Amended  IN  Senate  June 27, 2024
Amended  IN  Assembly  March 30, 2023
Amended  IN  Assembly  March 09, 2023


Assembly Bill
No. 440

Introduced by Assembly Member Wicks Robert Rivas

February 06, 2023

An act to amend Section 65915 of the Government Code, relating to land use. An act relating to elections, and calling an election, to take effect immediately.


AB 440, as amended, Wicks Robert Rivas. Density Bonus Law: maximum allowable residential density. Assembly Constitutional Amendment 13 of the 2023–24 Regular Session.
Existing law requires a constitutional amendment submitted to the people by the Legislature to appear on the ballot of the first statewide election occurring at least 131 days after the adoption of the proposal.
Pursuant to the time limit specified above, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 13 (ACA 13) of the 2023–24 Regular Session is scheduled to appear on the ballot of the statewide general election occurring on November 5, 2024.
If approved by the voters, ACA 13 would provide that an initiative measure that includes one or more provisions that amend the Constitution to increase the voter approval requirement to adopt any state or local measure is approved by the voters only if the proportion of votes cast in favor of the initiative measure is equal to or greater than the highest voter approval requirement that the initiative measure would impose. ACA 13 would specify that this requirement applies to statewide initiative measures that appear on the ballot on or after January 1, 2024. ACA 13 would also expressly authorize a local governing body to hold an advisory vote for the purpose of allowing voters within the jurisdiction to voice their opinions on an issue.
This bill would call a special election to be consolidated with the statewide general election scheduled for November 3, 2026, and would instead require the submission of ACA 13 to the people at that election.
This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an act calling an election.

Existing law, commonly referred to as the Density Bonus Law, requires a city or county to provide a developer that proposes a housing development within the city or county with a density bonus and other incentives or concessions, as specified, if the developer agrees to construct certain types of housing. Existing law provides for the calculation of the amount of density bonus for each type of housing development that qualifies under these provisions.

Existing law defines the term “density bonus” for these purposes to mean a density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable gross residential density as of the date of the application, as described. Existing law defines the term “maximum allowable residential density” for these purposes to mean the maximum number of units allowed under the zoning ordinance, specific plan, or land use element of the general plan, or, if a range of density is permitted, the maximum number of units allowed by the specific zoning range, specific plan, or land use element of the general plan applicable to the project. Existing law provides under that definition that if the density allowed under the zoning ordinance is inconsistent with the density allowed under the land use element of the general plan or specific plan, the greater density prevails.

This bill would instead define “maximum allowable residential density” to mean the greatest number of units allowed under the zoning ordinance, specific plan, or land use element of the general plan, or, if a range of density is permitted, the greatest number of units allowed by the specific zoning range, specific plan, or land use element of the general plan applicable to the project. The bill would also remove from that definition the provision stating that the greater density prevails if the density allowed under the zoning ordinance is inconsistent with the density allowed under the land use element of the general plan or specific plan.

Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NOYES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 A special election is hereby called to be held throughout the state on November 3, 2026. The election shall be consolidated with the statewide general election to be held on that date. The consolidated election shall be held and conducted in all respects as if there were only one election and only one form of ballot shall be used.

SEC. 2.

 Notwithstanding Section 9040 of the Elections Code, the Secretary of State shall submit Assembly Constitutional Amendment 13 of the 2023–24 Regular Session (Resolution Chapter 176 of the Statutes of 2023) to the people at the statewide general election occurring on November 3, 2026.

SEC. 3.

 This act calls an election within the meaning of Article IV of the California Constitution and shall go into immediate effect.