INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Galgiani
   (Coauthors: Assembly Members Tom Berryhill and Fuller)

                        JANUARY 29, 2009

   An act to amend Section 14132.725 of the Welfare and Institutions
Code, relating to telemedicine.


   AB 175, as introduced, Galgiani. Medical telemedicine:
   Existing law, the Medical Practice Act, regulates the practice of
telemedicine, defined as the practice of health care delivery,
diagnosis, consultation, treatment, transfer of medical data, and
education using interactive audio, video, or data communications.
   Existing law, until January 1, 2013, authorizes "teleophthalmology
and teledermatology by store and forward" under the Medi-Cal
program, to the extent that federal financial participation is
available. Existing law defines "teleophthalmology and
teledermatology by store and forward" as an asynchronous transmission
of medical information to be reviewed at a later time by a physician
at a distant site who is trained in ophthalmology or dermatology,
where the physician at the distant site reviews the medical
information without the patient being present in real time.
   This bill would expand the definition of "teleophthalmology and
teledermatology by store and forward" to include an asynchronous
transmission of medical information to be reviewed at a later time by
an optometrist trained to diagnose and treat eye diseases.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 14132.725 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
is amended to read:
   14132.725.  (a) Commencing July 1, 2006, to the extent that
federal financial participation is available, face-to-face contact
between a health care provider and a patient shall not be required
under the Medi-Cal program for teleophthalmology and teledermatology
by store and forward. Services appropriately provided through the
store and forward process are subject to billing and reimbursement
policies developed by the department.
   (b) For purposes of this section, "teleophthalmology and
teledermatology by store and forward" means an asynchronous
transmission of medical information to be reviewed at a later time by
a physician at a distant site who is trained in ophthalmology or
dermatology  or an optometrist trained to diagnose and treat eye
diseases  , where the physician  or optometrist  at the
distant site reviews the medical information without the patient
being present in real time. A patient receiving teleophthalmology or
teledermatology by store and forward shall be notified of the right
to receive interactive communication with the distant specialist
physician  or optometrist  , and shall receive an
interactive communication with the distant specialist physician 
or optometrist  , upon request. If requested, communication with
the distant specialist physician  or   optometrist
 may occur either at the time of the consultation, or within 30
days of the patient's notification of the results of the
   (c) Notwithstanding Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of
Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, the
department may implement, interpret, and make specific this section
by means of all county letters, provider bulletins, and similar
   (d) On or before January 1, 2008, the department shall report to
the Legislature the number and type of services provided, and the
payments made related to the application of store and forward
telemedicine as provided, under this section as a Medi-Cal benefit.
   (e) The health care provider shall comply with the informed
consent provisions of subdivisions (c) to (g), inclusive, of, and
subdivisions (i) and (j) of, Section 2290.5 of the Business and
Professions Code when a patient receives teleophthalmology or
teledermatology by store and forward.
   (f) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2013, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted
statute, that is enacted before January 1, 2013, deletes or extends
that date.