Amended  IN  Assembly  March 15, 2018


Assembly Bill No. 2418

Introduced by Assembly Member Mullin

February 14, 2018

An act to add Part 5 (commencing with Section 75250) to Division 44 of the Public Resources Code, relating to transportation.


AB 2418, as amended, Mullin. Transportation: advanced technologies: grant program. emerging transportation technologies: California Smart Cities Challenge Grant Program.
Existing law creates the California Transportation Commission, with various powers and duties relative to the programming of transportation capital projects and allocation of funds to those projects pursuant to the state transportation improvement program and various other transportation funding programs.
This bill would establish the California Smart City Challenge Grant Program to enable municipalities to compete for grant funding for emerging transportation technologies to serve their transportation system needs, and would specify certain program goals. The bill would require the commission to form the California Smart City Challenge Workgroup to provide the commission with guidance on program matters, as specified. The bill would authorize the commission, in consultation with the workgroup, to develop guidelines for the program, which would not be subject to the Administrative Procedure Act, and to revise them as necessary. The bill would make the implementation of the program contingent upon an appropriation in the annual budget act.

Existing law provides various sources of funding for transportation purposes, including funding for the state highway system and the local street and road system.

This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to establish a pilot program that allows municipalities to compete for grant funding, and to leverage both public and private funding to promote flexible innovation and encourage the use of advanced technologies to improve the state’s transportation system.

Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NOYES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Part 5 (commencing with Section 75250) is added to Division 44 of the Public Resources Code, to read:

PART 5. California Smart City Challenge Grant Program

 The California Smart City Challenge Grant Program is hereby established to enable municipalities to compete for grant funding for emerging transportation technologies to serve their transportation system needs.

 It is the intent of the Legislature that the program demonstrate how advanced data and intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies and applications can be used to meet all of the following program goals:
(a) Reduce congestion.
(b) Keep travelers safe.
(c) Establish environmental and climate change goals.
(d) Enhance mobility.
(e) Connect underserved communities.
(f) Support economic vitality.
(g) Attract private investment.
(h) Spur innovation.

 (a) The California Transportation Commission, in consultation with the California Smart City Challenge Workgroup formed pursuant to Section 75253, shall develop guidelines for the program and may revise them as necessary. The commission shall adopt the guidelines following at least two public hearings.
(b) The guidelines shall include project selection criteria and define the types of projects eligible for funding through the program. The guidelines shall require that an eligible project serve one or more of the goals described in Section 75251 and may favor a project that serves more than one of those goals.
(c) The guidelines shall not be subject to the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code).

 The California Transportation Commission shall form the California Smart City Challenge Workgroup to provide the commission with guidance on program matters including, but not limited to, the development of and subsequent revisions to the guidelines developed pursuant to Section 75252, schedules and procedures, project selection criteria, performance measures, and evaluations. The workgroup may include, but shall not be limited to, representatives of local governmental agencies, local transportation organizations, and the University of California’s Institute of Transportation Studies.

 Implementation of this part is contingent upon an appropriation in the annual Budget Act for purposes of the California Smart City Challenge Grant Program.


It in the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to establish a pilot program that allows municipalities to compete for grant funding, and to leverage both public and private funding to promote flexible innovation and encourage the use of advanced technologies to improve the state’s transportation system.