuant to section 22a-228 of the general statutes; and (2) receive, disburse and administer gifts, grants, endowments or other funds from any source that supports research and education activities consistent with the purposes of chapter 446d of the general statutes.

(b) There is established a Recycle CT Foundation Council that shall consist of the following members: (1) The Commissioners of Energy and Environmental Protection and Economic and Community Development, or said commissioners' designees, (2) five appointed by the Governor, (3) one appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, (4) one appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, (5) one appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, and (6) one appointed by the minority leader of the Senate. The chairperson of the council shall be appointed by the Governor and shall serve a term coterminous with that of the Governor. All other members of the council shall serve a term of two years. No member shall serve for more than three terms. Members of the council shall not receive compensation for service on such council. Any vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority.

(c) The council shall undertake all requisite efforts to obtain nonprofit, tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as amended from time to time. The council shall solicit and accept funds, on behalf of the Recycle CT Foundation, Inc., to be used for the purpose of making grants to programs that are intended to increase the rate of recycling and reuse of solid waste materials in the state. The council shall establish criteria and procedures for the award of such grants, provided recipients of such grants may include: Nonprofit organizations, civic and community groups, schools, public agencies, municipalities, regional entities that represent municipalities or organizations in the private sector. Any person seeking the award of such grant shall file an application with the council on a form as prescribed by the council.

Sec. 5. Section 22a-262 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) The purposes of the authority shall be:

(1) The planning, design, construction, financing, management, ownership, operation and maintenance of solid waste disposal, volume reduction, recycling, intermediate processing and resources recovery facilities and all related solid waste reception, storage, transportation and waste-handling and general support facilities considered by the authority to be necessary, desirable, convenient or appropriate in carrying out the provisions of the state solid waste management plan and in establishing, managing and operating solid waste disposal and resources recovery systems and their component waste-processing facilities and equipment;

(2) The provision of solid waste management services to municipalities, regions and persons within the state by receiving solid wastes at authority facilities, pursuant to contracts between the authority and such municipalities, regions and persons; the recovery of resources and resource values from such solid wastes; and the production from such services and resources recovery operations of revenues sufficient to provide for the support of the authority and its operations on a self-sustaining basis, with due allowance for the redistribution of any surplus revenues to reduce the costs of authority services to the users thereof provided such surplus revenues shall include any net revenue from activities undertaken pursuant to subdivisions (18) and (19) of subsection (a) of section 22a-266 and subdivision (8) of section 22a-267;

(3) The utilization, through contractual arrangements, of private industry for implementation of some or all of the requirements of the state solid waste management plan and for such other activities as may be considered necessary, desirable or convenient by the authority;

(4) Assistance with and coordination of efforts directed toward source separation for recycling purposes; and

[(5) Assistance in the development of industries, technologies and commercial enterprises within the state of Connecticut based upon resources recovery, recycling, reuse and treatment or processing of solid waste.]

(5) In consultation with the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and consistent with the state-wide solid waste management plan adopted pursuant to section 22a-228, the development of new industries, technologies and commercial enterprises on property owned by the authority based upon resource recovery, recycling, reuse and treatment or processing of solid waste.

(b) These purposes shall be considered to be operating responsibilities of the authority, in accordance with the state solid waste management plan, and are to be considered in all respects public purposes. [It is the intention of this chapter that the authority shall be granted all powers necessary to fulfill these purposes and to carry out its assigned responsibilities and that the provisions of this chapter, itself, are to be construed liberally in furtherance of this intention.]

(c) These purposes shall not include activities related to state-wide recycling education and promotion or the establishment of state-wide solid waste management or policy.

