INTRODUCED BY   Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review
   (Coauthors: Assembly Members Muratsuchi, Skinner, and Williams)

                        JANUARY 9, 2014

   An act to amend the Budget Act of 2014 (Chapter 25 of the Statutes
of 2014) by amending Items 0555-001-0193,  0650-001-0001, 
2660-001-0046, 3940-001-0193, 3980-001-0001, 3980-001-3056,
5180-001-0001, 5180-151-0001, 5227-101-3259, 5227-106-0001,
6110-111-0001, 6110-194-0001, 6110-195-0890, 6110-196-0001, 6110-488,
6440-001-0001, 6610-001-0001, 6870-101-0001, 7100-001-0514,
7100-001-0870, 8660-001-0462, 8660-001-0493, 8660-101-0493,
9800-001-0001, 9800-001-0494, and 9800-001-0988 of, by adding Items
0250-302-3138 and 3940-496 to, and by repealing Item 0650-001-3259
of, Section 2.00 of, and by amending Sections 11.00 and 39.00 of,
that act, relating to the State Budget, and making an appropriation
therefor, to take effect immediately, budget bill.


   SB 872, as amended, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review. Budget
Act of 2014.
   The Budget Act of 2014 made appropriations for the support of
state government for the 2014-15 fiscal year.
   This bill would amend the Budget Act of 2014 by revising various
items of appropriation and making other changes to the Budget Act of
   This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as a
Budget Bill.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: yes. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Item 0250-302-3138 is added to Section 2.00 of the
Budget Act of 2014, to read:
0250-302-3138--For capital outlay,
Judicial Branch, payable from the
Immediate and Critical Needs Account,
State Court Facilities Construction Fund.. $27,000,000
    (1)   91.34.001-
          Sacramento County:
          New Sacramento
          Criminal Courthouse-
          Preliminary Plans
          and Working
          Drawings............  $27,000,000
    1.    Notwithstanding any other
          provisions of law, the funds
          appropriated in Schedule (1)
          shall be available for
          encumbrance until June 30, 2016.

  SEC. 2.  Item 0555-001-0193 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of
2014 is amended to read:
0555-001-0193--For support of Secretary for
Environmental Protection, for payment to Item
0555-001-0044, payable from the Waste
Discharge Permit Fund..........................  1,800,000
     1.  Of the amount appropriated in
         this item, $1,500,000 is contingent
         upon penalty revenues that are subject
         to separate accounting in accordance
         with subdivision (c) of Section 13264,
         subdivision (f) of Section 13268,
         subdivision (k) of Section 13350, and
         paragraph (2) of subdivision (n) of
         Section 13385 of the Water Code in
         excess of $229,000 being received and
         deposited into the Waste Discharge
         Permit Fund after June 30, 2014, and
         before July 1, 2015. If the penalty
         revenues described in the preceding
         sentence exceed $229,000, then
         notwithstanding subdivision (c) of
         Section 13264, subdivision (f) of
         Section 13268, subdivision (k) of
         Section 13350, and paragraph (2) of
         subdivision (n) of Section 13385 of
         the Water Code, the amount in excess
         of $229,000, up to a total of
         $1,500,000, shall be available for
         environmental justice grants pursuant
         to Section 71116 of the Public
         Resources Code. These funds are
         available for encumbrance or
         expenditure until June 30, 2016.

   SEC. 3.    Item 0650-001-0001 of Section 2.00 of the
  Budget Act of 2014   is amended to read: 
0650-001-0001--For support of Office of
Planning and Research........................... 5,123,000
     (1)    11-State Planning and
            Policy Development......    10,571,000 
     (2)    21-California
            Volunteers..............    5,553,000
     (3)    31-Strategic Growth
            Council.................      799,000
     (4)    Reimbursements..........   -3,893,000
     (5)    Amount payable from the
            Federal Trust Fund
            (Item 0650-001-0890)....   -1,820,000
     (6)    Amount payable from the
            Central Service Cost
            Recovery Fund (Item
            0650-001-9740)..........     -288,000
     (7)    Amount payable from the
            Greenhouse Gas
            Reduction Fund (Item
            0650-001-3228)..........     -799,000
      (8)    Amount payable from the 
             Recidivism Reduction 
             Fund (Item 0650-001- 
             3259)...................   -5,000,000 
     1.     Of the amount appropriated in this
            item, $3,000,000 is available for
            precision medicine, subject to
            approval of a spending plan.

   SEC. 3.   SEC. 4.   Item 0650-001-3259
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is repealed.
   SEC. 4.   SEC. 5.   Item 2660-001-0046
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
2660-001-0046--For support of Department
of Transportation, for payment to Item
2660-001-0042, payable from the Public
Transportation Account, State
Transportation Fund........................ 182,104,000
      1.     For Program 30--Mass
             $119,487,000 appropriated in
             this item is available for
             intercity rail contracts.
      2.     Notwithstanding any other
             provision of law, funds
             appropriated in this item from
             the Public Transportation
             Account may be reduced and
             replaced by an equivalent
             amount of federal funds
             determined by the Department
             of Transportation to be
             available and necessary to
             comply with Section 8.50 and
             the most effective management
             of state transportation
             resources. Not more than 30
             days after replacing the state
             funds with federal funds, the
             Director of Finance shall
             notify in writing the
             chairpersons of the committees
             in each house of the
             Legislature that consider
             appropriations and the
             Chairperson of the Joint
             Legislative Budget Committee
             of this action.
      3.     Of the funds appropriated in
             this item, the Department of
             Finance may transfer
             expenditure authority among
             schedules to accommodate
             increases in Amtrak contract
             costs related to fuel.

   SEC. 5.   SEC. 6.   Item 3940-001-0193
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
3940-001-0193--For support of State Water
Resources Control Board, for payment to
Item 3940-001-0439, payable from the Waste
Discharge Permit Fund...................... 114,038,000
      1.     Of the amount appropriated in
             this item, up to $1,800,000
             shall be from the penalty
             revenues that are subject to
             separate accounting in
             accordance with subdivision
             (c) of Section 13264,
             subdivision (f) of Section
             13268, subdivision (k) of
             Section 13350, and paragraph
             (2) of subdivision (n) of
             Section 13385 of the Water
             Code. These funds shall be
             available to support a pilot
             program to address the
             environmental issues and
             natural resource damages
             associated with the
             cultivation of marijuana.
      2.     Of the amount appropriated in
             this item, up to
             $500,000 shall be from the
             penalty revenues that are
             subject to separate accounting
             in accordance with subdivision
             (c) of Section 13264,
             subdivision (f) of Section
             13268, subdivision (k) of
             Section 13350, and paragraph
             (2) of subdivision (n) of
             Section 13385 of the Water
             Code. These funds shall be
             available to support the
             greater Monterey County
             Regional Water Management
             Group development of an
             integrated plan to address
             drinking water and wastewater
             needs of the disadvantaged
             communities in the Salinas

   SEC. 6.   SEC. 7.   Item 3940-496 is
added to Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014, to read:
3940-496--Reversion, State Water Resources
Control Board. As of June 30, 2014, the
unencumbered balances of the appropriations
provided in the following citations shall
revert to the fund balances of the funds from
which the appropriations were made:
0193--Waste Discharge Permit Fund
     (1) Item       3940-001-0193, Budget Act
         of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012),
         for the purposes specified in
         Provision 1 of that item.
     (2) Item 3940-001-0193, Budget Act of 2013
         (Chs. 20 and 354, Stats. 2013), for
         the purposes specified in Provision 1
         of that item.

   SEC. 7.   SEC. 8.   Item 3980-001-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
3980-001-0001--For support of Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment........ 4,616,000
     (1)    10-Health Risk
            Assessment............   22,806,000
     (2)    Reimbursements........   -3,646,000
     (3)    Amount payable from
            the Unified Program
            Account (Item 3980-
            001-0028).............     -147,000
     (4)    Amount payable from
            the Motor Vehicle
            Account, State
            Transportation Fund
            (Item 3980-001-0044)..   -4,052,000
     (5)    Amount payable from
            the Childhood Lead
            Poisoning Prevention
            Fund (Item 3980-001-
            0080).................     -144,000
     (6)    Amount payable from
            the California Used
            Oil Recycling Fund
            (Item 3980-001-0100)..     -619,000
     (7)    Amount payable from
            the Department of
            Pesticide Regulation
            Fund (Item 3980-001-
            0106).................   -1,916,000
     (8)    Amount payable from
            the Air Pollution
            Control Fund (Item
            3980-001-0115)........     -772,000
     (9)    Amount payable from
            the California
            Environmental License
            Plate Fund (Item 3980-
            001-0140).............     -959,000
     (10)   Amount payable
            from the Oil Spill
            Prevention and
            Administration Fund
            (Item 3980-001-0320)..     -145,000
     (11)   Amount payable from
            the Integrated Waste
            Management Account,
            Integrated Waste
            Management Fund (Item
            3980-001-0387)........     -277,000
     (12)   Amount payable from
            the Public Utilities
            Commission Utilities
            Reimbursement Account
            (Item 3980-001-0462)..     -157,000
     (13)   Amount payable from
            the Toxic Substances
            Control Account (Item
            3980-001-0557)........     -251,000
     (14)   Amount payable from
            the Federal Trust
            Fund (Item 3980-001-
            0890).................     -414,000
     (15)   Amount payable from
            the Safe Drinking
            Water and Toxic
            Enforcement Fund
            (Item 3980-001-3056)..   -3,969,000
     (16)   Amount payable from
            the Birth Defects
            Monitoring Fund (Item
            3980-001-3114)........     -144,000
     (17)   Amount payable from
            the Greenhouse Gas
            Reduction Fund (Item
            3980-001-3228)........     -578,000

   SEC. 8.   SEC. 9.   Item 3980-001-3056
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
3980-001-3056--For support of Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, for
payment to Item 3980-001-0001, payable from
the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic
Enforcement Fund............................  3,969,000
     1.  Notwithstanding any other provision
         of law, of the funds appropriated
         in Schedule (1) of Item 3980-001-
         0001, up to $890,000 is available
         for development of an enhanced
         Proposition 65 Internet Web site,
         for expenditure or encumbrance
         until June 30, 2016. Funding
         provided pursuant to this provision
         shall be made available only upon
         California Department of Technology
         approval of a Stage 1 Business
         Analysis and corresponding
         Feasibility Study Report.
     2.  The Director of Finance may
         increase or decrease this item of
         appropriation based on the final
         approved Feasibility Study Report.
         Within 30 days of making any
         adjustment, the Department of
         Finance shall report the adjustment
         in writing to the Joint Legislative
         Budget Committee.
     3.  Notwithstanding any other provision
         of law, of the funds appropriated
         in Schedule (1) of Item 3980-001-
         0001, up to $894,000 is available
         for payment of a settlement
         agreement related to the
         Proposition 65 program. Any funds
         appropriated in excess of the
         amount required for payment of the
         settlement shall revert to the Safe
         Drinking Water and Toxic
         Enforcement Fund.

   SEC. 9.   SEC. 10.   Item 5180-001-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
5180-001-0001--For support of Department
of Social Services........................ 128,134,000
    (1)   16-Welfare Programs.   73,182,000
    (2)   25-Social Services
          and Licensing.......  192,210,000
    (3)   35-Disability
          Evaluation and
          Other Services......  284,022,000
    (4)   60.01-
          Administration......   51,662,000
    (5)   60.02-Distributed
          Administration......  -51,662,000
    (6)   Reimbursements......  -48,089,000
    (7)   Amount payable from
          the Foster Family
          Home and Small
          Family Home
          Insurance Fund
          (Item 5180-001-
          0131)...............   -1,596,000
    (8)   Amount payable from
          the Federal Trust
          Fund (Item 5180-001-
          0890)............... -371,595,000
    1.    The Department of Finance may
          authorize the transfer of funds
          from Schedule (2) of this item
          to Schedule (1), Program 25.30,
          of Item 5180-151-0001, Children
          and Adult Services and
          Licensing, in order to allow
          counties to perform the
          facilities evaluation function.
    2.    The Department of Finance may
          authorize the transfer of funds
          from Schedule (2) of this item
          to Schedule (1), Program
          25.30, of Item 5180-151-0001,
          Children and Adult Services and
          Licensing, in order to allow
          counties to perform the
          adoptions program function.
    3.    Nonfederal funds appropriated in
          this item that have been
          budgeted to meet the state's
          Temporary Assistance for Needy
          Families maintenance-of-effort
          requirement established pursuant
          to the federal Personal
          Responsibility and Work
          Opportunity Reconciliation Act
          of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) may not
          be expended in any way that
          would cause their
          disqualification as a federally
          allowable maintenance-of-effort
    4.    Notwithstanding       paragraph
          (4) of subdivision (b) of
          Section 1778 of the Health and
          Safety Code, the State
          Department of Social Services
          may use no more than 20 percent
          of the fees collected pursuant
          to Chapter 10 (commencing with
          Section 1770) of Division 2 of
          the Health and Safety Code for
          overhead costs, facilities
          operation, and indirect
          department costs.
    5.    Upon request of the State
          Department of Social Services
          and the State Department of
          Health Care Services, the
          Director of Finance may
          authorize the transfer of
          amounts from Item 4260-101-0001,
          State Department of Health Care
          Services, to this item to fund
          the cost of the administrative
          hearing process associated with
          changes in aid or service
          payments in the Medi-Cal
          program.       The Department of
          Finance shall report to the
          Legislature the amount to be
          transferred pursuant to this
          provision. The transfer shall be
          authorized at the time the
          report is made.
    6.    Provision 1 of Items 5180-001-
          0270 and 5180-001-0279 also
          apply to this item.
    7.    Notwithstanding any other
          provision of law, the Department
          of Finance may authorize a
          reduction of positions and
          associated funding or authorize
          an increase up to 5.0 positions
          and associated funding for the
          expansion of the Title IV-E
          Child Welfare Waiver
          Demonstration Project upon final
          federal approval of the
          waiver and contingent upon the
          final number of participating
          counties in the waiver
          extension. Approval of the
          increase for positions and
          funding would be subject to a 30-
          day prior notification in
          writing to the Joint Legislative
          Budget Committee and the fiscal
          committees in each house of the
          Legislature, unless the
          Chairperson of the Joint
          Legislative Budget Committee, or
          his or her designee, imposes a
          lesser time.
    8.    The Department of Finance and
          Department of Technology shall
          determine the appropriateness of
          maintaining funding for
          permanent positions included in
          this item and Item 5180-001-0890
          for the Child Welfare Services-
          New System project during the
          development of the budget for
          the 2019-20 fiscal year or after
          implementation of       the
          project is completed, whichever
          is later.
    9.    Schedule (1) reflects an
          increase in staffing resources
          for the CalWORKs program. It is
          the intent of the Legislature
          that these resources focus on
          successful implementation of
          Early Engagement components and
          assist in clarification of the
          intent of recent changes to
          improve the CalWORKs program and
          opportunities for clients in a
          meaningful way.

   SEC. 10.   SEC. 11.   Item 5180-151-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
5180-151-0001--For local assistance,
Department of Social Services.............. 71,559,000
    (1)  25.30-Children and
         Adult Services and
         Licensing...........  1,435,400,000
    (2)  25.35-Special
         Programs............     30,935,000
    (3)  Reimbursements......   -252,878,000
    (4)  Amount payable from
         the Child Health
         and Safety Fund
         (Item 5180-151-
         0279)...............       -924,000
    (5)  Amount payable from
         the State
         Children's Trust
         Fund (Item 5180-151-
         0803)...............       -995,000
    (6)  Amount payable from
         the Federal Trust
         Fund (Item 5180-151-
         0890)............... -1,135,979,000
    (7)  Amount payable from
         the Child Welfare
         Services Program
         Improvement Fund
         (Item 5180-151-
         8023)...............     -4,000,000
    1.   Provision 1 of Item 5180-101-0001
         also applies to this item.
    2.   Notwithstanding Chapter 1
         (commencing with Section 18000) of
         Part 6 of Division 9 of the
         Welfare and Institutions Code and
         pursuant to Section 30029.8 of the
         Government Code, a loan not to
         exceed $50,000,000 shall be made
         available from the General Fund,
         from funds not otherwise
         appropriated, to cover the federal
         share or reimbursable share, or
         both, of costs of a program or
         programs when the federal funds or
         reimbursements have not been
         received by this state prior to
         the usual time for transmitting
         state payments for the
         federal or reimbursable share of
         costs. The loan from the General
         Fund shall be repaid when the
         federal or reimbursable share of
         costs for the program or programs
         becomes available.
    3.   The Department of Finance may
         authorize the establishment of
         positions and transfer of amounts
         from this item to Item 5180-001-
         0001, in order to allow the state
         to perform the facilities
         evaluation function of Community
         Care Licensing in the event the
         counties fail to perform that
    4.   Nonfederal funds appropriated in
         this item which have been budgeted
         to meet the       state's
         Temporary Assistance for Needy
         Families maintenance-of-effort
         requirement established pursuant
         to the federal Personal
         Responsibility and Work
         Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
         1996 (P.L. 104-193) may not be
         expended in any way that would
         cause their disqualification as a
         federally allowable maintenance-of-
         effort expenditure.
    5.   The Department of Finance may
         authorize the establishment of
         positions and transfer of amounts
         from this item to Item 5180-001-
         0001 in order to allow the state
         to perform the adoptions function
         in the event that a county
         notifies the State Department of
         Social Services that it intends to
         cease performing that function.
    6.   Of the amount appropriated in this
         item, up to $400,000 is available
         to counties for semiannual
         implementation progress reports
         related to the Katie A. v. Bonta
         settlement and implementation
         plan, as described in the
         department's All County Letter
         (ACL) No. 13-73 and ACL No. 14-29,
         and upon approval by the Director
         of Finance. Prior to approval, the
         Director of Finance shall consult
         with the State Department of
         Health Care Services, the State
         Department of Social Services, and
         California State Association of
         Counties to determine if counties
         incurred overall cost increases
         due to the notices outlined in
         this provision. The Department of
         Finance shall provide notification
         of the allocation to the Joint
         Legislative Budget Committee
         within 10 working days from the
         date of       Department of
         Finance approval.
    7.   The following amounts appropriated
         in this item shall only be
         allocated to counties upon
         approval by the Director of
         Finance: (a) up to $68,000 to
         support increased costs associated
         with revised county collection and
         reporting activities for cases of
         child abuse and neglect that
         result in near fatalities, as
         required by the federal Child
         Abuse Prevention and Treatment
         Act; and (b) up to $3,471,000 to
         support increased costs to
         counties associated with revised
         federal requirements for child
         welfare case reviews. Prior to
         approval, the Director of Finance
         shall consult with the State
         Department of Social Services and
         the California State Association
         of Counties to       determine if
         counties incurred overall cost
         increases. The Department of
         Finance shall provide written
         notification of the allocation of
         funds to the Joint Legislative
         Budget Committee within 10 working
         days from the date of approval.
    8.   Funds appropriated in this item
         for the Commercially Sexually
         Exploited Children Program
         required by Chapter 5.2
         (commencing with Section 16524.6)
         of Part 4 of Division 9 of the
         Welfare and Institutions Code
         shall continue to be available for
         expenditure or encumbrance until
         June 30, 2016.
    9.   Provision 2 of Item 5180-151-0890
         also applies to this item.

