INTRODUCED BY   Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review

                        JULY 9, 2009

   An act to amend Sections 9795 and 10242.5 of, and to add Section
10231.5 to, the Government Code, relating to state agency reports,
and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately.


   AB 1585, as introduced, Committee on Accountability and
Administrative Review. State government: reporting requirements:
required repealer.
   Existing law requires or requests various state and local agencies
to submit reports on specified topics to the Legislature, the
Governor, or both. Existing law requires a report that is to be made
to the Members of either house of the Legislature to instead be
submitted to the Legislative Counsel, the Secretary of the Senate,
and the Chief Clerk of the Assembly. Each of these reports is
required to include a summary of its contents, which the Legislative
Counsel is required to provide to each Member of the appropriate
house of the Legislature. Existing law also requires the Legislative
Counsel to prepare and publish a list of all the reports that state
and local agencies are required to submit, and, upon request, to
provide aid and assistance to any Member of the Legislature with
respect to a bill, resolution, or measure, including drafting a bill
into its proper form.
   This bill would require that the summary of a report made by a
state agency to either house of the Legislature be submitted to the
Members of the appropriate house by that agency, instead of by the
Legislative Counsel. The bill would also specifically require the
Legislative Counsel to maintain the list of state and local agencies'
reports in a specified manner, including maintaining the list in an
electronic format and deleting specified reports from the list. This
bill would, on and after January 1, 2010, require any bill that
requires a state agency to submit a report on any subject to either
house of the Legislature, a committee or office of either house of
the Legislature, or the Legislative Counsel Bureau to include a
provision that repeals the reporting requirement, or makes the
requirement inoperative, no later than a date 4 years following the
operative date of the bill. The bill would also require the
Legislative Counsel, in drafting a bill that includes a reporting
requirement as described above, to include a provision repealing the
reporting requirement or making the requirement inoperative 4 years
after the date on which the requirement becomes operative, unless
directed to do otherwise.
   This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as
an urgency statute.
   Vote: 2/3. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 9795 of the Government Code is amended to read:

   9795.  (a) (1) Any report required or requested by law to be
submitted by a state or local agency to the  members
  Members  of either house of the Legislature
generally, shall instead be submitted to the Legislative Counsel, the
Secretary of the Senate, and the Chief Clerk of the Assembly. Each
report shall include a summary of its contents, not to exceed one
page in length  , a copy of which shall be provided 
 . If the report is   submi   tted by a state
agency, that agency shall also provide a copy of the summary directly
 to each member of the appropriate house or houses of the
Legislature  by the Legislative Counsel within two working
days of its receipt  . Notice of receipt of the report shall
also be recorded in the journal of the appropriate house or houses
of the Legislature by the secretary or clerk of that house.
   (2) In addition to and as part of the information made available
to the public in electronic form pursuant to Section 10248, the
Legislative Counsel shall make available a list of the reports
submitted by state and local agencies, as specified in paragraph (1).
If the Legislative Counsel receives a request from a member of the
public for a report contained in the list, the Legislative Counsel is
not required to provide a copy of the report and may refer the
requester to the state or local agency, as the case may be, that
authored the report  , or to the California State Library as the
final repository of public information  . 
   (b) (1) A local agency shall be deemed to have complied with
paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) if the agency submits to the
Legislative Counsel, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Chief Clerk
of the Assembly each one hard copy of the report required or
   (2) A state agency shall be deemed to have complied with paragraph
(1) of subdivision (a) if the agency submits to the Legislative
Counsel, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Chief Clerk of the
Assembly each one hard copy and one electronic copy of the report
required or requested.  
   (c) This section shall not apply to reports required or requested
by law to be directed to a committee or other specified entity within
the Legislature.  
    (b)  No report shall be distributed to a Member of the
Legislature unless specifically requested by that member. 
    (c)  Compliance with subdivision (a) shall be deemed to
be full compliance with subdivision (c) of Section 10242.5. 
    (d)  A state agency report and summary subject to this
section shall include an Internet Web site where the report can be
downloaded and telephone number to call to order a hard copy of the
report. A report submitted by a state agency subject to this section
shall also be posted at the agency's Internet Web site. 
    (e)  For purposes of this section, "report" includes any
study or audit.
  SEC. 2.  Section 10231.5 is added to the Government Code, to read:
   10231.5.  (a) On and after January 1, 2010, a bill that, as
introduced or amended in either house of the Legislature, would
require a state agency to submit a report on any subject to either
house of the Legislature generally, a committee or office of either
house of the Legislature, or the Legislative Counsel Bureau shall
include a provision that repeals the reporting requirement, or makes
the requirement inoperative, no later than a date four years
following the date upon which the bill, as enacted, becomes
operative. If the bill requires that the report be submitted to
either house of the Legislature generally, it shall also include a
provision that requires the report to be submitted pursuant to
Section 9795.
   (b) The Legislative Counsel, in drafting a bill for introduction
or an amendment to a bill that would impose a reporting requirement
described in subdivision (a), shall include a provision that repeals
the reporting requirement, or makes the reporting requirement
inoperative, four years after the date on which the requirement
becomes operative, unless the person requesting the bill or amendment
directs the Legislative Counsel to do otherwise. If the bill
requires that the report be submitted to either house of the
Legislature generally, the Legislative Counsel shall also include a
provision that requires the report to be submitted pursuant to
Section 9795.
  SEC. 3.  Section 10242.5 of the Government Code is amended to read:

   10242.5.  (a) The Legislative Counsel shall  annually 
prepare  and   ,  publish  annually
a report that lists   , and maintain an electronic list
of  all reports that state and local agencies are required or
requested by law to prepare and file with the Governor or the
Legislature, or both, in the future or within the preceding year. The
list shall include all of the following information:
   (1) The name of the agency that is required or requested to
prepare and file the report.
   (2) A brief description of the subject of the report.
   (3) The date on which the report is to be completed and filed.
   (4) The date on which the report was completed and filed.
   (b) Each  report   list  by the
Legislative Counsel prepared pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be
sent to each Member of the Legislature and shall be available to the
public. The Legislative Counsel may charge  a member of the
public  a fee that does not exceed the direct cost of printing
the  report   list  .
   (c) Each state and local agency that is required or requested by
law to prepare a report described in subdivision (a) shall file a
copy of the report with the Legislative Counsel.
   (d) As used in this section:
   (1) "Agency" includes any city, county, special district,
department, board, bureau, or commission, including any task force or
other similar body that is created by statute or resolution. "Agency"
does not include the University of California.
   (2) "Report" includes any study or audit. 
   (e) The Legislative Counsel shall update the list required by
subdivision (a) by removing obsolete or duplicate reports from the
list. The Legislative Counsel shall also remove reports from the list
as directed by Section 4 of the act adding this subdivision, or a
subsequent statute that further requires the Legislative Counsel to
remove reports included in the list.  
   (2) For purposes of this subdivision, "obsolete report" means a
report that has not been completed and filed and for which the date
that the report was required to be completed and filed was four or
more years in the past. 
  SEC. 4.  (a) The Legislative Counsel shall revise the list required
by Section 10242.5 of the Government Code, by deleting all of the
following reports from the list:

