INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Solorio
   (Coauthors: Assembly Members Davis, Furutani, Mendoza, and
   (Coauthor: Senator Price)

                        DECEMBER 6, 2010

   An act to add Article 10.2 (commencing with Section 927) to
Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 1 of the Insurance Code, relating to


   AB 53, as amended, Solorio. Insurers: procurement contracts:
women, minority, and disabled veteran business enterprises.
   Existing law requires each admitted insurer to provide information
to the Insurance Commissioner on all of its community development
investments and community development infrastructure investments in
   This bill would require that each admitted insurer with California
premiums written equal to or in excess of $100,000,000 to submit
annually to the commissioner, commencing July 1, 2013, a detailed and
verifiable plan for increasing procurement from women, minority, and
disabled veteran business enterprises, as specified.
   The bill would require the commissioner to, among other things,
establish guidelines for qualified admitted insurers to be used in
establishing these programs, provide a report annually on the
Department of Insurance's Internet Web site and to the Legislature on
September 1 of each year on the progress of activities undertaken by
each qualified admitted insurer in the implementation of these
programs, and to  develop and  require admitted
insurers subject to this bill to implement an outreach program to
inform and recruit eligible business enterprises to apply for
procurement contracts.
   The bill would provide that any person, corporation, or other
organization, through its directors, officers, or agents, that
falsely represents a business as a women, minority, or disabled
veteran business enterprise in the procurement of, or attempt to
procure, a contract from an admitted insurer subject to this bill
would be barred from participating in the program for up to 3 years
from the date of the false representation, as provided.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Article 10.2 (commencing with Section 927) is added to
Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 1 of the Insurance Code, to read:

