INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Levine

                        FEBRUARY 17, 2016

   An act to add Article 4 (commencing with Section 2090) to Chapter
1.5 of Division 3 of the Fish and Game Code, relating to fish and


   AB 2087, as introduced, Levine. Regional conservation frameworks.
   Existing law establishes the Department of Fish and Wildlife in
the Natural Resources Agency. Under existing law, the department has
jurisdiction over the conservation, protection, and management of
fish, wildlife, native plants, and habitat necessary for biologically
sustainable populations of those species.
   This bill would authorize the department to prepare or approve,
and to adopt and amend, a regional conservation framework that
identifies wildlife and habitat conservation needs, guides
investments in conservation, infrastructure planning, and
compensatory mitigation for impacts to natural resources, and informs
infrastructure planning, land use planning, and the design and
implementation of public and private projects that affect the
condition of species and resources under the jurisdiction of the
department. The bill would authorize a conservation action
implemented in accordance with an approved regional conservation
framework, to be used to fulfill, in whole or in part, compensatory
mitigation requirements for impacts to covered species, habitat, and
other natural resources, as provided.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Article 4 (commencing with Section 2090) is added to
Chapter 1.5 of Division 3 of the Fish and Game Code, to read:

      Article 4.  Regional Conservation Frameworks

   2090.  The Legislature finds and declares that there is a need to
identify wildlife and habitat conservation needs at a regional scale,
including actions needed to address the impacts of climate change
and other wildlife stressors, in order to guide investments in
conservation, infrastructure planning, and compensatory mitigation
for impacts to natural resources, including impacts to threatened and
endangered species, other sensitive species, natural communities,
ecological processes, and wildlife corridors.
   2091.  The department may prepare or approve, and may adopt and
amend, regional conservation frameworks to do all of the following:
   (a) Identify wildlife and habitat conservation needs, including
actions needed to address the impacts of climate change and other
wildlife stressors.
   (b) Guide investments in conservation, infrastructure planning,
and compensatory mitigation for impacts to natural resources,
including impacts to threatened and endangered species, other
sensitive species, natural communities, ecological processes, and
wildlife corridors.
   (c) Inform infrastructure planning, land use planning, and the
design and implementation of public and private projects that affect
the condition of species and resources under the jurisdiction of the
   2092.  A regional conservation framework shall include both of the
   (a) A regional assessment that establishes conservation priorities
at a regional scale based on habitat, ecological processes, and
connectivity values.
   (b) One or more implementation plans that establish conservation
goals and objectives based on a regional assessment and identify
implementation strategies to achieve some or all of the goals and
objectives. The purpose of an implementation plan is to guide
investments in conservation, infrastructure planning, and
compensatory mitigation for impacts to natural resources. An
implementation plan may cover some or all of the area included in a
regional assessment.
   2093.  (a) A conservation action implemented in accordance with an
approved regional conservation framework may be used to fulfill, in
whole or in part, compensatory mitigation requirements for impacts to
covered species and habitat, and other natural resources, as
provided in subdivision (b). To be used for compensatory mitigation,
the conservation action shall be implemented in advance of the
   (b) (1) A conservation action may be used to fulfill, in whole or
in part, compensatory mitigation requirements set forth in a permit
issued pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 2081 if the department
determines that the conservation action provides suitable mitigation
for the impacts of taking authorized under the permit.
   (2)  A conservation action may be used to fulfill, in whole or in
part, compensatory mitigation requirements established by any state
or local agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act
(Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources
Code), if the agency determines that the conservation action provides
suitable mitigation for the potential environmental impacts of a
proposed project, as identified in an environmental impact report or
a mitigated negative declaration prepared for the project.