General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 5625

    January Session, 2015




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. (Effective from passage) (a) There is established a task force to study the definition of surgery. The task force shall examine the scope of practice for each category of licensed health care professional pursuant to title 20 of the general statutes and develop a proposed definition of surgery.

(b) The task force shall consist of the following members:

(1) The chairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to public health, or such chairpersons' and ranking members' designees;

(2) Two members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be a physician, and one of whom shall be a chiropractor who is a member of the Connecticut Chiropractic Association;

(3) Two members appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a physician assistant who is a member of the Connecticut Academy of Physician Assistants, and one of whom shall be a dentist;

(4) Two members appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be a representative of the Connecticut Medical Society, and one of whom shall be a representative of a school of nursing at an institution of higher education in the state;

(5) Two members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall be a representative of the Connecticut Nurse's Association, and one of whom shall be an electrologist;

(6) Two members appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be a representative of the Connecticut Hospital Association, and one of whom shall be an optometrist who is a member of the Connecticut Association of Optometrists;

(7) Two members appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall be an owner of a medical spa or a licensed health care provider who is employed by, or provides services under a contract with, a medical spa, and one of whom shall be a physical therapist;

(8) Three members appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall be a representative of a school of medicine at an institution of higher education in the state, one of whom shall be a representative of the University of Bridgeport Health Sciences Programs, and one of whom shall be a podiatrist who is a member of the Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association; and

(9) The Commissioner of Public Health, or the commissioner's designee.

(c) Any member of the task force appointed under subdivisions (1) to (8), inclusive, of subsection (b) of this section may be a member of the General Assembly.

(d) All appointments to the task force shall be made not later than thirty days after the effective date of this section. Any vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority.

(e) The speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate shall select two chairpersons of the task force from among the members of the task force. Such chairpersons shall schedule the first meeting of the task force, which shall be held not later than sixty days after the effective date of this section.

(f) Not later than January 1, 2016, the task force shall submit a report on its findings and recommendations to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to public health, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a of the general statutes. The report shall include, but need not be limited to, a proposed definition of surgery to be adopted for the purpose of section 20-9 of the general statutes. The task force shall terminate on the date that it submits such report or January 1, 2016, whichever is later.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

from passage

New section


Joint Favorable Subst.