Substitute Senate Bill No. 24

Public Act No. 14-76


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. (NEW) (Effective October 1, 2014) (a) As used in this section:

(1) "Electronic nicotine delivery system" means an electronic device that may be used to simulate smoking in the delivery of nicotine or other substance to a person inhaling from the device, and includes, but is not limited to, an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe or electronic hookah and any related device and any cartridge or other component of such device;

(2) "Cardholder" means any person who presents a driver's license or an identity card to a seller or seller's agent or employee, to purchase or receive an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product from such seller or seller's agent or employee;

(3) "Identity card" means an identification card issued in accordance with the provisions of section 1-1h of the general statutes;

(4) "Transaction scan" means the process by which a seller or seller's agent or employee checks, by means of a transaction scan device, the validity of a driver's license or an identity card;

(5) "Transaction scan device" means any commercial device or combination of devices used at a point of sale that is capable of deciphering in an electronically readable format the information encoded on the magnetic strip or bar code of a driver's license or an identity card;

(6) "Sale" or "sell" means an act done intentionally by any person, whether done as principal, proprietor, agent, servant or employee, of transferring, or offering or attempting to transfer, for consideration, an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product, including bartering or exchanging, or offering to barter or exchange, an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product;

(7) "Give" or "giving" means an act done intentionally by any person, whether done as principal, proprietor, agent, servant or employee, of transferring, or offering or attempting to transfer, without consideration, an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product;

(8) "Deliver" or "delivering" means an act done intentionally by any person, whether as principal, proprietor, agent, servant or employee, of transferring, or offering or attempting to transfer, physical possession or control of an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product; and

(9) "Vapor product" means any product that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit or other electronic, chemical or mechanical means, regardless of shape or size, to produce a vapor that may or may not include nicotine, that is inhaled by the user of such product.

(b) Any person who sells, gives or delivers to any minor under eighteen years of age an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product, unless the minor is delivering or accepting delivery in such person's capacity as an employee, in any form shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars for the first offense, not more than three hundred fifty dollars for a second offense within an eighteen-month period and not more than five hundred dollars for each subsequent offense within an eighteen-month period.

(c) Any person under eighteen years of age who purchases or misrepresents such person's age to purchase an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product in any form or possesses an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product in any form in any public place shall be fined not more than fifty dollars for the first offense and not less than fifty dollars or more than one hundred dollars for each subsequent offense. For purposes of this subsection "public place" means any area that is used or held out for use by the public whether owned or operated by public or private interests.

(d) (1) A seller or seller's agent or employee may perform a transaction scan to check the validity of a driver's license or identity card presented by a cardholder as a condition for selling, giving or otherwise delivering an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product to the cardholder.

(2) If the information deciphered by the transaction scan performed under subdivision (1) of this subsection fails to match the information printed on the driver's license or identity card presented by the cardholder, or if the transaction scan indicates that the information so printed is false or fraudulent, neither the seller nor any seller's agent or employee shall sell, give or otherwise deliver any electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product to the cardholder.

(3) Subdivision (1) of this subsection does not preclude a seller or seller's agent or employee from using a transaction scan device to check the validity of a document other than a driver's license or an identity card, if the document includes a bar code or magnetic strip that may be scanned by the device, as a condition for selling, giving or otherwise delivering an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product to the person presenting the document.

(e) (1) No seller or seller's agent or employee shall electronically or mechanically record or maintain any information derived from a transaction scan, except the following: (A) The name and date of birth of the person listed on the driver's license or identity card presented by a cardholder; and (B) the expiration date and identification number of the driver's license or identity card presented by a cardholder.

(2) No seller or seller's agent or employee shall use a transaction scan device for a purpose other than the purposes specified in subsection (d) of this section, subsection (d) of section 53-344 of the general statutes or subsection (c) of section 30-86 of the general statutes.

(3) No seller or seller's agent or employee shall sell or otherwise disseminate the information derived from a transaction scan to any third party, including, but not limited to, selling or otherwise disseminating that information for any marketing, advertising or promotional activities, but a seller or seller's agent or employee may release that information pursuant to a court order.

(4) Nothing in subsection (d) of this section or this subsection relieves a seller or seller's agent or employee of any responsibility to comply with any other applicable state or federal laws or rules governing selling, giving or otherwise delivering electronic nicotine delivery systems or vapor products.

(5) Any person who violates this subsection shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars.

(f) (1) In any prosecution of a seller or seller's agent or employee for a violation of subsection (b) of this section, it shall be an affirmative defense that all of the following occurred: (A) A cardholder attempting to purchase or receive an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product presented a driver's license or an identity card; (B) a transaction scan of the driver's license or identity card that the cardholder presented indicated that the license or card was valid; and (C) the electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product was sold, given or otherwise delivered to the cardholder in reasonable reliance upon the identification presented and the completed transaction scan.

(2) In determining whether a seller or seller's agent or employee has proven the affirmative defense provided by subdivision (1) of this section, the trier of fact in such prosecution shall consider that reasonable reliance upon the identification presented and the completed transaction scan may require a seller or seller's agent or employee to exercise reasonable diligence and that the use of a transaction scan device does not excuse a seller or seller's agent or employee from exercising such reasonable diligence to determine the following: (A) Whether a person to whom the seller or seller's agent or employee sells, gives or otherwise delivers an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product is eighteen years of age or older; and (B) whether the description and picture appearing on the driver's license or identity card presented by a cardholder is that of the cardholder.

(g) Each seller of electronic nicotine delivery systems or vapor products or such seller's agent or employee shall require a person who is purchasing or attempting to purchase an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product, whose age is in question, to exhibit proper proof of age. If a person fails to provide such proof of age, such seller or seller's agent or employee shall not sell an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product to the person. As used in this subsection, "proper proof" means a motor vehicle operator's license, a valid passport or an identity card issued in accordance with the provisions of section 1-1h of the general statutes.

Sec. 2. Section 12-295a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) If the Commissioner of Revenue Services finds, after a hearing, that a minor has purchased cigarettes or tobacco products, said commissioner shall assess such minor a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars for the first violation and not more than one hundred fifty dollars for any second or subsequent offense within twenty-four months after the first violation.

(b) If said commissioner finds, after a hearing, that any person employed by a dealer or distributor, as defined in section 12-285, has sold, given or delivered cigarettes or tobacco products to a minor other than a minor who is delivering or accepting delivery in his capacity as an employee, said commissioner shall, [assess such person a civil penalty of two hundred dollars] for the first violation, [and] require such person to successfully complete an online tobacco prevention education program administered by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services not later than thirty days after said commissioner's finding. Said commissioner shall assess any person who fails to complete such program a civil penalty of two hundred dollars. Said commissioner shall assess any person employed by a dealer or distributor a civil penalty of two hundred fifty dollars for a second or subsequent violation within [eighteen] twenty-four months after the first violation.

(c) If said commissioner finds, after a hearing, that any dealer or distributor has sold, given or delivered cigarettes or tobacco products to a minor other than a minor who is delivering or accepting delivery in his capacity as an employee, or such dealer or distributor's employee has sold, given or delivered cigarettes or tobacco products to such minor, said commissioner shall [assess] require such dealer or distributor, [a civil penalty of three hundred dollars] for the first violation, [and] to successfully complete an online tobacco prevention education program administered by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services not later than thirty days after said commissioner's finding. Said commissioner shall assess any dealer or distributor who fails to complete such program a civil penalty of three hundred dollars. Said commissioner shall assess any dealer or distributor a civil penalty of seven hundred fifty dollars for a second violation within [eighteen] twenty-four months of the first violation. For a third violation within [eighteen] twenty-four months of the first violation, such dealer or distributor shall be assessed a civil penalty of seven hundred fifty dollars and any license held by such dealer or distributor under this chapter shall be suspended for not less than thirty days.

(d) If said commissioner finds, after a hearing, that any owner of an establishment in which a cigarette vending machine or restricted cigarette vending machine is located has sold, given or delivered cigarettes or tobacco products from any such machine to a minor other than a minor who is delivering or accepting delivery in his capacity as an employee, or has allowed cigarettes or tobacco products to be sold, given or delivered to such minor from any such machine, said commissioner shall [assess] require such owner, [a civil penalty of five hundred dollars] for the first violation, [and] to successfully complete an online tobacco prevention education program administered by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services not later than thirty days after said commissioner's finding. Said commissioner shall assess any owner who fails to complete such program a civil penalty of five hundred dollars. Said commissioner shall assess any owner a civil penalty of seven hundred fifty dollars for a second violation within [eighteen] twenty-four months of the first violation. For a third violation within [eighteen] twenty-four months of the first violation, such owner shall be assessed a civil penalty of seven hundred fifty dollars and any such machine shall be immediately removed from such establishment and no such machine may be placed in such establishment for a period of one year following such removal.

(e) Any person aggrieved by any action of the commissioner pursuant to this section may take any appeal of such action as provided in sections 12-311 and 12-312.

Sec. 3. (NEW) (Effective October 1, 2014) Any person who violates the provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of section 12-314 of the general statutes shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars for the first offense, not more than three hundred dollars for the second offense within twenty-four months of the first offense, and not more than five hundred dollars for the third or subsequent offense within twenty-four months of the first offense.

Sec. 4. Section 4-28f of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) There is created a Tobacco and Health Trust Fund which shall be a separate nonlapsing fund. The purpose of the trust fund shall be to create a continuing significant source of funds to (1) support and encourage development of programs to reduce tobacco abuse through prevention, education and cessation programs, (2) support and encourage development of programs to reduce substance abuse, and (3) develop and implement programs to meet the unmet physical and mental health needs in the state.

(b) The trust fund may accept transfers from the Tobacco Settlement Fund and may apply for and accept gifts, grants or donations from public or private sources to enable the trust fund to carry out its objectives.

(c) The trust fund shall be administered by a board of trustees, except that the board shall suspend its operations from July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2005, inclusive. [, and from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, inclusive. ] The board shall consist of seventeen trustees. The appointment of the initial trustees shall be as follows: (1) The Governor shall appoint four trustees, one of whom shall serve for a term of one year from July 1, 2000, two of whom shall serve for a term of two years from July 1, 2000, and one of whom shall serve for a term of three years from July 1, 2000; (2) the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate each shall appoint two trustees, one of whom shall serve for a term of two years from July 1, 2000, and one of whom shall serve for a term of three years from July 1, 2000; (3) the majority leader of the House of Representatives and the majority leader of the Senate each shall appoint two trustees, one of whom shall serve for a term of one year from July 1, 2000, and one of whom shall serve for a term of three years from July 1, 2000; (4) the minority leader of the House of Representatives and the minority leader of the Senate each shall appoint two trustees, one of whom shall serve for a term of one year from July 1, 2000, and one of whom shall serve for a term of two years from July 1, 2000; and (5) the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, or the secretary's designee, shall serve as an ex-officio voting member. Following the expiration of such initial terms, subsequent trustees shall serve for a term of three years. The period of suspension of the board's operations from July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2005, inclusive, [and from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, inclusive,] shall not be included in the term of any trustee serving on July 1, 2003. [, or July 1, 2015. ] The trustees shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties. The board of trustees shall establish rules of procedure for the conduct of its business which shall include, but not be limited to, criteria, processes and procedures to be used in selecting programs to receive money from the trust fund. The trust fund shall be within the Office of Policy and Management for administrative purposes only. The board of trustees shall meet not less than biannually, except during the fiscal years ending June 30, 2004, and June 30, 2005, [and June 30, 2016,] and, not later than January first of each year, except during the fiscal years ending June 30, 2004, and June 30, 2005, [and June 30, 2016,] shall submit a report of its activities and accomplishments to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to public health and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, in accordance with section 11-4a.

(d) (1) During the period commencing July 1, 2000, and ending June 30, 2003, the board of trustees, by majority vote, may recommend authorization of disbursement from the trust fund for the purposes described in subsection (a) of this section and section [19a-6c] 19a-6d, provided the board may not recommend authorization of disbursement of more than fifty per cent of net earnings from the principal of the trust fund for such purposes. For the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2005, and each fiscal year thereafter, the board may recommend authorization of the net earnings from the principal of the trust fund for such purposes. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, and each fiscal year thereafter, the board may recommend authorization of disbursement for such purposes of (A) up to one-half of the annual disbursement from the Tobacco Settlement Fund to the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund from the previous fiscal year, pursuant to section 4-28e, up to a maximum of six million dollars per fiscal year, and (B) the net earnings from the principal of the trust fund from the previous fiscal year. For the fiscal [years] year ending June 30, 2014, and [June 30, 2015] each fiscal year thereafter, the board may recommend authorization of disbursement of up to [three million dollars per fiscal year from the trust fund for such purposes. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, and each fiscal year thereafter, the board may recommend authorization of disbursement for such purposes of (A) up to one-half of the annual disbursement from the Tobacco Settlement Fund to the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund from the previous fiscal year, pursuant to section 4-28e, up to a maximum of six million dollars per fiscal year, and (B) the net earnings from the principal of the trust fund from the previous fiscal year] the total unobligated balance remaining in the trust fund after disbursement in accordance with the provisions of the general statutes and relevant special and public acts for such purposes, not to exceed twelve million dollars per fiscal year. The board's recommendations shall give (i) priority to programs that address tobacco and substance abuse and serve minors, pregnant women and parents of young children, and (ii) consideration to the availability of private matching funds. Recommended disbursements from the trust fund shall be in addition to any resources that would otherwise be appropriated by the state for such purposes and programs.

(2) Except during the fiscal years ending June 30, 2004, and June 30, 2005, [and June 30, 2016,] the board of trustees shall submit such recommendations for the authorization of disbursement from the trust fund to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to public health and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies. Not later than thirty days after receipt of such recommendations, said committees shall advise the board of their approval, modifications, if any, or rejection of the board's recommendations. If said joint standing committees do not concur, the speaker of the House of Representatives, the president pro tempore of the Senate, the majority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority leader of the Senate, the minority leader of the House of Representatives and the minority leader of the Senate each shall appoint one member from each of said joint standing committees to serve as a committee on conference. The committee on conference shall submit its report to both committees, which shall vote to accept or reject the report. The report of the committee on conference may not be amended. If a joint standing committee rejects the report of the committee on conference, the board's recommendations shall be deemed approved. If the joint standing committees accept the report of the committee on conference, the joint standing committee having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies shall advise the board of said joint standing committees' approval or modifications, if any, of the board's recommended disbursement. If said joint standing committees do not act within thirty days after receipt of the board's recommendations for the authorization of disbursement, such recommendations shall be deemed approved. Disbursement from the trust fund shall be in accordance with the board's recommendations as approved or modified by said joint standing committees.

(3) After such recommendations for the authorization of disbursement have been approved or modified pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection, any modification in the amount of an authorized disbursement in excess of fifty thousand dollars or ten per cent of the authorized amount, whichever is less, shall be submitted to said joint standing committees and approved, modified or rejected in accordance with the procedure set forth in subdivision (2) of this subsection. Notification of all disbursements from the trust fund made pursuant to this section shall be sent to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to public health and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, through the Office of Fiscal Analysis.

(4) The board of trustees shall, not later than February first of each year, except during the fiscal years ending June 30, 2004, and June 30, 2005, [and June 30, 2016,] submit a report to the General Assembly, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, that includes all disbursements and other expenditures from the trust fund and an evaluation of the performance and impact of each program receiving funds from the trust fund. Such report shall also include the criteria and application process used to select programs to receive such funds.

