INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Bonnie Lowenthal

                        APRIL 19, 2010

   Relative to California Nurses Week 2010.


   ACR 161, as introduced, Bonnie Lowenthal. California Nurses Week
   This measure would proclaim May 9 through 15 as California Nurses
Week 2010.
   Fiscal committee: no.

   WHEREAS, The registered nurses of the California Nurses
Association and National Nurses United are committed advocates for
each and every patient; and
   WHEREAS, The California Nurses Association was founded in 1903, as
the first organization to represent nurses in California; and
   WHEREAS, Over the 107 years of its proud history, the California
Nurses Association has achieved lifesaving gains in patient care and
patient safety conditions for all Californians through sponsored
legislation, public regulation, and collective action in patient care
settings; and
   WHEREAS, The California Nurses Association has played an
instrumental role in the creation of National Nurses United in 2009,
bringing together 150,000 nurses from every state to promote patient
advocacy across the nation; and
   WHEREAS, The California Nurses Association, National Nurses
United, and its affiliate the Registered Nurse Response Network, have
displayed great humanitarian spirit with their efforts to help care
for the patients and nurses of Haiti in the aftermath of that nation'
s devastating earthquake; and
   WHEREAS, The California Nurses Association's registered nurses
worked for many years to achieve the nation's first safe registered
nurse-to-patient ratio law that studies have documented to reduce
patient mortality in California hospitals and help mitigate the
nursing shortage; and
   WHEREAS, The California Nurses Association provides a powerful and
effective collective voice for registered nurses; and
   WHEREAS, The safe, high-quality health care services provided by
registered nurses somehow touch the lives of every single person in
California; and
   WHEREAS, Registered nurses are often the last line of defense for
patient safety in a medical industry that increasingly places
corporate profits ahead of patient needs; and
   WHEREAS, Nationally, May 6 through 12 is recognized as National
Nurses Week 2010, and nurses working in all areas of health care in
California will commemorate May 9 through 15 as California Nurses
Week 2010, in celebration of the many ways the California Nurses
Association and its members and all nurses working throughout
California's health care system provide safe, high-quality patient
care and patient services; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate
thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby proclaims May 9
through 15 as California Nurses Week 2010, in recognition of the many
contributions that the California Nurses Association and its members
have made to improve the health and safety of all Californians and
to express deep appreciation to all of the state's nurses during that
week and throughout the years to come; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Legislature asks all Californians to join in
honoring the registered nurses of the California Nurses Association
and all registered nurses who provide the highest quality health care
services to the public; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of
this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.