INTRODUCED BY   Senator Anderson

                        DECEMBER 6, 2010

   An act to add Section 17281 to the Government Code, relating to
registered warrants.


   SB 11, as introduced, Anderson. Registered warrants.
   Existing law authorizes a taxpayer who is a payee named in
registered warrant, under certain circumstances, to delay the payment
of specified tax liability until the registered warrant is payable
by the state.
   This bill would prohibit a state entity from assessing a fine,
interest, or penalty, based on a debt owed to the state by an
individual who or entity that is a payee named in a registered
warrant, from the date the state issued the registered warrant until
at least 30 days after the date the registered warrant is payable by
the state. This bill would also, notwithstanding any other provision,
make a debt owed to the state by an individual who or entity that is
a payee named in a registered warrant not be due before 30 days
after the date the registered warrant is payable upon presentation to
the state. The bill would limit these provisions to an individual or
entity that is a payee in a registered warrant and is subject to a
state fine, interest, or penalty that was imposed between January 1,
2006, and December 31, 2009, inclusive.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 17281 is added to the Government Code, to read:

   17281.  (a) No state entity shall assess a fine, interest, or
penalty based on a debt owed to the state by an individual or entity
who is a payee named in a registered warrant, as defined in Section
17221, that was received in payment of an obligation the state owes
to that individual or entity, in an amount not to exceed the amount
of the registered warrant, including any interest thereon, from the
date the state issued the registered warrant to the individual or
entity until 30 days after the date the registered warrant is payable
upon presentation to the state.
   (b) Notwithstanding any other provision, a debt owed to the state
by an individual who or entity that is a payee named in a registered
warrant, as defined in Section 17221, shall not be due before at
least 30 days after the date the registered warrant is payable upon
presentation to the state.
   (c) This section shall apply only to an individual who or entity
that is a payee named in a registered warrant, as defined in Section
17221, and is subject to a fine, interest, or penalty based on a debt
owed to the state that was imposed between January 1, 2006, and
December 31, 2009, inclusive.