Senate Bill No. 1428

An act to add Section 49120 to the Education Code, relating to minor work permits.

[ Approved by Governor  September 14, 2018. Filed with Secretary of State  September 14, 2018. ]


SB 1428, McGuire. Minors: employment: work permits.
Existing law prohibits a person, firm, or corporation from employing, suffering, or permitting any minor under 18 years of age to work in or in connection with any establishment or occupation without a permit to employ, issued by the proper educational officers, except as specified. Existing law authorizes, among others, the superintendent of a school district, a county superintendent of schools, and the chief executive officer of a charter school to issue a work permit to a minor, subject to specified requirements and conditions. Existing law provides requirements and conditions for work permits on the basis of the minor’s age, and relating to the type of work and the number of hours and periods of the year that a minor is authorized to work.
This bill would prohibit the denial of a work permit on the basis of a pupil’s grades, grade point average, or school attendance if the pupil is applying for the work permit in order to participate in a government-administered employment and training program that will occur during the regular summer recess or vacation of the school that the pupil attends.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 49120 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 A work permit shall not be denied on the basis of a pupil’s grades, grade point average, or school attendance if the pupil is applying for the work permit in order to participate in a government-administered employment and training program that will occur during the regular summer recess or vacation of the school that the pupil attends.