   (1) Reports Due From Acupuncture Board

   (A) Description: Report of results of study with recommendations
on the use of unlicensed acupuncture assistants and the need to
license and regulate those assistants and ways to improve the
frequency and consistency of the board's auditing and the quality and
relevance of their courses
Authority: Section 4934.2 of the Business and Professions Code
Date Due: No later than September 1, 2004
Recipient: Joint Committee on Boards, Commissions, and Consumer

   (2) Reports Due From Attorney General

   (A) Description: Report on environmental litigation being
conducted by the Office of the Attorney General on behalf of the
State of California, including the name, a brief summary, and where
applicable, the disposition of cases pending, and identification of
cases in which the Attorney General is representing state agencies
and officials, as well as those in which the Attorney General is
appearing in his independent capacity
Authority: Item 0820-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before March 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Recommendation on (i) a procedure for the legal
disposal of firearms by persons prohibited from possessing firearms;
and (ii) specific changes in language and references to code
sections, and conforming changes to code sections, in state firearms
statutes that are needed to establish the procedure recommended in
Authority: Section 7 of Chapter 944 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature

   (3) Reports Due From Bipartisan California Commission on Internet
Political Practices

   (A) Description: Report regarding findings and recommendations,
including study on the issue of political cyberfraud
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 927 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: Not later than September 30, 2002
Recipient: Legislature

   (4) Reports Due From Blue Ribbon Task Force

   (A) Description: Development of a comprehensive and coordinated
food and nutrition policy for California
Authority: Resolution Chapter 122 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than December 31, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (5) Reports Due From Board for Professional Engineers and Land

   (A) Description: Plan to reduce board's fund balance to
three-month operating reserve by June 30, 1999, and board
recommendations of how to delete regulation of subdivisions from
board duties
Authority: Item 1500-001-0770 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature

   (6) Reports Due From Board of Parole Hearings

   (A) Description: Average number of days statewide and in each of
state's four parole regions it has taken board to dispose of parole
revocation case after receipt; number of death penalty investigations
pending before board; and number of pardon investigations pending
before board
Authority: Item 5440-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Commencing July 1, 1997 and each quarter afterward through
June 30, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Monthly report on the number of appeals from
inmates and parolees processed in the previous month
Authority: Item 5440-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: Monthly
Recipient: Legislature

   (7) Reports Due From Bureau of Automotive Repair

   (A) Description: Report on number of Smog Check stations licensed
and number pending licensure as of the beginning and end of each
quarter by district
Authority: Item 1150-008-421 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1990
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: New proposed program to replace the existing
vehicle inspection and maintenance program
Authority: Section 15 of Chapter 803 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (8) Reports Due From Bureau of State Audits

   (A) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding fiscal and
performance audit of Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Authority: Item 1700-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on comprehensive fiscal and performance
audit of medical operations of the Veterans' Home of California at
Authority: Item 8960-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By February 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding legal
expenses of Stephen P. Teale Data Center for fiscal years beginning
with 1995-96 to determine cause for expenditures, results of
litigation necessitating expenditures, and data center actions to
reduce legal expenses
Authority: Item 2780-001-0683 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 31, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Performance audit of the California Science
Center, including review and assessment of the efficiency and
effectiveness of the operations and management of the center, the
roles, responsibilities, and relationships of the various
organizations and individuals involved, and the financial agreements,
contracts, and leases entered into by the center
Authority: Item 1100-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 15, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Personnel audit of the California Science Center,
including findings and conclusions regarding specific employment
discrimination and harassment complaints, determination of the
adequacy of the personnel practices and compliance with federal and
state law, and the availability of management and employee training
regarding personnel practices
Authority: Item 1100-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 15, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on investigative review of the management
of personnel at prison facilities operated by the Department of
Corrections, including a review of the personnel management policies
and practices at an appropriate sample of state prisons and
recommendations for changes
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on a fiscal and performance audit of the
medical operations of the Department of Corrections in order to
determine whether the department appropriately and efficiently
manages its medical operations
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on audit of the Department of Justice's
claims review process for the California Witness Protection Program
Authority: Item 0820-101-0214 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Annually by January 1
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Review of the Parole Outpatient Clinics operated
by the Department of Corrections including funding and staffing
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on audit of the Department of Justice's
claims review process for the California Witness Protection Program
to ensure that all criteria for program eligibility are met,
including recommendations for changes to criteria to ensure
Authority: Item 0820-101-0214 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Annually by January 1
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on any adjustment to the amount of the
licensure fee that is required to maintain the reserve amount in the
Contingent Fund of the Medical Board of California pursuant to
subdivision (h) of Section 2435, and whether a refund of any excess
revenue should be made to licentiates
Authority: Section 2435 of the Business and Professions Code
Date Due: Before January 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Audit Committee
   (L) Description: Performance audit of the State Bar's operations
for the respective fiscal year, commencing with January 1, 2002,
through December 31, 2002, and every two years thereafter
Authority: Section 6145 of the Business and Professions Code
Date Due: Within 120 days of the close of the fiscal year for which
the audit was performed
Recipient: Judiciary committees of the Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on the performance audit of the licensing
and enforcement provisions of Division 8.6 (commencing with Section
22970) of the Business and Professions Code which shall include, but
not be limited to: (i) The actual costs of the program; (ii) The
level of additional revenue generated by the program compared to the
period before its implementation; (iii) Tax compliance rates; (iv)
The costs of enforcement at the varying levels; (v) The
appropriateness of penalties assessed in this division; (vi) The
overall effectiveness of enforcement programs
Authority: Section 22971.1 of the Business and Professions Code
Date Due: July 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Effectiveness of the efforts of the Fraud
Assessment Commission, Bureau of Fraudulent Claims, Department of
Insurance, and Department of Industrial Relations, as well as local
law enforcement agencies, in identifying, investigating, and
prosecuting workers' compensation fraud and the willful failure to
secure payment of workers' compensation
Authority: Section 1872.83 of the Insurance Code
Date Due: On or before May 1, 2004
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Insurance, Senate Committee on
Labor and Industrial Relations
   (O) Description: Report on reform of state drug and medical
supplies procurement practices for offenders in state custody
Authority: Section 5024 of the Penal Code
Date Due: By January 10, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (P) Description: Evaluation of the California Consumer Power and
Conservation Financing Authority's effectiveness in achieving its
purposes as described in Section 3310 pf the Public Utilities Code,
including recommendations as to whether there is a continued need for
the authority beyond January 1, 2007
Authority: Section 3347 of the Public Utilities Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (Q) Description: Evaluation of system of direct payments to
vendors authorized by Section 12440.1 (a) of the Government Code
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 934 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (R) Description: Recommendations for changes in the hazardous
waste generator fee structure
Authority: Section 14 of Chapter 880 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: On or before June 30, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (S) Description: Followup assessment of the effectiveness of State
Department of Health Services regulations regarding increasing the
number of at-risk children being identified and that receive
screening and evaluation for lead poisoning
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 540 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: By May 1, 2001
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Health, Senate Committee on Health
and Human Services
   (T) Description: Audit of the Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System
of the State Department of Social Services addressing the level of
fraud detected through the system, the level of fraud deterrence
resulting from the system, whether the system deters eligible
applicants, especially immigrant populations, from applying for
public benefits, and the cost effectiveness of the system
Authority: Section 59 of Chapter 111 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Appropriate committees and fiscal committees of the