   SEC. 11.   SEC. 12.   Item 5227-101-3259
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
5227-101-3259--For local assistance, Board    28,000,00
of State and Community Corrections...........         0
      1.      Of the funds appropriated in
              this item, $670,000 shall be
              made available to the city in
              California with the highest
              rate of murder per capita as
              reported per 100,000 residents
              by city police departments with
              a population of 250,000
              residents or greater in the
              2012 United States Department
              of Justice Uniform Crime Report.
      2.      Of the funds appropriated in
              this item, $665,000 shall be
              made available to the city in
              California with the highest
              rate of rape per capita as
              reported per 100,000 residents
              by city police departments with
              a population of 250,000
              residents or greater in the
              2012 United States Department
              of Justice Uniform Crime Report.
      3.      Of the funds appropriated in
              this item, $665,000 shall be
              made available to the city in
              California with the highest
              rate of robbery per capita as
              reported per 100,000
              residents by city police
              departments with a population
              of 250,000 residents or greater
              in the 2012 United States
              Department of Justice Uniform
              Crime Report.
      4.      Each city that receives a grant
              pursuant to Provision 1, 2, or
              3 shall collaborate and
              coordinate with area
              jurisdictions and agencies,
              including the existing county
              juvenile coordination council,
              with the goal of reducing
              criminal activity in the city
              and adjacent areas. Each
              grantee shall establish a
              coordinating and advisory
              council to prioritize the use
              of the funds. Membership shall
              include city officials, local
              law enforcement, local
              educational agencies, and
              community-based organizations.

   SEC. 12.   SEC. 13.   Item 5227-106-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
5227-106-0001--For local assistance, Board    11,286,00
of State and Community Corrections...........         0
      1.      The funds appropriated in this
              item shall be allocated by the
              Controller to county probation
              departments according to a
              schedule provided by the
              Department of Finance. The
              funds allocated to county
              probation departments are to
              address       the limited-term
              increase of offenders on Post
              Release Community Supervision
              as a result of the Three Judge
              Panel's February 10, 2014,
              order to increase credit
              earnings for certain offenders.

   SEC. 13.   SEC. 14.   Item 6110-111-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6110-111-0001--For local assistance,
Department of Education, for allocation by
the Superintendent of Public Instruction to
California state preschool providers
pursuant to Section 8278.3 of the Education   10,000,00
Code.........................................         0
      1.      The funds appropriated in this
              item shall be transferred to
              the Child Care Facilities
              Revolving Fund and shall
              be made available to local
              education agencies and
              contracting agencies for the
              California State Preschool
              Program facilities pursuant to
              Section 8278.3 of the Education

   SEC. 14.   SEC. 15.   Item 6110-194-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6110-194-0001--For local assistance,
Department of Education, for allocation by
the Superintendent of Public Instruction
to school districts, county offices of
education, and other agencies for child
care and development programs included in
this item, in lieu of the amount that
otherwise would be appropriated pursuant
to any other statute....................... 822,235,000
   (1.5 30.10.020-Child Care       1,402,291
   )    Services..................      ,000
        (a)  30.10.020.
             t          543,867,00
             Programs..          0
        (c)  30.10.020.
             Day Care.. 27,513,000
        (d)  30.10.020.
             e Payment  182,296,00
             Program...          0
        (e)  30.10.020.
             e Payment
             Program-   354,548,00
             -Stage 2..          0
        (f)  30.10.020.
             e Payment
             Program-   219,825,00
             -Stage 3..          0
        (g)  30.10.020.
             Referral.. 18,687,000
        (j)  30.10.020.
             d.........  1,535,000
        (k)  30.10.020.
             ..........    225,000
        (l)  30.10.020.
             t......... 46,476,000
        (n)  30.10.020.
             t, Local
             Councils..  3,319,000
        (o)  30.10.020.
             Payable...  4,000,000
   (3)  Amount payable from the
        Federal Trust Fund (Item   -580,056,
        6110-194-0890)............       000
   1.   Funds in Schedules (1.5)(g),
        Resource and Referral, (1.5)(k),
        California Child Care Initiative,
        (1.5)(l), Quality Improvement, and
        (1.5)(n), Local Planning Councils,
        shall be       allocated to meet
        federal requirements to improve the
        quality of child care and shall be
        used in accordance with the
        approved California state plan for
        the federal Child Care and
        Development Fund that is developed
        pursuant to the requirements under
        Section 8206.1 of the Education
   2.   Nonfederal funds appropriated in
        this item which have been budgeted
        to meet the state's Temporary
        Assistance for Needy Families
        maintenance-of-effort requirement
        established pursuant to the federal
        Personal Responsibility and Work
        Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
        1996 (P.L. 104-193) may not be
        expended in any way that would
        cause their disqualification as a
        federally allowable maintenance-of-
        effort expenditure.
   4.   Notwithstanding any other provision
        of law, funds in Schedule (1.5)(o)
        are available for accounts payable
        for alternative payment programs
        for actual and allowable costs
        incurred for additional services,
        pursuant to Section 8222.1 of the
        Education Code. The State
        Department of Education shall give
        priority for the allocation of
        these funds for accounts payable.
   5.   The amounts provided in Schedules
        (1.5)(a), (1.5)(c), (1.5)(d), and
        (1.5)(j) of this item reflect an
        adjustment to the base funding of
        0.49 percent for an increase in the
        population of 0-4 year-olds.
   6.   The maximum standard reimbursement
        rate shall not exceed $36.10 per
        day for general child care
        programs. Furthermore, the migrant
        child care program shall adhere to
        the maximum standard reimbursement
        rates as prescribed for the general
        child care programs. All other
        rates and adjustment factors shall
   7.   (a)  Alternative payment child care
             programs shall be subject to
             the rate ceilings established
             in the Regional Market Rate
             Survey of California child
             care and development providers
             for provider payments. When
             approved       pursuant to
             Sections 8357 and 8447 of the
             Education Code, any changes to
             the market rate limits,
             adjustment factors, or regions
             shall be utilized by the State
             Department of Education, the
             California Community Colleges,
             and the State Department of
             Social Services in various
             programs under the
             jurisdiction of these
        (b)  Starting July 1, 2014, through
             December 31, 2014, the funds
             appropriated in this item for
             the cost of licensed child
             care services provided through
             alternative payment or voucher
             programs, including those
             provided under Article 3
             (commencing with Section 8220)
             and Article 15.5 (commencing
             with Section 8350) of Chapter
             2 of Part 6 of Division 1 of
             Title 1 of the Education Code,
             shall be used only to
             reimburse child care costs up
             to the 85th percentile of the
             rates charged by providers
             offering the same type of
             child care for the same age
             child in that region, based on
             the 2005 Regional Market Rate
             Survey data. Starting January
             1, 2015, the funds
             appropriated in this item for
             the cost of licensed child
             care services provided through
             alternative payment or voucher
             programs, including those
             provided under Article 3
             (commencing with Section 8220)
             and Article 15.5 (commencing
             with Section 8350) of Chapter
             2 of Part 6 of Division 1 of
             Title 1 of the Education Code,
             shall be used only to
             reimburse child care costs up
             to the deficited 85th
             percentile of the rates
             charged by providers offering
             the same type of child care
             for the same age child in that
             region,       based on the
             2009 Regional Market Rate
             Survey data. The 85th
             percentile of rates based on
             the 2009 Regional Market Rate
             Survey shall be reduced by
             10.11 percent, pursuant to
             Sections 8357 and 8447 of the
             Education Code. If the reduced
             rate schedule reimbursement
             amount for a particular county
             rate is less than the
             reimbursement amount provided
             for the same rate prior to
             January 1, 2015, then the
             State Department of Education
             shall use the rate schedule
             from the 2005 Regional Market
             Rate Survey for that
             particular reimbursement
        (c)  The funds appropriated in this
             item for the cost of license-
             exempt child care services
             provided through alternative
             payment or voucher
             programs, including those
             provided under Article 3
             (commencing with Section 8220)
             and Article 15.5 (commencing
             with Section 8350) of Chapter
             2 of Part 6 of Division 1 of
             Title 1 of the Education Code,
             shall be used only to
             reimburse license-exempt child
             care costs up to 60 percent of
             the regional reimbursement
             rate limits established for
             family child care homes.
   8.   (a)  The State Department of
             Education (SDE) shall conduct
             monthly analyses of CalWORKs
             Stage 2 and Stage 3 caseloads
             and expenditures and adjust
             agency contract maximum
             reimbursement       amounts
             and allocations as necessary
             to ensure funds are
             distributed proportionally to
             need. The SDE shall share
             monthly caseload analyses with
             the State Department of Social
             Services (DSS).
        (b)  The SDE shall provide
             quarterly information
             regarding the sufficiency of
             funding for Stage 2 and Stage
             3 to DSS. The SDE shall
             provide caseloads,
             expenditures, allocations,
             unit costs, family fees, and
             other key variables and
             assumptions used in
             determining the sufficiency of
             state allocations. Detailed
             backup by month and on a
             county-by-county basis shall
             be provided to the DSS at
             least on a quarterly basis for
             comparisons with Stage 1
        (c)  By September 30 and March 30
             of each year, the SDE shall
             ensure that detailed caseload
             and expenditure data, through
             the most recent period for
             Stage 2 and Stage 3 along with
             all relevant assumptions, is
             provided to DSS to facilitate
             budget development. The
             detailed data provided shall
             include actual and projected
             monthly caseload from Stage 2
             scheduled to time off of their
             transitional child care
             benefit from the last actual
             month reported by agencies
             through the next two fiscal
             years as well as local
             attrition experience. DSS
             shall utilize data provided by
             the SDE, including key
             variables from the prior
             fiscal year and the first two
             months of the current fiscal
             year, to provide coordinated
             estimates in November of each
             year for each of the three
             stages of care for preparation
             of the Governor's Budget, and
             shall utilize data from at
             least the first two quarters
             of the current fiscal year,
             and any additional monthly
             data as they become available
             for preparation of the May
             Revision. The DSS shall share
             its assumptions and
             methodology with the SDE in
             the preparation of the
             Governor's Budget.
        (d)  The SDE shall coordinate with
             the DSS to identify annual
             general subsidized child care
             program expenditures for
             Temporary Assistance for Needy
             Families-eligible children.
             The SDE shall modify existing
             reporting forms as necessary
             to capture this data.
        (e)  The SDE shall provide to the
             DSS, upon request, access to
             the information and data
             elements necessary to comply
             with federal reporting
             requirements and any other
             information deemed necessary
             to improve estimation of child
             care budgeting needs.
        (f)  On or before January 30, 2015,
             following consultation with
             the DSS, the SDE shall
             determine the adequacy of
             funding appropriated by the
             Legislature for CalWORKs Stage
             2 and Stage 3. If the SDE
             determines that the Stage 2
             appropriation exceeds the
             current year caseload needs
             and the Stage 3 appropriation
             is not sufficient to fully
             fund its caseload need, then
             the SDE shall submit a request
             to the Department of Finance
             to transfer the excess funds
             from Schedule (1.5)(e),
             CalWORKs Stage 2 child care to
             Schedule (1.5)(f), CalWORKs
             Stage 3 child care.
             Notwithstanding Section 26.00
             or any other provision of law,
             the Department of Finance may,
             at its discretion, approve
             such a transfer.
        (g)  Notwithstanding any other
             provision of law or any other
             sections of this act, the
             Department of Finance may
             augment the appropriation for
             CalWORKs Stage 3 if the
             estimate of expenditures, as
             determined by the SDE,
             following consultation with
             the DSS, will exceed the
             expenditures authorized in
             Schedule (1.5)(f). The
             Department of Finance shall
             report any augmentation
             pursuant to this paragraph to
             the Joint Legislative Budget
             Committee. At the time the
             report is made, the amount of
             the appropriation made in
             Schedule (1.5)(f) shall be
             increased by the amount of the
        (h)  The Director of Finance may,
             pursuant to Provisions 8(f)
             and 8(g), authorize the
             augmentation of the amount
             available for expenditure in
             Schedule (1.5)(f) by making a
             transfer from Schedule
             (1.5)(e). An augmentation may
             be authorized not sooner than
             30 days after notification in
             writing of the necessity to
             exceed the limitations is
             provided to the Joint
             Legislative Budget Committee,
             or whatever       lesser time
             the chairperson of the joint
             committee may determine. Any
             request made by the SDE to
             augment the CalWORKs Stage 3
             appropriation shall be
             approved only in order to
             cover increases in costs that
             are consistent with
             assumptions of this act. This
             provision shall not be
             construed to treat Stage 3 as
             an entitlement.
   9.   Notwithstanding any other provision
        of law, the funds in Schedule
        (1.5)(f) are reserved exclusively
        for continuing child care for the
        following: (a) former CalWORKs
        families who are working, have left
        cash aid, and have exhausted their
        two-year eligibility for
        transitional services in either
        Stage 1 or Stage 2 pursuant to
        subdivision (c) of Section 8351 or
        Section 8353 of the Education Code,
        respectively, but still meet
        eligibility requirements for
        receipt of subsidized child care
        services, and (b) families who
        received lump-sum diversion
        payments or diversion services
        under Section 11266.5 of the
        Welfare and Institutions Code and
        have spent two years in Stage 2 off
        of cash aid, but still meet
        eligibility requirements for
        receipt of subsidized child care
   10.  Notwithstanding any other provision
        of law, each local planning council
        receiving funds appropriated in
        Schedule (1.5)(n) shall meet the
        requirements of Section 8499.5 of
        the Education Code to the extent
        feasible and to the extent data is
        readily accessible.
   11.  Notwithstanding any other provision
        of law, the implementation of
        Provision 13 is not subject to the
        appeal and resolution procedures
        for agencies that contract with the
        State Department of Education for
        the provision of child care
        services or the due process
        requirements afforded to families
        that are denied services specified
        in Chapter 19 (commencing with
        Section 18000) of Division 1 of
        Title 5 of the California Code of
   12.  Notwithstanding the rulemaking
        provisions of the Administrative
        Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5
        (commencing with Section 11340) of
        Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of
        the Government Code), the State
        Department of Education may
        implement Provision 13 through
        management bulletins or similar
   13.  Notwithstanding any other provision
        of law, families shall be
        disenrolled from subsidized child
        care services consistent with the
        priorities for services specified
        in subdivision (b) of Section 8263
        of the Education Code. Families
        shall be disenrolled in the
        following order: (a) families with
        the highest income below 70 percent
        of the State Median Income (SMI)
        adjusted for family size, (b) of
        families with the same income
        level, those that have been
        receiving child care services for
        the longest period of time, (c) of
        families with the same income
        level, those that have a child with
        exceptional needs, and (d)
        families with children who are
        receiving child protective services
        or are at risk of being neglected
        or abused, regardless of family
   14.  Of the amount provided in Schedule
        (1.5)(a), $2,000,000 is available
        to provide 4,000 slots for
        wraparound care for part-day state
        preschool, beginning June 15, 2015.