Sec. 6. Section 22a-264 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

The activities of the authority in providing or contracting to provide solid waste management services [to the state, regions, municipalities and persons, in implementing the state resources recovery system and in planning, designing, financing, constructing, managing or operating solid waste facilities, including their location, size and capabilities,] shall be in conformity with applicable statutes and regulations and with the state solid waste management plan as [promulgated] adopted by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection. [The authority shall have power to assist in the preparation, revision, extension or amendment of the state solid waste management plan, and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is hereby authorized to utilize, by contract or other agreement, the capabilities of the authority for the carrying out of such planning functions. The authority shall have power to revise and update, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, that portion of the state solid waste management plan defined as the "solid waste management system". To effect such revision and updating, the] The authority shall prepare an annual plan of operations which shall be reviewed by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection for consistency with the state solid waste management plan. Upon approval by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and by a [two-thirds] vote of the authority's full board of directors, the annual plan of operations shall be [promulgated] adopted. Any activities of the authority carried out to assist in the development of industry and commerce based upon the availability of recovered resources for recycling and reuse shall be coordinated to the extent practicable with plans and activities of Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated, with due consideration given to the secondary materials industries operating within the state of Connecticut.

Sec. 7. Section 22a-265 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective January 1, 2015):

The authority shall have power to:

(1) Employ a staff of not to exceed [seventy] forty-five personnel, exclusive of the directors, and to fix their duties, qualifications and compensation; [provided before employing more than forty-five persons the board of directors shall, by a two-thirds vote of all the members, establish the maximum number of employees which may be employed;]

(2) Establish offices where necessary in the state of Connecticut;

(3) Make and enter into any contract or agreement necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and execution of its powers;

(4) Sue and be sued;

(5) Have a seal and alter it at pleasure;

(6) Make and alter bylaws and rules and regulations with respect to the exercise of its own powers;

(7) Conduct such hearings, examinations and investigations as may be necessary and appropriate to the conduct of its operations and the fulfillment of its responsibilities;

(8) Obtain access to public records and apply for the process of subpoena if necessary to produce books, papers, records and other data;

(9) Charge reasonable fees for the services it performs and waive, suspend, reduce or otherwise modify such fees, provided such user fees shall apply uniformly within each municipality to all users who are provided with waste management services with respect to a given type or category of wastes, in accordance with criteria established by the authority, and provided further no change may be made in user fees without at least sixty days prior notice to the users affected thereby;

(10) Purchase, lease or rent such real and personal property as it may deem necessary, convenient or desirable;

[(11) Appoint such state and local advisory councils as it may from time to time deem advisable, including but not limited to state and local councils on the continuation and utilization of source-separation and recycling efforts to benefit the people of the state;]

[(12)] (11) Otherwise, do all things necessary for the performance of its duties, the fulfillment of its obligations, the conduct of its operations, the maintenance of its working relationships with municipalities, regions and persons, and the conduct of a comprehensive program for reuse, recycling, solid waste disposal and resources recovery, and for solid waste management services, in accordance with the provisions of the state solid waste management plan, applicable statutes and regulations and the requirements of this chapter;

[(13)] (12) Receive and accept, from any source, aid or contributions, including money, property, labor and other things of value;

[(14) To invest] (13) Invest any funds not needed for immediate use or disbursement in obligations issued or guaranteed by the United States of America or the state of Connecticut and in obligations that are legal investments for savings banks in this state; and

[(15) To adopt] (14) Adopt regular procedures for exercising its power under this chapter not in conflict with other provisions of the general statutes.

Sec. 8. Section 22a-265a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

[If, during any fiscal year the number of employees authorized by the board pursuant to subdivision (1) of section 22a-265 exceeds forty-five, expenditures by the authority for outside consultants during such fiscal year shall be reduced below expenditures for outside consultants for the previous fiscal year by an amount equal to expenditures for such additional employees in excess of forty-five unless during such fiscal year municipalities contract with the authority for the development or operation of additional recycling, intermediate processing or resources recovery processing facilities.] Any expenditure of fifty thousand dollars or more by the authority for an outside consultant shall require a two-thirds vote of approval by the board of directors.

