INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Hayashi

                        MAY 17, 2011

   Relative to California Nurses Week 2011.


   ACR 61, as introduced, Hayashi. California Nurses Week 2011.
   This measure would proclaim May 6 through 12 as California Nurses
Week 2011.
   Fiscal committee: no.

   WHEREAS, There are over 300,000 working nurses in California,
representing the largest component of the health care professions in
the state, whose charge is to care for and protect the public and to
meet the different and emerging health care needs of the people of
California; and
   WHEREAS, Nurses provide compassionate, culturally appropriate, and
comprehensive health care to a growing and diverse population; and
   WHEREAS, Nurses are known to be patient advocates, acting to
protect the lives of those under their care; and
   WHEREAS, Nurses are experienced researchers, and their work
encompasses a wide scope of scientific inquiry including clinical
research, health systems and outcomes research, and nursing education
research; and
   WHEREAS, The depth and breadth of the nursing profession meets a
broad spectrum of the health care needs of Californians in a variety
of settings; and
   WHEREAS, A renewed emphasis on preventive health care and the
early detection of disease requires improved use of the state's
nursing resources; and
   WHEREAS, Nursing is an indispensable component of the safety and
quality of patient care in every health care setting for every age
group; and
   WHEREAS, The need for nursing services will be greater than ever
due to the use of increasingly complex, life-sustaining technologies,
the expanded leadership and practice roles of nurses in various
places of service, and the critical role of nurses in responding to
mass casualty management; and
   WHEREAS, The provision of cost-effective health care services by
nurses will be an important component of the California health care
delivery system in years to come; and
   WHEREAS, Over the past 107 years, California nurses have achieved
life-saving gains in patient care and patient safety conditions for
all Californians through sponsored legislation, public regulation,
and collective action in patient care settings; and
   WHEREAS, California nurses worked for many years to achieve the
nation's first safe nurse-to-patient ratio law that studies have
documented to reduce patient mortality in California hospitals and
help mitigate the nursing shortage; and
   WHEREAS, The safe, high-quality health care services provided by
nurses touch the lives of every single person in California; and
   WHEREAS, Since 1999, National Nurses Week is celebrated annually
from May 6 through 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the
founder of modern nursing; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate
thereof concurring, That nurses are hereby recognized and honored for
their accomplishments and efforts to improve the health care system
in California; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Legislature hereby proclaims May 6 through 12
as California Nurses Week 2011, in recognition of the many
contributions that all nurses have made to improve the health and
safety of all Californians and to express deep appreciation to all of
the state's nurses during that week and throughout the years to
come; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Legislature asks all Californians to join in
honoring all nurses who provide the highest quality health care
services to the public; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of
this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.