   (9) Reports Due From Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency

   (A) Description: Implementation status of recommendations in
Report of the Housing Task Force, February 17, 1996, and Housing Task
Force Final Report, June 26, 1995
Authority: Item 0520-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on cost-recovery fee plan for film permits
issued to for profit production companies
Authority: Item 0520-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By April 1, 2005
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (C) Description: Report on the availability of federal funds for
economic development programs, including information on the source
and amount available, the specific type of program(s) supported by
each federal grant, whether and to what extent there is a requirement
for state matching funds; and, whether state application is required
to access the funds, or whether the funds could be directly granted
by the federal government to local governments and/or nongovernmental
Authority: Item 0520-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By March 31, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Study and recommendations regarding the potential
roles of the state in global markets
Authority: Section 13996.5 of the Government Code
Date Due: Not later than October 1, 2007
Recipient: Chief Clerk of the Assembly, Secretary of the Senate
   (E) Description: Report on the goals, objectives, and timelines
established in the business plan of each international trade and
investment office established pursuant to Section 13996.7 of the
Government Code
Authority: Section 13996.7 of the Government Code
Date Due: February 1 of each year
Recipient: Appropriate policy committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on study of fees imposed under Vehicle
Code including changes in fees necessary to generate sufficient
revenues in Motor Vehicle Account
Authority: Section 42276 of the Vehicle Code
Date Due: No later than January 10 of each 4-year period following
January 10, 1985
Recipient: Legislature.

   (10) Reports Due From California Arts Council

   (A) Description: Report detailing expenditures made and
programmatic outcomes achieved by grants funded pursuant to Item
8260-102-0001 of the 1998 Budget Act, including but not limited to,
number of students and teachers served, evidence of student
achievement, curriculum materials developed, and evidence of
professional growth among teachers trained
Authority: Item 8260-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By October 1, 1999, and by October 1 for each subsequent
fiscal year during which funds are expended
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (B) Description: Report detailing expenditures made and outcome in
terms of facilities repaired, renovated, or constructed for 1998-99
fiscal year and each subsequent fiscal year during which funds
appropriated pursuant to Item 8260-102-0001 of the 1998 Budget Act
are expended
Authority: Item 8260-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By October 1, 1999, and by October 1 for each subsequent
fiscal year during which funds are expended
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (C) Description: Report detailing the expenditures made and
programmatic outcomes achieved by each grant funded pursuant to Item
8260-103-0001 of the Budget Act of 1999, including the number of
students and teachers served, and evidence of student and teacher
Authority: Item 8260-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By October 1, 2000, and by October 1 for each subsequent
fiscal year during which funds appropriated by Item 8260-103-0001 of
the Budget Act of 1999 are expended
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (D) Description: Report detailing the expenditures made and the
outcome in terms of facilities repaired, renovated, or constructed
using funds appropriated by Item 8260-103-0001 of the Budget Act of
Authority: Item 8260-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By October 1, 2000, and by October 1 for each subsequent
fiscal year during which funds appropriated by Item 8260-103-0001 of
the Budget Act of 1999 are expended
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (E) Description: Report on the expenditure of the Arts in
Education program funds, including detailed selection criteria for
the grant programs, a list of entities receiving grants, and the
specific arts education projects that the grants will support
Authority: Item 8260-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By October 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report detailing expenditures made and
programmatic outcomes achieved by each grant funded pursuant to item
8260-103-0001 of the Budget Act of 2000 during the 2000-01 fiscal
year, and for each subsequent fiscal year during which funds are
Authority: Item 8260-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By October 1, 2001, and by October 1 for each subsequent
fiscal year during which funds are expended
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (G) Description: Report detailing expenditures made and the
outcome in terms of facilities repaired, renovated, or constructed
for the 2000-01 fiscal year, and for each subsequent fiscal year
during which funds appropriated by item 8260-103-0001 of the Budget
Act of 2000 are expended
Authority: Item 8260-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By October 1, 2001, and by October 1 for each subsequent
fiscal year during which funds appropriated by this item are expended
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee

   (11) Reports Due From California Building Standards Commission

   (A) Description: Annual progress report on California at Risk:
Reducing Earthquake Hazards 1987-1992 Program
Authority: Resolution Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 1988
Date Due: Annually 1st Monday of year until 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (12) Reports Due From California Coastal Commission

   (A) Description: Report assessing the status of Local Coastal
Programs, including the number of cities and counties in the coastal
zone that lack certified Local Coastal Programs
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (B) Description: Report on the commission's use of interpreters at
commission meetings from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (C) Description: Work plan for the management of Offers to
Dedicate as specified in the California Coastal Commission and the
State Coastal Conservancy Memorandum of Understanding dated November
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Work plan for eliminating the commission's
backlog of statutorily mandated Local Coastal Program reviews
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
Description: Work plan for the management of Offers to Dedicate as
specified in the California Coastal Commission and State Coastal
Conservancy Memorandum of Understanding dated November 1999
Authority: Item 3760-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report that updates the review status of all
Local Coastal Programs and Local Coastal Program segments
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2002, and at least once annually
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report showing the commission's progress in
facilitating the acceptance of outstanding offers to dedicate (OTDs)
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Annually, by January 10
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on all offers to dedicate described in
Public Resources Code Section 31402.1 that have not been accepted by
a third party, including those offers to dedicate where the
acceptance status is currently unknown
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (13) Reports Due From California Community Colleges

   (A) Description: Report on review of methods used to prepare
enrollment projections for districts, and changes that might be made
in methods in order to increase the accuracy of the projections
Authority: Item 6870-301-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By November 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Usage and efficacy of funds for the development
and enhancement of health-related career pathway programs
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (C) Description: Usage and efficacy of funds for the development
and enhancement of health-related career pathway programs in grades 7
to 12, inclusive, and for the articulation and alignment of
health-related curriculum between schools with students in
kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and the California
Community Colleges
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the number of new centers and colleges
added for the current fiscal year and those anticipated to be added
for the prospective budget year, including the specific funding
adjustments provided for basic foundation allocations to each college
and center for the current fiscal year
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: November 1
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (E) Description: The impact of outreach efforts on student
headcount and full-time equivalent students (FTES) enrollment for the
2005-06 and 2006-07 academic years
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: By September 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: The enrollment of new CalWORKs students, whether
and why additional classes were needed to accommodate the needs of
CalWORKs students, and an expenditure plan for the balance of funds
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: By November 15, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (G) Description: Report on the allocation of funding under Item
6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2008, including (i) the amount of
funding received; (ii) the number of nursing full-time equivalent
students (FTES) served in the 2006-07 academic year, and the
additional number of FTES served with funding provided in this item
in each subsequent year; (iii) the district's attrition and
completion rates in the 2006-07 academic year and subsequent years;
(iv) any equipment or infrastructure-related items acquired with the
funds appropriated in this item; and (v) the number of new and
existing faculty receiving annual stipend awards
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: On or before March 1 of each year
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Results of findings on facilities that may be
used by more than one segment of public higher education
(intersegmental), and to include the results as part of the annual
capital outlay planning process
Authority: Section 100700 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before May 15 of each year
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (I) Description: Results of findings on facilities that may be
used by more than one segment of public higher education
(intersegmental), and to include the results as part of the annual
capital outlay planning process
Authority: Section 100900 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before May 15 of each year
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (J) Description: Findings related to the annual capital outlay
planning process, the inclusion of facilities that may be used by
more than one segment of public higher education (intersegmental)
Authority: Section 101034 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before May 15th of each year
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature

   (14) Reports Due From California Community Colleges Agriculture
and Natural Resources Advisory Committee

   (A) Description: Identify and develop quality program criteria
that may be used to uniformly evaluate the effectiveness of the
agricultural education programs in community colleges throughout
Authority: Section 78017.3 of the Education Code
Date Due: June 30, 2007
Recipient: Legislature

   (15) Reports Due From California Community Colleges Board of

   (A) Description: Adoption and implementation of a common course
numbering system
Authority: Section 66725.3 of the Education Code
Date Due: Not later than June 30, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Development of criteria and standards for the
purpose of making the annual budget request for the California
Community Colleges accompanied by the necessary procedures,
processes, and formulas for utilizing its criteria and standards
Authority: Section 84750.5 of the Education Code
Date Due: By March 1, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on community college financing,
considering issues regarding program-based funding criteria, the
enrollment growth funding formula, the equalization funding formula,
the cost-of-living adjustment, and funding formulas for noncredit
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 402 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 15, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: Design of a workable structure for the annual
evaluation of district-level performance in meeting statewide
educational outcome priorities, including priorities consistent with
Provision (4) of Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act
of 2004
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 581 of the Statutes of 2004
Date Due: On or before March 25, 2005
Recipient: Governor, fiscal committees of the Legislature, higher
education policy committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Implementation of assistance for economic and
workforce regional development centers and consortia, including
middle and junior high schools or high schools and regional
occupational centers and programs, to improve linkages and
career-technical education pathways between high schools and
community colleges for the benefit of pupils and students in both
educational systems, and the allocation of the funds appropriated for
those purposes
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 352 of the Statutes of 2005
Date Due: July 1, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (16) Reports Due From California Conservation Corps

   (A) Description: Report on a strategic plan for enhancing the
training and educational opportunities for California Conservation
Corps members
Authority: Item 3340-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By January 10, 2007
Recipient: Appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
   (B) Description: Report on the authorization of new positions,
reclassifications, transfers to blanket authorizations, and the
establishment of blanket authorizations
Authority: Section 13 of Chapter 326 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report regarding actions of Director of the
California Conservation Corps in carrying out subdivisions (b), (c),
and (d) of Section 31.00 of the Budget Act of 1999, relating to the
authorization and establishment of positions
Authority: Section 11 of Chapter 66 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Cost effectiveness of energy saving measures for
California's low-income homes and small businesses, and the number of
homes and businesses reached
Authority: Section 14 of Chapter 8 of the 2001-2002 First
Extraordinary Session
Date Due: On or before October 31, 2001
Recipient: Legislature

   (17) Reports Due From California Consumer Power and Conservation
Financing Authority

   (A) Description: Report on workload data, including details on the
revenue cash flow, the use of contract services, the projects that
have been financed by the authority
Authority: Item 8665-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By December 15, 2002 and March 15, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the long-term budgetary needs of the
Authority: Item 8665-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By December 31, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Status of the implementation of the Energy Action
Plan, specifying outcomes anticipated and a timeline for achieving
these outcomes
Authority: Item 8665-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2004
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Energy Resource Investment Plan including
California's anticipated energy service needs for both electricity
and natural gas over the next decade
Authority: Section 3369 of the Public Utilities Code
Date Due: Within 180 days of the effective date of Division 1.5
(commencing with Section 3300) of the Public Utilities Code
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, policy
committees with jurisdiction over energy policy

   (18) Reports Due From California Council for Interstate Adult
Offender Supervision

   (A) Description: Report on the status of implementing the
Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision in California
Authority: Section 11181 of the Penal Code
Date Due: Not later than July 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature

   (19) Reports Due From California Cultural and Historical Endowment

   (A) Description: Report on the condition and status of the
California Cultural and Historical Endowment Fund and the uses made
of moneys in the fund during the year
Authority: Section 20060 of the Education Code
Date Due: Annual
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on a comprehensive survey of the state of
cultural and historical preservation, accessibility, and
interpretation in California
Authority: Section 20080 of the Education Code
Date Due: Annually; final report November 1, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (20) Reports Due From California Environmental Protection Agency

   (A) Description: Report identifying amount of funding and
positions redirected from other departments and boards to Permit
Assistance Centers in support of this function
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Number of employees from departments or boards
within the agency that, while not technically employees "loaned" to
the agency, are working for initiatives agency established, and
involve agency coordination and oversight of employees from two or
more constituent departments or boards
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Within 30 days from end of each 1997-98 fiscal quarter
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Requests for documents received by Office of
Secretary for Environmental Protection or by board or department in
California Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to California
Public Records Act from 3-1-97 to 3-1-98, including disposition of
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By March 15, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Implementation plan for recommendations by
Unified Environmental Statute Commission in its January 1997 report,
describing actions the agency, boards, departments, and offices have
taken or are proposing to take
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By November 1, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (E) Description: Activities taken by California Environmental
Policy Council
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on the progress of making the new
California Environmental Protection Agency headquarters a "green
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on the status of scientific peer reviews
being conducted in the California Environmental Protection Agency's
departments and boards
Authority: Item 3985-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on the number of employees from
departments or boards within the California Environmental Protection
Agency that are working for initiatives that have been established by
the agency, including the total amount of salary and benefits
received by each employee working on the agency initiatives, and a
brief description of the duties of these employees
Authority: Item 3985-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Within 30 days from the end of each 1998-99 fiscal quarter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on the number of employees temporarily
assigned or loaned in the previous 3 months to work for or at the
California Environmental Protection Agency from departments or boards
within the agency, including copies of all current interagency
agreements, and the total amount of salary and benefits received by
each temporarily assigned or loaned employee
Authority: Item 3985-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Within 30 days from the end of each 1998-99 fiscal quarter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Results and findings of review of funding and
institutional arrangements needed to assure implementation, by 2010,
of the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Plan and development of proposals
to ensure that, by 2010, all water quality standards and objectives
are met
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (K) Description: Review of funding provided for environmental
protection programs to ensure that those activities which pose the
greatest environmental and public health risks are given priority for
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on the status of scientific peer reviews
being conducted in the California Environmental Protection Agency's
departments and boards
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on the criteria and process for the new
Integrated Watershed Management Grant Program; identification of
specific bond funded programs for coordinated processes;
identification of programs that use, or will use, Environmental
Protection Indicators for California and the Legacy Project in their
decision-making processes when awarding bond funds
Authority: Item 0555-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By April 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on the number of preliminary endangerment
assessments completed and the number of sites where necessary
response actions have been completed, relating to releases or
threatened releases of hazardous materials at brownfields and
underutilized properties, and the number and dollar amounts of loans
provided for those purposes
Authority: Section 25395.32 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 10 of each year when a loan under
this article is made or repaid during the previous fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, policy committees of
the Legislature
   (O) Description: Report to evaluate and recommend public policy
strategies that address the feasibility of shifting costs from
electric utility ratepayers to other classes of beneficiaries
Authority: Section 389 of the Public Utilities Code
Date Due: Prior to March 31, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (P) Description: Report on existence, status, and progress of any
public policy measures for shifting costs from electric utility
ratepayers to other classes of beneficiaries developed as a result of
the recommendations made pursuant to the evaluation by the
California Environmental Protection Agency
Authority: Section 389 of the Public Utilities Code
Date Due: On or before March 31 of each year from 1999 to 2001,
Recipient: Legislature
   (Q) Description: Recommendations on new fee system for providing
support to hazardous waste regulatory programs
Authority: Section 24 of Chapter 638 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: Not later than January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (R) Description: Recommendation of a funding source to provide a
stable source of funds for unified program agencies that are
implementing the unified hazardous waste and hazardous materials
management regulatory program but have a limited number of entities
regulated under the unified program
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 730 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: On or before February 15, 2001
Recipient: Legislature