Sec. 9. Section 16a-14e of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection shall operate a purchasing pool for the purchase of electricity for state operations and the operations of any municipality in the state. In connection with the operation of such purchasing pool, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection may solicit proposals from electric suppliers, on behalf of any state agency or municipality, for electric generation services to purchase electricity for state and municipal operations and to meet the state's energy policy goals, as established in the comprehensive energy strategy adopted by the commissioner. Said department shall provide the opportunity to participate in such purchasing pool to each household that includes an individual who receives means-tested assistance administered by the state or federal government. Any such household shall receive through such purchasing pool the same benefits and rate discounts available for state facilities. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection shall use federal and state energy assistance funds to leverage the lowest practicable electric rates for households participating in such pool, provided such funds shall not be used for administrative purposes. The commissioner may make grants available to municipalities that join such pool and commit to achieving the state diversion, recycling and reuse goals in accordance with sections 22a-220 and 22a-241a, as amended by this act, and the state-wide solid waste management plan adopted and amended pursuant to section 22a-228. The provisions of section 16-245 shall not apply to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for purposes of this section.

(b) In connection with the operation of the purchasing pool described in subsection (a) of this section, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection may solicit, on behalf of any state agency or municipality, proposals from electric suppliers for electric generation services from Class II renewable energy sources, as defined in section 16-1, that originate from trash-to-energy facilities constructed on or before January 1, 2013, and that are permitted pursuant to section 22a-208a. Selection criteria for such services may include, but are not limited to: (1) The delivered price of such service, and (2) the supplier's practices in furtherance of the state's diversion, reduction, reuse, and recycling goals that are consistent with sections 22a-220 and 22a-241a, as amended by this act, and the state-wide solid waste management plan adopted and amended pursuant to section 22a-228. Any agreement for such electric generation service shall be for a period of not more than twenty years and at a price not higher than two cents per kilowatt hour above the forecasted average price for standard generation service for the term of such contract.

Sec. 10. Section 1-2b of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) For purposes of sections 1-100oo, 1-206, 2-71r, 4-176, 4-180, 4-183, 4a-52a, 4a-60q, 4a-63, 4a-100, 4e-34, 4e-35, 7-65, 7-148w, 7-247a, 7-473c, 7-478e, 8-3b, 8-3i, 8-7d, 8-26b, 8-169r, 8-293, 9-388, 9-608, 9-623, 10a-22c, 10a-22i, 10a-34a, 10a-109n, 12-35, 12-157, 12-242ii, 12-242jj, 13a-80, 13a-123, 15-11a, 16-41, 16-50c, 16-50d, 17a-103b, 19a-87, 19a-87c, 19a-209c, 19a-332e, 19a-343a, 19a-486a, 19a-486c, 19a-486d, 19a-497, 19a-507b, 20-205a, 20-325a, 21-63, 21-80, 22-7, 22a-6b, 22a-6u, 22a-30, 22a-42d, 22a-42f, 22a-66d, 22a-137, 22a-178, 22a-225, 22a-228, 22a-250, [22a-285b,] 22a-354p, 22a-354s, 22a-354t, 22a-361, 22a-371, 22a-401, 22a-403, 22a-433, 22a-436, 22a-449f, 22a-449l, 22a-449n, 22a-504, 22a-626, 23-46, 23-65j, 23-651, 23-65p, 25-32, 25-32e, 25-331, 25-34, 25-204, 25-234, 29-108d, 31-57c, 31-57d, 31-355, 32-613, 33-663, 33-929, 33-1053, 33-1219, 34-521, 35-42, 36a-50, 36a-51, 36a-52, 36a-53, 36a-82, 36a-184, 36a-493, 36b-62, 36b-72, 38-323a, 38a-344, 38a-676, 38a-724, 38a-788, 42-158j, 42-161, 42-181, 42-182, 42-186, 42-271, 45a-716, 46b-115w, 46b-128, 47-42d, 47-74f, 47-88b, 47-236, 47-284, 47a-11b, 47a-11d, 47a-13a, 47a-14h, 47a-56b, 49-2, 49-4a, 49-8, 49-8a, 49-10b, 49-31b, 49-51, 49-70, 51-90e, 52-57, 52-59b, 52-63, 52-64, 52-195c, 52-350e, 52-351b, 52-361a, 52-362, 52-565a, 52-605, 52-606, 53-401, 53a-128, 53a-128d, 53a-207 and 54-82c and chapter 965, any reference to certified mail, return receipt requested, shall include mail, electronic, and digital methods of receiving the return receipt, including all methods of receiving the return receipt identified by the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service in Chapter 500 of the Domestic Mail Manual or any subsequent corresponding document of the United States Postal Service.

