INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Donnelly

                        FEBRUARY 21, 2013

   An act to amend Section 25215 of, and to add Sections 25213.7 and
25217.5 to, the Government Code, relating to local government.


   AB 774, as amended, Donnelly. County service areas: zone
   The County Service Area Law authorizes the county board of
supervisors, acting as the governing authority of a county service
area, to provide for the collection and enforcement of
property-related fees and charges in the same manner that the county
collects and enforces property-related fees and charges for the
property-related services that the county provides.  Existing
law allows the board to raise revenues, as specified, whenever the
amount of revenue available to the county service area is inadequate
to meet the costs of operating and maintaining the services and
facilities that the county service area provides.  Existing
law authorizes the dissolution of a county service area and allows
the board to change the boundaries of a zone, or dissolve the zone,
by following specified procedures.
   This bill would require the board, upon dissolution of a county
service area or a specified zone, to post signs indicating which
services and facilities are no longer provided within the zone and
require the board to provide adequate maintenance to the signs.
   Existing law allows the board to raise revenues, as specified,
whenever the amount of revenue available to the county service area
is inadequate to meet the costs of operating and maintaining the
services and facilities that the county service area provides. 
    This bill would   provide that the board may raise
revenues, as specified, whenever the amount of revenue available to
the county service area is inadequate to meet the costs of operating
and maintaining the services and facilities for public streets that
the county service area provides. The  bill would 
provide that, once the signs are posted,   prohibit
the county and the dissolved zone  shall not be 
 from being  held liable for death or injury resulting from
the termination of services or facilities  once the signs are
posted  . This bill would also provide that the county, county
service area, and zones would not be responsible for a loss or injury
resulting from the failure to provide maintenance of services or
facilities  for public streets  if the board  is
  was  unable to raise revenues. This bill would
require the board to mail notice to an owner of property within the
county service area, or zones that  will   would
 no longer be able to maintain the services or facilities.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 25213.7 is added to the Government Code, to
   25213.7.  (a) Notwithstanding any other law, upon dissolution of a
county service area providing services or facilities for a public
street or divestiture of authority to provide services or facilities
for a public street, the board shall post clearly visible signs
within the zone for which authorized services, levels of service, or
authorized facilities are no longer being provided within the zone.
The sign shall indicate what service or facility is no longer being
provided within the zone and that the county and the zone are not
responsible for any loss or injury resulting from the termination of
services or facilities. The board shall provide adequate maintenance
to ensure that the signs remain posted within the zone and the
message is legible for a period of one year.
   (b) After the signs are posted pursuant to subdivision (a), the
county and the dissolved zone shall not be held liable for death or
injury resulting from termination of services or facilities.
  SEC. 2.  Section 25215 of the Government Code is amended to read:
   25215.  (a) Whenever the board determines that the amount of
revenue available to a county service area or any of its zones is
inadequate to meet the costs of operating and maintaining the
services and facilities  for public streets  that the county
service area  or any of its zones  provides, the board may
raise revenues pursuant to this article or any other provision of
   (b) If the board is unable to raise revenues, the county, county
service area, and  the county service area's  
any of its  zones shall not be responsible for a loss or injury
resulting from the failure to provide maintenance of services
 or   and  facilities  for public
streets  that the county service area or any of its zones
provides. The board shall mail notice to any owner of property within
the county service area or any of its zones that it will no longer
be able to maintain the services  or   and 
  SEC. 3.  Section 25217.5 is added to the Government Code, to read:
   25217.5.  (a) Upon dissolution of a zone providing services or
facilities for a public street, as authorized by Section 25217.2, the
board shall post clearly visible signs within the zone for which
authorized services, levels of service, or authorized facilities are
no longer being provided within the zone. The sign shall indicate
what service or facility is no longer being provided within the zone
and that the county and the zone are not responsible for any loss or
injury resulting from the termination of services or facilities. The
board shall provide adequate maintenance to ensure that the signs
remain posted within the zone and the message is legible for a period
of one year.
   (b) After the signs are posted pursuant to subdivision (a), the
county and the dissolved zone shall not be held liable for death or
injury resulting from termination of services or facilities.