Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 62

Relative to 5G wireless networks.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  July 03, 2017. ]


ACR 62, Quirk. 5G wireless network technology.
This measure would urge policymakers in federal, state, and local government to work in cooperation with one another to modernize and streamline the processes that will enable rapid deployment of the small cell wireless infrastructure that supports 5G wireless networks and that will bring the many benefits of this important new technology to communities across California.
Fiscal Committee: NO  

WHEREAS, Next generation 5G wireless network technology, along with the rapid deployment of the fiber network, promises exponential improvements in the speed, responsiveness, and scale of the online technologies and applications that exist today and those that will exist in the future; and
WHEREAS, The impact of 5G will be especially significant in the fields of public safety, government efficiency, and health care, as it will support a wide range of essential services including: improved public emergency communications services such as Next Generation 911 and text to 911; and improved tools such as real-time video monitoring, predictive analysis, and mobile and hand-held data devices and other mobile-based technologies to enhance the operations of fire, police, and emergency medical services; and
WHEREAS, Enhanced wireless networks and the fiber networks on which they rely for transmission will play a key role in an early warning system for geological disruptions like earthquakes, giving businesses, residents, and the public safety community more time to prepare for natural disasters; and
WHEREAS, 5G will facilitate the use of information and communications technology to improve the efficiency of government services, including transportation and traffic management, public safety, lighting and energy usage, and water and waste management; and
WHEREAS, Innovations in telemedicine, patient monitoring, and data collection in the health care industry using 5G technology will give health care professionals the tools to better control chronic illnesses and improve healthcare outcomes for those affected by them; and
WHEREAS, 5G will serve as an unprecedented platform for innovation and economic development with the potential to help create new industries, products, and services limited only by the imaginations of California visionaries and entrepreneurs; and
WHEREAS, 5G will play an integral role in the creation of “smart everything,” bringing unparalleled next generation technologies in Smart Communities and every industry, including health care, energy, education, transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture; and
WHEREAS, A study conducted by IHS Economics and IHS Technologies estimates that by 2035, 5G will enable $12.3 trillion in additional global economic output, an amount equal to the total consumer spending in the United States in 2016; and
WHEREAS, California is an acknowledged world leader in technology and must position itself to share in the estimated $200 billion annual investment in network and business application infrastructure, the 22 million new jobs, and the enhanced productivity and long-term economic growth that 5G will support; now, therefore be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature urges policymakers in federal, state, and local government to work in cooperation with one another to establish technology neutral policies and modernize and streamline the processes that will enable rapid deployment of the small cell wireless infrastructure that supports 5G wireless networks and that will bring the many benefits of this important new technology to communities across California; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.