BILL NUMBER: SJR 27 AMENDED BILL TEXT AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 14, 2010 AMENDED IN SENATE MAY 4, 2010 INTRODUCED BY Senator Yee ( Coauthor: Senator Corbett ) MARCH 25, 2010 Relative to reunification of Ireland. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SJR 27, as amended, Yee. Reunification of Ireland. This measure would express the California Legislature's strong support for Irish reunification by all peaceful means and would urge the California Congressional delegation to support the final reunification of the island of Ireland by all electoral and diplomatic means necessary. Fiscal committee: no. WHEREAS, The logic of history, international law, human rights, and peace dictate the reunification of the island of Ireland, and the realities of the moment, including the Good Friday Agreement and the development of the all-Ireland institutions of governance, attest to this momentum; and WHEREAS, In the past, the State Legislature adopted the MacBride Principles for Northern Ireland and offered its informal endorsement of the Good Friday Agreement among the previously warring parties; and WHEREAS, The contribution of Irish-born and Irish Americans to this stateandto this nation are legion; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of the State of California, jointly, That the Legislature strongly supports Irish reunification by all peaceful means and urges the California Congressional delegation to support the final reunification of the island of Ireland by all electoral and diplomatic means necessary; and be it further Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the President and Vice President of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to the President pro Tempore of the Senate, to each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States, and to the United States Secretary of State.