Assembly Bill
No. 247

Introduced by Assembly Members Muratsuchi, Mike Fong, and Wilson

January 18, 2023

An act to amend Sections 17070.43, 17070.51, 17078.52, and 17078.58 of, to add Section 17070.42 to, and to add Part 72 (commencing with Section 101400) to Division 14 of Title 3 of, the Education Code, relating to education finance, by providing the funds necessary therefor through an election for the issuance and sale of bonds of the State of California and for the handling and disposition of these funds.


AB 247, as introduced, Muratsuchi. Education finance: school facilities: Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024.
The California Constitution prohibits the Legislature from creating a debt or liability that singly or in the aggregate with any previous debts or liabilities exceeds the sum of $300,000, except by an act that (1) authorizes the debt for a single object or work specified in the act, (2) has been passed by a 2/3 vote of all the Members elected to each house of the Legislature, (3) has been submitted to the people at a statewide general or primary election, and (4) has received a majority of all the votes cast for and against it at that election.
This bill would set forth the Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024 as a state general obligation bond act that would provide an unspecified amount to construct and modernize education facilities, as specified. This bond act would become operative only if approved by the voters at an unspecified 2024 statewide election. The bill would also provide for the submission of the bond act to the voters at that election. The bill would become effective upon the adoption of the Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024 by the voters at the unspecified 2024 statewide election. The bill would also make conforming changes.
Vote: 2/3   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 17070.42 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 (a) A fund is hereby established in the State Treasury, to be known as the 2024 State School Facilities Fund. All money in the fund, including any money deposited in the fund from any source whatsoever, and notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, is hereby continuously appropriated without regard to fiscal years for expenditure pursuant to this chapter.
(b) The board may make apportionments in amounts not exceeding those funds on deposit in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund, and any amount of bonds authorized by the committee, excluding any amount of refunding bonds authorized by the committee in accordance with Section 101430, but not yet sold by the Treasurer.
(c) The board may make disbursements pursuant to any apportionment made from any funds in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund, irrespective of whether there exists at the time of the disbursement an amount in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund sufficient to permit payment in full of all apportionments previously made. No disbursement shall be made from any funds required by law to be transferred to the General Fund.

SEC. 2.

 Section 17070.43 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) A county school facilities fund is hereby established in the county treasury within each county for each school district in the county.
(b) The board may from time to time authorize the Controller to transfer any funds that the board may deem necessary from the 1998 State School Facilities Fund, the 2002 State School Facilities Fund, or the 2004 State School Facilities Fund, or the 2024 State School Facilities Fund, as the case may be, to the corresponding county fund in the county treasury. Interest on all funds deposited in the county fund shall be retained in that fund.
(c) Funds may be expended from the county fund by the recipient school district for qualifying school facilities expenditures set forth in Sections 17072.35 and 17074.25.

SEC. 3.

 Section 17070.51 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) If any certified eligibility or funding application related information is found to have been falsely certified by school districts, architects, or design professionals, hereinafter referred to as a material inaccuracy, the Office of Public School Construction shall notify the board.
(b) The board shall impose the following penalties if an apportionment and fund release has been made based upon information in the project application or related materials that constitutes a material inaccuracy.
(1) Pursuant to a repayment schedule that is approved by the board of no more than five years, the school district shall repay to the board, for deposit into the 1998 State School Facilities Fund, the 2002 State School Facilities Fund, or the 2004 State School Facilities Fund, or the 2024 State School Facilities Fund, as the case may be, an amount proportionate to the additional funding received as a result of the material inaccuracy including interest at the rate paid on moneys in the Pooled Money Investment Account or at the highest rate of interest for the most recent issue of state general obligation bonds as established pursuant to the Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 16720), of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code, whichever is greater.
(2) The board shall prohibit the school district from self-certifying certain project information for any subsequent applications for project funding for a period of up to five years following the date of the finding of a material inaccuracy or until the district’s repayment of the entire amount owed under paragraph (1). Although a school district that is subject to this paragraph may not self-certify, the school district shall not be prohibited from applying for state funding under this chapter. The board shall establish an alternative method for state or independent certification of compliance that shall be applicable in these cases. The process shall include, but shall not be limited to, procedures for payment by the school district of any increased costs associated with the alternative certification process.
(c) For school districts found to have provided material inaccuracies when a funding apportionment has occurred, but no fund release has been made, the board shall direct its staff to reduce the apportionment as necessary to reflect the actual nature of the project and to disregard the inaccurate information or material, and paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) shall apply.
(d) For those school districts found to have provided material inaccuracies when no funding apportionment or fund release has been made, the inaccurate information or materials shall not be considered, and paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) applies. The project may continue if the application, minus the inaccurate materials, is still complete.

SEC. 4.

 Section 17078.52 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) There is hereby established the Charter Schools School Facilities Program to provide funding to qualifying entities for the purpose of establishing school facilities for charter school pupils.
(b) (1) The 2002 Charter School Facilities Account is hereby established within the 2002 State School Facilities Fund established pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 17070.40. The proceeds of bonds, as set forth in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 100620, shall be deposited into the 2002 Charter School Facilities Account for the purposes of this article. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, funds deposited into the account are hereby continuously appropriated for the purposes of this article.
(2) The 2004 Charter School Facilities Account is hereby established within the 2004 State School Facilities Fund established pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 17070.40. The proceeds of bonds, as set forth in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 100820, if approved by the voters, shall be deposited into the 2004 Charter School Facilities Account for the purposes of this article. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, funds deposited into the account are hereby continuously appropriated for the purposes of this article.
(3) The 2006 Charter School Facilities Account is hereby established within the 2006 State School Facilities Fund established pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 17070.40. The proceeds of bonds, as set forth in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 101012, if approved by the voters, shall be deposited into the 2006 Charter School Facilities Account for the purposes of this article. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, funds deposited into the account are hereby continuously appropriated for the purposes of this article.
(4) The 2024 Charter School Facilities Account is hereby established within the 2024 State School Facilities Fund established pursuant to Section 17070.42. The proceeds of bonds, as set forth in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 101412 and if approved by the voters at the ____ 2024, statewide ____ election, shall be deposited into the 2024 Charter School Facilities Account for purposes of this article. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, funds deposited into the account are hereby continuously appropriated for purposes of this article.
(c) As used in this article, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Authority” means the California School Finance Authority established pursuant to Section 17172.
(2) “Account” means the pertinent account established under subdivision (b).
(3) “Preliminary apportionment” means an apportionment made for eligible applicants under this article in advance of full compliance with all of the application requirements otherwise required for an apportionment pursuant to this chapter. The process for making preliminary apportionments under this article shall be substantially identical to the process established for critically overcrowded schools pursuant to Sections 17078.22 to 17078.30, inclusive.
(4) “Financially sound” means a charter school that has demonstrated, over a period of time determined by the authority, but not less than 24 months immediately preceding the submission of the application, that it has operated as a financially capable concern in California, as measured by criteria established by the authority. A charter school that cannot demonstrate that it has been a financially capable concern for at least 24 months immediately preceding the submission of the application, due solely to not having operated as a charter school for at least 24 months, may meet this 24-month requirement if the charter school is managed by staff who have at least 24 months of documented experience, as measured by criteria established by the authority and the charter school has an educational plan, financial resources, facilities expertise, management expertise, and has been a financially capable concern for at least 24 months, as established by the authority.
(d) The board shall, from time to time, transfer funds within the account to the California School Finance Authority Fund for the purposes of this article pursuant to the request of the authority as set forth in this article.

SEC. 5.

 Section 17078.58 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) Funding granted pursuant to this article may not exceed 100 percent of the total allowable project costs as determined by calculating double the per-pupil grant eligibility as set forth in Section 17072.10, and subdivision (e) of Section 17078.53, plus 100 percent of all other allowable construction project costs, as appropriate to the project, that would otherwise be available to school district projects as set forth in this chapter. Funding granted for the purposes of rehabilitating buildings under Section 17078.54 shall be limited to the costs necessary to comply with subdivision (c) of Section 17078.54, and shall not exceed the maximum costs that would otherwise be allowable for a new construction project funded under this article.
(b) The local share equivalent shall be collected in the form of lease payments or otherwise as set forth in this article.
(c) Lease payments in lieu of local share payments, and any other local share payments made pursuant to this article, shall be made to the board for deposit into the respective 2002, 2004, 2006, or 2006 2024 Charter School Facilities Account. Funds deposited into the account pursuant to this section may be used by the board only for a purpose related to charter school facilities pursuant to this article.
(d) When a preliminary apportionment under this article is converted to a final apportionment, any funds not needed for the final apportionment shall remain in the 2002, 2004, 2006, or 2006 2024 Charter School Facilities Account for use by the board for any purpose related to charter school facilities pursuant to this article.

