General Assembly


Proposed Bill No. 6086


January Session, 2011


LCO No. 1855


Referred to Committee on Judiciary


Introduced by:


REP. HEWETT, 39th Dist.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

That sections 54-102g to 54-102l, inclusive, of the general statutes be amended to require a DNA sample be collected from a person arrested for a felony when such person is booked at the police station or, if impractical, at a subsequent time and place during the pendency of the case, to increase the penalty for any person who knowingly and without authority disseminates information in the DNA data bank from a class C misdemeanor to a class A misdemeanor, to increase the penalty for any person who disseminates, receives or uses information in the data bank knowing that such dissemination, receipt or use is for a purpose other than that authorized by law from a class A misdemeanor to a class D felony, and to provide that a person whose DNA profile has been included in the data bank because of a felony arrest may request expungement on the grounds that the charge was nolled or dismissed or the person was acquitted of the charge.

Statement of Purpose:

To expand the collection of DNA samples to be included in the DNA data bank and increase the penalties for the unauthorized dissemination or use of information in the data bank.