   (21) Reports Due From California Families and Children Home Visit
Program Task Force

   (A) Description: Report regarding recommendations for permanent
funding for the California Families and Children Home Visit Program
which provides services to assist in the prevention of child abuse
Authority: Section 18994.9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: Not later than November 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature

   (22) Reports Due From California Habeas Corpus Resource Center

   (A) Description: Report on expenditures, specifically detailing
personal services expenditures, and operating expenses and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On September 1, 2001, and April 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on expenditures, specifically detailing
personal services expenditures, and operating expenses and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On September 1, 2002, and April 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on expenditures, specifically detailing
personal services expenditures, and operating expenses and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On September 1, 2003, and April 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on expenditures, specifically detailing
personal services expenditures, and operating expenses and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: On September 1, 2004, and April 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Expenditures, specifically detailing personal
services expenditures, and operating expenses and equipment expenses
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On September 1, 2005, and April 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Expenditures, specifically detailing personal
services expenditures, and operating expenses and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: September 1, 2005, and April 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Expenditures, specifically detailing personal
services expenditures, and operating expenses and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: September 1, 2006 and April 1,2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on expenditures, specifically detailing
personal services expenditures, operating expenses, and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: September 1, 2007, and April 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on expenditures, specifically detailing
personal services expenditures, operating expenses, and equipment
Authority: Item 0250-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: September 1, 2008, and April 1, 2009
Recipient: Legislature

   (23) Reports Due From California Health and Human Services Agency

   (A) Description: Information relating to development of a
strategic plan
Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Strategic plan which reflects the statutory
requirements and policy objectives of Chapter 270, Statutes of 1997
(Assembly Bill 1542, Aroner) into the Statewide Automated Welfare
System (SAWS). The plan shall identify: (i) measurable program
objectives and benefits that the state will achieve through
automation and (ii) the SAWS milestones at which the state will
reassess the automation approach for the state's welfare system
Authority: Item 0530-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By May 1, 2002
   (C) Description: Strategic plan which reflects the statutory
requirements and policy objectives of Chapter 270, Statutes of 1997
(Assembly Bill 1542, Aroner) into the Statewide Automated Welfare
System, including measurable program objectives and benefits
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By May 1, 2002
   (D) Description: Results of the technical analysis and the
progress made on the development of the long-term care infrastructure
Authority: Section 101950 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Plan for the new health care delivery response
system in the event of a disaster
Authority: Section 82 of Chapter 74 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: By no later than November 15, 2006
Recipient: Appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
   (F) Description: Recommendations of standards for care navigation,
including suggestions for connecting consumers from acute care
system, to and through the long-term care system
Authority: Section 9255 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (24) Reports Due From California Health Care Quality Improvement
and Cost Containment Commission

   (A) Description: Recommendations for health care quality
improvement and cost containment
Authority: Section 127671 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2006
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (25) Reports Due From California Housing Authorities Association

   (A) Description: Report of findings after compilation of data from
all public housing authorities that receive summary criminal
information on participants and employees
Authority: Section 11105.03 of the Penal Code
Date Due: Prior to January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (26) Reports Due From California Integrated Waste Management Board

   (A) Description: Status report on tiered regulations establishing
state minimum standards for regulation of facilities and operations
that handle construction or demolition debris
Authority: Item 3910-001-0387 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: On or before April 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report evaluating the accomplishments of, and
identifying ongoing needs for, the landfill cleanup loan program
authorized in the 1999 Budget Act
Authority: Item 3910-001-0387 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Preliminary report on or before December 1, 2000; final
report on or before December 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report detailing how the waste board ensures
compliance with all state and local permit and licensing requirements
of any of the board's grant programs
Authority: Item 3910-001-0226 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Specific metrics for evaluating the performance
of the Waste Tire Enforcement Program
Authority: Item 3910-001-0226 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before March 31, 2007
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Evaluation of the feasibility of implementing a
manufacturer responsibility or take-back program for goods purchased
by California state government, including an overview of similar
activities across the country or around the world
Authority: Item 3910-001-0387 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By January 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report identifying (i) a history of revenues,
expenditures, and balances of the California Tire Recycling
Management Fund since its inception, and projection of such
information for 2008-09 and the subsequent two fiscal years; (ii) a
history of waste tire diversion rates and end uses, and projection of
such                                               rates and uses
for 2007 and subsequent years; (iii) identification and assessment of
the costs and effectiveness of options to increase the rate of
diversion of waste tires from disposal landfills; and (iv) any
statutory changes that would assist the board's efforts to increase
the diversion rate
Authority: Item 3910-001-0226 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By July 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report summarizing progress achieved by the board
in implementing integrated waste management programs to include
information on the local enforcement agency program, research and
development, public education, market development, used oil, planning
and cleanup
Authority: Section 40507 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: On or before March 1 of each year
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report that identifies any duplication or overlap
between the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 and
the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act
with respect to programs pertaining to public information and
education, local government review and assistance, and recycled
materials market development, including suggested legislation, budget
actions, or administrative actions that could be taken to eliminate
any duplication or overlap
Authority: Section 40511 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Results of survey regarding use of recycled
plastic postconsumer material in the manufacture of plastic trash
Authority: Section 42293 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: On or before October 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Findings and recommendations of a study on the
use and disposal of polystyrene in the state
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 406 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (27) Reports Due From California Marine and Intermodal
Transportation System Advisory Council

   (A) Description: Report on findings from compiled data on certain
issues relating to the growth and congestion of maritime ports,
including, but not limited to, recommendations on the methods to
better manage the growth of maritime ports and the environmental
impacts of moving goods through those ports
Authority: Section 1760 of the Harbors and Navigation Code
Date Due: Not later than January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature

   (28) Reports Due From California Medical Assistance Commission

   (A) Description: Data on health service contracts in California
Medical Assistance Program
Authority: Section 14165.9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: January 1 and May 1 of each year
Recipient: Legislature

   (29) Reports Due From California Museum of Science and Industry

   (A) Description: Status report on planning and development of
parking facilities in Exposition Park, Los Angeles, and a specific
plan for expenditure of funds provided by item 1100-001-267 of the
1989 Budget Act for museum security services
Authority: Item 1100-001-267 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1989
Date Due: Semiannually, beginning December 1, 1989
Recipient: Legislature

   (30) Reports Due From California Research Bureau

   (A) Description: Evaluation of the performance of the Academic
Volunteer and Mentor Service Program, including assessment of the
impact of mentoring on student achievement, attendance, and student
Authority: Item 0558-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Staffing and related workload of chaplains
employed by state agencies which operate 24-hour facilities including
the Departments of Corrections, Developmental Services, Mental
Health, Veterans Affairs, and the Youth Authority
Authority: Item 6120-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Findings of study of fungal contamination in
indoor environments
Authority: Section 26203 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on study of the children of women who are
incarcerated in state prisons
Authority: Section 7445 of the Penal Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report addressing the disposition of all state
funds, the names of financial institutions receiving state funds,
including the geographic location and use of the funds, the
percentage of funds remaining in California, and the percentage of
funds invested out of state and out of the country
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 913 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: Annually, until November 30, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report regarding the impact and effect of Section
19551.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, which permits, under
specified conditions, the disclosure of tax information to tax
officials of any city
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 915 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By December 31, 2005
Recipient: Legislature

   (31) Reports Due From State Librarian

   (A) Description: Report on the types of grants awarded and the
accomplishments of the program established pursuant to the California
Civil Liberties Public Education Act which requires the State
Librarian to establish a program for provision of grants for the
purpose of educating about the internment of Japanese-Americans
during World War II
Authority: Section 13025 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (B) Description: Results of the use of funds provided for the
purposes of the California Native American Public Education Grant
Authority: Section 13042 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the California Library Literacy and
English Acquisition Services Program with regards to the amount of
allocated funding, number of schools and libraries participating in
the program and the types of services provided with the funds
Authority: Section 18884 of the Education Code
Date Due: by March 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (32) Reports Due From California State Lottery Commission

   (A) Description: Report comparing estimated administrative costs
to budgeted administrative costs for the 1999-2000 fiscal year
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly, commencing October 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: In conjunction with the commission's quarterly
financial statements, a report comparing estimated administrative
costs to budgeted administrative costs for the 2001-02 fiscal year,
including a reporting of the lottery sales revenues
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Quarterly for the 2000-01 fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Proposed administrative budget and expected sales
revenue for the California State Lottery Commission for the 2001-02
fiscal year detailing any administrative funding that is proposed to
be used to supplement the prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than June 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Final 2001-02 budget and revenue projections
approved by the commission, including any approved revision, and
supporting documentation, to the June 1, 2001, proposed budget
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: In conjunction with submission of the commission'
s quarterly financial statements, a report comparing estimated
administrative costs to budgeted administrative costs for the 2002-03
fiscal year, including a reporting of the lottery sales revenues and
any administrative funding used to supplement the prize pool of any
lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Quarterly for the 2001-02 fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Proposed administrative budget and expected sales
revenue for the California State Lottery Commission for the 2002-03
fiscal year detailing any administrative funding that is proposed to
be used to supplement the prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than June 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Final 2002-03 budget and revenue projections
approved by the commission including any approved revisions, and
supporting documentation, to the June 1, 2002, proposed budget;
detail of any administrative funding that is proposed to be used to
supplement the prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: In conjunction with submission of the commission'
s quarterly financial statements, a report comparing estimated
administrative costs to budgeted administrative costs for the 2003-04
fiscal year, including a reporting of the lottery sales revenues and
any administrative funding used to supplement the prize pool of any
lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: Quarterly for the 2002-03 fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (I) Description: Proposed administrative budget and expected sales
revenue for the California State Lottery Commission for the 2003-04
fiscal year detailing any administrative funding that is proposed to
be used to supplement the prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than June 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Final 2003-04 budget and revenue projections
approved by the commission including any approved revisions, and
supporting documentation, to the June 1, 2003, proposed budget;
detail of any administrative funding that is proposed to be used to
supplement the prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (K) Description: Report comparing estimated administrative costs
to budgeted administrative costs for the 2004-05 fiscal year,
including a reporting of the lottery sales revenues and detailing any
administrative funding that is used to supplement the prize pool of
any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: In conjunction with submission of the commission's
quarterly financial statements
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (L) Description: Proposed administrative budget and expected sales
revenue for the commission for the 2004-05 fiscal year detailing any
administrative funding that is proposed to be used to supplement the
prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: No later than June 1, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (M) Description: Final 2004-05 budget and revenue projections
approved by the commission including any approved revision, and
supporting documentation, to the June 1, 2004 proposed budget; any
administrative funding that is proposed to be used to supplement the
prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (N) Description: The proposed administrative budget and expected
sales revenue for the California State Lottery Commission for the
2006-07 fiscal year that is submitted to the California State Lottery
Commission's Budget Committee; and, detail of any administrative
funding that is proposed to be used to supplement the prize pool of
any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than June 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (O) Description: The final 2006-07 budget and revenue projections
approved by the California State Lottery Commission, including any
approved revision, and supporting documentation, to the June 1, 2006,
proposed budget; and, detail of any administrative funding that is
proposed to be used to supplement the prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (P) Description: In conjunction with submission of the commission'
s quarterly financial statements, a report comparing estimated
administrative costs to budgeted administrative costs for the 2007-08
fiscal year, including a reporting of the lottery sales revenues and
any administrative funding used to supplement the prize pool of any
lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (Q) Description: Proposed administrative budget and expected sales
revenue for the California State Lottery Commission for the 2007-08
fiscal year detailing any administrative funding that is proposed to
be used to supplement the prize pool of any lottery game
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than June 1, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (R) Description: Report comparing estimated administrative costs
to budgeted administrative costs for the 2008-09 fiscal year
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: In conjunction with submission of the commission's
quarterly financial statements
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (S) Description: Copy of the proposed administrative budget and
expected sales revenue for the California State Lottery Commission
for the 2008-09 fiscal year that is submitted to the California State
Lottery Commission's Budget Committee
Authority: Item 0850-001-0562 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: June 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature

   (33) Reports Due From California State University

   (A) Description: Four-year degree pledge program for students
Authority: Item 6610-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1994
Date Due: March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Summary of faculty workload indicators systemwide
and on each campus, incorporating data from 1996-97
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report showing identified savings in funds
encumbered from Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1996 for
construction projects and purpose for which identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Regarding Monterey Bay Campus, status of future
water supply, and its implications for enrollment planning
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: January of each year, starting in 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report showing identified savings in funds
encumbered form Higher Education Capitol Outlay Bond Fund of 1992 for
construction projects and purpose for which identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report showing identified savings in funds
encumbered from Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1986 for
construction projects and purpose for which identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report showing identified savings in funds
encumbered from 1988 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund for
construction projects and purpose for which identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report showing identified savings in funds
encumbered from Higher Education Capitol Outlay Bond Fund of June
1990 for construction projects and purpose for which identified
savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on redirections undertaken and program
implications of 4 percent compensation increase in 1997-98 for
university staff
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By October 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on amount of balance as of June 30, 1997
of Item 6610-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 1996 and proposed
expenditure plan for that balance
Authority: Item 6610-190-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By September 30, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report showing identified savings by capital
outlay project and purpose for which savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report showing identified savings by capital
outlay project and purpose for which savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report showing identified savings by capital
outlay project and purpose for which savings were used
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1998
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Report showing identified savings by capital
outlay project and purpose for which savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report showing identified savings by capital
outlay project and purpose for which savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (P) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to this item
for general support of California State University
Authority: Item 6610-490-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: September 30, 1998; September 30, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (Q) Description: Report on feasibility of establishing ongoing
state-subsidized teacher preparation programs in summer sessions,
including appropriate options, estimated costs, and recommendations
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (R) Description: Report on the status of public safety staffing on
the campuses, including the number and type of positions assigned to
the public safety departments, the professional training provided to
public safety officers, and information regarding the retention and
recruitment of public safety officers
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than August 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (S) Description: Report showing identified savings, by project,
and purpose for which identified savings were used regarding
construction contracts for capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-301-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (T) Description: Report showing identified savings, by project,
and purpose for which identified savings were used regarding
construction contracts for capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (U) Description: Report showing identified savings, by project,
and purpose for which identified savings were used regarding
construction contracts for capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (V) Description: Report showing identified savings, by project,
and purpose for which identified savings were used regarding
construction contracts for capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (W) Description: Report showing identified savings, by project,
and purpose for which identified savings were used regarding
construction contracts for capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (X) Description: Report showing identified savings, by project,
and purpose for which identified savings were used regarding
construction contracts for capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than November 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (Y) Description: Report detailing expenditures for each project of
funds appropriated under Item 6610-302-0574 of the 1998 Budget Act
regarding capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-302-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 1 of each year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (Z) Description: Report detailing expenditures for each project of
funds appropriated under Item 6610-303-0574 of the 1998 Budget Act
regarding capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 6610-303-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 1 of each year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AA) Description: Report regarding proposed expenditure plan for
balance as of June 30, 1998, of Item 6610-001-0001 of the Budget Act
of 1997
Authority: Item 6610-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By September 30, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AB) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
6610-490 of the 1998 Budget Act
Authority: Item 6610-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By September 30, 1999; by September 30, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AC) Description: Report on feasibility study to examine the
advantages and disadvantages of implementing year-round academic
programs as one means of helping to accommodate significant projected
enrollment growth over the next 10 to 15 years and improving student
progress to degree
Authority: Item 6440-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
budget and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AD) Description: Report on progress toward achievement of the
Working Plan Objectives and the Master Plan Goals for the
Telecommunications Infrastructure/Integrated Technology Strategy
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Annual beginning in November 1999 through November 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (AE) Description: Feasibility study to examine the advantages and
disadvantages of implementing year-round academic programs as one
means of helping to accommodate significant projected enrollment
growth over the next 10 to 15 years and improving student progress to
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
budget and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AF) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1998
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AG) Description: Report showing identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1992
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AH) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund and the
purpose for which the identified savings were used
                                                   Authority: Item
6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AI) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the 1988 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund
and the purposes for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AJ) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the June 1990 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund and the purposes for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AK) Description: Report detailing the expenditures and outcomes
for each project of the funds appropriated by Item 6610-302-0574 of
the 1999 Budget Act
Authority: Item 6610-302-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than December 1 of each year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AL) Description: Report on the expenditures made pursuant to Item
6610-490 of the Budget Act of 1999
Authority: Item 6610-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By September 30, 2000, and September 30, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AM) Description: Report on the California State University's
progress toward achieving goals of increasing capacity of the
agriculture, biological sciences, computer sciences, engineering, and
nursing programs in the 2000-01 and 2001-02 college years
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 31, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees in each house of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (AN) Description: Report on the full-time equivalent student
enrollment growth achieved in the agriculture, biological sciences,
computer sciences, engineering, and nursing programs above the
1998-99 college year baseline
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: As of August 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees in each house of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (AO) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund of 1998 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects,
by project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AP) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1998
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AQ) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund of 1992 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects,
by project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AR) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1992
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AS) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund of 1992 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects,
by project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AT) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1992
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AU) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AV) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund for
construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project, and
the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AW) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered for construction contracts from the 1988 Higher
Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund after the completion of a capital
outlay project, by project, and the purpose for which the identified
savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AX) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered for construction contracts from the 1988 Higher Education
Capital Outlay Bond Fund after completion of a capital outlay
project, by project, and the purpose for which the identified savings
were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AY) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the June 1990 Higher Education Capital
Outlay Bond Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay
projects, by project, and the purpose for which the identified
savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AZ) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the June 1990 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (BA) Description: Report detailing the expenditure for each
project of the funds appropriated by item 6610-302-0574 of the Budget
Act of 2000
Authority: Item 6610-302-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than December 1 of each year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
each house of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (BB) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to item
6610-490-0001 of the Budget Act of 2000
Authority: Item 6610-490-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By September 30, 2001, and September 30, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (BC) Description: Report on the effectiveness of the Collaborative
Academic Preparation Initiative program which aims to improve high
school students' academic preparation for higher education, including
changes in student achievement, quality of services provided to
teachers in targeted high schools, feedback from California State
University tutors and faculty
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Progress report on December 1, 2001; comprehensive annual
report beginning on December 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (BD) Description: Report on the extent to which the university's
museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native American
artifacts have complied with the Native American Grave Protection and
Repatriation Act, including all inventories that it has submitted to
the federal government in compliance with the act
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By November 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (BE) Description: Report on faculty-related items purchased with
any excess faculty compensation funds after compensation and benefit
increases are processed
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By October 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (BF) Description: Report on the system devised for obtaining
information on disenrolled students and a description of current or
planned collaborative efforts between California State University and
California Community College campuses to ensure that students
complete the remediation necessary to return to the California State
University campus and complete their degree in a timely fashion
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By October 31, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (BG) Description: Report on the progress of the university's
teacher-related advertising and outreach efforts, including
coordination with the Teacher Recruitment Incentive Program and other
teacher incentive programs established pursuant to Chapter 70 of the
Statutes of 2000
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than September 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (BH) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund of 1998 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects,
by project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BI) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1998
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (BJ) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund of 1996 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects,
by project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BK) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1996
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (BL) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund of 1992 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects,
by project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BM) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 1992
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (BN) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BO) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund for
construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project, and
the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (BP) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the 1988 Higher Education Capital Outlay
Bond Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BQ) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the 1988 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (BR) Description: Progress report showing the identified savings
in funds encumbered from the June 1990 Higher Education Capital
Outlay Bond Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay
projects, by project, and the purpose for which the identified
savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BS) Description: Report showing the identified savings in funds
encumbered from the June 1990 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (BT) Description: Report detailing the expenditure for each
project of the funds appropriated by Item 6610-302-0574 of the Budget
Act of 2001, including the identified savings by project, a
certification that each project is proceeding or as completed, has
remained within its scope, and an evaluation of the outcome of the
Authority: Item 6610-302-0574 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1 of each year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
each house of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (BU) Description: Report on the amount of the balance as of June
30, 2001, of Item 6610-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 2000 (Chapter 52
of the Statutes of 2000), and a proposed expenditure plan for that
Authority: Item 6610-490-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By September 30, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (BV) Description: Report on the expenditures made pursuant to Item
6610-490-0001 of the Budget Act of 2001
Authority: Item 6610-490-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By September 30, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (BW) Description: Report on institutional financial aid programs,
including fee waivers
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 15 of each year, beginning March 15, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (BX) Description: Report on funds budgeted for faculty
compensation and actually expended on faculty compensation, including
data for the 2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03 budget years
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By November 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (BY) Description: Progress report showing identified savings in
funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund
of 1996 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0658 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BZ) Description: Progress report showing identified savings in
funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund
of 1992 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0705 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (CA) Description: Progress report showing identified savings in
funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0782 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (CB) Description: Progress report showing identified savings in
funds encumbered from the 1988 Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond
Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0785 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (CC) Description: Progress report showing identified savings in
funds encumbered from the June 1990 Higher Education Capital Outlay
Bond Fund for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-0791 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (CD) Description: Progress report showing identified savings in
funds encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund
of 2002 for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by
project, and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-6028 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (CE) Description: Report showing identified savings in funds
encumbered from the Higher Education Capital Outlay Bond Fund of 2002
for construction contracts for capital outlay projects, by project,
and the purpose for which the identified savings were used
Authority: Item 6610-301-6028 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than November 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (CF) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
6610-490-0001 of the Budget Act of 2002
Authority: Item 6610-490-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By September 30, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (CG) Description: Report on the deferral, if any, of Common
Management System implementation costs during fiscal year 2003-04;
and the use, if any, of alternative funding sources used to help
mitigate the impact of the 2003-2004 budget reductions
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By November 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, appropriate legislative committees
   (CH) Description: Report on the university's progress in
implementing the Early Assessment Academic Preparation Program, a
pilot program designed to improve high school students' proficiency
in English and mathematics prior to entering the university
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By December 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (CI) Description: Report on the use of outreach funding provided
in Item 6610-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003, including the
outcomes and effectiveness of outreach programs
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Not later than March 15, 2004
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (CJ) Description: Report on the expenditures made pursuant to Item
6610-490-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003
Authority: Item 6610-490-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By September 30, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (CK) Description: Report on the outcomes and effectiveness of the
Early Academic Assessment Program
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than March 15, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (CL) Description: Final report on whether the university has met
the 2005-06 enrollment goal for full-time equivalent (FTE) students
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By May 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (CM) Description: Outcomes and effectiveness of the Early Academic
Assessment Program
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than March 15, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (CN) Description: Whether it has met the 2005-06 full-time
equivalent (FTE) enrollment goal
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Preliminary report by March 15, 2006, and a final report
by May 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (CO) Description: Report on the expenditures made pursuant to Item
6610-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 2004 (Ch. 208, Stats. 2004)
Authority: Item 6610-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By September 30, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (CP) Description: Progress toward meeting the enrollment goal of
130 full-time equivalent (FTE) students in entry-level master's
degree programs in nursing
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By May 1, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CQ) Description: Number of additional full-time equivalent (FTE)
students in baccalaureate degree programs in nursing in the 2006-07
academic year compared to the number enrolled in the 2005-06 academic
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before May 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (CR) Description: Report on the expenditures made pursuant to Item
6610-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 2006
Authority: Item 6610-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By September 30, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (CS) Description: Results of findings on facilities that may be
used by more than one segment of public higher education
(intersegmental), and to include the results as part of the annual
capital outlay planning process
Authority: Section 100700 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before May 15 of each year
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (CT) Description: Results of findings on facilities that may be
used by more than one segment of public higher education
(intersegmental), and to include the results as part of the annual
capital outlay planning process
Authority: Section 100900 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before May 15 of each year
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (CU) Description: Results of study on the faculty hiring practices
over the past decade
Authority: Resolution Chapter 121 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By May 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (CV) Description: Evaluation of the complete impact the
Communities in Schools of San Fernando program and its peace treaty
has had on the participating areas with respect to the reduction of
gang-related crime. The purpose of the study is to identify the key
elements of the program that are responsible for its success for
purposes of creating similar programs in other areas of the state
that are experiencing gang-related problems
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 484 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (34) Reports Due From California State University Trustees