SEC. 6.

 Part 72 (commencing with Section 101400) is added to Division 14 of Title 3 of the Education Code, to read:

PART 72. The Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024

CHAPTER  1. General Provisions

 This part shall be known, and may be cited, as Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024.

 The incorporation of, or reference to, any provision of state statutory law in this part includes all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto.

 Bonds in the total amount of ____ dollars ($____), not including the amount of any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Sections 101430 and 101451, may be issued and sold for the purposes set forth in Sections 101420 and 101442. The bonds, when sold, issued, and delivered, shall be and constitute a valid and binding obligation of the State of California, and the full faith and credit of the State of California is hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds as the principal and interest become due and payable.

CHAPTER  2. Kindergarten through Grade 12
Article  1. Kindergarten Through Grade 12 School Facilities Program Provisions

 The proceeds of bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter, not including the proceeds of any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Section 101430, shall be deposited in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund established in the State Treasury under Section 17070.42, and shall be allocated by the State Allocation Board pursuant to this chapter.

 All moneys deposited in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund for the purposes of this chapter shall be available to provide aid to school districts, county superintendents of schools, and county boards of education of the state in accordance with the Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998 (Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 17070.10) of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1), to provide funds to repay any money advanced or loaned to the 2024 State School Facilities Fund under any act of the Legislature, together with interest provided for in that act, and to reimburse the General Obligation Bond Expense Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 16724.5 of the Government Code.

 (a) The proceeds from the sale of bonds issued and sold for the purposes of this chapter shall be allocated in accordance with the following schedule:
(1) The amount of ____ dollars ($____) for new construction of school facilities of applicant school districts pursuant to Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 17070.10) of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1.
(2) The amount of ____ dollars ($____) shall be available for providing school facilities to charter schools pursuant to Article 12 (commencing with Section 17078.52) of Chapter 12.5 of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1.
(3) The amount of ____ dollars ($____) for the modernization of school facilities pursuant to Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 17070.10) of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1.
(4) The amount of ____ dollars ($____) for facilities for career technical education programs pursuant to Article 13 (commencing with Section 17078.70) of Chapter 12.5 of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1.
(b) School districts may use funds allocated pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) only for one or more of the following purposes in accordance with Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 17070.10) of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1:
(1) The purchase and installation of air-conditioning equipment and insulation materials, and related costs.
(2) Construction projects or the purchase of furniture or equipment designed to increase school security or playground safety.
(3) The identification, assessment, or abatement in school facilities of hazardous asbestos.
(4) Project funding for high-priority roof replacement projects.
(5) Any other modernization of facilities pursuant to Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 17070.10) of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1.
(c) Funds allocated pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) may also be utilized to provide new construction grants for eligible applicant county boards of education under Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 17070.10) of Part 10 of Division 1 of Title 1 for funding classrooms for severely handicapped pupils, or for funding classrooms for county community school pupils.

Article  2. Kindergarten Through Grade 12 School Facilities Fiscal Provisions

 (a) Of the total amount of bonds authorized to be issued and sold pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 101400), bonds in the amount of ____ dollars ($____), not including the amount of any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Section 101430, may be issued and sold to provide a fund to be used for carrying out the purposes expressed in this chapter and to reimburse the General Obligation Bond Expense Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 16724.5 of the Government Code.
(b) Pursuant to this section, the Treasurer shall sell the bonds authorized by the State School Building Finance Committee established pursuant to Section 15909 at any times necessary to service expenditures required by the apportionments.

 The State School Building Finance Committee, established by Section 15909 and composed of the Governor, the Controller, the Treasurer, the Director of Finance, and the Superintendent, or their designated representatives, all of whom shall serve thereon without compensation, and a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum, is continued in existence to act as the committee, as defined in the State General Obligation Bond Law (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 16720) of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code), for purposes of this chapter. The Treasurer shall serve as chairperson of the committee. Two Members of the Senate appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, and two Members of the Assembly appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, shall meet with and provide advice to the committee to the extent that the advisory participation is not incompatible with their respective positions as Members of the Legislature. For purposes of this chapter, the Members of the Legislature shall constitute an interim investigating committee on the subject of this chapter and, as that committee, shall have the powers granted to, and duties imposed upon, those committees by the Joint Rules of the Senate and the Assembly. The Director of Finance shall provide assistance to the committee as it may require. The Attorney General is the legal adviser of the committee.

