General Assembly


Proposed Bill No. 5475


January Session, 2013


LCO No. 1445


Referred to Committee on ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY


Introduced by:


REP. MILLER L., 122nd Dist.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

That section 16-245a of the general statutes be amended to extend the existing renewable portfolio standard deadlines for an electric supplier and an electric distribution company providing standard service or supplier of last resort service as follows: (1) The January 1, 2016, deadline is extended to January 1, 2017; (2) the January 1, 2017, deadline is extended to January 1, 2019; (3) the January 1, 2018, deadline is extended to January 1, 2021; (4) the January 1, 2019, deadline is extended to January 1, 2023; and (5) the January 1, 2020, deadline is extended to January 1, 2025.

Statement of Purpose:

To provide additional time for compliance with the renewable portfolio standard requirements by extending each deadline beginning in 2016.