Amended  IN  Assembly  July 05, 2018
Amended  IN  Senate  April 30, 2018
Amended  IN  Senate  April 02, 2018


Senate Bill No. 1365

Introduced by Senator Hueso

February 16, 2018

An act to add Section 31121 to the Public Resources Code, relating to coastal resources.


SB 1365, as amended, Hueso. State Coastal Conservancy: grants for nonprofit organizations.
Existing law establishes the State Coastal Conservancy, and prescribes the membership and functions and duties of the conservancy with regard to the protection, preservation, and enhancement of specified coastal lands in the state. Existing law authorizes the conservancy to award various grants in furtherance of its duties, including, but not limited to, grants to public agencies and nonprofit organizations for activities to address the impacts of climate change and grants to nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and public agencies for the purpose of educational projects and programs for pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, relating to the preservation, protection, enhancement, and maintenance of coastal resources.
This bill would require authorize the conservancy to award mitigation funds not otherwise restricted to fund grants for nonprofit organizations that offer scientific, educational, cultural, or heritage programs that focus on the history and stewardship of the ocean and coastal resources.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 31121 is added to the Public Resources Code, to read:

 Mitigation funds not otherwise restricted shall may be awarded by the conservancy for funding grants to nonprofit organizations that offer scientific, educational, cultural, or heritage programs that focus on the history and stewardship of the ocean and coastal resources.