Senate Bill No. 277

Introduced by Senator Bradford

February 09, 2017

An act to amend Section 65850 of the Government Code, relating to land use.


SB 277, as introduced, Bradford. Land use: zoning regulations.
The Planning and Zoning Law authorizes the legislative body of any city or county to adopt ordinances regulating zoning within its jurisdiction, as specified.
This bill would additionally authorize the legislative body of any city or county to adopt ordinances to require, as a condition of development of residential rental units, that the development include a certain percentage of residential rental units affordable to, and occupied by, moderate-income, lower income, very low income, or extremely low income households, as specified. The bill would also make a nonsubstantive change.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 65850 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 The legislative body of any county or city may, pursuant to this chapter, adopt ordinances that do any of the following:
(a) Regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between industry, business, residences, open space, including agriculture, recreation, enjoyment of scenic beauty, use of natural resources, and other purposes.
(b) Regulate signs and billboards.
(c) Regulate all of the following:
(1) The location, height, bulk, number of stories, and size of buildings and structures.
(2) The size and use of lots, yards, courts, and other open spaces.
(3) The percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure.
(4) The intensity of land use.
(d) Establish requirements for offstreet off-street parking and loading.
(e) Establish and maintain building setback lines.
(f) Create civic districts around civic centers, public parks, public buildings, or public grounds, and establish regulations for those civic districts.
(g) Require, as a condition of the development of residential rental units, that the development include a certain percentage of residential rental units affordable to, and occupied by, households with incomes that do not exceed the limits for moderate income, lower income, very low income, or extremely low income households specified in Sections 50079.5, 50105, and 50106 of the Health and Safety Code.