Amended  IN  Assembly  March 23, 2017


Assembly Bill No. 26

Introduced by Assembly Member Caballero

December 05, 2016

An act to amend Section 8247 of the Education Code, relating to child care and development. An act to add Section 8217 to the Education Code, relating to child care and development.


AB 26, as amended, Caballero. Child care and development: family child care home education networks. Child care and development: child care resource and referral programs: assistance to license-exempt child care providers.
Existing law, the Child Care and Development Services Act, administered by the State Department of Education, requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to administer child care and development programs. Existing law authorizes funds appropriated for purposes of the act to be used for child care resource and referral programs, which may be operated by public or private nonprofit entities and are required to provide certain information and services to parents and child care providers relating to child care services in a defined geographic area.
This bill would require the department to establish a pilot program in the County of Monterey to provide outreach, training, and technical assistance to license-exempt child care providers through the local child care resource and referral program.

Existing law requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to contract with entities organized under law to operate family child care home education networks as provided. Existing law provides that it does not impose any new requirements on a family child care home education network.

This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to this latter provision.

Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NOYES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 8217 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 The department shall establish a pilot program in the County of Monterey to provide outreach, training, and technical assistance to license-exempt child care providers through the local child care resource and referral program.

SECTION 1.Section 8247 of the Education Code is amended to read:

This article does not impose any new requirement on a family child care home education network, nor does this article require an increase in reimbursement rates. This article does not require the department to modify its contracting procedure that was in effect for a family child care home education network before January 1, 2005.