INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Galgiani

                        FEBRUARY 10, 2011

   An act to amend Section 399.20 of the Public Utilities Code,
relating to energy.


   AB 347, as introduced, Galgiani. Renewable energy resources.
   Under existing law, the Public Utilities Commission has regulatory
authority over public utilities, including electrical corporations,
as defined. Existing law requires every electrical corporation to
file a standard tariff with the commission for electricity generated
by an electric generation facility, as defined, that qualifies for
the tariff, is owned and operated by a retail customer of the
electrical corporation, and is located within the service territory
of, and developed to sell electricity to, the electrical corporation.
Existing law requires that, in order to qualify for the tariff, the
electric generation facility: (1) have an effective capacity of not
more than 3 megawatts, subject to the authority of the commission to
reduce this megawatt limitation, (2) be interconnected and operate in
parallel with the electric transmission and distribution grid, (3)
be strategically located and interconnected to the electric
transmission system in a manner that optimizes the deliverability of
electricity generated at the facility to load centers, and (4) meet
the definition of an eligible renewable energy resource under the
California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program. Existing law
requires that the owner of an electric generation facility provide an
inspection and maintenance report to the electrical corporation at
least once every year that is prepared by a California licensed
contractor who is not the owner or operator of the facility.
   This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to this
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 399.20 of the Public Utilities Code is amended
to read:
   399.20.  (a) It is the policy of this state and the intent of the
Legislature to encourage electrical generation from eligible
renewable energy resources.
   (b) As used in this section, "electric generation facility" means
an electric generation facility located within the service territory
of, and developed to sell electricity to, an electrical corporation
that meets all of the following criteria:
   (1) Has an effective capacity of not more than three megawatts.
   (2) Is interconnected and operates in parallel with the electrical
transmission and distribution grid.
   (3) Is strategically located and interconnected to the electrical
transmission and distribution grid in a manner that optimizes the
deliverability of electricity generated at the facility to load
   (4) Is an eligible renewable energy resource.
   (c) Every electrical corporation shall file with the commission a
standard tariff for electricity purchased from an electric generation
facility. The commission may modify or adjust the requirements of
this section for any electrical corporation with less than 100,000
service connections, as individual circumstances merit.
   (d) (1) The tariff shall provide for payment for every
kilowatthour of electricity purchased from an electric generation
facility for a period of 10, 15, or 20 years, as authorized by the
commission. The payment shall be the market price determined by the
commission pursuant to Section 399.15 and shall include all current
and anticipated environmental compliance costs, including, but not
limited to, mitigation of emissions of greenhouse gases and air
pollution offsets associated with the operation of new generating
facilities in the local air pollution control or air quality
management district where the electric generation facility is
   (2) The commission may adjust the payment rate to reflect the
value of every kilowatthour of electricity generated on a
time-of-delivery basis.
   (3) The commission shall ensure, with respect to rates and
charges, that ratepayers that do not receive service pursuant to the
tariff are indifferent to whether a ratepayer with an electric
generation facility receives service pursuant to the tariff.
   (e) An electrical corporation shall provide expedited
interconnection procedures to an electric generation facility located
on a distribution circuit that generates electricity at a time and
in a manner so as to offset the peak demand on the distribution
circuit, if the electrical corporation determines that the electric
generation facility will not adversely affect the distribution grid.
The commission shall consider and may establish a value for an
electric generation facility located on a distribution circuit that
generates electricity at a time and in a manner so as to offset the
peak demand on the distribution circuit.
   (f) An electrical corporation shall make the tariff available to
the owner or operator of an electric generation facility within the
service territory of the electrical corporation, upon request, on a
first-come-first-served basis, until the electrical corporation meets
its proportionate share of a statewide cap of 750 megawatts
cumulative rated generation capacity served under this section and
Section 387.6. The proportionate share shall be calculated based on
the ratio of the electrical corporation's peak demand compared to the
total statewide peak demand.
   (g) The electrical corporation may make the terms of the tariff
available to owners and operators of an electric generation facility
in the form of a standard contract subject to commission approval.
   (h) Every kilowatthour of electricity purchased from an electric
generation facility shall count toward meeting the electrical
corporation's renewables portfolio standard annual procurement
targets for purposes of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section
   (i) The physical generating capacity of an electric generation
facility shall count toward the electrical corporation's resource
adequacy requirement for purposes of Section 380.
   (j) (1) The commission shall establish performance standards for
any electric generation facility that has a capacity greater than one
megawatt to ensure that those facilities are constructed, operated,
and maintained to generate the expected annual net production of
electricity and do not impact system reliability.
   (2) The commission may reduce the three megawatt capacity
limitation of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) if the commission
finds that a reduced capacity limitation is necessary to maintain
system reliability within that electrical corporation's service
   (k) (1) Any owner or operator of an electric generation facility
that received ratepayer-funded incentives in accordance with Section
379.6 of this code, or with Section 25782 of the Public Resources
Code, and participated in a net metering program pursuant to Sections
2827, 2827.9, and 2827.10 of this code prior to January 1, 2010,
shall be eligible for a tariff or standard contract filed by an
electrical corporation pursuant to this section.
   (2) In establishing the tariffs or standard contracts pursuant to
this section, the commission shall consider ratepayer-funded
incentive payments previously received by the generation facility
pursuant to Section 379.6 of this code or Section 25782 of the Public
Resources Code. The commission shall require reimbursement of any
funds received from these incentive programs to an electric
generation facility, in order for that facility to be eligible for a
tariff or standard contract filed by an electrical corporation
pursuant to this section, unless the commission determines ratepayers
have received sufficient value from the incentives provided to the
facility based on how long the project has been in operation and the
amount of renewable electricity previously generated by the facility.

