INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Members Butler and Allen
    (   Coauthors:   Assembly Members 
 Achadjian,   Alejo,   Ammiano,  
Atkins,   Beall,   Bill Berryhill,  
Block,   Blumenfield,   Bonilla,  
Bradford,   Brownley,   Buchanan,  
Charles Calderon,  Campos,   Carter,  
Chesbro,   Conway,   Cook,   Dickinson,
  Donnelly,   Eng,   Feuer,  
Fletcher,   Fong,   Fuentes,   Beth
Gaines,   Galgiani,   Garrick,   Gatto,
  Gordon,   Gorell,   Grove,  
Hagman,   Halderman,   Hall,   Harkey,
  Hayashi,   Roger Hernández,   Hill,
  Huber,   Hueso,   Huffman,  
Jeffries,   Jones,   Knight,   Lara, 
 Logue,   Bonnie Lowenthal,   Ma,  
Mansoor,   Mendoza,   Miller,   Mitchell,
  Monning,   Morrell,   Nestande, 
 Nielsen,   Norby,   Olsen,   Pan,
  Perea,   John A. Pérez,   V. Manuel
Pérez,   Portantino,   Silva,   Skinner,
  Smyth,   Solorio,   Swanson,  
Torres,   Valadao,   Wagner,   Wieckowski,
  Williams,   and Yamada   ) 

                        MARCH 29, 2012

   Relative to California Holocaust Memorial Week.


   ACR 141, as amended, Butler. California Holocaust Memorial Week.
   This measure would proclaim April 15 through April 22, 2012, as
California Holocaust Memorial Week and would urge Californians to
observe these days of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust in
an appropriate manner.
   Fiscal committee: no.

   WHEREAS, The Holocaust was a tragedy of proportions the world had
never before witnessed; and
   WHEREAS, More than 65 years have passed since the tragic events we
now refer to as the Holocaust transpired, in which the dictatorship
of Nazi Germany murdered six million Jews as part of a systematic
program of genocide known as "The Final Solution of the Jewish
Question"; and
   WHEREAS, Jews were the primary victims, but they were not alone.
Five million other people were murdered in Nazi concentration camps
as part of a carefully orchestrated, state-sponsored program of
cultural, social, and political annihilation under the Nazi tyranny;
   WHEREAS, We must recognize the heroism of those who provided
assistance to the victims of the Nazi regime, including the many
soldiers who liberated concentration camps and provided comfort to
those suffering; and
   WHEREAS, We must teach our children, and future generations, that
the individual and communal acts of heroism during the Holocaust
serve as a powerful example of how our nation and its citizens can,
and must, respond to acts of hatred and inhumanity; and
   WHEREAS, We must always remind ourselves of the horrible events of
the Holocaust and remain vigilant against hatred, persecution, and
tyranny lest these atrocities be repeated; and
   WHEREAS, We, the people of California, should actively rededicate
ourselves to the principles of human rights, individual freedom, and
equal protection under the laws of a just and democratic society; and

   WHEREAS, Each person in California should set aside moments of his
or her time every year to give remembrance to those who lost their
lives in the Holocaust; and
   WHEREAS, The United States Holocaust Memorial Council has
designated April 15 through April 22, 2012, as the Days of
Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, including the
International Day of Remembrance, known as Yom Hashoah, on April 19,
2012; and
   WHEREAS, According to Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and
nationally recognized scholar, "... a memorial unresponsive to the
future would violate the memory of the past"; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved, by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate
thereof concurring, That the Legislature proclaims April 15 through
April 22, 2012, as "California Holocaust Memorial Week," and that
Californians are urged to observe these days of remembrance for
victims of the Holocaust in an appropriate manner; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit sufficient
copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate