General Assembly


Proposed Bill No. 6511


January Session, 2017


LCO No. 1895



Referred to Committee on APPROPRIATIONS


Introduced by:


REP. KLARIDES, 114th Dist.

REP. CANDELORA, 86th Dist.

REP. HOYDICK, 120th Dist.

REP. O'DEA, 125th Dist.

REP. O'NEILL, 69th Dist.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

That section 2-33a of the general statutes be amended, by three-fifths of the members of each house of the General Assembly, to define "increase in personal income" as the compound annual growth rate of personal income in the state over the preceding five calendar years, according to United States Bureau of Economic Analysis data; "increase in inflation" as the increase in the consumer price index for urban consumers, all items less food and energy, during the preceding calendar year, calculated on a December over December basis, according to United States Bureau of Labor Statistics data; "general budget expenditures" as expenditures from appropriated funds authorized by public or special act of the General Assembly, including, but not limited to, contributions to any retirement system or alternative retirement program administered by the State Employees Retirement Commission, or the teachers' retirement system, provided (1) general budget expenditures for any fiscal year shall not exceed those authorized during the previous fiscal year by a percentage which shall be determined by the greater of the percentage increase in personal income or the percentage increase in inflation, and (2) general budget expenditures shall not include (A) expenditures for payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, (B) expenditures pursuant to section 4-30a of the general statutes, (C) expenditures of any federal funds granted to the state or its agencies, and (D) expenditures for the implementation of federal mandates or court orders shall not be considered general budget expenditures for the first fiscal year in which such expenditures are authorized, but shall be considered general budget expenditures for such year for the purposes of determining general budget expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year; and "federal mandates" as those programs or services in which the state must participate, and in which the state must meet federal entitlement and eligibility criteria in order to receive federal reimbursement, provided expenditures for program or service components which are optional under federal law or regulation shall be considered general budget expenditures.

Statement of Purpose:

To implement a real and working spending cap.