      Article 10.2.  Women, Minority, and Disabled Veteran Business

   927.  (a) The Legislature hereby declares that the essence of the
American economic system of private enterprise is free competition.
Only through full and free competition can free markets, reasonable
and just prices, free entry into business, and opportunities for the
expression and growth of personal initiative and individual judgment
be ensured in all of the state's communities. The preservation and
expansion of that competition is basic to the economic well-being of
this state and that well-being cannot be realized unless the actual
and potential capacities of women, minority, and disabled veteran
business enterprises are encouraged and developed. The state's
diverse composition propels economic innovation and growth, and the
economy's full employment potential cannot be achieved if these
communities are left underutilized. Therefore, it is the declared
policy of the state to aid the interests of women, minority, and
disabled veteran business enterprises in order to preserve reasonable
and just prices and a free competitive enterprise, to ensure that a
fair proportion of the total purchases and contracts or subcontracts
for commodities, supplies, technology, property, and services for
 regulated insurance providers   insurers 
are awarded to women, minority, and disabled veteran business
enterprises, and to maintain and strengthen the overall stability and
growth of the state's economy.
   (b) (1) The Legislature declares all of the following:
   (A) The opportunity for full participation in our free enterprise
system by women, minority, and disabled veteran business enterprises
is essential if this state is to approach full employment of its
human resources and improve economic efficiency and equity in
   (B) Public utilities and telecommunications companies, which have
established short- and long-range women, minority, and disabled
veteran business enterprise goals, are awarding 30 percent or more of
their contracts to these business enterprises.
   (C) Women, minority, and disabled veteran business enterprises
have traditionally received less than a proportionate share of
regulated procurement contracts.
   (D) It is in the state's interest to expeditiously improve the
economically disadvantaged position of women, minority, and disabled
veteran business enterprises.
   (E) The position of these businesses can be improved by providing
long-range substantial goals for procurement by  regulated
insurance providers   insurers  of technology,
equipment, supplies, services, materials, and construction work from
women, minority, and disabled veteran businesses.
   (F) That procurement also benefits the regulated insurance
companies and consumers of the state by encouraging the expansion of
the number of suppliers for procurements, thereby encouraging
competition among the suppliers and promoting economic efficiency in
the process.
   (2) It is the purpose of this article to do all of the following:
   (A) Encourage greater economic opportunity for women, minority,
and disabled veteran business enterprises in the  ninety
billion dollar ($90,000,000,000)   one hundred sixteen
billion dollar ($116,000,000,000)  California insurance market.
   (B) Promote competition among the suppliers of  regulated
insurance providers   insurers  in order to enhance
economic efficiency in the procurement of contracts relevant to the
insurance industry and contracts of the subsidiaries and affiliates
of those insurance providers.
   (C) Clarify and expand the program for the procurement by 
regulated insurance providers   insurers  of
technology, equipment, supplies, services, materials, and
construction work from women, minority, and disabled veteran business
   927.1.  For the purposes of this article, the following
definitions apply:
   (a) "Women business enterprise" means a business enterprise that
is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women, or, in the case of
any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of
which is owned by one or more women, and whose management and daily
business operations are controlled by one or more of those
   (b) "Minority business enterprise" means a business enterprise
that is at least 51 percent owned by a minority group or groups, or,
in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of
the stock of which is owned by one or more minority groups, and whose
management and daily business operations are controlled by one or
more of those individuals. The contracting admitted insurer shall
presume that minority includes African Americans, Hispanic Americans,
Native Americans, and Asian Pacific Americans.
   (c) "Disabled veteran business enterprise" has the same meaning as
defined in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (7) of subdivision (b) of
Section 999 of the Military and Veterans Code, or any successor
   (d) To "control" means exercise the power to make policy
   (e) To "operate" means to be actively involved in the day-to-day
management and not merely officers or directors.
   (f) "Women, minority, or disabled veteran business enterprise" or
"WMDVBE" means an enterprise as defined in subdivisions (a), (b), or
(c), respectively.
   927.2.  (a) (1) Each insurer admitted in California, with
California premiums written equal to or in excess of one hundred
million dollars ($100,000,000) shall be required to submit annually
to the commissioner, commencing July 1, 2013, a detailed and
verifiable plan for increasing procurement from women, minority, and
disabled veteran business enterprises.
   (2) These annual plans shall include short- and long-term goals
and timetables, but not quotas, and shall include methods for
encouraging contractors to engage women, minority, and disabled
veteran business enterprises in subcontracts in all areas that
provide subcontracting opportunities.
   (b) The commissioner shall establish guidelines for all admitted
insurers with California premiums written equal to or in excess of
one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) to be utilized in
establishing programs pursuant to this article.
   (c) Each admitted insurer, with California premiums written equal
to or in excess of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000), shall
furnish an annual report to the commissioner regarding the
implementation of programs established pursuant to this article in a
form that the commissioner shall require, and at the time that the
commissioner shall annually designate.
   (d) (1) Notwithstanding Section 10231.5 of the Government Code,
the commissioner shall annually report on the department's Internet
Web site and provide a report to the Legislature on September 1 of
each year on the progress of activities undertaken by each admitted
insurer with California premiums written equal to or in excess of one
hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) pursuant to this article in
the implementation of women, minority, and disabled veteran business
enterprise development programs. The report shall include information
about which procurements are made from women, minority, and disabled
veteran business enterprises with at least a majority of the
enterprise's workforce in California, to the extent that information
is readily accessible. The commissioner shall recommend a program for
carrying out the policy declared in this article, together with
recommendations for legislation that the commissioner deems necessary
or desirable to further that policy.
   (2) In regard to disabled veteran business enterprises, the
commissioner shall ensure that the programs and legislation
recommended pursuant to paragraph (1) are consistent with the
disabled veteran business enterprise certification eligibility
requirements imposed by the Department of General Services and that
the recommendations address themselves to only those disabled veteran
business enterprises certified by the Department of General
Services. The Department of General Services shall, as requested by
the Department of Insurance, advise and assist in the administration
of this section.
   (3) A report to be submitted pursuant to this subdivision shall be
submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.
   (e) The Legislature declares that each admitted insurer that is
not required to submit a plan pursuant to subdivision (a) is
encouraged to voluntarily adopt a plan for increasing women,
minority, and disabled veteran business enterprise procurement. The
commissioner may publicize participants and nonparticipants in the
   927.3.  (a) (1) The commissioner shall, by regulation, adopt
criteria for verifying and determining the eligibility of women and
minority business enterprises for procurement contracts.
   (2) The commissioner shall adopt the Department of General
Services' disabled veteran business enterprise certification
eligibility requirements for verifying and determining the
eligibility of disabled veteran business enterprises for procurement
contracts, and shall not deem eligible those disabled veteran
business enterprises that are not certified by the Department of
General Services.
   (3) The commissioner shall, to the extent possible, coordinate
with the Public Utilities Commission for the sharing of WMDVBE
identification and verification information.
   (b) The commissioner shall  develop and  require
each admitted insurer with California premiums written equal to or in
excess of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) to implement an
outreach program to inform and recruit women, minority, and disabled
veteran business enterprises to apply for procurement contracts
under this article.
   927.4.  Any person, corporation, or other organization, through
its directors, officers, or agents, that falsely represents a
business as a women, minority, or disabled veteran business
enterprise in the procurement of, or attempt to procure, a contract
from a California admitted insurer with California premiums written
equal to or in excess of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000)
subject to this article, shall be barred from participating in the
program for up to three years from the date of the false
representation. In the case of a corporation or other organization,
this punishment shall be imposed on the corporation or other
organization and every director, officer, or agent responsible for
the false statements.
   927.5.  In order to facilitate the participation of women-owned
businesses, minority-owned businesses, disabled veteran-owned
businesses, and small businesses in contract procurement, any insurer
subject to this article may consider the following measures to
include those businesses in all phases of their contracting:
   (a) Timely or progressive payments to those businesses.
   (b) The provision of assistance to those businesses by securing
contract payments to those businesses with letters of credit,
negotiable securities, or other financing arrangements or measures.