 (a) The bonds authorized by this chapter shall be prepared, executed, issued, sold, paid, and redeemed as provided in the State General Obligation Bond Law (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 16720) of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code). The provisions of that law, including all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, apply to those authorized bonds and this chapter, and are hereby incorporated into this chapter as though set forth in full within this chapter, except that subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 16727 of the Government Code shall not apply to the bonds authorized by this chapter.
(b) For purposes of the State General Obligation Bond Law, the State Allocation Board is designated the “board” for purposes of administering the 2024 State School Facilities Fund.

 (a) Upon request of the State Allocation Board, the State School Building Finance Committee shall determine by resolution whether or not it is necessary or desirable to issue bonds authorized pursuant to this chapter in order to fund the related apportionments and, if so, the amount of bonds to be issued and sold. Successive issues of bonds may be authorized and sold to fund those apportionments progressively, and it is not necessary that all of the bonds authorized to be issued be sold at any one time.
(b) A request of the State Allocation Board pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be supported by a statement of the apportionments made and to be made for the purposes described in Section 101412.

 There shall be collected each year, in the same manner and at the same time as other state revenue is collected and in addition to the ordinary revenues of the state, a sum in an amount required to pay the principal of, and interest on, the bonds each year. It is the duty of all officers charged by law with any duty in regard to the collection of the revenue to do and perform each and every act that is necessary to collect that additional sum.

 Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund in the State Treasury, for the purposes of this chapter, an amount that equals the total of the following:
(a) The sum annually necessary to pay the principal of, and interest on, bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter, as the principal and interest become due and payable.
(b) The sum necessary to carry out Section 101428, appropriated without regard to fiscal years.

 The State Allocation Board may request the Pooled Money Investment Board to make a loan from the Pooled Money Investment Account or any other approved form of interim financing, in accordance with Section 16312 of the Government Code, for the purpose of carrying out this chapter. The amount of the request shall not exceed the amount of the unsold bonds that the committee, by resolution, has authorized to be sold for the purpose of carrying out this chapter excluding any refunding bonds authorized pursuant to Section 101430, less any amount loaned and not yet repaid pursuant to this section and withdrawn from the General Fund pursuant to Section 101428 and not yet returned. The State Allocation Board shall execute any documents required by the Pooled Money Investment Board to obtain and repay the loan. Any amounts loaned shall be deposited in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund to be allocated by the State Allocation Board in accordance with this chapter.

 Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, or of the State General Obligation Bond Law, if the Treasurer sells bonds pursuant to this chapter that include a bond counsel opinion to the effect that the interest on the bonds is excluded from gross income for federal tax purposes under designated conditions or is otherwise entitled to any federal tax advantage, the Treasurer may maintain separate accounts for the investment of bond proceeds and for the investment earnings on those proceeds. The Treasurer may use or direct the use of those proceeds or earnings to pay any rebate, penalty, or other payment required under federal law or take any other action with respect to the investment and use of those bond proceeds required or desirable under federal law to maintain the tax-exempt status of those bonds and to obtain any other advantage under federal law on behalf of the funds of this state.

 For purposes of carrying out this chapter, the Director of Finance may authorize the withdrawal from the General Fund of an amount not to exceed the amount of the unsold bonds, excluding any refunding bonds authorized pursuant to Section 101430, less any amount loaned and not yet repaid pursuant to this section and withdrawn from the General Fund pursuant to Section 101426 and not yet returned, that have been authorized by the State School Building Finance Committee to be sold for the purpose of carrying out this chapter. Any amounts withdrawn shall be deposited in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund and allocated by the State Allocation Board in accordance with this chapter. Any money made available under this section shall be returned to the General Fund, plus an amount equal to the interest that the money would have earned in the Pooled Money Investment Account, from proceeds received from the sale of bonds for purposes of carrying out this chapter.

 All moneys deposited in the 2024 State School Facilities Fund that are derived from premium and accrued interest on bonds sold pursuant to this chapter shall be reserved in the fund and shall be available for transfer to the General Fund as a credit to expenditures for bond interest, except those amounts derived from premium may be reserved and used to pay the cost of the bond issuance before any transfer to the General Fund.