   SEC. 15.   SEC. 16.   Item 6110-195-0890
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6110-195-0890--For local assistance,
Department of Education, Program 20.60-
Instructional Support, Part A of Title II
of the federal Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 6621 et
seq.; Teacher and Principal Training and
Recruiting Fund), payable from the
Federal Trust Fund........................ 251,715,000
    (1)   20.60.280-Improving
          Teacher Quality
          Local Grants........  240,206,000
          California Subject
          Matter Projects.....    3,791,000
    (3)   20.60.300-Improving
          Teacher Quality
          Higher Education
          Grants..............    6,618,000
    (4)   20.60.301-Improving
          Teacher Quality
          Activities..........      500,000
    (5)   20.60.302-Improving
          Teacher Quality
          Induction)..........      600,000
    1.    The funds appropriated in
          Schedule (2) shall be
          transferred to the University of
          California, which shall use the
          funds for the Subject Matter
          Projects pursuant to Article 1
          (commencing with Section 99200)
          of Chapter 5 of Part 65 of
          Division 14 of Title 3 of the
          Education Code.
    2.    The funds appropriated in
          Schedule (3) shall be for local
          assistance activities for the
          Improving Teacher Quality Higher
          Education grants, funded through
          the federal No Child Left Behind
          Act of 2001 (P.L. 107-110).
    3.    The funds appropriated in
          Schedule (4) shall be reserved
          for the professional development
          of private school teachers and
          administrators as required by
          Title II of the federal
          Elementary and Secondary
          Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec.
          6601 et seq.).
    4.    Of the funds appropriated in
          Schedule (2), $118,000 is
          provided in one-time carryover
          for transfer to the University
          of California and shall be used
          for the Subject Matter
          Projects. None of these funds
          shall be used for additional
          indirect administrative costs.
    5.    Of the funds appropriated in
          Schedule (2), $106,000 is
          provided in one-time carryover
          for transfer to the University
          of California and shall be used
          for the Subject Matter Projects.
          None of these funds shall be
          used for additional indirect
          administrative costs.
    6.    Of the funds appropriated in
          Schedule (3), $271,000 is
          provided in one-time carryover
          for the Improving Teacher
          Quality Higher Education Grants.
          None of these funds shall be
          used for additional indirect
          administrative costs.
    7.    Of the funds appropriated in
          Schedule (5), $600,000 is
          provided in one-time carryover
          funds for transfer to the
          Commission on Teacher
          Credentialing for purposes of
          Administrator Induction Programs
          that are approved by the
          Commission on Teacher
          Credentialing. None of these
          funds shall be used by the
          Department of Education for
          indirect administrative costs.

   SEC. 16.   SEC. 17.   Item 6110-196-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6110-196-0001--For local assistance,
Department of Education (Proposition 98),
for transfer by the Controller to Section
A of the State School Fund, for
allocation by the Superintendent of
Public Instruction to school districts,
county offices of education, and other
agencies for the purposes of part-day
state preschool programs pursuant to
Article 7 (commencing with Section 8235)
of Chapter 2 of Part 6 of Division 1 of
Title 1 of the Education Code funded in
this item, in lieu of the amount that
otherwise would be appropriated pursuant
to any other statute...................... 654,450,000
    (1)    30.10.010-Special
           Program, Child
           Preschool Education. 579,450,000
    (1.1)  30.10.011-Special
           Program, Child
           Quality Rating
           Improvement System
           Grants..............  50,000,000
    (1.2)  30.10.012-Special
           Program, Child
           Preschool Quality...  25,000,000
    2.     Nonfederal funds appropriated
           in this item which have been
           budgeted to meet the state's
           Temporary Assistance for Needy
           Families maintenance-of-effort
           requirement established
           pursuant to the federal
           Personal Responsibility and
           Work Opportunity Reconciliation
           Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) may
           not be expended in any way that
           would cause their
           disqualification as a federally
           allowable maintenance-of-effort
    3.     The amount provided in Schedule
           (1) reflects an adjustment to
           the base funding of 0.49
           percent for an increase in the
           population of 0-4 year-olds.
    4.     The maximum standard
           reimbursement rate shall not
           exceed $22.28 per day for state
           preschool programs.
    5.     Of the amount appropriated in
           Schedule (1), up to $5,000,000
           is available for the family
           literacy supplemental grant

    provided to California state
           preschool programs pursuant to
           Section 8238.4 of the Education
    6.     The amount provided in Schedule
           (1.1) is available for Quality
           Rating and Improvement System
           grants provided to state
           preschool programs pursuant to
           Section 8203.1 of the Education
    7.     The amount       provided in
           Schedule (1.2) is available for
           professional development and
           stipends for teacher education
           for transitional kindergarten
           and state preschool teachers.
           Priority for teacher education
           stipends is for transitional
           kindergarten teachers.
           Notwithstanding any other
           provision of law, the funds
           appropriated in this schedule
           shall be available for
           encumbrance until June 30, 2017.
    8.     Of the amount provided in
           schedule (1), $1,000,000 is
           available to provide 4,000
           slots for part-day state
           preschool, beginning June 15,

   SEC. 17.   SEC. 18.   Item 6110-488 of
Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6110-488--Reappropriation, Department of Education.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
balances from the following items are available for
reappropriation for the purposes specified in
Provisions 1 to 6:
      0001--General Fund
      (1)         $1,853,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  the Charter School Facility Grant
                  Program in Item 6110-220-0001 pursuant
                  to Section 5 of Chapter 3 of the 2009-
                  10 Fourth Extraordinary Session, as
                  amended by Chapter 31 of the 2009-10
                  Third Extraordinary Session.
      (2)         $283,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for Assessment
                  Review and Reporting in Schedule (1)
                  of Item 6110-113-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (3)         $208,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Educational       Services for Foster
                  Youth in Item 6110-119-0001 of the
                  Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
      (4)         $20,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for Economic
                  Impact Aid in Item 6110-128-0001 of
                  the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
      (5)         $12,524,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Special Education Programs for
                  Exceptional Children in Schedule (1)
                  of Item 6110-161-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (6)         $1,396,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  California Partnership Academies in
                  Schedule (1) of Item 6110-166-0001 of
                  the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
      (7)         $31,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for the
                  Agricultural Career Technical
                  Education Incentive Program in Item
                  6110-167-0001 of the Budget Act of
                  2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (8)         $1,072,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  child nutrition programs in Schedule
                  (1) of Item 6110-203-0001 of the
                  Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
      (9)         $3,161,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  the Quality Education Investment Act
                  of 2006 in the 2011-12 fiscal year
                  pursuant to Section 52055.770 of the
                  Education Code.
      (10)        $12,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended       balance
                  of the amount appropriated for Home to
                  School Transportation in Schedule (1)
                  of Item 6110-111-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats.
      (11)        $799,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for the
                  Statewide Testing and Reporting
                  Program in Schedule (2) of Item 6110-
                  113-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012
                  (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
      (12)        $243,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for the
                  English Language Development
                  Assessment in       Schedule (3) of
                  Item 6110-113-0001 of the Budget Act
                  of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
      (13)        $3,250,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Special Education Programs for
                  Exceptional Children in Schedule (1)
                  of Item 6110-161-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats.
      (13.5)      $31,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for the Child
                  Nutrition School Breakfast and Summer
                  Food Service Program in Item 6110-201-
                  0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs.
                  21       and 29, Stats. 2012).
      (14)        $6,600,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  child nutrition programs in Schedule
                  (1) of Item 6110-203-0001 of the
                  Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29,
                  Stats. 2012).
      (15)        $213,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for the
                  California High School Exit
                  Examination assistance program in Item
                  6110-204-0001 of the Budget Act of
                  2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
      (16)        $4,000,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Instructional Support: Economic Impact
                  Aid for Charter Schools in Schedule
                  (2) of Item 6110-211-0001 of the
                  Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29,
                  Stats. 2012).
      (17)        $2,673,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Categorical Programs for New Schools
                  in Item 6110-212-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats.
      (18)        $36,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for Arts and
                  Music Block Grant in Item 6110-265-
                  0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs.
                  21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
      (19)        $22,895,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Program 98-K-12 Mandated Programs
                  Block Grant in Item 6110-296-0001 of
                  the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and
                  29, Stats. 2012).
      (20)        $1,090,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the       unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental Instruction, Remedial,
                  Grades 7-12 for the purposes of
                  Section 37252 of the Education Code in
                  Schedule (1) of Item 6110-104-0001 of
                  the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
                  2011), as amended by Section 50 of
                  Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2011.
      (21)        $84,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental Instruction, Retained, or
                  Recommended for Retention, Grades 2-9,
                  for the purposes of Section 37252.2 of
                  the Education Code in Schedule (2) of
                  Item 6110-104-0001 of the Budget Act
                  of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), as
                  amended by Section 50 of Chapter 7 of
                  the Statutes of 2011.
      (22)        $15,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental Instruction, Low STAR,
                  Grades 2-6, for the purposes of
                  Section 37252.8 of the Education Code
                  in Schedule (3) of Item 6110-104-0001
                  of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33,
                  Stats. 2011), as amended by Section 50
                  of Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2011.
      (23)        $64,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental Instruction, Core
                  Academic K-12 for the purposes of
                  Section 37253 of the Education Code in
                  Schedule (4) of Item 6110-104-0001 of
                  the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
                  2011), as amended by Section 50 of
                  Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2011.
      (24)        $9,169,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Preschool Education and Child Care
                  Services in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-
                  196-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011
                  (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (25)        $12,011,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  the After School Education and Safety
                  Program in the 2011-12       fiscal
                  year pursuant to Section 8384.5 of the
                  Education Code.
      (26)        $9,531,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  the After School Education and Safety
                  Program in the 2012-13 fiscal year
                  pursuant to Section 8384.5 of the
                  Education Code.
      (27)        $100,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for the Golden
                  State Merit Diploma in Item 6110-679-
                  0001 pursuant to Section 47 of Chapter
                  204 of the Statutes of 1996.
      (28)        $45,757,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  the Quality Education Investment Act
                  of 2006 in the 2012-13 fiscal year
                  pursuant to Section 52055.780 of the
                  Education Code.
      (29)        $328,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for Home to
                  School Transportation, Small School
                  District Bus Replacement in Schedule
                  (2) of Item 6110-111-0001 of the
                  Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
      (30)        $1,893,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Adults in Correctional Facilities in
                  Item 6110-158-0001 of the Budget Act
                  of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (31)        $100,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for the Early
                  Education Program for Individuals with
                  Exceptional Needs in Schedule (2) of
                  Item 6110-161-0001 of the Budget Act
                  of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (32)        $217,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the       amount appropriated for
                  ""Clean'' Technology Partnership
                  Academies in Schedule (2.5) of Item
                  6110-166-0001 of the Budget Act of
                  2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (33)        $48,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Categorical Programs for New Schools
                  in Item 6110-212-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
      (34)        $36,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Educational Services for Foster Youth
                  in Item 6110-119-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats.
      (35)        $13,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for Assessment
                  Review and Reporting in Schedule (1)
                  of Item 6110-113-0001 of the Budget
                  Act of 2013 (Chs. 20 and 354, Stats.
      (36)        $722,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for Special
                  Education Programs for Exceptional
                  Children in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-
                  161-0001 of the Budget Act of 2013
                  (Chs. 20 and 354, Stats. 2013).
      (37)        $1,148,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental Instruction, Remedial,
                  Grades 7-12 for the purposes of
                  Section 37252 of the Education Code in
                  Schedule (1) of Item 6110-104-0001 of
                  the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and
                  29, Stats. 2012), as amended by
                  Section 92 of Chapter 38 of the
                  Statutes of 2012.
      (38)        $95,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental Instruction, Retained, or
                  Recommended for Retention, Grades 2-9,
                  for the purposes of Section 37252.2 of
                  the Education Code in Schedule (2) of
                  Item 6110-104-0001 of the Budget Act
                  of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012),
                  as amended by Section 92 of Chapter 38
                  of the Statutes of 2012.
      (39)        $18,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental Instruction, Low STAR,
                  Grades 2-6, for the purposes of
                  Section 37252.8 of the Education Code
                  in Schedule (3) of Item 6110-104-0001
                  of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and
                  29, Stats. 2012), as amended by
                  Section 92 of Chapter 38 of the
                  Statutes of 2012.
      (40)        $73,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Supplemental       Instruction, Core
                  Academic K-12, for the purposes of
                  Section 37253 of the Education Code in
                  Schedule (4) of Item 6110-104-0001 of
                  the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and
                  29, Stats. 2012), as amended by
                  Section 92 of Chapter 38 of the
                  Statutes of 2012.
      (41)        $6,600,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Child Development, Preschool Education
                  in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-196-0001
                  of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and
                  29, Stats. 2012).
      (42)        $974,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated       for the
                  After School Education and Safety
                  Program in the 2013-14 fiscal year
                  pursuant to Section 8483.5 of the
                  Education Code.
      (43)        $38,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for child
                  nutrition programs in Item 6110-201-
                  0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
                  33, Stats. 2011).
      (44)        $8,991,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  special education in Schedule (3) of
                  Item 6110-485 of the Budget Act of
                  2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), as amended
                  by Section 7 of Chapter 575 of the
                  Statutes       of 2012.
      (45)        $3,000,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  Adults in Correctional Facilities in
                  Item 6110-158-0001 of the Budget Act
                  of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
      (46)        $184,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for adult
                  education in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-
                  156-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011
                  (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), as amended by
                  Section 50 of Chapter 7 of the
                  Statutes of 2011.
      (47)        $41,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for
                  Specialized Secondary Programs in Item
                  6110-122-0001 of the Budget Act of
                  2013 (Chs. 20 and 354, Stats. 2013).
      (48)        $10,225,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  K-12 Mandated Programs Block Grant in
                  Item 6110-296-0001 of the Budget Act
                  of 2013 (Chs. 20 and 354, Stats. 2013).
      (49)        $82,656,000 or whatever greater or
                  lesser amount of the       unexpended
                  balance of the amount appropriated for
                  the Quality Education Investment Act
                  of 2006 in the 2013-14 fiscal year
                  pursuant to Section 52055.780 of the
                  Education Code.
      (50)        $73,000 or whatever greater or lesser
                  amount of the unexpended balance of
                  the amount appropriated for adult
                  education in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-
                  156-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012
                  (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), as
                  amended by Section 92 of Chapter 38 of
                  the Statutes of 2012.
      1.          The sum of $5,546,000 is hereby
                  reappropriated to the State Department
                  of Education for transfer by the
                  Controller to Section A of the State
                  School Fund for allocation by the
                  Superintendent of Public Instruction
                  to support California School
                  Information Services activities
                  authorized pursuant to Schedule (1) of
                  Item 6110-140-0001.
      2.          The sum of $827,000 is hereby
                  reappropriated to the State Department
                  of Education for transfer by the
                  Controller to Section A of the State
                  School Fund for allocation by the
                  Superintendent of Public Instruction
                  to local educational agencies for
                  activities authorized pursuant to
                  Schedule (2) of Item 6110-140-0001.
      3.          The sum of $15,096,000 is hereby
                  reappropriated to the State Department
                  of Education for transfer by the
                  Controller to Section A of the State
                  School Fund for allocation by the
                  Superintendent of Public Instruction
                  for apportionment to reimburse the
                  2013-14 Adults in Correctional
                  Facilities Program activities
                  authorized pursuant to Item 6110-158-
                  0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs.
                  21 and 29, Stats. 2012). Of the amount
                  appropriated in this provision,
                  $129,000 is to reflect a cost-of-
                  living adjustment.
      4.          The sum of $82,195,000 to the School
                  Facilities Program for the purpose of
                  funding the       School Facilities
                  Emergency Repair Account pursuant to
                  Chapter 899 of the Statutes of 2004.
      7.          The sum of $113,351,000 is hereby
                  reappropriated to the State Department
                  of Education for transfer by the
                  Controller to Section A of the State
                  School Fund for allocation by the
                  Superintendent of Public Instruction
                  to school districts, county offices of
                  education, and charter schools in
                  proportion to their average daily
                  attendance reported as of the second
                  principal apportionment for the 2013-
                  14 fiscal year, for the purposes
                  specified in subdivisions (c) and (d)
                  of Section 17581.8 of the Government
                  Code, and in augmentation of the funds
                  provided in subdivision (a) of Section
                  17581.8 of the Government Code.
      8.          The sum of $12,890,000 is hereby
                  reappropriated to the State Department
                  of Education for transfer by the
                  Controller to Section A of the State
                  School Fund for allocation by the
                  Superintendent of Public Instruction
                  for apportionment for special
                  education programs pursuant to Part 30
                  (commencing with Section 56000) of
                  Division 4 of Title 2 of the Education
      9.          The sum of $26,689,000 is hereby
                  reappropriated to the State Department
                  of Education for transfer by the
                  Controller to Section A of the State
                  School Fund for allocation by the
                  Superintendent of Public Instruction
                  to the K-12 High-Speed Network for the
                  activities authorized       pursuant
                  to provisional language in Item 6110-

   SEC. 18.   SEC. 19.   Item 6440-001-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6440-001-0001--For support of University
of California............................. 2,985,671,000
    (1)  Support.............. 2,985,671,00
    1.   This appropriation is exempt from
         Sections 6.00 and 31.00.
    2.   (a)    The Regents of the
                University of California
                shall approve a plan that
                includes at least all of
                the following:
                (1)    Projections of
                       available resources
                       in the 2015-16,
                       2016-17, and 2017-
                       18 fiscal years. In
                       projecting General
                       Fund appropriations
                       and student tuition
                       and fee revenues,
                       the university
                       shall use any
                       provided by the
                       Department of
                       Finance. The
                       Department of
                       Finance shall
                       provide any

               assumptions no
                       later than August
                       1, 2014.
                (2)    Projections of
                       expenditures in the
                       2015-16, 2016-17,
                       and 2017-18 fiscal
                       years and
                       descriptions of any
                       changes to current
                       necessary to ensure
                       that expenditures
                       in each of those
                       years are not
                       greater than the
                       available resources
                       projected for each
                       of those years
                       pursuant to
                       paragraph (1).
                (3)    Projections of
                       resident and non-
                       resident enrollment
                       in the 2015-16,
                       2016-17, and 2017-
                       18 academic years,
                       implementation of
                       any changes
                       described in
                       paragraph       (2).
                (4)    The university's
                       goals for each of
                       the performance
                       measures listed in
                       subdivision (b) of
                       Section 92675 of
                       the Education Code
                       for the 2015-16,
                       2016-17, and 2017-
                       18 academic years,
                       implementation of
                       any changes
                       described in
                       paragraph (2). It
                       is the intent of
                       the Legislature
                       that these goals be
                       challenging and
                       address achievement
                       gaps for
                       populations, and
                       align the
                       attainment of
                       California's adult
                       population to the
                       workforce and
                       economic needs of
                       the state, pursuant
                       to the legislative
                       intent expressed in
                       Section 66010.93 of
                       the Education Code.
         (b)    The plan approved pursuant
                to subdivision (a) shall
                be submitted, no later
                than November 30, 2014, to
                the Director of Finance,
                the chairpersons of the
                committees in each house
                of the Legislature that
                consider the State Budget,
                the chairpersons of the
                budget subcommittees in
                each house of the
                Legislature that consider
                the budget for the
                University of California,
                the chairpersons of the
                committees in each house
                of the Legislature that
                consider appropriations,
                and the chairpersons of
                the policy committees in
                each house of the
                Legislature with
                jurisdiction over bills
                relating to the
                university. The plan shall
                adhere to the goals
                included in Section
                66010.91 of the Education
    2.5. Of the funds appropriated in this
         (a)    $4,000,000 shall be used
                for the centers for labor
                research and education at
                the Berkeley and Los
                Angeles campuses. Of this
                amount, $2,000,000 is one-
                time funding.
         (b)    $2,000,000 is one-time
                funding and shall be used
                for the California
                Blueprint for Research to
                Advance Innovations in
                Neuroscience Act of 2014.
         (c)    $770,000 shall be used for
                the Statewide Database.
    3.   (a)    The University of
                California shall allocate
                from this appropriation
                the amount necessary to
                pay in full the fees
                anticipated to become due
                and payable during the
                fiscal year associated
                with lease-revenue bonds
                issued by the State Public
                Works Board on its behalf
                that have been defeased
                and the amount of general
                obligation bond debt
                service attributable to
                the university.
         (b)    The Controller shall
                transfer funds from this
                appropriation upon receipt
                of the following reports:
                (1)    The State Public
                       Works Board shall
                       report to the
                       Controller the fees
                       anticipated to
                       become due and
                       payable in the
                       fiscal year
                       associated with
                       lease-revenue bonds
                       that were issued on
                       behalf of the
                       university that
                       have been defeased.
                (2)    The Department of
                       Finance shall
                       report to the
                       Controller the
                       amount of general
                       obligation bond
                       debt service
                       anticipated to
                       become due and
                       payable in the
                       fiscal year
                       attributable to the
                (3)    The State Public
                       Works Board or the
                       Department of
                       Finance shall
                       submit a revised
                       report if either
                       entity determines
                       that an amount
                       previously reported
                       to the Controller
                       is inaccurate based
                       on revised
                       estimates or actual
                       amounts. If
                       necessary pursuant
                       to any revised
                       reports, the
                       Controller shall
                       return funds to
                       this appropriation.
                       Any returned funds
                       that were
                       pursuant to this
                       subdivision shall
                       be available for
                       expenditure until
                       June 30, 2016.
    4.   Payments made by the state to the
         University of California for each
         month from July through April
         shall not exceed one-twelfth of
         the amount appropriated in this
         item, less the amount that is
         allocated pursuant to subdivision
         (a) of Provision 3. Transfers of
         funds pursuant to subdivision (b)
         of Provision 3 shall not be
         considered payments made by the
         state to the university.
    5.   The funds appropriated in this
         item shall not be available to
         support auxiliary enterprises or
         intercollegiate athletic programs.
    6.   Of the funds appropriated in this
         item, $50,000,000 is available
         for one-time purposes, including
         deferred maintenance. The amount
         allocated pursuant to this
         provision shall be available for
         encumbrance or expenditure until
         June 30, 2016. It is the intent
         of the Legislature that, if the
         economy continues to recover and
         General Fund revenues exceed
         projections, the augmentation
         provided in this provision shall
         become on-going beginning in the
         2015-16 fiscal year for the
         purpose of increasing enrollment
         of California students and
         improving student services.

   SEC. 19.   SEC. 20.   Item 6610-001-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6610-001-0001--For support of California
State University........................... 2,742,273,000
    (1)  Support.............. 2,742,273,000
    1.   This appropriation is exempt from
         Sections 6.00 and 31.00 but is
         subject to the applicable sections
         of the Government Code referred to
         in subdivision (a) of Section
    2.   (a)    The Trustees of the
                California State University
                shall approve a plan that
                includes at least all of
                the following:
                (1)    Projections of
                       available resources
                       in the 2015-16, 2016-
                       17, and 2017-18
                       fiscal years. In
                       projecting General
                       Fund appropriations
                       and student tuition
                       and fee revenues,
                       the university shall
                       use any assumptions
                       provided by the
                       Department of
                       Finance. The
                       Department of
                       Finance shall
                       provide any
                       assumptions no later
                       than August 1, 2014.
                (2)    Projections of
                       expenditures in the
                       2015-16, 2016-17,
                       and 2017-18 fiscal
                       years and
                       descriptions of any
                       changes to current
                       operations necessary
                       to ensure that
                       expenditures in each
                       of those years
                       are not greater than
                       the available
                       resources projected
                       for each of those
                       years pursuant to
                       paragraph (1).
                (3)    Projections of
                       resident and non-
                       resident enrollment
                       in the 2015-16, 2016-
                       17, and 2017-18
                       academic years,
                       implementation of
                       any changes
                       described in
                       paragraph (2).
                (4)    The university's
                       goals for each of
                       the performance
                       measures listed in
                       subdivision (b) of
                       Section 89295 of the
                       Education Code for
                       the 2015-16, 2016-
                       17, and the 2017-18
                       academic years,
                       implementation of
                       any changes
                       described in
                       paragraph (2). It is
                       the intent of the
                       Legislature that
                       these goals be
                       challenging and
                       address achievement
                       gaps for
                       populations, and
                       align the
                       attainment of
                       California's adult
                       population to the
                       workforce and
                       economic needs of
                       the state, pursuant
                       to the legislative
                       intent expressed in
                       Section 66010.93 of
                       the Education Code.
         (b)    The plan approved pursuant
                to subdivision (a) shall be
                submitted, no later than
                November 30, 2014, to the
                Director of Finance, the
                chairpersons of the
                committees in each house of
                the Legislature that
                consider the State Budget,
                the chairpersons of the
                budget subcommittees in
                each       house of the
                Legislature that consider
                the budget for the
                California State
                University, the
                chairpersons of the
                committees in each house of
                the Legislature that
                consider appropriations,
                and the chairpersons of the
                policy committees in each
                house of the Legislature
                with jurisdiction over
                bills relating to the
                university. The plan shall
                adhere to the goals
                included in Section
                66010.91 of the Education
    3.   (a)    The California State
                University shall allocate
                from this appropriation the
                amount necessary to pay in
                full all amounts
                anticipated to become due
                and payable during the
                fiscal year for rental,
                fees, and insurance
                associated with lease-
                revenue bonds issued
                by the State Public Works
                Board on its behalf and
                general obligation bond
                debt service attributable
                to the University.
         (b)    The Controller shall
                transfer funds from this
                appropriation upon receipt
                of the following reports:
                (1)    The State Public
                       Works Board shall
                       report to the
                       Controller the
                       rental, fees, and
                       anticipated to
                       become due and
                       payable in the
                       fiscal year
                       associated with its
                       lease-revenue bonds
                       issued on behalf of
                       the University.
                (2)    The Department of
                       Finance shall report
                       to the Controller
                       the amount of
                       general obligation
                       bond debt service
                       anticipated to
                       become due and
                       payable in the
                       fiscal year
                       attributable to the
                (3)    The State Public
                       Works Board or the
                       Department of
                       Finance shall submit
                       a revised report if
                       either entity
                       determines that an
                       amount previously
                       reported to the
                       Controller is
                       inaccurate based on
                       revised estimates or
                       actual amounts. If
                       necessary pursuant
                       to any revised
                       reports,       the
                       Controller shall
                       return funds to this
                       appropriation. Any
                       returned funds that
                       were previously
                       transferred pursuant
                       to this subdivision
                       shall be available
                       for expenditure
                       until June 30, 2016.
    4.   Payments made by the state to the
         California State University for
         each month from July through April
         shall not exceed one-twelfth of
         the amount appropriated in this
         item, less the amount that is
         allocated pursuant to subdivision
         (a) of Provision 3. Transfers of
         funds pursuant to subdivision (b)
         of Provision 3 shall not be
         considered payments made by the
         state to the University.
    5.   Contributions to the Public
         Employees' Retirement Fund are
         charged to this appropriation
         pursuant to Section 20822 of the
         Government Code.
    6.   The Director of Finance has the
         authority to adjust this
         appropriation pursuant to Section
         3.60, as well as Section 89762 of
         the Education Code.
    7.   Of the funds appropriated in this
         item, $50,000,000 is available for
         one-time purposes, including
         deferred maintenance. The amount
         allocated pursuant to this
         provision shall be available for
         encumbrance or expenditure until
         June 30, 2016. It is the
         intent of the Legislature that, if
         the economy continues to recover
         and General Fund revenues exceed
         projections, the augmentation
         provided in this provision shall
         become on-going beginning in the
         2015-16 fiscal year for the
         purpose of increasing enrollment
         of California students and
         improving student services.

   SEC. 20.   SEC. 21.  Item 6870-101-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
6870-101-0001--For local assistance,
Board of Governors of the California
Community Colleges (Proposition 98).....   3,130,232,000
   (1)  10.10.010-             2,059,128,
        Apportionments........        000
   (3)  10.10.020-
        Apprenticeship........  7,174,000
   (3.5 10.10.021-
   )    Apprenticeship
        Training and
        Instruction........... 15,694,000
   (4)  10.10.030-Growth for   140,385,00
        Apportionments........          0
   (5)  20.10.004-Student
        Success for Basic
        Skills Students....... 20,037,000
   (6)  20.10.005-Student
        Financial Aid
        Administration........ 69,421,000
   (7)  20.10.020-Disabled     114,223,00
        Students..............          0
   (8)  20.10.045-Special
        Services for CalWORKs
        Recipients............ 34,545,000
   (9)  20.10.060-Foster Care
        Education Program.....  5,254,000
   (10) 20.10.070-             271,683,00
        Matriculation.........          0
   (11) 20.20.020-Academic
        Senate for the
        Community Colleges....    468,000
   (12) 20.20.041-Equal
        Opportunity pursuant
        to Chapter 1169,
        Statutes 2002.........    767,000
   (13) 20.20.050-Part-time
        Faculty Health
        Insurance.............    490,000
   (14) 20.20.051-Part-time
        Faculty Compensation.. 24,907,000
   (15) 20.20.055-Part-time
        Faculty Office Hours..  3,514,000
   (16) 20.30.011-
        and Technology
        Services.............. 21,790,000
   (17) 20.30.050-Economic
        Development........... 72,929,000
   (18) 20.30.070-Transfer
        Education and
        Articulation..........    698,000
   (19) 20.40.026-Physical
        Plant and              148,000,00
        Instructional Support.          0
   (20) 20.10.010-Extended
        Opportunity Programs
        and Services and
        Special Services...... 88,605,000
   (21) 20.30.045-Fund for
        Student Success.......  3,792,000
   (23) 20.80.010-Campus
        Child Care Tax
        Bailout...............  3,350,000
   (24) 20.95.010-Nursing
        Program Support....... 13,378,000
   (25) 10.10.025-Adult
        Education.............          0
   (26) 10.10.050-Expanding
        the Delivery of
        Courses through
        Technology............ 10,000,000
   1.   The funds appropriated in this
        item are for transfer by the
        Controller during the 2014-15
        fiscal year to Section B of the
        State School Fund.
   2.   The funds appropriated in
        Schedule (1) for apportionments
        include $31,409,000 to encourage
        district-level accountability
        efforts pursuant to Section
        84754.5 of the Education Code.
        It is intended that the Office
        of the Chancellor of the
        California Community Colleges
        submit an annual report on
        district-specific accountability
        measures by March 31 of each
        year. This report shall reflect
        the outcomes from the most
        recently completed fiscal year
        for which data is available
        pursuant to Section 84754.5 of
        the Education Code.
   3.   Notwithstanding any other
        provision of law, apportionment
        funding for community college
        districts shall be based on the
        greater of the current year or
        prior year level of full-time
        equivalent students (FTES),
        consistent with K-12 declining
        enrollment practices
        pursuant to Section 42238.5 of
        the Education Code. Decreases in
        FTES shall result in a revenue
        reduction at the district's
        average level of apportionment
        funding per FTES and shall be
        made in the year following the
        initial year of decrease in FTES.
   4.   Of the funds appropriated in
        Schedule (1), Apportionments:
        (a)   Up to $100,000 is for a
              maintenance allowance,
              pursuant to Section 54200
              of Title 5 of the
              California Code of
        (b)   Up to $500,000 is to
              reimburse colleges for the
              costs of federal aid
              repayments related to
              assessed fees for fee
              waiver recipients. This
              reimbursement only applies
              to students who completely
              withdraw from college
              before the census date
              pursuant to Section 58508
              of Title 5 of the
              California Code of
   5.   Notwithstanding any other
        provision of law, the Chancellor
        of the California Community
        Colleges shall not reduce
        district workload obligations
        for a lack of a funded cost-of-
        living adjustment.
   6.   (a)   The amount appropriated in
              Schedule (3) for the
              Apprenticeship Program
              shall be available as
              necessary upon
              certification by the
              Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges for the purpose
              of funding community
              college-related and
              supplemental instruction
              pursuant to Section 3074
              of the Labor Code, as
              provided in Article 3
              (commencing with Section
              79140) of Chapter 9 of
              Part 48 of Division 7 of
              Title 3 of the Education
              Code. No community college
              district shall use funds
              available under this
              provision to offer any new
              apprenticeship training
              program or the expansion
              of any existing program
              unless the new program or
              expansion has been
              approved by the chancellor.
        (b)   Notwithstanding Article 3
              (commencing with Section
              79140) of Chapter 9 of
              Part 48 of Division 7 of
              Title 3 of the Education
              Code, each 60-minute hour
              of teaching time devoted
              to each indentured
              apprentice enrolled in and
              attending classes of
              related and supplemental
              instruction as provided
              under Section 3074 of the
              Labor Code shall be
              reimbursed at the rate of
              $5.04 per hour. For
              purposes of this
              provision, each hour of
              teaching time may include
              up to 10 minutes for
              passing time and breaks.
   7.   Funds appropriated in Schedule
        (4), Growth for Apportionments,
        shall be available first to any
        districts bringing online
        newly accredited colleges or
        educational centers. It is the
        intent of the Legislature that
        increases in basic foundation
        allocations to each college be
        funded prior to additional
        growth in full-time equivalent
        students. The Chancellor of the
        California Community Colleges
        shall provide a report by
        November 1 of each year, to the
        Department of Finance and the
        Legislative Analyst, on the
        number of new centers and
        colleges added for the current
        fiscal year and those
        anticipated to be added for the
        prospective budget year. This
        report shall also detail the
        specific funding adjustments
        provided for basic foundation
        allocations to each college and
        center for the current fiscal
   8.   (a)   Notwithstanding       any
              other provision of law,
              funds appropriated in
              Schedule (4), Growth for
              Apportionments, shall only
              be allocated for growth in
              full-time equivalent
              students (FTES), on a
              basis, as determined by
              the Chancellor of the