(b) The Legislative Commissioners' Office shall, in codifying the provisions of this section, make such technical, grammatical and punctuation changes and statutory placements and classifications, including, but not listed in subsection (a) of this section as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

Sec. 11. Section 16-50j of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) There is established a "Connecticut Siting Council", hereinafter referred to as the "council", which shall be within the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for administrative purposes only.

(b) Except for proceedings under chapter 445, this subsection and subsection (c) of this section, the council shall consist of: (1) The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, or his designee; (2) the chairperson of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, or the chairperson's designee; (3) one designee of the speaker of the House and one designee of the president pro tempore of the Senate; and (4) five members of the public, to be appointed by the Governor, at least two of whom shall be experienced in the field of ecology, and not more than one of whom shall have affiliation, past or present, with any utility or governmental utility regulatory agency, or with any person owning, operating, controlling, or presently contracting with respect to a facility, a hazardous waste facility, as defined in section 22a-115, or an ash residue disposal area.

(c) For proceedings under chapter 445, subsection (b) of this section and this subsection, the council shall consist of (1) the Commissioners of Public Health and Emergency Services and Public Protection or their designated representatives; (2) the designees of the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate as provided in subsection (b) of this section; (3) the five members of the public as provided in subsection (b) of this section; and (4) four ad hoc members, three of whom shall be electors from the municipality in which the proposed facility is to be located and one of whom shall be an elector from a neighboring municipality likely to be most affected by the proposed facility. The municipality most affected by the proposed facility shall be determined by the permanent members of the council. If any one of the five members of the public or of the designees of the speaker of the House of Representatives or the president pro tempore of the Senate resides (A) in the municipality in which a hazardous waste facility is proposed to be located for a proceeding concerning a hazardous waste facility or in which a low-level radioactive waste facility is proposed to be located for a proceeding concerning a low-level radioactive waste facility, or (B) in the neighboring municipality likely to be most affected by the proposed facility, the appointing authority shall appoint a substitute member for the proceedings on such proposal. If any appointee is unable to perform his duties on the council due to illness, or has a substantial financial or employment interest which is in conflict with the proper discharge of his duties under this chapter, the appointing authority shall appoint a substitute member for proceedings on such proposal. An appointee shall report any substantial financial or employment interest which might conflict with the proper discharge of his duties under this chapter to the appointing authority who shall determine if such conflict exists. If any state agency is the applicant, an appointee shall not be deemed to have a substantial employment conflict of interest because of employment with the state unless such appointee is directly employed by the state agency making the application. Ad hoc members shall be appointed by the chief elected official of the municipality they represent and shall continue their membership until the council issues a letter of completion of the development and management plan to the applicant.

[(d) For proceedings under sections 22a-285d to 22a-285h, inclusive, the council shall consist of (1) the Commissioners of Public Health and Emergency Services and Public Protection or their designated representatives; (2) the designees of the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate as provided in subsection (b) of this section, and (3) five members of the public as provided in subsection (b) of this section. If any one of the five members of the public or of the designees of the speaker of the House of Representatives or the president pro tempore of the Senate resides in the municipality in which an ash residue disposal area is proposed to be located the appointing authority shall appoint a substitute member for the proceedings on such proposal. If any appointee is unable to perform his duties on the council due to illness, or has a substantial financial or employment interest which is in conflict with the proper discharge of his duties under sections 22a-285d to 22a-285h, inclusive, the appointing authority shall appoint a substitute member for proceedings on such proposal. An appointee shall report any substantial financial or employment interest which might conflict with the proper discharge of his duties under said sections to the appointing authority who shall determine if such conflict exists. If any state agency is the applicant, an appointee shall not be deemed to have a substantial employment conflict of interest because of employment with the state unless such appointee is directly employed by the state agency making the application.]