 The bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter may be refunded in accordance with Article 6 (commencing with Section 16780) of Chapter 4 of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code, which is a part of the State General Obligation Bond Law. Approval by the voters of the state for the issuance of the bonds described in this chapter includes the approval of the issuance of any bonds issued to refund any bonds originally issued under this chapter or any previously issued refunding bonds. Any bond refunded with the proceeds of refunding bonds as authorized by this section may be legally defeased to the extent permitted by law in the manner and to the extent set forth in the resolution, as amended from time to time, authorizing that refunded bond.

 The proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by this chapter are not “proceeds of taxes” as that term is used in Article XIII B of the California Constitution, and the disbursement of these proceeds is not subject to the limitations imposed by that article.

CHAPTER  3. California Community College Facilities
Article  1. General Provisions

 (a) The 2024 California Community College Capital Outlay Bond Fund is hereby established in the State Treasury for deposit of funds from the proceeds of bonds, not including the proceeds of any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Section 101451, issued and sold for the purposes of this chapter.
(b) The Higher Education Facilities Finance Committee established pursuant to Section 67353 is hereby continued in existence to act as the committee, as defined in the State General Obligation Bond Law (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 16720) of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code), for purposes of this chapter and to provide funds to aid the California Community Colleges.

Article  2. California Community College Program Provisions

 (a) From the proceeds of bonds issued and sold pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 101442), the sum of ____ dollars ($____) shall be deposited in the 2024 California Community College Capital Outlay Bond Fund for purposes of this chapter. When appropriated, these funds shall be available for expenditure for purposes of this chapter.
(b) The purposes of this chapter include assisting in meeting the capital outlay financing needs of the California Community Colleges.
(c) Proceeds from the sale of bonds issued and sold for purposes of this chapter may be used to fund construction on existing campuses, including the construction of buildings and the acquisition of related fixtures; construction of intersegmental facilities; the renovation and reconstruction of facilities; site acquisition; the equipping of new, renovated, or reconstructed facilities, which equipment shall have an average useful life of 10 years; and to provide funds for the payment of preconstruction costs, including, but not limited to, preliminary plans and working drawings for facilities of the California Community Colleges.
(d) For purposes of this section, “intersegmental” means may be used by more than one segment of public higher education.

Article  3. California Community College Fiscal Provisions

 (a) Of the total amount of bonds authorized to be issued and sold pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 101400), bonds in the total amount of ____ dollars ($____), not including the amount of any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Section 101451, may be issued and sold to provide a fund to be used for carrying out the purposes expressed in this chapter and to reimburse the General Obligation Bond Expense Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 16724.5 of the Government Code.
(b) Pursuant to this section, the Treasurer shall sell the bonds authorized by the Higher Education Facilities Finance Committee established pursuant to Section 67353 at any different times necessary to service expenditures required by the apportionments.

 (a) The bonds authorized by this chapter shall be prepared, executed, issued, sold, paid, and redeemed as provided in the State General Obligation Bond Law (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 16720) of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code). The provisions of that law, including all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, apply to those authorized bonds and this chapter, and are hereby incorporated into this chapter as though set forth in full within this chapter, except that subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 16727 of the Government Code shall not apply to the bonds authorized by this chapter.
(b) For purposes of the State General Obligation Bond Law, each state agency administering an appropriation of the 2024 Community College Capital Outlay Bond Fund is designated as the “board” for projects funded pursuant to this chapter.
(c) The proceeds of the bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter shall be available for the purpose of funding aid to the California Community Colleges for the construction on existing or new campuses, and their respective off-campus centers and joint use and intersegmental facilities, as set forth in this chapter.

 The Higher Education Facilities Finance Committee established pursuant to Section 67353 shall authorize the issuance of bonds under this chapter only to the extent necessary to fund the related apportionments for the purposes described in this chapter that are expressly authorized by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act. Pursuant to that legislative direction, the committee shall determine by resolution whether or not it is necessary or desirable to issue bonds authorized pursuant to this chapter in order to carry out the purposes described in this chapter and, if so, the amount of bonds to be issued and sold. Successive issues of bonds may be authorized and sold to carry out those actions progressively, and it is not necessary that all of the bonds authorized to be issued be sold at any one time.

 There shall be collected each year and in the same manner and at the same time as other state revenue is collected, in addition to the ordinary revenues of the state, a sum in an amount required to pay the principal of, and interest on, the bonds each year. It is the duty of all officers charged by law with any duty in regard to the collection of the revenue to do and perform each and every act that is necessary to collect that additional sum.

 Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund in the State Treasury, for the purposes of this chapter, an amount that equals the total of the following:
(a) The sum annually necessary to pay the principal of, and interest on, bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter, as the principal and interest become due and payable.
(b) The sum necessary to carry out Section 101449, appropriated without regard to fiscal years.

 The board, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 101443, may request the Pooled Money Investment Board to make a loan from the Pooled Money Investment Account or any other approved form of interim financing, in accordance with Section 16312 of the Government Code, for the purpose of carrying out this chapter. The amount of the request shall not exceed the amount of the unsold bonds that the Higher Education Facilities Finance Committee, by resolution, has authorized to be sold for the purpose of carrying out this chapter excluding any refunding bonds authorized pursuant to Section 101451, less any amount loaned and not yet repaid pursuant to this section and withdrawn from the General Fund pursuant to Section 101249 and not yet returned. The board, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 101443, shall execute any documents required by the Pooled Money Investment Board to obtain and repay the loan. Any amounts loaned shall be deposited in the 2024 California Community College Capital Outlay Bond Fund to be allocated by the board in accordance with this chapter.

 Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, or of the State General Obligation Bond Law, if the Treasurer sells bonds pursuant to this chapter that include a bond counsel opinion to the effect that the interest on the bonds is excluded from gross income for federal tax purposes under designated conditions or is otherwise entitled to any federal tax advantage, the Treasurer may maintain separate accounts for the investment of bond proceeds and for the investment earnings on those proceeds. The Treasurer may use or direct the use of those proceeds or earnings to pay any rebate, penalty, or other payment required under federal law or take any other action with respect to the investment and use of those bond proceeds required or desirable under federal law to maintain the tax-exempt status of those bonds and to obtain any other advantage under federal law on behalf of the funds of this state.

 (a) For purposes of carrying out this chapter, the Director of Finance may authorize the withdrawal from the General Fund of an amount not to exceed the amount of the unsold bonds, excluding any refunding bonds authorized pursuant to Section 101451, less any amount loaned and not yet repaid pursuant to this section and withdrawn from the General Fund pursuant to Section 101447 and not yet returned, that have been authorized by the Higher Education Facilities Finance Committee to be sold for the purpose of carrying out this chapter. Any amounts withdrawn shall be deposited in the 2024 California Community College Capital Outlay Bond Fund consistent with this chapter. Any money made available under this section shall be returned to the General Fund, plus an amount equal to the interest that the money would have earned in the Pooled Money Investment Account, from proceeds received from the sale of bonds for purposes of carrying out this chapter.
(b) Any request forwarded to the Legislature and the Department of Finance for funds from this bond issue for expenditure for the purposes described in this chapter by the California Community Colleges shall be accompanied by the five-year capital outlay plan that reflects the needs and priorities of the community college system and is prioritized on a statewide basis. Requests shall include a schedule that prioritizes the seismic retrofitting needed to significantly reduce, in the judgment of the particular college, seismic hazards in buildings identified as high priority by the college.

 All moneys deposited in the 2024 California Community College Capital Outlay Bond Fund that are derived from premium and accrued interest on bonds sold pursuant to this chapter shall be reserved in the fund and shall be available for transfer to the General Fund as a credit to expenditures for bond interest, except those amounts derived from premium may be reserved and used to pay the cost of the bond issuance before any transfer to the General Fund.

 The bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter may be refunded in accordance with Article 6 (commencing with Section 16780) of Chapter 4 of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code, which is a part of the State General Obligation Bond Law. Approval by the voters of the state for the issuance of the bonds described in this chapter includes the approval of the issuance of any bonds issued to refund any bonds originally issued under this chapter or any previously issued refunding bonds. Any bond refunded with the proceeds of refunding bonds as authorized by this section may be legally defeased to the extent permitted by law in the manner and to the extent set forth in the resolution, as amended from time to time, authorizing that refunded bond.

 The proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by this chapter are not “proceeds of taxes” as that term is used in Article XIII B of the California Constitution, and the disbursement of these proceeds is not subject to the limitations imposed by that article.

SEC. 7.

 The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of this act or its application is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application.

SEC. 8.

 Sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of this act shall take effect upon the adoption by the voters of the Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024, as set forth in Section 6 of this act.

SEC. 9.

 Section 6 of this act shall be submitted to the voters at the ____ 2024, statewide ____ election.