INTRODUCED BY   Senator Allen

                        FEBRUARY 18, 2016

   An act to add Part 6.8 (commencing with Section 15375) to Division
3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, relating to aerospace.


   SB 1215, as introduced, Allen. California Aerospace Commission.
   Existing law establishes the Spaceport Office in the Department of
Transportation to seek and obtain federal funding for the
commercialization of private space activities in the state. Existing
law, for the January 1, 2014, lien date to, and including, the
January 1, 2024, lien date, exempts from taxation qualified property,
as defined, for use in space flight. Existing law authorizes airport
districts to provide and maintain spaceports and landing places for
space reentry traffic.
   Existing law establishes the Governor's Office of Business and
Economic Development (office), which is administered by a director
appointed by the Governor. The office serves the Governor as the lead
entity for economic strategy and the marketing of California on
issues relating to business development, private sector investment,
and economic growth.
   This bill would establish the California Aerospace Commission to
foster the development of activities in California related to
aerospace, including, but not limited to, aviation, commercial and
governmental space travel, unmanned aerial vehicles, aerospace
education and job training, infrastructure and research launches,
manufacturing, academic research, applied research, economic
diversification, business development, tourism, and education. The
bill would specify various related duties of the commission.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Part 6.8 (commencing with Section 15375) is added to
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, to read:

      PART 6.8.  California Aerospace Commission

   15375.  (a) The California Aerospace Commission is hereby
established to foster the development of activities in California
related to aerospace, including, but not limited to, aviation,
commercial and governmental space travel, unmanned aerial vehicles,
aerospace education and job training, infrastructure and research
launches, manufacturing, academic research, applied research,
economic diversification, business development, tourism, and
   (b) The commission shall be an official recipient of grants from
state or local government sources or from private businesses or
individuals, for California aerospace-related activities, including,
but not limited to, studies, services, infrastructure improvements,
and modernization.
   (c) The commission shall be an advocate in support of California
aerospace-related activities, including, but not limited to, the
businesses, facilities, programs, developments, alterations,
modifications, educational activities, and other programs impacting
those activities.
   (d) The commission shall identify and recommend changes in
federal, state, and local statutes and regulations that will enhance
the development of California aerospace-related activities.
   (e) The commission shall report on the economic and employment
impacts of California aerospace-related activities to the Governor
and the Legislature and other state agencies and commissions that
adopt regulations or make decisions or determinations that affect
those activities.
   (f) The commission shall recommend to the Governor and the
Legislature appropriate state funding mechanisms and amounts to
promote development of California aerospace-related activities.
   (g) With regard to the development of California aerospace-related
activities, the commission shall provide recommendations to the
Governor and the Legislature in the form of strategic planning
   (h) The commission shall act as a clearinghouse for
aerospace-related issues and information.
   (i) The commission shall foster and promote activities related to
aerospace in all parts of California.