INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Silva

                        FEBRUARY 25, 2009

   An act to  add Section 56100.05 to, and to  amend
Sections 56100.1, 56700.1,  and 57009 of  
57009, and 82035.5 of,  the Government Code, relating to local


   AB 528, as amended, Silva. Local government: reorganization:
expenditure reporting. 
    (1)     Existing  law, the
Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act  ,
 requires contributions and expenditures for political purposes
on boundary changes approved by a local agency formation commission
be disclosed and reported to the commission to the same extent and
subject to the same requirements of the Political Reform Act of 1974
as provided for local initiative measures.
   This bill would revise these provisions to require the
expenditures to be disclosed and reported pursuant to the Political
Reform Act of 1974. 
   (2) Existing law, for purposes of the Political Reform Act of
1974, defines "LAFCO proposal" to mean a proposal, as defined by the
Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act, that is
initiated as a petition for filing with a local agency formation
   This bill would revise the definition of "LAFCO proposal" to mean
Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act, including
a proceeding, as defined by that act.  
   (3) The Political Reform Act of 1974, an initiative measure,
provides that the Legislature may amend the act to further the act's
purposes upon a 2/3 vote of each house and compliance with specified
procedural requirements. This bill would declare that it furthers the
purposes of the act. 
   Vote:  majority   2/3  . Appropriation:
no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 56100.05 is added to the 
 Government Code  , to read:  
   56100.05.  Contributions and expenditures for political purpose
related to a proposal or proceeding shall be disclosed and reported
pursuant to Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 84250) of Chapter 4
of the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Title 9 (commencing with Section
   SECTION 1.   SEC. 2.   Section 56100.1
of the Government Code is amended to read:
   56100.1.  A commission may require, through the adoption of
written policies and procedures,  the disclosure of
contributions, as defined in Section 82015, expenditures, as defined
in Section 82025, and independent expenditures, as defined in Section
82031, made in support of or opposition to a proposal. Disclosure
  additional disclosure of contributions in support of
or opposition to a proposal, which  shall be made either to the
commission's executive officer, in which case it shall be posted on
the commission's Internet Web site, if applicable, or to the board of
supervisors of the county in which the commission is located, which
may designate a county officer to receive the disclosure. Disclosure
pursuant to a requirement under the authority provided in this
section shall be in addition to any disclosure otherwise required by
Section  56700.1,Section 57009, or the Political Reform Act
of 1974 (Title 9 (commencing with Section 81000)).  
56100.05, 56700.1, or 57009, or local ordinance. 
   SEC. 2.   SEC. 3.   Section 56700.1 of
the Government Code is amended to read:
   56700.1.  Expenditures for political purposes related to a
proposal for a change of organization or reorganization that will be
submitted to a commission pursuant to this part, and contributions in
support of or in opposition to those proposals, shall be disclosed
and reported pursuant to  the Political Reform Act of 1974
(Title 9 (commencing with Section 81000))   Sections
56100.05 and 56100.1  .
   SEC. 3.   SEC. 4.   Section 57009 of the
Government Code is amended to read:
   57009.  Expenditures for political purposes related to proceedings
for a change of organization or reorganization that will be
conducted pursuant to this part, and contributions in support of or
in opposition to those proceedings, shall be disclosed and reported
pursuant to  the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Title 9
(commencing with Section 81000))   Sections 56100.05 and
56100.1  .
   SEC. 5.    Section 82035.5 of the  
Government Code   is amended to read: 
   82035.5.  "LAFCO proposal" means a proposal, as defined in Section
56069,  that is initiated as a petition for filing with a
local agency formation commission   including a
proceeding, as defined by Section 56067  .
   SEC. 6.    The Legislature finds and declares that
this bill furthers the purposes of the Political Reform Act of 1974
within the meaning of subdivision (a) of Section 81012 of the
Government Code.