   (3) A customer that receives service under a tariff or contract
approved by the commission pursuant to this section is not eligible
to participate in any net metering program.
   (l) An owner or operator of an electric generation facility
electing to receive service under a tariff or contract approved by
the commission shall continue to receive service under the tariff or
contract until either of the following occurs:
   (1) The owner or operator of an electric generation facility no
longer meets the eligibility requirements for receiving service
pursuant to the tariff or contract.
   (2) The period of service established by the commission pursuant
to subdivision (d) is completed.
   (m) Within 10 days of receipt of a request for a tariff pursuant
to this section from an owner or operator of an electric generation
facility, the electrical corporation that receives the request shall
post a copy of the request on its Internet Web site. The information
posted on the Internet Web site shall include the name of the city in
which the facility is located, but information that is proprietary
and confidential, including, but not limited to, address information
beyond the name of the city in which the facility is located, shall
be redacted.
   (n) An electrical corporation may deny a tariff request pursuant
to this section if the electrical corporation makes any of the
following findings:
   (1) The electric generation facility does not meet the
requirements of this section.
   (2) The transmission or distribution grid that would serve as the
point of interconnection is inadequate.
   (3) The electric generation facility does not meet all applicable
state and local laws and building standards, and utility
interconnection requirements.
   (4) The aggregate of all electric generating facilities on a
distribution circuit would adversely impact utility operation and
load restoration efforts of the distribution system.
   (o) Upon receiving a notice of denial from an electrical
corporation, the owner or operator of the electric generation
facility denied a tariff pursuant to this section shall have the
right to appeal that decision to the commission.
   (p) In order to ensure the safety and reliability of electric
generation facilities, the owner of an electric generation facility
receiving a tariff pursuant to this section shall provide an
inspection and maintenance report to the electrical corporation at
least once every other year. The inspection and maintenance report
shall be prepared at the owner's or operator's expense by a 
California-licensed   California licensed 
contractor who is not the owner or operator of the electric
generation facility. A  California-licensed  
California licensed  electrician shall perform the inspection of
the electrical portion of the generation facility.
   (q) The contract between the electric generation facility
receiving the tariff and the electrical corporation shall contain
provisions that ensure that construction of the electric generating
facility complies with all applicable state and local laws and
building standards, and utility interconnection requirements.
   (r) (1) All construction and installation of facilities of the
electrical corporation, including at the point of the output meter or
at the transmission or distribution grid, shall be performed only by
that electrical corporation.
   (2) All interconnection facilities installed on the electrical
corporation's side of the transfer point for electricity between the
electrical corporation and the electrical conductors of the electric
generation facility shall be owned, operated, and maintained only by
the electrical corporation. The ownership, installation, operation,
reading, and testing of revenue metering equipment for electric
generating facilities shall only be performed by the electrical