INTRODUCED BY   Senator Hall

                        AUGUST 4, 2016

   Relative to homelessness.


   WHEREAS, Homelessness is one of the most pervasive issues facing
California today; and
   WHEREAS, According to the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development, there were 115,738 homeless people in California
in 2015, by far the most of any state in the nation; and
   WHEREAS, Rising rents, rapidly declining numbers of low-income
housing units, and slow wage growth have all contributed to
homelessness; and
   WHEREAS, Of the nation's top 10 most expensive rental markets,
four are located in California; and
   WHEREAS, The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $3,590 in
San Francisco, $2,290 in San Jose, $2,270 in Oakland, and $1,970 in
Los Angeles; and
   WHEREAS, San Francisco's Point-in-Time Homeless Count in 2015
identified 7,539 homeless adults and youth, a 7-percent increase
since 2005; and
   WHEREAS, A report by the San Francisco Budget and Legislative
Analyst's Office found that while the initial costs associated with
housing homeless residents increased when those individuals entered
supportive housing, the city's costs were reduced drastically as
those formerly homeless individuals were stabilized; and
   WHEREAS, The County of Los Angeles now has an estimated 46,874
homeless people on any given night, up nearly 6 percent from last
year, according to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority; and
   WHEREAS, On any given night in Sacramento, more than 2,500
individuals are without a home, and an estimated 5,200 more will
become homeless over the course of the next year; and
   WHEREAS, San Diego's homeless population rose to 8,742 in 2015
from 8,506 in 2014, a 2.8 percent increase that makes the homeless
population in San Diego one of the top four in the nation, and 1,100
of that homeless population are veterans; and
   WHEREAS, In 2015, the homeless population in Fresno increased for
the first time in almost eight years; and
   WHEREAS, Homelessness has risen to historic levels throughout the
state, and now is the time for state action; and
   WHEREAS, Being homeless is dangerous, especially for youth in San
Francisco who experience a mortality rate more than 10 times higher
than that of the state's general youth population; and
   WHEREAS, In March of 2016, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors
requested Governor Brown to issue a statewide declaration of
emergency to help coordinate the response and resources for homeless
individuals and families; and
   WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Board of Supervisors unanimously approved
an unprecedented plan to address the crisis in the county by
allocating $100 million in one-time funding for homeless services;
   WHEREAS, The City of Los Angeles has already declared a state of
emergency as it relates to the lack of shelter for homeless in the
city; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, That the Senate
respectfully requests that Governor Brown declare a state of
emergency on homelessness; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Senate recognizes that the challenge of
confronting homelessness requires the active engagement and
leadership of all branches of government; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Senate must prioritize taking action on
homelessness prior to the adjournment of the 2015-16 Regular Session
of the Legislature; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this
resolution to the Governor and to the author for appropriate