Sec. 5. Subdivision (2) of subsection (e) of section 53-344 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(2) No seller or seller's agent or employee shall use a transaction scan device for a purpose other than the purposes specified in subsection (e) of section 1 of this act, subsection (d) of this section or subsection (c) of section 30-86.

Sec. 6. Subdivision (2) of subsection (d) of section 30-86 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(2) No permittee or permittee's agent or employee shall use a transaction scan device for a purpose other than the purposes specified in subsection (e) of section 1 of this act, subsection (c) of this section or subsection (d) of section 53-344.

Sec. 7. Subsection (b) of section 51-164n of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, any person who is alleged to have committed (1) a violation under the provisions of subsection (c) of section 1 of this act or section 3 of this act, section 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 4b-13, 7-13, 7-14, 7-35, 7-41, 7-83, 7-283, 7-325, 7-393, 8-12, 8-25, 8-27, 9-63, 9-322, 9-350, 10-193, 10-197, 10-198, 10-230, 10-251, 10-254, 12-52, 12-170aa, 12-292 or 12-326g, subdivision (4) of section 12-408, subdivision (3), (5) or (6) of section 12-411, section 12-435c, 12-476a, 12-476b, 12-487, 13a-71, 13a-107, 13a-113, 13a-114, 13a-115, 13a-117b, 13a-123, 13a-124, 13a-139, 13a-140, 13a-143b, 13a-247 or 13a-253, subsection (f) of section 13b-42, section 13b-90, 13b-221, 13b-292, 13b-336, 13b-337, 13b-338, 13b-410a, 13b-410b or 13b-410c, subsection (a), (b) or (c) of section 13b-412, section 13b-414, subsection (d) of section 14-12, section 14-20a or 14-27a, subsection (e) of section 14-34a, subsection (d) of section 14-35, section 14-43, 14-49, 14-50a or 14-58, subsection (b) of section 14-66, section 14-66a, 14-66b or 14-67a, subsection (g) of section 14-80, subsection (f) of section 14-80h, section 14-97a, 14-100b, 14-103a, 14-106a, 14-106c, 14-146, 14-152, 14-153 or 14-163b, a first violation as specified in subsection (f) of section 14-164i, section 14-219 as specified in subsection (e) of said section, subdivision (1) of section 14-223a, section 14-240, 14-249, 14-250 or 14-253a, subsection (a) of section 14-261a, section 14-262, 14-264, 14-267a, 14-269, 14-270, 14-275a, 14-278 or 14-279, subsection (e) or (h) of section 14-283, section 14-291, 14-293b, 14-296aa, 14-319, 14-320, 14-321, 14-325a, 14-326, 14-330 or 14-332a, subdivision (1), (2) or (3) of section 14-386a, section 15-25 or 15-33, subdivision (1) of section 15-97, subsection (a) of section 15-115, section 16-44, 16-256e, 16a-15 or 16a-22, subsection (a) or (b) of section 16a-22h, section 17a-24, 17a-145, 17a-149, 17a-152, 17a-465, 17a-642, 17b-124, 17b-131, 17b-137 or 17b-734, subsection (b) of section 17b-736, section 19a-30, 19a-33, 19a-39 or 19a-87, subsection (b) of section 19a-87a, section 19a-91, 19a-105, 19a-107, 19a-113, 19a-215, 19a-219, 19a-222, 19a-224, 19a-286, 19a-287, 19a-297, 19a-301, 19a-309, 19a-335, 19a-336, 19a-338, 19a-339, 19a-340, 19a-425, 19a-502, 20-7a, 20-14, 20-158, 20-231, 20-249, 20-257, 20-265, 20-324e, 20-341l, 20-366, 20-597, 20-608, 20-610, 21-1, 21-30, 21-38, 21-39, 21-43, 21-47, 21-48, 21-63 or 