[(e)] (d) The chairman of the council shall be appointed by the Governor from among the five public members appointed by him, with the advice and consent of the House or Senate, and shall serve as chairman at the pleasure of the Governor.

[(f)] (e) The public members of the council, including the chairman, the members appointed by the speaker of the House and president pro tempore of the Senate and the four ad hoc members specified in subsection (c) of this section, shall be compensated for their attendance at public hearings, executive sessions, or other council business as may require their attendance at the rate of two hundred dollars, provided in no case shall the daily compensation exceed two hundred dollars.

[(g)] (f) The council shall, in addition to its other duties prescribed in this chapter, adopt, amend, or rescind suitable regulations to carry out the provisions of this chapter and the policies and practices of the council in connection therewith, and appoint and prescribe the duties of such staff as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The chairman of the council, with the consent of five or more other members of the council, may appoint an executive director, who shall be the chief administrative officer of the Connecticut Siting Council. The executive director shall be exempt from classified service.

[(h)] (g) Prior to commencing any hearing pursuant to section 16-50m, the council shall consult with and solicit written comments from (1) the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Department of Public Health, the Council on Environmental Quality, the Department of Agriculture, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, the Office of Policy and Management, the Department of Economic and Community Development and the Department of Transportation, and (2) in a hearing pursuant to section 16-50m, for a facility described in subdivision (3) of subsection (a) of section 16-50i, the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, the Department of Consumer Protection, the Department of Administrative Services and the Labor Department. In addition, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection shall have the continuing responsibility to investigate and report to the council on all applications which prior to October 1, 1973, were within the jurisdiction of the Department of Environmental Protection with respect to the granting of a permit. Copies of such comments shall be made available to all parties prior to the commencement of the hearing. Subsequent to the commencement of the hearing, said departments and council may file additional written comments with the council within such period of time as the council designates. All such written comments shall be made part of the record provided by section 16-50o. Said departments and council shall not enter any contract or agreement with any party to the proceedings or hearings described in this section or section 16-50p that requires said departments or council to withhold or retract comments, refrain from participating in or withdraw from said proceedings or hearings.

Sec. 12. Section 22a-208b of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection may issue a permit to construct a facility for the land disposal of solid waste pursuant to section 22a-208a, provided [(1)] the applicant submits to the commissioner a copy of a valid certificate of zoning approval, special permit, special exception or variance, or other documentation, establishing that the facility complies with the zoning requirements adopted by the municipality in which such facility is located pursuant to chapter 124 or any special act. [, or (2) the council has approved a negotiated agreement or issued an arbitration award in accordance with section 22a-285g.]

(b) Nothing in this chapter or chapter 446e shall be construed to limit the right of a municipality to regulate, through zoning, land usage for an existing or new solid waste facility. No municipal regulation adopted pursuant to section 8-2 shall have the effect of prohibiting the construction, alteration or operation of solid waste facilities within the limits of a municipality.

