INTRODUCED BY   Senator Mitchell

                        FEBRUARY 17, 2016

   An act to add Section 120511 to the Health And Safety Code,
relating to sexually transmitted diseases.


   SB 1090, as introduced, Mitchell. Sexually transmitted diseases:
outreach and screening services.
   Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health to
develop and review plans and participate in a program for the
prevention and control of venereal disease, and authorizes the
department to establish, maintain, and subsidize clinics,
dispensaries, and prophylactic stations for the diagnosis, treatment,
and prevention of venereal disease.
   This bill would require the department, to the extent funds are
appropriated by the Legislature, to allocate grants to counties for
sexually transmitted disease (STD) outreach and screening services.
The bill would target and prioritize counties based on population and
incidence of STDs and allocate funds to targeted counties to balance
the need to spread funding to as many counties as possible and the
need to provide meaningful services to each funded county. If a
targeted county declines a grant, the bill would authorize the
department to solicit proposals from community-based organizations to
provide outreach and screening services. Specified mandates and
accountability measures would apply to the county of the
community-based organization when providing the outreach and
screening services.
   This bill would require the department to authorize innovative and
impactful screening services, such as voluntary screening of inmates
and wards of county adult and juvenile corrections facilities, and
use of state-of-the-art testing modalities. The bill would require
the department to use the accountability measures developed under the
bill in order to monitor the activities funded by the bill.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 120511 is added to the Health and Safety Code,
to read:
   120511.  (a) To the extent funds are appropriated by the
Legislature for these purposes, the department shall allocate funds
to counties for sexually transmitted disease outreach and screening
services in accordance with the following:
   (1) Counties shall be targeted and prioritized based on population
and incidence of sexually transmitted diseases.
   (2) Funds shall be allocated to targeted counties in a manner that
balances the need to spread funding to as many counties as possible
and the need to provide meaningful services to each funded county.
   (3) Each recipient county shall demonstrate to the department that
the county has done all of the following:
   (A) Identified priority target populations.
   (B) Satisfactorily described its outreach protocols.
   (C) Included community-based partners for outreach and screening.
   (D) Allocated resources for laboratory costs.
   (4) The department shall develop measures for each county funded
pursuant to this section to demonstrate accountability.
   (5) If a county declines the grant, the department may solicit
proposals from community-based organizations to provide outreach and
screening services in accordance with the same mandates and
accountability measures applicable to the counties pursuant to
paragraphs (3) and (4).
   (b) The department shall authorize innovative and impactful
outreach and screening services, including, but not limited to, the
   (1) Voluntary screening for sexually transmitted diseases among
inmates and wards of county adult and juvenile correctional
   (2) Social media platforms that allow a person to receive test
results, share test results with partners, access treatment services
and reduce administrative costs.
   (3) State-of-the-art testing modalities that ensure swift and
accurate screening for sexually transmitted diseases.
   (4) Community-based testing and disease investigation.
   (c) The department shall monitor activities in funded counties,
based on the accountability measures required under paragraph (4) of
subdivision (a) in order to assess the effectiveness of outreach and
screening efforts.