21-76a, subdivision (1) of section 21a-19, section 21a-21, subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of section 21a-25, section 21a-26 or 21a-30, subsection (a) of section 21a-37, section 21a-46, 21a-61, 21a-63 or 21a-77, subsection (b) of section 21a-79, section 21a-85 or 21a-154, subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of section 21a-159, subsection (a) of section 21a-279a, section 22-12b, 22-13, 22-14, 22-15, 22-16, 22-29, 22-34, 22-35, 22-36, 22-38, 22-39, 22-39a, 22-39b, 22-39c, 22-39d, 22-39e, 22-49, 22-54, 22-61, 22-89, 22-90, 22-98, 22-99, 22-100, 22-111o, 22-167, 22-279, 22-280a, 22-318a, 22-320h, 22-324a, 22-326 or 22-342, subsection (b), (e) or (f) of section 22-344, section 22-359, 22-366, 22-391, 22-413, 22-414, 22-415, 22a-66a or 22a-246, subsection (a) of section 22a-250, subsection (e) of section 22a-256h, section 22a-363 or 22a-381d, subsections (c) and (d) of section 22a-381e, section 22a-449, 22a-461, 23-37, 23-38, 23-46 or 23-61b, subsection (a) or subdivision (1) of subsection (c) of section 23-65, section 25-37 or 25-40, subsection (a) of section 25-43, section 25-43d, 25-135, 26-16, 26-18, 26-19, 26-21, 26-31, 26-40, 26-40a, 26-42, 26-49, 26-54, 26-55, 26-56, 26-58 or 26-59, subdivision (1) of subsection (d) of section 26-61, section 26-64, subdivision (1) of section 26-76, section 26-79, 26-87, 26-89, 26-91, 26-94, 26-97, 26-98, 26-104, 26-105, 26-107, 26-117, 26-128, 26-131, 26-132, 26-138 or 26-141, subdivision (1) of section 26-186, section 26-207, 26-215, 26-217 or 26-224a, subdivision (1) of section 26-226, section 26-227, 26-230, 26-232, 26-244, 26-257a, 26-260, 26-276, 26-284, 26-285, 26-286, 26-288, 26-294, 28-13, 29-6a, 29-25, 29-109, 29-143o, 29-143z or 29-156a, subsection (b), (d), (e) or (g) of section 29-161q, section 29-161y or 29-161z, subdivision (1) of section 29-198, section 29-210, 29-243 or 29-277, subsection (c) of section 29-291c, section 29-316, 29-318, 29-381, 30-48a, 30-86a, 31-3, 31-10, 31-11, 31-12, 31-13, 31-14, 31-15, 31-16, 31-18, 31-23, 31-24, 31-25, 31-32, 31-36, 31-38, 31-38a, 31-40, 31-44, 31-47, 31-48, 31-51, 31-51k, 31-52, 31-52a or 31-54, subsection (a) or (c) of section 31-69, section 31-70, 31-74, 31-75, 31-76, 31-76a, 31-89b or 31-134, subsection (i) of section 31-273, section 31-288, subdivision (1) of section 35-20, section 36a-787, 42-230, 45a-283, 45a-450, 45a-634 or 45a-658, subdivision (13) or (14) of section 46a-54, section 46a-59, 46b-22, 46b-24, 46b-34, 47-34a, 47-47, 49-8a, 49-16, 53-133, 53-199, 53-212a, 53-249a, 53-252, 53-264, 53-280, 53-302a, 53-303e, 53-311a, 53-321, 53-322, 53-323, 53-331, 53-344, as amended by this act, or 53-450, or (2) a violation under the provisions of chapter 268, or (3) a violation of any regulation adopted in accordance with the provisions of section 12-484, 12-487 or 13b-410, or (4) a violation of any ordinance, regulation or bylaw of any town, city or borough, except violations of building codes and the health code, for which the penalty exceeds ninety dollars but does not exceed two hundred fifty dollars, unless such town, city or borough has established a payment and hearing procedure for such violation pursuant to section 7-152c, shall follow the procedures set forth in this section.