House Resolution No. 9

Introduced by Assembly Member Cristina Garcia

January 24, 2017

Relative to Women’s History Month.


HR 9, as introduced, Cristina Garcia.

WHEREAS, American women of every culture, class, and ethnic background have participated in the founding and building of our nation, have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our nation, and have played a critical role in shaping the economic, cultural, and social fabric of our society, not in the least of ways through their participation in the labor force, working both inside and outside the home; and
WHEREAS, Women have been leaders in every movement for social change, including their own movement for suffrage and equal rights, the fight for emancipation, the struggle to organize labor unions, and the civil rights movement, as well as leading the call for peace and organizing to preserve the environment; and
WHEREAS, In light of these efforts and the achievements of all American women, we take this opportunity to honor women and their contribution to the development of our society and our world; and
WHEREAS, The celebration of Women’s History Month will provide an opportunity for schools and communities to focus attention on the historical role and accomplishments of the women of California and the United States, and for students, in particular, to benefit from an awareness of these contributions; and
WHEREAS, Women’s History Month will be not only a call to acknowledge the outstanding American women whose names we know, but also a call to pay homage to the many women who have anonymously shaped our collective past; and
WHEREAS, The observance of Women’s History Week was initiated by the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women in 1977, a celebration that evolved into Women’s History Month, commemorated throughout the nation by schools, historians, and community groups; and
WHEREAS, The achievements of women who have gone before us will enable contemporary women and men to create tomorrow’s history by working toward an end to physical and sexual violence against women, discrimination and harassment in employment, and the relegation to poverty status of many women, and by advocating for the full participation of women in the economic and political arena, the provision of adequate child care, respect for those who choose homemaking and motherhood as their career, and equal access to all of the opportunities this great nation has to offer; and
WHEREAS, The story of the women’s rights movement deserves telling because of the significance and scope of women’s role in making history and shaping the cultural and societal makeup of California and the United States, and because it is a rich part of our common heritage, a story of gallantry and devotion to the belief that the opportunity for complete human dignity should not be denied to one-half of the state and the nation; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That the Legislature takes pleasure in joining the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls in honoring the contributions of women, and proclaims the month of March 2017 as Women’s History Month; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the Chair of the California State Legislative Women’s Caucus and to the Chair of the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls for distribution to appropriate organizations.