Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 6

Introduced by Assembly Members McCarty, Bonta, Gonzalez, Kalra, Kamlager-Dove, and Weber

January 28, 2019

A resolution to propose to the people of the State of California an amendment to the Constitution of the State, by amending Section 4 of Article II thereof, relating to elections.


ACA 6, as introduced, McCarty. Elections: disqualification of electors.
The California Constitution requires the Legislature to provide for the disqualification of electors while mentally incompetent or imprisoned or on parole for the conviction of a felony. Existing statutory law, for purposes of determining who is entitled to register to vote, defines imprisoned as currently serving a state or federal prison sentence.
This measure would instead direct the Legislature to provide for the disqualification of electors who are serving a state or federal prison sentence for the conviction of a felony. This measure would also delete the requirement that the Legislature provide for the disqualification of electors while on parole for the conviction of a felony.
Vote: 2/3   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the Legislature of the State of California at its 2019–20 Regular Session commencing on the third day of December 2018, two-thirds of the membership of each house concurring, hereby proposes to the people of the State of California, that the Constitution of the State be amended as follows:

 That Section 4 of Article II thereof is amended to read:

SEC. 4.
 The Legislature shall prohibit improper practices that affect elections and shall provide for the disqualification of electors while mentally incompetent or imprisoned or on parole serving a state or federal prison sentence for the conviction of a felony.