Amended  IN  Senate  March 10, 2021


Senate Bill
No. 622

Introduced by Senator Roth

February 18, 2021

An act relating to postsecondary education. An act to add Article 23.5 (commencing with Section 70043) to Chapter 2 of Part 42 of Division 5 of Title 3 of the Education Code, relating to student financial aid.


SB 622, as amended, Roth. Postsecondary education: workforce development: probation officers. Student financial aid: State Department of Social Services: individuals serving foster youth.
Existing law establishes the California Community Colleges, under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the California State University, under the administration of the Trustees of the California State University, the University of California, under the administration of the Regents of the University of California, independent institutions of higher education, and private postsecondary educational institutions as the segments of postsecondary education in the state.

This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact subsequent legislation that would develop a statewide program to support workforce development opportunities for post-undergraduate students who are pursing advanced degrees to become probation officers.

This bill would require the State Department of Social Services to establish a program to provide tuition assistance to eligible individuals pursuing postgraduate degrees who have applied in a manner specified by the department, and who are currently employed by, or who commit to seeking employment in, a qualifying agency serving foster youth. The bill would define eligible individual, qualifying agency, and tuition assistance for its purposes.
The bill would require the department, upon the appropriation by the Legislature of specified federal funds received by the state, to provide tuition assistance to eligible individuals while they attend in the state any graduate school at the University of California, the California State University, or an independent institution of higher education, as defined. The bill would require the department, on or before January 1, 2023, to adopt regulations related to topics including, but not necessarily limited to, the application criteria, the application process, data collection, and accountability for program expenditures.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NOYES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Article 23.5 (commencing with Section 70043) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 42 of Division 5 of Title 3 of the Education Code, to read:
Article  23.5. Tuition Assistance to Individuals Serving Foster Youth

 (a) The State Department of Social Services shall establish a program to provide tuition assistance to individuals pursuing postgraduate degrees who are currently employed by, or who commit to seeking employment in, a qualifying agency serving foster youth.
(b) The program established by this section shall do all of the following:
(1) Facilitate postgraduate degrees for eligible individuals who directly work with foster youth and provide court-ordered placement services.
(2) Prioritize the enrollment of eligible individuals who reflect the diversity of the state’s foster youth population.
(3) Prioritize the enrollment of current state, county, or tribal probation placement staff.
(c) Upon appropriation by the Legislature of funds received by the state pursuant to Title IV-E (commencing with Section 470) of the federal Social Security Act of 1935 (Public Law 74-271, as amended), the State Department of Social Services shall provide tuition assistance to eligible individuals while they attend in the state any graduate school at the University of California, the California State University, or an independent institution of higher education, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 66010.
(d) An eligible individual shall apply to the State Department of Social Services for tuition assistance under this program in a manner prescribed by that department.
(e) On or before January 1, 2023, the State Department of Social Services shall adopt regulations to implement this article. These regulations shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, regulations related to the application criteria, the application process, data collection, and accountability for program expenditures.
(f) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
(1) “Eligible individual” means a person currently employed by a qualifying agency, or a person who meets the qualifications for employment in a qualifying agency.
(2) “Qualifying agency” means a county probation department serving foster youth and providing court-ordered placement services.
(3) “Tuition assistance” means a stipend or reimbursement for tuition, fees, books, and travel, as developed by the State Department of Social Services.


It is the intent of the Legislature to enact subsequent legislation that would develop a statewide program to support workforce development opportunities for post-undergraduate students who are pursing advanced degrees to become probation officers.