Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 47

Relative to the Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson Memorial Highway.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  September 17, 2021. ]


ACR 47, Stone. Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson Memorial Highway.
This measure would designate a specified portion of State Highway Route 1 in the City of Seaside as the Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson Memorial Highway. The measure would request that the Department of Transportation determine the cost of appropriate signs showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering that cost, erect those signs.
Fiscal Committee: YES  

WHEREAS, Robert Scott Johnson was born February 10, 1981, in Monterey, California, and was the oldest of two children; and
WHEREAS, Robert was raised in the Monterey Peninsula community in the County of Monterey, California, and was a proud product of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District; and
WHEREAS, Robert was athletic, well grounded, and usually quiet and reserved, enjoyed dancing and music, chose his friends carefully, deeply respected and loved his family members, and, after high school, had a desire to experience more of the world; and
WHEREAS, Robert volunteered to serve his country, joining the United States Army at 18 years of age, completed basic training and advanced individual training as a Chemical Operations Specialist, and received his certificate in Toxic Agent Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, on December 10, 1999, quickly adapting and excelling in the military; and
WHEREAS, Specialist Robert Scott Johnson was awarded the Army Achievement Medal for his dedication to duty and outstanding performance from January 8, 2000, to April 15, 2002, which greatly reflected upon himself, the 172D Chemical Company, the 541st Maintenance Battalion, the 24th Infantry Division, and the United States Army; and
WHEREAS, Specialist Robert Scott Johnson was awarded the Army Commendation Medal by the Secretary of the Army for meritorious service while assigned as a Decontamination Specialist from April 12, 2002, to April 11, 2003; and
WHEREAS, His willingness to excel, dedication to duty, and constant motivation were in keeping with the finest traditions of military service; and
WHEREAS, Specialist Robert Scott Johnson demonstrated patriotism, valor, professional excellence, leadership potential, and dedication to the United States Army and was promoted from Specialist to the rank of Sergeant as a noncommissioned officer on February 1, 2003; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson was selected for, attended, and, on March 12, 2003, graduated from the Eighth Army Wightman Noncommissioned Officers Academy, Korea; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson was awarded a Letter of Commendation on March 12, 2003, for his outstanding performance during the Army’s physical fitness test by the Command Sergeant Major, Commandant Noncommissioned Officers Academy, Camp Jackson, Korea; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson was awarded a Letter of Commendation on March 12, 2003, for achieving “Academic Excellence” as a result of his desire to excel and his demonstrated ability in a garrison and field environment, earning the right to be placed on the Noncommissioned Officers Academy “Commandant’s List”; and
WHEREAS, Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson was assigned for overseas deployment to Iraq in fall 2004, and shared with his family that he loved his country and was prepared, through training, to protect it and his family; and
WHEREAS, Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson was awarded the Purple Heart on December 22, 2004, by the President of the United States of America for wounds received in action on December 21, 2004; and
WHEREAS, Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson was awarded the Bronze Star Medal by the President of the United States of America for meritorious service while assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division; and
WHEREAS, He gave the ultimate sacrifice during operations supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom; and
WHEREAS, Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson’s performance of his duties and selfless service are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the Multi-National Corps Iraq, and the United States Army; and
WHEREAS, Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson, Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, Multi-National Corps, was posthumously awarded the Combat Action Badge on June 3, 2005, by the Chief of the Military Awards Branch for actively engaging, or being engaged by, the enemy; and
WHEREAS, While Robert served our country, he thoughtfully kept in touch with family and friends and visited the beautiful Monterey Peninsula and Big Sur Coast, which he enjoyed exploring; and
WHEREAS, Robert’s family is very proud of him and continue to miss him and all that he held to be true; and
WHEREAS, Robert always remembered the way home, and his family and friends will forever keep his dreams and passion in their hearts as they travel his favorite roadways; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby designates the portion of State Highway Route 1 between Exit 406 for Lightfighter Drive, postmile R82.759, and Exit 404 for Fremont Boulevard and Del Monte Boulevard, postmile R80.970, in the City of Seaside as the Staff Sergeant Robert Scott Johnson Memorial Highway; and be it further
Resolved, That the Department of Transportation is requested to determine the cost of appropriate signs, consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system, showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover the cost, to erect those signs; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the Department of Transportation and to the author for appropriate distribution.