              California Community
              Colleges. The chancellor
              shall not include any FTES
              from concurrent enrollment
              in physical education,
              dance, recreation, study
              skills, and personal
              development courses and
              other courses in conflict
              with existing law for the
              purpose of calculating a
              district's three-year
              overcap adjustment.
        (b)   The Board of Governors of
              the California Community
              Colleges shall adopt
              criteria and an allocation
              formula for the funds
              appropriated in Schedule
              (4), Growth for
              Apportionments, so as to
              ensure that access to
              courses in the California
              Community Colleges'
              missions related to
              student needs for
              transfer, basic skills and
              training are aligned to
              regional and community
              needs to the maximum
              extent possible. When
              formulating the
              allocation, the board of
              governors shall consider,
              at minimum, the priorities
              as outlined in Section
              84750.5 of the Education
   9.   The funds appropriated in
        Schedule (5), Student Success
        for Basic Skills Students, shall
        be allocated as follows:
        (a)   $969,000 for faculty and
              staff development to
              improve curriculum,
              instruction, student
              services, and program
              practices in the areas of
              basic skills and English
              as a Second Language (ESL)
              programs. The Office of
              the Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges shall select a
              district, utilizing a
              competitive process, to
              carry out these faculty
              and staff development
              activities. All colleges
              receiving funds pursuant
              to subdivision (b) shall
              be provided with the
              opportunity to participate
              in the faculty and staff
              development programs
              specified in this
              subdivision. The
              chancellor shall report on
              the use of these funds by
              the selected district to
              the Legislative Analyst
              and the Department of
              Finance not later than
              September 1 of each year.
        (b)   $19,068,000 for allocation
              by the chancellor to
              community college
              districts for improving
              outcomes of students who
              enter college needing at
              least one course in ESL or
              basic skills, with
              particular emphasis on
              students transitioning
              from high school.
        (c)   Funding specified in
              subdivisions (a) and (b)
              shall be distributed to
              eligible applicants
              pursuant to Chapter 489 of
              the Statutes of 2007.
        (d)   The Office       of the
              Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges shall work
              jointly with the
              Department of Finance and
              the Legislative Analyst to
              evaluate and refine, as
              necessary, the annual
              accountability measures
              for this program. It is
              the intent of the
              Legislature that annual
              performance accountability
              measures for this program
              utilize, to the extent
              possible, data available
              as part of the
              accountability system
              developed pursuant to
              Section 84754.5 of the
              Education Code. By
              September 1, 2010, the
              chancellor shall submit a
              report to the Governor and
              the Legislature on basic
              skills accountability
              using system- and college-
              level data and an annual
              report each year
              thereafter by September 1.
   10.  (a)   Of the funds appropriated
              in Schedule (6) for
              Student Financial Aid
              Administration, not less
              than $15,363,000 is
              available to provide $0.91
              per unit reimbursement to
              community college
              districts for the
              provision of board of
              governors (BOG) fee waiver
              awards pursuant to
              paragraph (2) of
              subdivision (m) of Section
              76300 of the Education
        (b)   Of the funds appropriated
              in Schedule (6), not less
              than $15,532,000 is
              available for the Board
              Financial Assistance
              Program to provide
              reimbursement of 2 percent
              of total waiver value to
              community college
              districts for the
              provision of BOG fee
              waiver awards pursuant to
              paragraph (2) of
              subdivision (m) of Section
              76300       of the
              Education Code.
        (c)   Funding provided to
              community college
              districts in subdivisions
              (a) and (b) is provided to
              directly offset any
              mandated costs claimed by
              community college
              districts pursuant to
              Commission on State
              Mandates Test Claims 99-TC-
              13 (Enrollment Fee
              Collection) and 00-TC-15
              (Enrollment Fee Waivers).
        (d)   (1)   Of the amount
                    appropriated in
                    Schedule (6),
                    $2,800,000 shall be
                    for a contract with
                    a community college
                    district to conduct
                    a statewide
                    media campaign to
                    promote the general
                    message to
                    prospective students
                    as follows: (A) the
                    California Community
                    Colleges (CCC)
                    remain affordable,
                    (B) financial aid
                    tax credits are
                    available to cover
                    enrollment fees and
                    help with books and
                    other       costs,
                    and (C) the active
                    encouragement of
                    contact between
                    pupils and local CCC
                    financial aid
                    offices. Any funds
                    used from this
                    source to produce
                    radio, television,
                    or mail campaigns
                    must emphasize the
                    availability of
                    financial aid, the
                    easiest and most
                    reliable method of
                    accessing the aid, a
                    contact telephone
                    number, an Internet
                    Web site address,
                    where applicable,
                    and the physical
                    location of a
                    financial aid
                    office. Any mail
                    campaign must give
                    priority to existing
                    pupils, recent high
                    school graduates,
                    and 12th graders.
                    The outreach and
                    information campaign
                    should target its
                    efforts in high
                    schools, welfare
                    offices, churches,
                    community centers,
                    and any other
                    location that will
                    most effectively
                    reach low-income and
                    students who must
                    overcome barriers in
                    education. The
                    community college
                    district awarded the
                    contract shall
                    consult with the
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
                    Colleges and the
                    Student Aid
                    Commission prior to
                    performing any
                    activities to ensure
                    coordination with
                    any other state
                    efforts in this area
                    and ensure
                    compliance with this
              (2)   Of the amount
                    appropriated in
                    Schedule (6), not
                    more than
                    $34,200,000 shall be
                    for direct contact
                    with potential and
                    current financial
                    aid applicants. Each
                    CCC campus shall
                    receive a minimum
                    allocation of
                    $50,000. The
                    remainder of the
                    funding shall be
                    allocated to
                    campuses based upon
                    a formula reflecting
                    full-time equivalent
                    students (FTES)
                    weighted by a
                    measure of low-
                    income populations
                    demonstrated by BOG
                    fee waiver program
                    participation within
                    a district. It is
                    the intent of the
                    Legislature, to the
                    extent that funds
                    are provided in this
                    item, that all
                    campuses provide
                    additional staff
                    resources to
                    increase both
                    financial aid
                    participation and
                    student access to
                    low-income and
                    students who must
                    overcome barriers in
                    education. Funds may
                    be used for
                    screening current
                    students for
                    possible financial
                    aid eligibility and
                    offering personal
                    assistance to these
                    students in
                    accessing financial
                    aid, providing
                    individual help in
                    multiple languages
                    for families and
                    students in filling
                    out the necessary
                    paperwork to apply
                    for financial aid,
                    and increasing
                    financial aid staff
                    to process
                    additional financial
                    aid forms.
              (3)   Funding provided to
                    community college
                    districts in
                    paragraph (2) is
                    provided to offset
                    any mandated costs
                    claimed by community
                    college districts
                    pursuant to the
                    Commission on State
                    Mandates Test Claims
                    02-TC-28 (Cal
                    Grants) and 02-TC-21
                    (Tuition Fee
              (4)   Funds allocated to a
                    community college
                    district for
                    financial aid
                    personnel, outreach
                    determination of
                    financial need, and
                    delivery of student
                    financial aid
                    services shall
                    supplement, and
                    shall not supplant,
                    the level of funds
                    allocated for the
                    administration of
                    student financial
                    aid programs during
                    the 2001-02 or 2006-
                    07 fiscal year,
                    whichever is greater.
              (5)   It is the intent of
                    the Legislature that
                    the Office of the
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
                    Colleges provide the
                    Legislature with a
                    report not later
                    than April 1 of each
                    year on the use of
                    the funds allocated
                    pursuant to
                    paragraphs (1) and
                    (2), including the
                    distribution of the
                    funds, specific uses
                    of the funds,
                    strategies employed
                    to reach low-income
                    and disadvantaged
                    students potentially
                    eligible for
                    financial aid, and
                    the extent to which
                    districts were
                    successful in
                    increasing the
                    number of students
                    financial aid,
                    particularly the
                    maximum Pell Grant
              (6)   It is the intent of
                    the Legislature that
                    the chancellor
                    report by May 15 of
                    each year, in the
                    manner and using the
                    factors set forth in
                    paragraph (5) of
                    subdivision (c) of
                    Provision 11 of Item
                    6870-101-0001 of the
                    Budget Act of 2007
                    (Chs. 171 and 172,
                    Stats. 2007), on the
                    impact of outreach
                    efforts on student
                    headcount and FTES
                    enrollment for the
                    2009-10 and 2010-11
                    academic years.
        (e)   Notwithstanding
              subdivision (m) of Section
              76300 of the Education
              Code or any other
              provision of law, the
              amount of funds
              appropriated for the
              purpose of administering
              fee waivers for the 2014-
              15 fiscal year shall be
              determined in this act.
   11.  (a)   The funds appropriated in
              Schedule (7) for the
              Disabled Students Program
              are for assisting
              districts in funding the
              excess direct
              instructional cost of
              providing special support
              services or instruction,
              or both, to disabled
              students enrolled at
              community colleges, and
              for state hospital
              programs, as mandated by
              federal law.
        (b)   Of the amount appropriated
              in Schedule (7), no less
              than $3,945,000 shall be
              used to address
              deficiencies identified by
              the federal Office for
              Civil Rights (OCR), as
              determined by the Office
              of the Chancellor of the
              California Community
        (c)   Of the amount appropriated
              in Schedule (7), at least
              $943,000 shall be used for
              support of the High Tech
              Centers for activities
              including, but not limited
              to, training of district
              employees, staff, and
              students in the use of
              specialized computer
              equipment for the
              disabled. All High Tech
              Centers shall meet
              standards developed by the
              Office of the Chancellor
              of the California
              Community Colleges.
              Colleges that receive
              these augmentations shall
              not supplant existing
              resources provided to the
        (d)   Notwithstanding any other
              provision of law, of the
              funds appropriated in
              Schedule (7), $1,000,000
              shall be for state
              hospital adult education
              programs at the hospitals
              served by the Coast and
              Kern Community College
              Districts since the 1986-
              87 fiscal year. If adult
              education services at any
              of the two hospitals are
              not supported by the
              community colleges in any
              portion of the 2014-15
              fiscal year, remaining
              funds shall, upon order of
              the Department of Finance,
              after 30 days' notice to
              the Chairperson of the
              Joint Legislative Budget
              Committee, be
              transferred to the State
              Department of
              Developmental Services
              (DDS). For any transfer of
              funds to DDS during the
              2014-15 fiscal year, the
              Proposition 98 base
              funding levels for
              community colleges and DDS
              shall be adjusted
        (e)   Of the funds appropriated
              in Schedule (7) for the
              Disabled Student Services,
              no less than $9,600,000
              shall be allocated to
              support high-cost sign
              language interpreter
              services and real-time
              captioning equipment or
              other communication
              accommodations for hearing-
              impaired students based on
              a 4-to-1 state-to-local
              district match.
   12.  The funds appropriated in
        Schedule (8), Special Services
        for CalWORKs Recipients, are for
        the purpose of assisting welfare
        recipient students and those in
        transition off of welfare to
        achieve long-term self-
        sufficiency through coordinated
        student services offered at
        community colleges, including
        workstudy, other educational
        related work experience, job
        placement services, child care
        services, and coordination with
        county welfare offices to
        determine eligibility and
        availability of services. All
        services funded in Schedule (8)
        shall be for current CalWORKs
        recipients or prior CalWORKs
        recipients who are in transition
        off of cash assistance for no
        more than two years. Current
        cash-assistance recipients may
        utilize these services until
        their initial educational
        objectives are met. Former
        recipients in transition off of
        cash assistance       may
        utilize these services for a
        period of up to two years after
        leaving cash assistance subject
        to the conditions of this
        provision. These funds shall be
        used to supplement and not
        supplant existing funds and
        services provided for CalWORKs
        recipients attending community
        colleges. The Chancellor of the
        California Community Colleges
        shall develop an equitable
        method for allocating funds to
        all districts and colleges based
        on the relative numbers of
        CalWORKs recipients in
        attendance and shall allocate
        funds for the following purposes:
        (a)   Job placement.
        (b)   Coordination with county
              welfare offices and other
              local agencies, including
              local workforce investment
        (c)   Curriculum development and
        (d)   Child care and workstudy.
        (e)   Instruction.
        (f)   Postemployment skills
              training and related
        (g)   Campus-based case
              management, limited to on-
              campus assistance and
              services not provided by
              county case workers that
              do not supplant other
              counseling and academic
              support services funded
              through existing
              California Community
              Colleges categorical
         Of the amount appropriated in
        Schedule (8), $9,188,000 is for
        child care and does not require
        a district match. For the
        remaining funds, districts
        shall, as a condition of receipt
        of these funds, provide a $1
        match for every $1 provided by
        the state.
         Funds utilized for subsidized
        child care shall be for children
        of CalWORKs recipients through
        campus-based centers or parental
        choice vouchers at rates and
        with rules consistent with those
        applied to related programs
        operated by the State Department
        of Education in the 2014-15
        fiscal year, including
        eligibility, reimbursement
        rates, and parental contribution
        schedules. Subsidized campus
        child care for CalWORKs
        recipients may be provided
        during the period they are
        engaged in qualifying state and
        federal work activities through
        attainment of       their
        initial education and training
        plan and for up to three months
        thereafter or until the end of
        the academic year, whichever
        period of time is greater.
         Funds utilized for workstudy
        shall be used solely for
        payments to employers that
        currently participate in campus-
        based workstudy programs or are
        providing work experiences that
        are directly related to and in
        furtherance of student
        educational programs and work
        participation requirements,
        provided that those payments may
        not exceed 75 percent of the
        wage for the workstudy
        positions, and the employers
        shall pay at least 25 percent of
        the wage for the workstudy
        positions. These funds may be
        expended only if the total hours
        of education, employment, and
        workstudy       for the student
        are sufficient to meet state or
        federal minimum requirements for
        qualifying work-related
         Funds may be used to provide
        credit or noncredit classes for
        CalWORKs students if a district
        has committed all of its funded
        full-time equivalent students
        (FTES) and is unable to offer
        the additional instructional
        services to meet the demand for
        CalWORKs students. This
        determination shall be based on
        fall enrollment information.
        Districts shall submit
        applications to the office of
        the chancellor by December 1 of
        each year. If the chancellor
        approves the use of funds for
        direct instructional workload,
        the Office of the Chancellor
        shall submit a report to the
        Department of Finance and
        the Joint Legislative Budget
        Committee by February 15 of each
        year that (a) identifies the
        enrollment of new CalWORKs
        students, (b) states whether and
        why additional classes were
        needed to accommodate the needs
        of CalWORKs students, and (c)
        sets forth an expenditure plan
        for the balance of funds.
         As a condition of receipt of
        the funds appropriated in
        Schedule (8), by the fourth week
        following the end of the
        semester or quarter term
        commencing in January 2015,
        participating community
        districts and colleges shall
        submit to the office of the
        chancellor a report, in the
        format specified by the
        chancellor in consultation with
        the State Department of Social
        Services, that includes, but is
        not limited to,       the funded
        components, the number of hours
        of child care provided, the
        average monthly enrollment of
        CalWORKs dependents served in
        child care, the number of
        workstudy hours provided, the
        hourly salaries and type of
        jobs, the number of students
        being case managed, the short-
        term programs available, the
        student participation rates, and
        other outcome data. It is
        intended that, to the extent
        practicable, reporting from
        colleges utilize data gathered
        for federal reporting
        requirements at the state and
        local level. Further, it is
        intended that the office of the
        chancellor compile the
        information for annual reports
        to the Legislature, the
        Governor, the Legislative
        Analyst, the Department of
        Finance, and the State
        Department of Social Services by
        February 15 of each year.
         First priority for expenditures
        of any funds appropriated in
        Schedule (8) shall be in support
        of current CalWORKs recipients.
        However, if caseloads are
        insufficient to fully utilize
          all of the funding in this
        schedule in a cost-beneficial
        way, it is intended that up to
        $5,000,000 of the funds subject
        to local matching requirements
        may be allocated for providing
        postemployment services to
        former CalWORKs recipients who
        have been off of cash assistance
        for no longer than two years to
        assist them in upgrading skills,
        job retention, and advancement.
        Allowable services include
        direct instruction that cannot
        be funded under available growth
        funding, child care to support
        attendance in these classes
        consistent with this provision,
        job development and placement
        services, and career counseling
        and assessment activities
        that cannot be funded through
        other programs. Child care
        services may only be provided
        for periods commensurate with a
        student's need for
        postemployment training within
        the two-year transitional period.
         Prior to allocation of funds
        for postemployment services, the
        chancellor shall first secure
        the approval of the Department
        of Finance for the allocations,
        complete a cumulative report on
        the outcomes, activities, and
        cost-effectiveness of the
        program no later than February
        15 of each year in compliance
        with the Budget Act of 1998 (Ch.
        324, Stats. 1998) and the Budget
        Act of 1999 (Ch. 50, Stats.
        1999) and this act, and shall
        provide the rationale and
        justification for the proposed
        allocation of
        postemployment services to
        districts for transitional
         If a district is unable to
        fully expend its share of child
        care funds, it may request that
        the Office of the Chancellor
        approve a reallocation to other
        CalWORKs purposes authorized by
        this provision, subject to all
        pertinent limitations and
        district match required for
        these purposes under this
         Of the funds appropriated in
        Schedule (8) for the Special
        Services for CalWORKs Recipients
        Program, no less than $4,900,000
        is to provide direct workstudy
        wage       reimbursement for
        students served under this
        program, and $613,000 is
        available for campus job
        development and placement
   13.  Funds appropriated in Schedule
        (8) for the Special Services for
        CalWORKs Recipients Program have
        been budgeted to meet the
        state's Temporary Assistance for
        Needy Families maintenance-of-
        effort requirement pursuant to
        the federal Personal
        Responsibility and Work
        Opportunity Reconciliation Act
        of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and may
        not be expended in any way that
        would cause their
        disqualification as a federally
        allowable maintenance-of-effort
   14.  (a)   Funds provided in Schedule
              (9) for the Foster Care
              Education Program shall be
              allocated to provide
              foster and
              relative/kinship care
              education and training.
              Districts shall ensure
              that education and
              training required by
              Sections 1529.1 and 1529.2
              of the Health and Safety
              Code and Section 16003 of
              the Welfare and
              Institutions Code receive
              priority. Districts may
              use any remaining funds
              for additional parenting
              skills training.
        (b)   Funds provided in Schedule
              (9) shall be used for
              foster parent and
              relative/kinship care
              provider education
              training services
              consistent with the
              following criteria:
              (1)   The Chancellor of
                    the California
                    Community Colleges
                    shall use these
                    funds exclusively
                    for foster parent
                    and relative/kinship
                    care provider
                    education and
                    training, as
                    specified by the
                    chancellor in
                    consultation with an
                    advisory committee
                    that includes foster
                    representatives of
                    statewide foster
                    parent and
                    care providers, and
                    representatives from
                    the State Department
                    of Social Services.
              (2)   Acceptance of funds
                    under this program
                    shall constitute
                    agreement by the
                    district to comply
                    with such reporting
                    guidelines, and
                    other conditions for
                    receipt of funding
                    as the chancellor
                    may establish.
              (3)   Each college plan
                    for foster and
                    care education
                    programs shall
                    include the
                    provision of
                    training to
                    facilitate the
                    development of
                    foster family homes,
                    small family homes,
                    and relative/kinship
                    homes to care for no
                    more than six
                    children who have
                    special mental,
                    developmental, or
                    physical needs.
              (4)   The State Department
                    of Social Services
                    shall facilitate the
                    participation of
                    county welfare
                    departments in the
                    foster and
                    care education
   15.  (a)   Funds appropriated in
              Schedule (10) for the
              Matriculation Program are
              for the purpose of student
              matriculation pursuant to
              Article 1 (commencing with
              Section 78210) of Chapter
              2 of Part 48 of Division 7
              of Title 3 of the
              Education Code.
        (b)   Of the amount appropriated
              in Schedule (10),
              $9,381,000 shall be
              allocated to community
              college districts on a one-
              to-one matching funds
              basis to provide
              matriculation services,
              including, but not limited
              to, orientation,
              assessment, and
              counseling, for students
              enrolled in designated
              noncredit classes and
              programs who may benefit
              most, as determined by the
              Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges pursuant to
              Sections 78216 and 78218
              of the Education Code.
        (c)   Of the funds appropriated
              in Schedule (10), up to
              $14,000,000 may be used by
              the Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges for the purpose
              of procuring or developing
              E-Transcript, E-Planning,
              and common assessment
              tools. Prior to the
              expenditure of these
              funds, the Chancellor of
              the California Community
              Colleges shall submit a
              proposed expenditure plan
              to the Department of
              Finance and to the Joint
              Legislative Budget
        (d)   (1)   Notwithstanding any
                    other provision of
                    law, of the amount
                    appropriated in
                    Schedule (10),
                    $70,000,000 shall be
                    for the purpose of
                    supporting the
                    activities necessary
                    to successfully
                    implement the
                    activities and goals
                    as detailed in the
                    Student Equity
                    Plans, pursuant to
                    Subchapter 4
                    (commencing with
                    Section 54220) of
                    Chapter 5 of
                    Division 6 of Title
                    5 of the California
                    Code of Regulations,
                    in coordination with
                    the Student Success
                    and Support
                    Program plans,
                    pursuant to Section
                    78216 of the
                    Education Code, and
                    the Student Success
                    Scorecard, pursuant
                    to Section 84754.5
                    of the Education
              (2)   The Chancellor of
                    the California
                    Community Colleges
                    shall allocate these
                    funds to districts
                    in a manner that
                    ensures districts
                    with a greater
                    proportion or number
                    of students who are
                    high need, as
                    determined by the
                    Office of the
                    Chancellor, receive
                    greater resources to
                    provide services to
                    these students.
              (3)   As a condition of
                    receipt of these
                    funds, the districts
                    are required to
                    include in their
                    Student Equity Plan
                    how they will
                    coordinate existing
                    student support
                    services in a manner
                    to better serve
                    their high-need
                    student populations.
                    At a minimum, their
                    plan shall
                    alignment of
                    services funded
                    through allocations
                    from Schedules (5),
                    (6), (7), (8), (10),
                    (20), and (21).
        (e)   (1)   Of the amount
                    appropriated in
                    Schedule (10), up to
                    $2,500,000 may be
                    used by the
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
                    Colleges for the
                    purpose of providing
                    technical assistance
                    to districts that
                    demonstrate low
                    performance in any
                    area       of
                    operations. It is
                    the intent of the
                    Legislature that
                    technical assistance
                    providers be
                    contracted in a cost-
                    effective manner,
                    that they primarily
                    consist of experts
                    who are current and
                    former employees of
                    the California
                    Community Colleges,
                    and that they
                    provide technical
                    assistance in a
                    manner that is
                    consistent with the
                    vision for the
                    California Community
                    Colleges. Beginning
                    in the 2015-16
                    fiscal year, the
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
                    Colleges shall
                    provide a report of
                    prior year use of
                    these funds,
                    including whether
                    they were used in
                    accordance with the
                    legislative intent,
                    to the Department of
                    Finance and the
                    Joint Legislative
                    Budget Committee no
                    later than October 1
                    of each year.
              (2)   Technical assistance
                    initiated by the
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
                    Colleges may be
                    provided at no cost
                    to the district.
                    Technical assistance
                    requested by the
                    district shall
                    require at least a
                    $1 match for every
                    $2 provided by the
                    state, as determined
                    by the Office of the
   16.  The funds in Schedule (14) for
        the Part-time Faculty
        Compensation Program shall be
        allocated solely to increase
        compensation for part-time
        faculty from the amounts
        previously authorized. Funds
        shall be distributed to
        districts based on the total
        actual full-time equivalent
        students served in the previous
        fiscal year and include a small
        district factor as
        determined by the Chancellor of
        the California Community
        Colleges. These funds are to be
        used to assist districts in
        making part-time faculty
        salaries more comparable to full-
        time salaries for similar work,
        as determined through each
        district's local collective
        bargaining process. These funds
        shall not supplant the amount of
        resources each       district
        used to compensate part-time
        faculty or be used to exceed
        parity of each part-time faculty
        employed by each district with
        regular full-time faculty at the
        same district, as certified by
        the chancellor. If a district
        achieves parity, its allocation
        may be used for any other
        educational purpose.
   17.  (a)   $20,651,000 of the funds
              provided in Schedule (16)
              for the Telecommunications
              and Technology Services
              Program shall be for the
              purpose of supporting
              technical and application
              innovations and for
              coordination of activities
              that serve to maximize the
              utility of the technology
              investments of the
              community college system
              towards improving learning
              Allocations shall be made
              by the Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges, based on
              criteria and guidelines as
              developed by the
              chancellor, on a
              competitive basis through
              the RFA/RFP application
              process for the following
              (1)   Provision of access
                    to statewide
                    multimedia hosting
                    and delivery
                    services for state
                    colleges and
              (2)   Provision of
                    systemwide Internet,
                    audio bridging, and
              (3)   Technical assistance
                    and planning,
                    cooperative purchase
                    agreements, and
                    faculty and staff
                    development in a
                    manner consistent
                    with paragraph (3)
                    of subdivision (b)
                    of Provision 17 of
                    Item 6870-101-0001
                    of the Budget Act of
                    1996 (Ch. 162,
                    Stats. 1996).
              (4)   Ongoing support for
                    the California
                    Virtual Campus
                    Distance Education
              (5)   Ongoing support for
                    programs designed to
                    use technology in
                    accreditation and
                    the alignment of
                    curricula across K-
                    20 segments in
              (6)   Support for
                    technology pilots
                    and ongoing
                    technology programs
                    and applications
                    that serve to
                    maximize the utility
                    and economy of scale
                    of the technology
                    investments of the
                    community college
                    system towards
                    improving learning
              (7)   Support for the
                    Student Friendly
                    Services Program.
               In addition, a portion of
              the funds provided in this
              subdivision shall be
              available for allocations
              to districts. It is the
              intent of the Legislature
              that these funds be used
              by colleges to maintain
              the technology
              capabilities specified in
              subdivision (a) of
              Provision 21 of Item 6870-
              101-0001 of the Budget Act
              of 2003 (Ch. 157, Stats.
              2003). These funds shall
              not supplant existing
              funds used for those
              purposes, and colleges
              shall match maintenance
              and ongoing costs with
              other funds as provided by
              subdivision (a) of
              Provision 21 of Item 6870-
              101-0001 of the Budget Act
              of 2003       (Ch. 157,
              Stats. 2003).
        (b)   The Office of the
              Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges shall develop the
              reporting criteria for all
              programs funded by this
              item and shall submit that
              for review along with an
              annual progress report on
              program implementation to
              the Legislative Analyst
              and the Department of
              Finance no later than
              December 1 of each year.
              Reporting shall include
              summaries of allocations
              and expenditures by
              program and by district,
              where applicable.
        (c)   Of the funds provided in
              Schedule (16), $1,139,000
              is for ongoing support and
              expansion of the
              California Partnership for
              Achieving Student Success
              (Cal-PASS) program. As a
              condition of receipt of
              these funds, the grantee
              shall submit to the office
              of the chancellor, by
              October 15 of each year,
              all of the following: (1)
              a report that includes the
              numbers and percentages of
              institutions and school
              districts that have signed
              agreements and the number
              and percentage that have
              actively submitted data in
              the current year and (2)
              an annual financial audit,
              as       prescribed by the
              chancellor, that includes
              an accounting of all
              funding sources and all
              uses of funds by funding
              source. The report and
              audit also shall be
              submitted to the
              Legislative Analyst, the
              Department of Finance, and
              the appropriate budget
              subcommittees of the
              budget committees of each
              house of the Legislature.
              It is the intent of the
              Legislature that all
              reporting requirements
              contained in this
              subdivision shall be
              completed using funds
              provided to the grantee.
   18.  Of the amount appropriated in
        Schedule (17) for the Economic
        and Workforce Development
        Program, pursuant to Part 52.2
        (commencing with Section 88600)
        of Division 7 of Title 3 of the
        Education Code, the following
        shall apply:
        (a)   Up to 10 percent may be
              allocated for state level
              technical assistance
              activities in support of
              the intent of Chapter 361
              of the Statutes of 2012,
              including statewide
              network leadership,
              development, coordination,
              information and support
              services, or other program
              purposes. Any augmentation
              to state level activities
              funding is subject to
              approval of the Department
              of Finance, not sooner
              than 30 days after the
              notification in writing to
              the chairpersons of the
              fiscal committees of each
              house of the Legislature
              and the Chairperson of the
              Joint Legislative Budget
        (b)   All remaining funds shall
              be allocated for
              programming that target
              investment at priority and
              emergent sectors,
              including statewide and/or
              regional centers, hubs,
              collaborative communities,
              advisory bodies, and short-
              term grants. Short-term
              grants can include
              industry-driven regional
              education and training,
              Responsive Incumbent
              Worker Training, and Job
              Development Incentive
        (c)   Prior to the expenditure
              of these funds, the
              Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges shall submit a
              proposed expenditure plan
              and the rationale
              therefor, to the
              Department of Finance for
              approval. The expenditure
              plan shall include the
              (1)   A statewide and
                    regional delivery
              (2)   A targeting of
                    investments to
                    competitive and
                    emergent sectors
                    important to
                    regional economies
                    as well as use of
                    short-term grants to
                    meet employer-driven
                    training needs.
              (3)   Program support to
                    increase the impact
                    of college career
                    technical education
                    (CTE) programs
                    contextualized CTE
                    programs) on
                    regional economies;
                    accountability data
                    collection and
                    statewide training,
                    development, and
                    coordination; labor
                    market research; and
                    continuous program
        (d)   The following provisions
              apply to the expenditures
              of these funds:
              (1)   Funds applied to
                    training shall be
                    matched by a minimum
                    of $1 of private
                    business and
                    industry funding for
                    each $1 of state
                    funds. The
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
                    Colleges shall
                    consider the level
                    of involvement and
                    commitments of
                    business and
                    industry in making
                    awards for
              (2)   Funds allocated by
                    the Chancellor of
                    the California
                    Community Colleges
                    under this program
                    may not be used by
                    community college
                    districts to
                    supplant existing
                    contract education
                    offerings. The
                    chancellor shall
                    ensure that funds
                    are spent only for
                    expanded services
                    and shall implement
                    reporting for
                    receiving these
                    funds to ensure that
                    training, credit,
                    and noncredit
                    programs remain
                    relevant to business
              (3)   Any funds that
                    become available due

