Enrolled  April 29, 2019
Passed  IN  Senate  April 08, 2019
Passed  IN  Assembly  April 25, 2019


Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 23

Introduced by Senator McGuire
(Coauthor: Senator Dodd)
(Coauthor: Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry)

March 11, 2019

Relative to California Wines: Down to Earth Month.


SCR 23, McGuire. California Wines: Down to Earth Month.
This measure would proclaim the month of April 2019 as California Wines: Down to Earth Month, to celebrate the sustainable leadership of California wineries and winegrape growers throughout the month of April.
Fiscal Committee: NO  

WHEREAS, Sustainability is a vital part of the long-term future of California wine, which contributes an estimated $57.6 billion in annual economic impact to California’s economy; and
WHEREAS, Wine Institute and the California Association of Winegrape Growers created the California Code of Sustainable Winegrowing more than 16 years ago and it has since been used by vineyards and wineries representing a vast majority of winegrape acreage and wine production; and
WHEREAS, The California Code of Sustainable Winegrowing, now managed by the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance, is comprised of more than 200 best practices for vineyards and wineries that benefit the environment, employees, neighbors, and the production of high quality wine; and
WHEREAS, Wineries that produce nearly 70 percent of California wine are Certified California Sustainable Winegrowing, CERTIFIED SUSTAINABLE, a third-party certification program added in 2010; and
WHEREAS, Other state and regional sustainability programs, such as Lodi Rules, Napa Green, and Sustainability in Practice (SIP Certified), along with organic and biodynamic certifications, and regional sustainability commitments such as Sonoma County Winegrowers’ Sustainably Formed Grapes, all play an important role in the California wine communities’ efforts to grow grapes and produce wine in a manner that is environmentally sound, economically feasible, and socially equitable; and
WHEREAS, Over 40 percent of California vineyards are certified to CERTIFIED SUSTAINABLE, Lodi Rules, Napa Green, or SIP Certified; and
WHEREAS, California’s wine community conserves water, energy, and other natural resources; protects habitat, employee well-being, and air, water, and soil quality; and promotes the use of natural pest management and alternative energy and fuels; and
WHEREAS, California wineries and winegrape growers make charitable contributions of $249 million annually and generously contribute their time and expertise to communities and nonprofit organizations; and
WHEREAS, California’s 4,800 wineries and 5,900 winegrape growers are primarily family businesses with a long-term commitment to the health and vitality of their communities and to preserving the land for future generations; and
WHEREAS, California growers’ and vintners’ commitment to sustainability was recognized with three Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Awards; and
WHEREAS, Winegrapes are one of nearly 400 specialty crops that are California grown, and many winegrowers and other farmers are dedicated to sustainable, organic, biodynamic production; and
WHEREAS, In March 2019, Wine Institute will release Wine Country Table: With Recipes that Celebrate California’s Sustainable Harvest, written by Janet Fletcher with photography by Robert Holmes and Sara Remington and published by Rizzoli of New York, a culinary tour of California by region highlighting California vintners and farmers, their amazing stories, commitment to land stewardship and sustainable practices, and 50 recipes paired with wine; and
WHEREAS, California wineries and regional associations host Down to Earth and Earth Day activities such as eco-tours, winemaker dinners pairing sustainably produced wine and food, and other green activities during the month of April; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature proclaims the month of April 2019 as California Wines: Down to Earth Month, to celebrate the sustainable leadership of California wineries and winegrape growers throughout the month of April; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.