Amended  IN  Assembly  March 21, 2024


Assembly Bill
No. 2537

Introduced by Assembly Member Addis

February 13, 2024

An act relating to energy. to add Section 80832 to the Water Code, relating to offshore wind generation.


AB 2537, as amended, Addis. Energy: offshore wind generation. generation: grant program.
Existing law, the Warren-Alquist State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Act, requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to develop a strategic plan for offshore wind energy developments installed off the California coast in federal waters. Existing law requires, if the commission requests the Department of Water Resources to procure eligible energy resources, and the department elects to exercise its central procurement function to conduct one or more competitive solicitations or enter into contracts for eligible energy resources, as provided, the commission, in consultation with the department, to develop and adopt procedures and requirements that govern competitive procurement by, obligations on, and recovery of costs incurred by the department relating to bids for the development of eligible energy resources.
This bill would establish in the State Treasury the Local and Tribal Communities Offshore Wind Capacity Building Fund to award grants for the purpose of building capacity within local communities, as described, and California tribal communities to engage in the process of offshore wind energy development. The bill would make local communities, California tribes, as described, and nonprofit organizations, as described, eligible for the grants. The bill would require the department to establish a grant application process for the fund, develop guidelines for the use of moneys awarded, and prepare and submit an annual report to the Legislature on the implementation and effectiveness of the fund, as specified.

Existing law requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, in coordination with specified agencies, to develop a strategic plan for offshore wind energy developments installed off the California coast in federal waters, and requires the commission to submit the strategic plan to the Natural Resources Agency and the Legislature on or before June 30, 2023, as specified.

This bill would declare the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to adopt policies to ensure equity and justice in California’s offshore wind energy development.

Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NOYES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 80832 is added to the Water Code, to read:

 (a) There is hereby established in the State Treasury the Local and Tribal Communities Offshore Wind Capacity Building Fund.
(b) Moneys in the Local and Tribal Communities Offshore Wind Capacity Building Fund may be used, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to award grants for the purpose of building capacity within local communities and tribal communities to engage in the process of offshore wind energy development, including, but not limited to, activities related to consultation, participation in project planning and development, programs connecting members of tribal nations and underrepresented communities to careers in science, technology, engineering, and math, and the implementation of local and tribal benefit agreements.
(c) Entities eligible for a grant from the Local and Tribal Communities Offshore Wind Capacity Building Fund include, but are not limited to, all of the following entities:
(1) Local communities located within ____ miles of the geographic center of a lease tract of applicable proposed or existing offshore wind energy developments, rural communities, disadvantaged communities identified pursuant to Section 39711 of the Health and Safety Code, and low-income communities as defined in Section 39713 of the Health and Safety Code.
(2) California tribes, including federally recognized tribes or California Native American tribes, identified on the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission.
(3) Nonprofit organizations that represent the interests of local communities or California tribes in relation to offshore wind energy development, if the organization meets all of the following criteria:
(A) Is recognized by the federal government as a 501(c) or 521(a) nonprofit entity pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.
(B) Is registered and certified as a nonprofit organization by the State of California.
(C) Is not on the list of organizations for which the tax-exempt status is revoked that is published and maintained by the Franchise Tax Board pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (14) of subdivision (b) of Section 23772 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
(d) The department shall establish a grant application process for the Local and Tribal Communities Offshore Wind Capacity Building Fund. The process shall ensure that the allocation of moneys is done in an equitable manner that takes into account the needs and capacities of the applying communities, tribes, and organizations.
(e) The department, in consultation with local communities, tribes, and other relevant stakeholders, shall develop guidelines for the use of moneys awarded, which shall be subject to review and amendment every three years.
(f) Notwithstanding Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, the department shall prepare and submit an annual report to the Legislature, in accordance with Section 9795 of the Government Code, on the implementation and effectiveness of the Local and Tribal Communities Offshore Wind Capacity Building Fund grant program pursuant to this section. The report shall include, but is not limited to, the total amount of funds allocated, a description of the funded activities, and an assessment of the impact of the fund on the capacity of local communities and tribes to engage in offshore wind energy development.


It is the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to adopt policies to ensure equity and justice in California’s offshore wind energy development.