Sec. 13. Section 51-344a of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) Whenever the term "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain" or "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain at Hartford" is used or referred to in the following sections of the general statutes, it shall be deemed to mean or refer to the judicial district of Hartford on and after September 1, 1998: Sections 1-205, 1-206, 2-48, 3-21a, 3-62d, 3-70a, 3-71a, 4-61, 4-160, 4-164, 4-177b, 4-180, 4-183, 4-197, 5-202, 5-276a, 8-30g, 9-7a, 9-7b, 9-369b, 10-153e, 12-208, 12-237, 12-268l, 12-312, 12-330m, 12-405k, 12-422, 12-448, 12-454, 12-456, 12-463, 12-489, 12-522, 12-554, 12-565, 12-572, 12-586f, 12-597, 12-730, 13b-34, 13b-235, 13b-315, 13b-375, 14-57, 14-66, 14-67u, 14-110, 14-195, 14-311, 14-311c, 14-324, 14-331, 15-125, 15-126, 16-41, 16a-5, 17b-60, 17b-100, 17b-238, 17b-531, 19a-85, 19a-86, 19a-123d, 19a-425, 19a-498, 19a-517, 19a-526, 19a-633, 20-12f, 20-13e, 20-29, 20-40, 20-45, 20-59, 20-73a, 20-86f, 20-99, 20-114, 20-133, 20-154, 20-156, 20-162p, 20-192, 20-195p, 20-202, 20-206c, 20-227, 20-238, 20-247, 20-263, 20-271, 20-307, 20-341f, 20-363, 20-373, 20-404, 20-414, 21a-55, 21a-190i, 22-7, 22-64, 22-228, 22-248, 22-254, 22-320d, 22-326a, 22-344b, 22-386, 22a-6b, 22a-7, 22a-16, 22a-30, 22a-34, 22a-53, 22a-60, 22a-62, 22a-63, 22a-66h, 22a-106a, 22a-119, 22a-180, 22a-182a, 22a-184, 22a-220a, 22a-220d, 22a-225, 22a-226, 22a-226c, 22a-227, 22a-250, 22a-255l, 22a-276, [22a-285a, 22a-285g, 22a-285j,] 22a-310, 22a-342a, 22a-344, 22a-361a, 22a-374, 22a-376, 22a-408, 22a-430, 22a-432, 22a-438, 22a-449f, 22a-449g, 22a-459, 23-5e, 23-65m, 25-32e, 25-36, 28-5, 29-143j, 29-158, 29-161z, 29-317, 29-323, 29-329, 29-334, 29-340, 29-369, 30-8, 31-109, 31-249b, 31-266, 31-266a, 31-270, 31-273, 31-284, 31-285, 31-339, 31-355a, 31-379, 35-3c, 35-42, 36a-186, 36a-187, 36a-471a, 36a-494, 36a-587, 36a-647, 36a-684, 36a-718, 36a-807, 36b-26, 36b-27, 36b-30, 36b-50, 36b-71, 36b-72, 36b-74, 36b-76, 38a-41, 38a-52, 38a-134, 38a-139, 38a-140, 38a-147, 38a-150, 38a-185, 38a-209, 38a-225, 38a-226b, 38a-241, 38a-337, 38a-470, 38a-620, 38a-657, 38a-687, 38a-774, 38a-776, 38a-817, 38a-843, 38a-868, 38a-906, 38a-994, 42-103c, 42-110d, 42-110k, 42-110p, 42-182, 46a-5, 46a-56, 46a-100, 47a-21, 49-73, 51-44a, 51-81b, 51-194, 52-146j, 53-392d and 54-211a.

(b) If the term "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain" or "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain at Hartford" is used or referred to in any public act of 1995, 1996, 1997 or 1998 or in any section of the general statutes which is amended in 1995, 1996, 1997 or 1998 it shall be deemed to mean or refer to the judicial district of Hartford on and after September 1, 1998.

(c) If the term "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain at New Britain" is used or referred to in any public act of 1995, 1996, 1997 or 1998 or in any section of the general statutes which is amended in 1995, 1996, 1997 or 1998 it shall be deemed to mean or refer to the judicial district of New Britain on and after September 1, 1998.

