INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Huffman
    (   Coauthors:   Assembly Members 
 Fong,   Gatto,  Hueso,   and Solorio

                        FEBRUARY 16, 2011

   Relative to Water Awareness Month.


   ACR 20, as amended, Huffman. Water Awareness Month.
   This measure would designate May  2011   2012
 as Water Awareness Month, and would urge  Californians
  the citizens of California, homeowners, businesses,
farms, ranches, and governmental and nongovernmental entities 
to learn effective ways to conserve  and reuse  water.
   Fiscal committee: no.

   WHEREAS, In recognition of the vital role that water plays in the
lives of the people, animals, ecosystems, and economy of the State of
California, the month of May has been designated Water Awareness
Month in the State of California; and
   WHEREAS, The California Constitution states that the conservation
of the waters of the state is to be exercised in the interest of the
people and the public welfare, and with population growth and climate
changes, the need is greater than ever to use water wisely and
practice water conservation; and
   WHEREAS,  Originated   Water Awareness Month
originated  during California's drought years of 1987 to 1992,
 Water Awareness Month was established  with the
goal  to help educate   of educating 
consumers about using water resources efficiently  , but
  ;   however,  water awareness is needed
in all types of water years; and
   WHEREAS, The month of May was selected because it is typically the
time when warm weather approaches and, with it, increased water use;
   WHEREAS, Water conservation is the most cost-effective and
environmentally sound way to reduce the state's demand for water, and
using less water also puts less pressure on our water treatment
facilities and uses less energy for moving and heating water; and
   WHEREAS, According to the California Energy Commission, as
recognized in the California Water Plan Update, end use of water is
the most energy intensive portion of the water use cycle in
California, and measures to increase the  use efficiency and
reuse   efficient use and reuse of water  will
reduce electricity demand from the water sector and, in turn, may
reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and
   WHEREAS, Efficient water use  and reuse  can also help
California's communities cope with reduced water supply reliability
that may be induced by climate change, thus  increasing local
water supply reliability and  reducing economic and
environmental impacts of water scarcity; and
   WHEREAS,  Senate Bill No. 7 of the 2009-10 Seventh
Extraordinary Session   California has  created a
statewide framework for future planning and actions to reduce the
state's water use, requiring urban water agencies to reduce per
capita water usage  20 percent from 2009 levels  by the year
2020  , and has set ambitious goals to increase the use of
recycled water over 2002 levels by at least 1 million acre-feet per
year by 2020   and   by at least 2 million
acre-feet per year by 2030  ; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate
thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby designates May
 2011   2012  as Water Awareness Month, and
urges the citizens of California, homeowners, businesses, farms,
ranches, and governmental and nongovernmental entities to learn the
many effective ways to conserve  and reuse  water.