                to savings,
                    discontinuance, or
                    reduction of amounts
                    shall be evaluated
                    against labor market
                    needs and regional
                    economies for
                    reallocation within
                    the economic and
                    development program.
        (e)   Fiscal agents of program
              funds intended to serve
              statewide or regional
              functions do not have
              authority to flex program
              funds. The       Office of
              the Chancellor may adjust
              allocations, as necessary,
              to preclude this action.
        (f)   (1)   $50,000,000 of the
                    funds appropriated
                    in Schedule (17)
                    shall be provided on
                    a one-time basis to
                    create greater
                    incentive for
                    California Community
                    Colleges to develop,
                    enhance, retool, and
                    expand quality
                    career technical
                    education offerings
                    that build upon
                    existing community
                    college regional
                    capacity to respond
                    to regional labor
                    market needs. Funds
                    may be used for
                    development, and
                    other related costs
                    necessary to
                    develop, enhance,
                    retool, and expand
                    quality career
                    technical education
              (2)   The Chancellor of
                    the California
                    Community Colleges
                    shall allocate these
                    funds to the
                    community college
                    regions based on a
                    formula that factors
                    in the total number
                    of full-time
                    equivalent students,
                    including full-time
                    equivalent students
                    in career technical
                    education courses.
                    The Chancellor of
                    the California
                    Community Colleges
                    shall, in
                    consultation with
                    community colleges
                    within each region,
                    designate either the
                    district then
                    serving as the
                    fiscal agent for the
                    regional consortia
                    or an alternative
                    district to serve as
                    the fiscal agent for
                    these funds.
              (3)   The funds shall be
                    distributed by the
                    fiscal agent to the
                    California Community
                    College districts
                    within the region
                    for career technical
                    education programs
                    that are developed
                    with industry input,
                    matched by industry
                    resources, and
                    adopted by faculty
                    upon certification
                    by the regional
                    consortia. The
                    courses or programs
                    of study for which
                    the funds are
                    requested shall meet
                    all of the following
              (A)   Be for occupations
                    and sectors that are
                    demonstrated to be
                    in demand in the
                    regional labor
              (B)   Be for occupations
                    for which regional
                    production of
                    employees is
                    insufficient to meet
                    labor market demand.
              (C)   Demonstrate regional
                    alignment of program
                    and curricula.
              (4)   Priority for funding
                    shall go to programs
                    that meet all of the
                    criteria listed in
                    paragraph (3) and
                    that meet one or
                    more of the
                    following criteria:
              (A)   Are in priority
                    sectors identified
                    by the region.
              (B)   Are in emerging
                    sectors identified
                    by the region.
              (C)   Are articulated with
                    K-12 or four year
              (5)   Individual colleges
                    and districts shall
                    be responsible for
                    identifying eligible
                    programs and their
                    implementing courses
                    and programs to meet
                    regional capacity
                    needs, participating
                    in regional
                    articulating with K-
                    12 and four year
                    institutions, and
                    submitting outcome
                    data to the
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
              (6)   The regional
                    consortia shall be
                    responsible for
                    certifying labor
                    market demand with
                    input from regional
                    employers and
                    essential workforce
                    and economic
                    investment of funds
                    according to
                    industry sections
                    and occupations, and
                    ensuring regional
              (7)   The district
                    designated as the
                    fiscal agent in each
                    region shall be
                    responsible for
                    distributing the
                    funds to each
                    district within its
                    region following
                    certification by the
                    regional consortia
                    that the courses and
                    programs submitted
                    by the districts and
                    colleges for funding
                    meet the criteria
                    listed in this
                    subdivision (f).
              (8)   The Chancellor of
                    the California
                    Community Colleges
                    shall be responsible
                    for administering
                    distribution of
                    funds to the fiscal
                    agents for each
                    region and
                    monitoring progress
                    toward meeting
                    regional and
                    statewide career
                    technical education
   19.  (a)   The funds appropriated in
              Schedule (18) for the
              Transfer Education and
              Articulation Program are
              available to support
              transfer and articulation
              projects and common course
              numbering projects.
        (b)   Funding provided to
              community college
              districts from Schedule
              (18) is provided to
              directly offset any
              mandated costs claimed by
              community       college
              districts pursuant to
              Chapter 737 of the
              Statutes of 2004.
   20.  (a)   Any funds appropriated in
              Schedule (19) are
              available for the
              following purposes:
              (1)   Scheduled
                    maintenance and
                    special repairs of
                    facilities. The
                    Chancellor of the
                    California Community
                    Colleges shall
                    allocate funds to
                    districts on the
                    basis of actual
                    reported full-time
                    equivalent students
                    (FTES), and may
                    establish a minimum
                    allocation per
                    district. As a
                    condition for
                    receiving and
                    expending these
                    funds for
                    maintenance or
                    special repairs, a
                    district shall
                    certify that it will
                    increase its
                    operations and
                    maintenance spending
                    from the 1995-96
                    fiscal year by the
                    amount it allocates
                    from this
                    appropriation for
                    maintenance and
                    special repairs. The
                    question of whether
                    a district has
                    complied with its
                    resolution shall be
                    reviewed under the
                    annual audit of that
              (2)   Hazardous substances
                    abatement, cleanup,
                    and repairs.
              (3)   Architectural
                    barrier removal
                    projects that meet
                    the requirements of
                    the federal
                    Americans with
                    Disabilities Act of
                    1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec.
                    12101 et seq.) and
                    seismic retrofit
                    projects limited to
        (b)   Any funds appropriated in
              Schedule (19) are
              available for replacement
              of instructional equipment
              and library materials. The
              funds provided for
              instructional equipment
              and library materials
              shall not be used for
              personal services costs or
              operating expenses. The
              chancellor shall allocate
              funds to districts on the
              basis of actual reported
              FTES and may establish a
              minimum allocation per
              district. The question of
              whether a district has
              complied with its
              resolution shall be
              reviewed under the
              annual audit of that
        (c)   Any funds appropriated in
              Schedule (19) shall be
              available for one-time use
              in the 2014-15 fiscal year.
   21.  Of the funds appropriated in
        Schedule (20) for Extended
        Opportunity Programs and
        Services and Special Services,
        $79,273,000 is for Extended
        Opportunity Programs and
        Services (EOPS) in accordance
        with Article 8 (commencing with
        Section 69640) of Chapter 2 of
        Part 42 of Division 5 of Title 3
        of the Education Code. Funds
        provided in this item for EOPS
        shall be available to students
        on all       campuses within the
        California Community Colleges
        system, including those students
        on new campuses or in new
        districts. In addition,
        $9,332,000 is for funding, at
        all colleges, the Cooperative
        Agencies Resources for Education
        (CARE) program in accordance
        with Article 4 (commencing with
        Section 79150) of Chapter 9 of
        Part 48 of Division 7 of Title 3
        of the Education Code. The Board
        of Governors of the California
        Community Colleges shall
        allocate funds on a priority
        basis to local programs on the
        basis of need for student
   22.  Of the funds appropriated in
        Schedule (20) for the Extended
        Opportunity Programs and
        Services and Special Services,
        no less than $4,972,000 shall be
        available to support additional
        textbook assistance grants to
        community college students as an
        allowable expenditure consistent
        with paragraph (10) of
        subdivision (b) of Section 69648
        of the Education Code. In
        addition, these funds shall not
        supplant the amount of resources
        used for textbook grants in the
        2001-02 fiscal year.
   23.  The funds appropriated in
        Schedule (21) for the Fund for
        Student Success are for
        additional targeted student
        services, to be expended as
        (a)   $1,183,000 is for the
              Puente Project to support
              up to 75 colleges. These
              funds are       available
              if matched by $200,000 of
              private funds and the
              participating community
              colleges and University of
              California campuses
              maintain their 1995-96
              fiscal year support level
              for the Puente Project.
              All funding shall be
              allocated directly to
              participating districts in
              accordance with their
              participation agreement.
        (b)   Up to $1,515,000 is for
              the Mathematics,
              Engineering and Science
              Achievement (MESA)
              program. For each $1
              allocated, the recipient
              district shall provide $1
              in matching funds.
        (c)   No       less than
              $1,094,000 is for the
              Middle College High School
              Program. With the
              exception of fully
              compliant special part-
              time students at the
              community colleges
              pursuant to Sections 48802
              and 76001 of the Education
              Code, student workload
              based on participation in
              the Middle College High
              School Program shall not
              be eligible for community
              college state
              apportionment. Further, no
              community college state
              apportionment shall be
              made available for
              physical education
              classes, noncredit
              classes, nor other courses
              specified in Provision 8.
   24.  Pursuant to Sections 69648.5,
        78216, and 84850, and
        subdivision (b) of Section
        87108, of the Education Code,
        the Board of Governors of the
        California Community Colleges
        may       allocate funds
        appropriated in Schedules (7),
        (10), (12), and (20) by grant or
        contract, or through the
        apportionment process, to one or
        more districts for the purpose
        of providing program evaluation,
        accountability, monitoring, or
        program development services, as
        appropriate under the applicable
   25.  The funds appropriated in
        Schedule (23) for the Campus
        Child Care Tax Bailout shall be
        allocated by the Chancellor of
        the California Community
        Colleges to community college
        districts that levied child care
        permissive override taxes in the
        1977-78 fiscal year pursuant to
        Sections 8329 and 8330 of the
        Education Code in an amount
        proportional to the property tax
        revenues, tax relief
        subventions, and state aid
        required to be made available by
        the district to its child care
        and development program for the
        1979-80 fiscal year pursuant to
        Section 30 of Chapter 1035 of
        the Statutes of 1979, increased
        or decreased by any cost-of-
        living adjustment granted in
        subsequent fiscal years. These
        funds shall be used only for the
        purpose of community college
        child care and development
   26.  With regard to the funds
        appropriated in Schedule (24),
        Nursing Program Support, all of
        the following shall apply:
        (a)   $8,475,000 shall be used
              to provide       support
              for nursing program
              enrollment and equipment
              needs consistent with
              paragraph (2) of
              subdivision (a) of Section
              2 of Chapter 514 of the
              Statutes of 2001. Funding
              for nursing enrollment
              shall provide a marginal
              increase in funding in
              addition to the amount
              provided for each full-
              time equivalent student
              for regular growth in
        (b)   $4,903,000 shall be used
              to provide diagnostic and
              support services, preentry
              coursework, alternative
              program delivery model
              development, and other
              services to reduce the
              incidence of student
              attrition in nursing
        (c)   Funds shall be allocated
              according to the following
              (1)   The degree to which
                    the funds provided
                    would be used to
                    increase student
                    enrollment in
                    nursing programs
                    beyond the level of
                    full-time equivalent
                    students served in
                    the 2011-12 academic
              (2)   The district's level
                    of attrition from
                    nursing programs and
                    the suitability of
                    planned expenditures
                    to       address
                    attrition levels.
              (3)   The degree to which
                    funds provided would
                    be used to support
                    infrastructure or
                    equipment needs with
                    the intent of
                    building capacity
                    and increasing the
                    number of nursing
                    students served.
              (4)   For districts with
                    attrition rates of
                    15 percent or more,
                    new funding shall
                    focus on attrition
                    reduction. For
                    districts with
                    attrition rates
                    below 15 percent,
                    new funding shall
                    focus on enrollment
        (d)   On or before March 1 of
              each year, the Chancellor
              of the California
              Community Colleges shall
              provide the Legislature
              and the Department of
              Finance with a report on
              the allocation of funding.
              For each district
              receiving funding under
              this item, the report
              shall include all of the
              following: (1) the amount
              of funding received, (2)
              the number of nursing full-
              time equivalent students
              served in the 2006-07
              academic year, and the
              additional number of
              nursing full-time
              equivalent students served
              with funding provided in
              this item in each
              subsequent year, (3) the
              district's attrition and
              completion rates in the
              2006-07 academic year and
              subsequent years, (4) any
              equipment or
              items acquired       with
              the funds appropriated in
              this item, and (5) the
              number of new and existing
              faculty receiving annual
              stipend awards.
   27.  Notwithstanding any other
        provision of law, the Chancellor
        of the California Community
        Colleges shall allocate
        categorical funds as specified
        in legislation enacted in 2009
        and as amended in 2010. Pursuant
        to the conditions specified in
        that legislation, districts may
        utilize funds allocated from
        Schedules (11), (12), (13),
        (14), (15), (17), (18), and (23)
        as further specified in that
        legislation. Notwithstanding
        this provision and subdivision
        (b) of Section 84043 of the
        Education Code, the chancellor
        may adjust allocations, as
        necessary, for funding provided
        pursuant to Schedules (11),
        (17),       and (18) in support
        of statewide or regional
   28.  Funding provided to community
        college districts in Schedule
        (1) is provided to directly
        offset any mandated costs
        claimed by community college
        districts for the Minimum
        Conditions for State Aid (02-TC-
        25 and 02-TC-31) mandated
        program as determined by the
        Commission on State Mandates.
   29.  (a)   The amount appropriated in
              Schedule (3.5) for the
              Apprenticeship Training
              and Instruction shall be
              available as necessary
              upon certification by the
              Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges for the purpose
              of funding local
              educational agency related
              and supplemental
              instruction pursuant to
              Section 3074 of the Labor
              Code, as provided in
              Article 8 (commencing with
              Section 8150) of Chapter 1
              of Part 6 of Division 1 of
              Title 1 of the Education
              Code. A local educational
              agency shall not use funds
              available under this
              provision to offer any new
              apprenticeship training
              program or the expansion
              of any existing program
              unless the new program or
              expansion has been
              approved by the Division
              of Apprenticeship
        (b)   Notwithstanding Article 8
              (commencing with Section
              8150) of Chapter 1 of Part
              6 of Division 1 of Title 1
              of the Education
              Code, each hour of
              teaching time devoted to
              each indentured apprentice
              enrolled in and attending
              classes of related and
              supplemental instruction,
              as provided pursuant to
              Section 3074 of the Labor
              Code, shall be reimbursed
              at the rate of $5.04 per
              hour. For purposes of this
              provision, each hour of
              teaching time may include
              up to 10 minutes for
              passing time and breaks.
   30.  (a)   The amount appropriated in
              Schedule (26) for
              Expanding the Delivery of
              Courses through Technology
              shall be allocated to the
              Chancellor of the
              California Community
              Colleges and used to
              increase the number of
              courses available to
              undergraduates, and, to
              the extent possible, high
              school students seeking
              college credits, through
              the use of technology and
              to provide alternative
              methods for students to
              earn college credit. For
              online-only courses, the
              chancellor shall ensure,
              to the extent possible,
              that the courses selected
              for this purpose can be
              articulated across all
              community college
              districts and shall
              additionally ensure that
              students enrolling and
              successfully completing
              these courses are granted
              degree-applicable cross-
              campus transfer credit.
              The chancellor shall also
              ensure that these online-
              only courses are made
              available to students
              systemwide, regardless of
              the campus where they are
              enrolled. The
              Legislature's intent is to
              maximize the development
              of online courses
              available across campuses
              to alleviate shortages of
              certain core courses at
              certain       campuses.
        (b)   These funds shall be used
              for those courses that
              have the highest demand,
              fill quickly, and are
              prerequisites for many
              different degrees. By
              March 1, 2015, the
              chancellor shall submit a
              report to the Department
              of Finance and the Joint
              Legislative Budget
              Committee detailing the
              use of these funds and any
              outcomes that may be
              attributed to their use.
              The report shall include
              the proposed use of these
              funds in the 2015-16
              fiscal year.
   31.  The Chancellor of the California