Sec. 14. Subsection (a) of section 51-344a of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes, as amended by section 22 of public act 09-177, section 6 of public act 10-54 and sections 3 and 4 of public act 12-60, is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective January 1, 2015):

(a) Whenever the term "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain" or "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain at Hartford" is used or referred to in the following sections of the general statutes, it shall be deemed to mean or refer to the judicial district of Hartford on and after September 1, 1998: Sections 1-205, 1-206, 2-48, 3-21a, 3-62d, 3-70a, 3-71a, 4-61, 4-160, 4-164, 4-177b, 4-180, 4-183, 4-197, 5-202, 5-276a, 8-30g, 9-7a, 9-7b, 9-369b, 10-153e, 12-208, 12-237, 12-268l, 12-312, 12-330m, 12-405k, 12-422, 12-448, 12-454, 12-456, 12-463, 12-489, 12-522, 12-554, 12-565, 12-572, 12-586f, 12-597, 12-730, 13b-34, 13b-235, 13b-315, 13b-375, 14-57, 14-66, 14-67u, 14-110, 14-195, 14-311, 14-311c, 14-324, 14-331, 15-125, 15-126, 16-41, 16a-5, 17b-60, 17b-100, 17b-238, 17b-531, 19a-85, 19a-86, 19a-123d, 19a-425, 19a-498, 19a-517, 19a-526, 19a-633, 20-12f, 20-13e, 20-29, 20-40, 20-45, 20-59, 20-73a, 20-86f, 20-99, 20-114, 20-133, 20-154, 20-156, 20-162p, 20-192, 20-195p, 20-202, 20-206c, 20-227, 20-238, 20-247, 20-263, 20-271, 20-307, 20-341f, 20-363, 20-373, 20-404, 20-414, 21a-55, 21a-190i, 22-7, 22-64, 22-228, 22-248, 22-254, 22-320d, 22-326a, 22-344b, 22-386, 22a-6b, 22a-7, 22a-16, 22a-30, 22a-34, 22a-53, 22a-60, 22a-62, 22a-63, 22a-66h, 22a-106a, 22a-119, 22a-167, 22a-180, 22a-182a, 22a-184, 22a-220a, 22a-220d, 22a-225, 22a-226, 22a-226c, 22a-227, 22a-250, 22a-255l, 22a-276, [22a-285a, 22a-285g, 22a-285j,] 22a-310, 22a-342a, 22a-344, 22a-361a, 22a-374, 22a-376, 22a-408, 22a-430, 22a-432, 22a-438, 22a-449f, 22a-449g, 22a-459, 23-5e, 23-65m, 25-32e, 25-36, 28-5, 29-143j, 29-158, 29-161z, 29-323, 30-8, 31-109, 31-249b, 31-266, 31-266a, 31-270, 31-273, 31-284, 31-285, 31-339, 31-355a, 31-379, 35-3c, 35-42, 36a-186, 36a-187, 36a-471a, 36a-494, 36a-587, 36a-647, 36a-684, 36a-718, 36a-807, 36b-26, 36b-27, 36b-30, 36b-50, 36b-71, 36b-72, 36b-74, 36b-76, 38a-41, 38a-52, 38a-134, 38a-139, 38a-140, 38a-147, 38a-150, 38a-185, 38a-209, 38a-225, 38a-226b, 38a-241, 38a-337, 38a-470, 38a-620, 38a-657, 38a-687, 38a-774, 38a-776, 38a-817, 38a-843, 38a-868, 38a-906, 38a-994, 42-103c, 42-110d, 42-110k, 42-110p, 42-182, 46a-5, 46a-56, 46a-100, 47a-21, 49-73, 51-44a, 51-81b, 51-194, 52-146j, 53-392d and 54-211a.

Sec. 15. Sections 22a-285 to 22a-285k, inclusive, of the general statutes are repealed. (Effective from passage)

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

from passage

New section

Sec. 2

from passage


Sec. 3

from passage

New section

Sec. 4

from passage

New section

Sec. 5

from passage


Sec. 6

from passage


Sec. 7

January 1, 2015


Sec. 8

from passage


Sec. 9

from passage


Sec. 10

from passage


Sec. 11

from passage


Sec. 12

from passage


Sec. 13

from passage


Sec. 14

January 1, 2015


Sec. 15

from passage

Repealer section


Joint Favorable Subst.



Joint Favorable



Joint Favorable