Community Colleges shall report
        annually to both the Department
        of Finance and the Joint
        Legislative Budget Committee, no
        later than September 30, on the
        status of recouping funds owed
        to the state from the Desert
        Community College District.

   SEC. 21.  SEC. 22.   Item 7100-001-0514
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
7100-001-0514--For support of Employment
Development Department, for payment to
Item 7100-001-0870, payable from the
Employment Training Fund................... 73,193,000
      1.     Upon order of the Director of
             Finance, funds disencumbered
             from       Employment Training
             Fund training contracts during
             the 2014-15 fiscal year that
             have not reverted as of July
             1, 2014, may be appropriated
             in augmentation of this item.
      2.     Notwithstanding subparagraph
             (B) of paragraph (2) of
             subdivision (a) of Section
             10206 of the Unemployment
             Insurance Code, the Employment
             Training Panel's
             administrative costs may
             exceed 15 percent of the
             amount appropriated in this

   SEC. 22.   SEC. 23.   Item 7100-001-0870
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
7100-001-0870--For support of Employment
Development Department, payable from the
Unemployment Administration Fund--Federal. 584,593,000
    (1)   10-Employment
          and Employment-
          Related Services....  180,765,000
    (2)   21-Tax Collections
          and Benefit
          Payments............  810,781,000
    (3)   22-California
          Insurance Appeals
          Board...............   68,167,000
    (4)   30.01-General
          Administration......   52,969,000
    (5)   30.02-Distributed
          Administration......  -50,983,000
    (6)   50-Employment
          Training Panel......   70,632,000
    (7)   Reimbursements......  -26,145,000
    (8)   Amount payable from
          the General Fund
          (Item 7100-001-
          0001)...............  -68,962,000
    (9)   Amount payable from
          the Employment
          Department Benefit
          Audit Fund (Item
          7100-001-0184)......  -11,677,000
    (10)  Amount payable from
          the Employment
          Contingent Fund
          (Item 7100-001-
          0185)............... -117,185,000
    (11)  Amount payable from
          the Employment
          Training Fund (Item
          7100-001-0514)......  -73,193,000
    (12)  Amount payable from
          the Unemployment
          Disability Fund
          (Item 7100-001-
          0588)............... -249,565,000
    (13)  Amount payable from
          the School
          Employees Fund
          (Item 7100-001-
          0908)...............   -1,011,000
    1.    Funds appropriated in this item
          are in lieu of the amounts that
          otherwise would have been
          appropriated pursuant to Section
          1555 of the Unemployment
          Insurance Code.
    2.    Provision 1 of Item 7100-001-
          0588 also applies to funds
          appropriated in this item for
          the Unemployment Insurance
    3.    The Employment Development
          Department shall report to the
          Director of Finance, the
          chairpersons of the fiscal
          committees of both houses of the
          Legislature, and the Legislative
          Analyst's Office by March 1,
          2015, on the year-to-date,
          broken out by month,
          Unemployment Insurance Program
          service levels as they relate to
          all of the following: (a) the
          number and percentage of initial
          claims for unemployment benefits
          processed within three days of
          receipt; (b) the       number
          and percentage of online
          inquiries responded to within
          five days of receipt, (c) the
          number and percentage of
          eligibility determinations
          scheduled within a timely
          manner, and, (d) the number and
          percentage of telephone calls
          responded to per week. In
          addition, the report shall
          include any program or process
          efficiencies identified by the
          department and how such
          efficiencies impact resource

   SEC. 23.   SEC. 24.   Item 8660-001-0462
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
8660-001-0462--For support of Public
Utilities Commission, payable from the
Public Utilities Commission Utilities
Reimbursement Account...................... 95,263,000
    (1)    10-Regulation
           of Utilities........  157,888,000
    (2)    15-Universal
           Service Telephone
           Programs............   93,555,000
    (3)    20-Regulation of
           Transportation......   29,194,000
    (4)    30.01-
           Administration......   43,132,000
    (5)    30.02-Distributed
           Administration......  -43,134,000
    (6)    Reimbursements......  -60,544,000
    (7)    Amount payable from
           the State Highway
           Account, State
           Transportation Fund
           (Item 8660-001-
           0042)...............   -3,963,000
    (8)    Amount payable from
           the Public
           Account, State
           Transportation Fund
           (Item       8660-
           001-0046)...........   -5,964,000
    (9)    Amount payable from
           the Transportation
           Rate Fund (Item
           8660-001-0412)......   -2,839,000
    (10)   Amount payable from
           the Public
           Account (Item 8660-
           001-0461)...........  -13,009,000
    (11)   Amount payable from
           the California High-
           Cost Fund-A
           Committee Fund
           (Item 8660-001-
           0464)...............   -1,474,000
    (12)   Amount payable from
           the California High-
           Cost Fund-B
           Committee Fund
           (Item 8660-001-
           0470)...............   -1,441,000
    (13)   Amount payable from
           the Universal
           Lifeline Telephone
           Service Trust
           Committee Fund
           (Item 8660-001-
           0471)...............  -21,194,000
    (14)   Amount payable from
           the Deaf and
           Committee Fund
           (Item 8660-001-
           0483)...............  -62,657,000
    (15)   Amount payable from
           the Payphone
           Service Providers
           Committee Fund
           (Item 8660-001-
           0491)...............      -72,000
    (16)   Amount payable from
           the California
           Teleconnect Fund
           Committee Fund
           (Item 8660-001-
           0493)...............   -2,945,000
    (17)   Amount payable from
           the Federal Trust
           Fund (Item 8660-001-
           0890)...............   -5,498,000
    (18)   Amount payable from
           the California
           Advanced Services
           Fund (Item 8660-001-
           3141)...............   -3,772,000
    1.     The Public Utilities Commission
           shall require any public utility
           requesting a merger to reimburse
           the commission for those
           necessary expenses that the
           commission incurs in its
           consideration of the proposed
           merger. Notwithstanding any
           other provision of law, due to
           the bankruptcy of Sacramento
           Natural Gas Storage, the
           commission's intervenor
           compensation award to the
           Avondale Glen Elder Neighborhood
           Association in A.07-04-013 has
           been reduced to a fraction of
           the amount awarded. In this
           limited circumstance, the
           commission may expend up to
           $1,500,000 to pay to       the
           Avondale Glen Elder Neighborhood
           Association the difference
           between the amount received from
           the bankruptcy court and the
           amount awarded by the commission
           by increasing charges collected
           from utilities pursuant to the
           commission's intervenor's
           compensation program established
           under Section 1807 of the Public
           Utilities Code.

   SEC. 24.   SEC. 25.   Item 8660-001-0493
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
8660-001-0493--For support of Public
Utilities Commission, for payment to Item
8660-001-0462, payable from the California
Teleconnect Fund Administrative Committee
Fund........................................  2,945,000

   SEC. 25.   SEC. 26.   Item 8660-101-0493
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
8660-101-0493--For local assistance, Public
Utilities Commission, pursuant to Section
270 of the Public Utilities Code, payable
from the California Teleconnect              104,605,00
Administrative Committee Fund...............          0
      1.      Notwithstanding any other
              provision of law, upon request
              of the Public Utilities
              Commission, the Department of
              Finance may       augment the
              amount available for
              expenditure in this item to
              pay claims made to the
              California Teleconnect Fund
              Administrative Committee Fund
              Program. The augmentation may
              be made no sooner than 30 days
              after notification in writing
              to the chairpersons of the
              committees in each house of
              the Legislature that consider
              appropriations and the
              Chairperson of the Joint
              Legislative Budget Committee.
              The amount of funds augmented
              pursuant to the authority of
              this provision shall be
              consistent with the amount
              approved by the Department of
              Finance based on its review of
              the amount of claims received
              by the Public Utilities
              Commission from
              telecommunications carriers.

   SEC. 26.  SEC. 27.   Item 9800-001-0001
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
9800-001-0001--For Augmentation for
Employee Compensation...................... 271,480,000
      1.     The amount appropriated in
             this item shall not be
             construed to control or
             influence collective
             bargaining between the state
             employer and employee
      2.     The funds appropriated in this
             item are for compensation
             increases and increases in
             benefits related thereto of
             employees whose compensation,
             or portion thereof, is
             chargeable to the General
             Fund, to be allocated by
             budget executive order by the
             Director of Finance to the
             several state offices,
             departments, boards, bureaus,
             commissions, and other state
             agencies, in augmentation of
             their respective
             appropriations or allocations,
             in accordance with approved
             memoranda of understanding or,
             for employees excluded from
             collective bargaining, in
             accordance with salary and
             benefit schedules established
             by the Department of Human
      3.     It is the intent of the
             Legislature that all proposed
             augmentations for increased
             employee compensation costs,
             including, but not limited to,
             base salary increases, pay
             increases to bring one group
             of employees into a pay equity
             position with another group of
             public employees, and
             recruitment and retention
             differentials, be budgeted and
             considered on a comprehensive,
             statewide basis. Therefore,
             the Legislature declares its
             intent to reject any proposed
             augmentations that are not
             included in Items 9800-001-
             0001, 9800-001-0494, and 9800-
             001-0988, given that these are
             the items where the funds to
             implement comprehensive
             statewide compensation
             policies, including those
             adopted pursuant to collective
             bargaining, are considered.
             This provision shall not apply
             to augmentations for increased
             employee compensation costs
             resulting from mandatory
             judicial orders to raise pay
             for any group of employees or
             augmentations for increased
             compensation costs, or
             approvals for departments to
             provide increased employee
             compensation levels, that are
             included in bills separate
             from the budget act.
      4.     This item contains funds
             estimated to be necessary to
             implement side letters,
             appendices, or other addenda
             to a memorandum of
             understanding (collectively
             referred to as ""pending
             agreements'') that have been
             determined by the Joint
             Legislative Budget Committee
             to require legislative
             approval prior to their
             implementation, but which may
             not have been approved in
             separate legislation as of the
             date of the passage of this
             act. In the event that the
             Legislature       does not
             approve separate legislation
             to authorize implementation of
             any of the pending agreements,
             the Director of Finance shall
             not allocate any funds related
             to those pending agreements
             pursuant to Provision 2, and
             the expenditure of funds for
             those pending agreements shall
             not be deemed to have been
             approved by the Legislature.
      5.     As of July 31, 2015, the
             unencumbered balances of the
             above appropriation shall
             revert to the General Fund.
      6.     The Director of Finance may
             adjust this item of
             appropriation to reflect the
             health benefit premium rates
             approved       by the Board of
             Administration of the
             California Public Employees'
             Retirement System for the 2015
             calendar year. Within 30 days
             of making any adjustment
             pursuant to this provision,
             the Director of Finance shall
             report the adjustment in
             writing to the Chairperson of
             the Joint Legislative Budget
             Committee and the chairpersons
             of the committees in each
             house of the Legislature that
             consider appropriations.
      7.     By inclusion of this
             provision, for purposes of
             Sections 3517.5 and 3517.63 of
             the Government Code, the
             Legislature hereby ratifies
             the following agreements that
             require the expenditure of
             funds: (1) addendum concerning
             Aviation Consultants, dated
             November 22, 2013, to the
             Memorandum of Understanding
             (MOU) with State Bargaining
             Unit 1 (Service Employees
             International Union); (2)
             addendum concerning
             Recreational Therapists, dated
             March 4, 2014, to the MOU with
             State Bargaining Unit 19
             (American Federation of State,
             County, and Municipal
             Employees); (3) the MOU dated
             May 5, 2014, with State
             Bargaining Unit 13
             (International Union of
             Operating Engineers),
             including continuous
             appropriation of economic
             terms in the event that a
             budget act is not in place
             prior to July 1, 2016, such
             appropriation will be subsumed
             by the expenditure authority
             approved in the budget act for
             each affected department upon
             enactment of each applicable
             Budget Act; (4) addendum
             concerning Correctional
             Officers, dated May 9, 2014,
             to the MOU with State
             Bargaining Unit 6 (California
             Correctional Peace Officers
             Association); and (5) the MOU
             dated May 21, 2014, with State
             Bargaining Unit 10 (California
             Association of Professional
             Scientists), including
             continuous appropriation of
             economic terms in the event
             that a budget act is not in
             place prior to June 30, 2016,
             such appropriation will be
             subsumed by the expenditure
             authority approved in the
             budget act for each affected
             department upon enactment of
             each applicable budget act.
             The estimated costs to
             implement these agreements are
             included in this item or in
             departmental appropriations.

   SEC. 27.   SEC. 28.   Item 9800-001-0494
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
9800-001-0494--For Augmentation for
Employee Compensation, payable from other
unallocated special funds.................. 228,931,000
      1.     The amount appropriated in
             this item shall not be
             construed to control or
             influence collective
             bargaining between       the
             state employer and employee
      2.     The funds appropriated in this
             item are for compensation
             increases and increases in
             benefits related thereto of
             employees whose compensation,
             or portion thereof, is
             chargeable to special funds,
             to be allocated by budget
             executive order by the
             Director of Finance to the
             several state offices,
             departments, boards, bureaus,
             commissions, and other state
             agencies, in augmentation of
             their respective
             appropriations or allocations,
             in       accordance with
             approved memoranda of
             understanding or, for
             employees excluded from
             collective bargaining, in
             accordance with salary and
             benefit schedules established
             by the Department of Human
      3.     Notwithstanding any other
             provision of law, upon
             approval of the Director of
             Finance, expenditure authority
             may be transferred between
             this item and Item 9800-001-
             0988 as necessary to fund
             costs for approved memoranda
             of understanding or, for
             employees excluded from
             collective bargaining, in
             accordance with salary and
             benefit schedules established
             by the Department of Human
      4.     It is the intent of the
             Legislature that all proposed
             augmentations for increased
             employee compensation costs,
             including, but not limited to,
             base salary increases, pay
             increases to bring one group
             of employees into a pay equity
             position with another group of
             public employees, and
             recruitment and retention
             differentials, be budgeted and
             considered on a comprehensive,
             statewide basis. Therefore,
             the Legislature declares its
             intent to reject any proposed
             augmentations that are not
             included in Items 9800-001-
             0001, 9800-001-0494, and 9800-
             001-0988, given that these are
             the items where the funds to
             implement comprehensive
             statewide compensation
             policies, including those
             adopted pursuant to collective
             bargaining, are considered.
             This provision shall not apply
             to augmentations for increased
             employee compensation costs
             resulting from       mandatory
             judicial orders to raise pay
             for any group of employees or
             augmentations for increased
             compensation costs, or
             approvals for departments to
             provide increased employee
             compensation levels, that are
             included in bills separate
             from the budget act.
      5.     This item contains funds
             estimated to be necessary to
             implement side letters,
             appendices, or other addenda
             to a memorandum of
             understanding (collectively
             referred to as ""pending
             agreements'') that have been
             determined by the Joint
             Legislative Budget Committee
             to require legislative
             approval prior to their
             implementation, but which may
             not have been approved in
             separate legislation as of the
             date of the passage of this
             act. In the event that the
             Legislature does not approve
             separate       legislation to
             authorize implementation of
             any of the pending agreements,
             the Director of Finance shall
             not allocate any funds related
             to those pending agreements
             pursuant to Provision 2, and
             the expenditure of funds for
             those pending agreements shall
             not be deemed to have been
             approved by the Legislature.
      6.     As of July 31, 2015, the
             unencumbered balances of the
             above appropriation shall no
             longer be available for
      7.     The Director of Finance may
             adjust this item of
             appropriation to reflect the
             health benefit premium rates
             approved by the Board of
             Administration of the
             California Public Employees'
             Retirement System for the 2015
             calendar year. Within 30 days
             of making any adjustment
             pursuant to this provision,
             the Director of Finance shall
             report the adjustment in
             writing to the Chairperson of
             the Joint Legislative Budget
             Committee and the chairperson
             of the committees in each
             house of the Legislature that
             consider appropriations.
      8.     By inclusion of this
             provision, for purposes of
             Sections 3517.5 and 3517.63 of
             the Government Code, the
             Legislature hereby ratifies
             the following agreements that
             require the expenditure of
             funds: (1) addendum concerning
             Aviation Consultants, dated
             November 22, 2013, to the
             Memorandum of Understanding
             (MOU) with State
             Bargaining Unit 1 (Service
             Employees International
             Union); (2) addendum
             concerning Recreational
             Therapists, dated March 4,
             2014, to the MOU with State
             Bargaining Unit 19 (American
             Federation of State, County,
             and Municipal Employees); (3)
             the MOU dated May 5, 2014,
             with State Bargaining Unit 13
             (International Union of
             Operating Engineers),
             including continuous
             appropriation of economic
             terms in the event that a
             budget act is not in place
             prior to July 1, 2016; such
             appropriation will be subsumed
             by the expenditure authority
             approved in the budget act for
             each affected department upon
             enactment of each applicable
             budget act; (4) addendum
             concerning Correctional
             Officers, dated May 9, 2014,
             to the MOU with State
             Bargaining Unit 6 (California
             Correctional Peace Officers
             Association); and (5) the MOU
             dated May 21, 2014, with State
             Bargaining Unit 10 (California
             Association of
             Professional Scientists),
             including continuous
             appropriation of economic
             terms in the event that a
             budget act is not in place
             prior to June 30, 2016; such
             appropriation will be subsumed
             by the expenditure authority
             approved in the budget act for
             each affected department upon
             enactment of each applicable
             budget act. The estimated
             costs to implement these
             agreements are included in
             this item or in departmental

   SEC. 28.   SEC. 29.   Item 9800-001-0988
of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
9800-001-0988--For Augmentation for

    Employee Compensation, payable from other
unallocated nongovernmental cost funds..... 112,757,000
      1.     The amount appropriated in
             this item shall not be
             construed to control or
             influence collective
             bargaining between the state
             employer and employee
      2.     The funds appropriated in this
             item are for employee
             compensation increases, and
             increases in benefits related
             thereto, whose compensation or
             portion thereof is chargeable
             to nongovernmental cost funds,
             to be allocated by budget
             executive order by the
             Director of Finance to the
             several state offices,
             departments, boards, bureaus,
             commissions, and other state
             agencies, in augmentation of
             their respective
             appropriations or allocations,
             in accordance with approved
             memoranda of understanding or,
             for employees excluded from
             collective bargaining, in
             accordance with salary and
             benefit schedules established
             by the Department of Human
      3.     Notwithstanding any other
             provision of law, upon
             approval of the Director of
             Finance, expenditure authority
             may be transferred between
             Item 9800-001-0494 and this
             item as necessary to fund
             costs for approved memoranda
             of understanding or, for
             employees excluded from
             collective bargaining, in
             accordance with salary and
             benefit schedules established
             by the Department of Human
      4.     It is the intent of the
             Legislature that all proposed
             augmentations for increased
             employee compensation costs,
             including, but not limited to,
             base salary increases, pay
             increases to bring one group
             of employees into a pay equity
             position with another group of
             public employees, and
             recruitment and retention
             differentials, be budgeted and
             considered on a comprehensive,
             statewide basis. Therefore,
             the Legislature declares its
             intent to reject any proposed
             augmentations that are not
             included in Items 9800-001-
             0001, 9800-001-0494, and 9800-
             001-0988, given that these are
             the items where the funds to
             implement comprehensive
             statewide compensation
             policies, including those
             adopted pursuant to collective
             bargaining, are considered.
             This provision shall not apply
             to augmentations for increased
             employee compensation costs
             resulting from mandatory
             judicial orders to raise pay
             for any group of employees or
             augmentations for
             increased compensation costs,
             or approvals for departments
             to provide increased employee
             compensation levels, that are
             included in bills separate
             from the budget act.
      5.     This item contains funds
             estimated to be necessary to
             implement side letters,
             appendices, or other addenda
             to a memorandum of
             understanding (collectively
             referred to as ""pending
             agreements'') that have been
             determined by the Joint
             Legislative Budget Committee
             to require legislative
             approval prior to their
             implementation, but which may
             not have been approved in
             separate legislation as of the
             date of the passage of this
             act. In the event that the
             Legislature does not approve
             separate legislation to
             authorize implementation of
             any of the pending
             agreements, the Director of
             Finance shall not allocate any
             funds related to those pending
             agreements pursuant to
             Provision 2, and the
             expenditure of funds for those
             pending agreements shall not
             be deemed to have been
             approved by the Legislature.
      6.     As of July 31, 2015, the
             unencumbered balances of the
             above appropriation shall no
             longer be available for
      7.     The Director of Finance may
             adjust this item of
             appropriation to reflect the
             health benefit premium rates
             approved by the Board of
             Administration of the
             California Public Employees'
             Retirement System for the 2015
             calendar year.       Within 30
             days of making any adjustment
             pursuant to this provision,
             the Director of Finance shall
             report the adjustment in
             writing to the Chairperson of
             the Joint Legislative Budget
             Committee and the chairpersons
             of the committees in each
             house of the Legislature that
             consider appropriations.
      8.     By inclusion of this
             provision, for purposes of
             Sections 3517.5 and 3517.63 of
             the Government Code, the
             Legislature hereby ratifies
             the following agreements that
             require the expenditure of
             funds: (1) addendum concerning
             Aviation Consultants, dated
             November 22, 2013, to the
             Memorandum of Understanding
             (MOU) with State Bargaining
             Unit 1 (Service Employees
             International Union); (2)
             addendum concerning
             Recreational       Therapists,
             dated March 4, 2014, to the
             MOU with State Bargaining Unit
             19 (American Federation of
             State, County, and Municipal
             Employees); (3) the MOU dated
             May 5, 2014, with State
             Bargaining Unit 13
             (International Union of
             Operating Engineers),
             including continuous
             appropriation of economic
             terms in the event that a
             budget act is not in place
             prior to July 1, 2016, such
             appropriation will be subsumed
             by the expenditure authority
             approved in the budget act for
             each affected department upon
             enactment of each applicable
             budget act; (4) addendum
             concerning Correctional
             Officers, dated May 9, 2014,
             to the MOU with State
             Bargaining Unit 6 (California
             Correctional Peace Officers
             Association); and (5) the MOU
             dated May 21, 2014, with State
             Bargaining Unit 10 (California
             Association of Professional
             Scientists), including
             continuous appropriation of
             economic terms in the event
             that a       budget act is not
             in place prior to June 30,
             2016, such appropriation will
             be subsumed by the expenditure
             authority approved in the
             budget act for each affected
             department upon enactment of
             each applicable budget act.
             The estimated costs to
             implement these agreements are
             included in this item or in
             departmental appropriations.

   SEC. 29.   SEC. 30.   Section 11.00 of
the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
  Sec. 11.00.  The Department of Finance shall report to the Joint
Legislative Budget Committee when a reportable information technology
project's overall costs increase by $5,000,000 or 20 percent of the
budgeted cost of the project, whichever is less. Each report shall
include all of the following: (1) the total change in cost, scope,
and schedule; (2) the reason for the change or changes; (3) a
description of new, amended, or new and amended contracts required as
a result of the change or changes; (4) a list of the risks and
issues identified in the last two Independent Verification and
Validation and Independent Project Oversight Reports and any risk and
issue that has been identified since those reports; and (5) the
department's planned mitigation of these risks and issues. The report
shall be made no less than 30 calendar days prior to any commitment
to a new contract or contract amendment that is a result of the
change or changes identified above, or a lesser period if requested
by the department and approved by the Chairperson of the Joint
Legislative Budget Committee or his or her designee.
   SEC. 30.   SEC. 31.   Section 39.00 of
the Budget Act of 2014 is amended to read:
  Sec. 39.00.  The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the
following bills are other bills providing for appropriations related
to the Budget Bill within the meaning of subdivision (e) of Section
12 of Article IV of the California Constitution: AB 1458, AB 1459, AB
1460, AB 1461, AB 1462, AB 1463, AB 1464, AB 1465, AB 1466, AB 1467,
AB 1468, AB 1469, AB 1471, AB 1472, AB 1473, AB 1474, AB 1475, AB
1476, AB 1477, AB 1478, AB 1479, AB 1480, AB 1481, AB 1482, AB 1483,
AB 1484, AB 1485, AB 1486, AB 1487, AB 1488, AB 1489, AB 1490, AB
1491, AB 1492, AB 1493, AB 1494, AB 1495, AB 1496, AB 1497, SB 853,
SB 854, SB 855, SB 856, SB 857, SB 858, SB 859, SB 860, SB 861, SB
862, SB 863, SB 864, SB 866, SB 867, SB 868, SB 869,  ,
 SB 870, SB 873, SB 874, SB 875, SB 876, SB 877, SB 878, SB
879, SB 880, SB 881, SB 882, SB 883, SB 884, SB 885, SB 886, SB 887,
SB 888, SB 889, SB 890, and SB 891.
   SEC. 31.   SEC. 32.   This act is a
Budget Bill within the meaning of subdivision (e) of Section 12 of
Article IV of the California Constitution and shall take effect