   (A) Description: Report on the processes and criteria utilized by
the California State University system and/or its individual campuses
that ensures academic consultation, independence, and integrity for
the consideration and acceptance or rejection of academic funding
proposals from foreign interests which carry conditions for the
institution's acceptance
Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 31, 1999
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (B) Description: Adoption and implementation of a common course
numbering system
Authority: Section 66725.3 of the Education Code
Date Due: Not later than June 30, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
           (C) Description: Statistical reports on student transfer
Authority: Section 66742 of the Education Code
Date Due: Annual
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: The proposed expenditure plans to expand nursing
programs to enroll an additional 340 full-time equivalent students as
a result of the funds appropriated in the Budget Act of 2007
Authority: Section 89267 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before March 15, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (E) Description: Report of authorizations given for transfer of
funds for the support of California State University
Authority: Section 89753 of the Education Code
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate fiscal
committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Status of the establishment and implementation of
curricula in gerontology
Authority: Section 105145.5 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on teacher preparation programs at
California State University campuses, including number of qualified
candidates that entered the programs, number of qualified candidates
that were unable to be accommodated, efforts to expand programs, and
efforts to address the diverse needs of teaching candidates
Authority: Resolution Chapter 113 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: By January 30, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds received
and purposes for which they are used and anticipated expenditures
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: By January 15, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on amount of lottery funds received and
the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 1996-97
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 162 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (J) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds that
were received and purposes for which those funds were expended in
1997-98 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for 1998-99 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (K) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds received
and purposes for which those funds were expended in 1998-99 fiscal
year, including administrative costs, and proposed expenditures and
purposes for expenditure for 1999-2000 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 324 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds that the
agency received and the purposes for which those funds were expended
in the 1999-2000 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and
proposed expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2000-01
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 50 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2003-04
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2004-05 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (35) Reports Due From California State World Trade Commission

   (A) Description: Report on study of viability of California
products in India and feasibility of establishing overseas trade
office in that country
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 418 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature

   (36) Reports Due From California Traffic Relief Panel

   (A) Description: Report of the traffic relief symposium
proceedings conducted by the panel pursuant to Resolution Chapter 104
of the Statutes of 2000
Authority: Resolution Chapter 104 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (37) Reports Due From California Transportation Commission

   (A) Description: Report on funds expended by North Coast Railroad
Authority (NCRA), including recommendations to help state maintain
rail freight service and/or passenger service on lines currently
served by NCRA
Authority: Item 2600-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before December 31, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on impact of adding the advance project
development element to the state transportation improvement program,
including evaluation of the element's effectiveness
Authority: Section 14529.01 of the Government Code
Date Due: Not later than September 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (C) Description: Report assessing relative success of provisions
of Chapter 622 of the Statutes of 1997 in achieving Legislature's
intent for reform of the state transportation improvement program,
and assessing program delivery, expenditure of funds at both regional
and statewide levels, and program performance
Authority: Section 14529.15 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before February 1, 1999, and on or before February
1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Study of potential decreases in transportation
revenue for transportation planning agencies, including, but not
limited to, identifying specified transportation funding elements and
suggesting legislative and other remedies to address potential
funding shortfalls
Authority: Resolution Chapter 120 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Transportation, Senate Committee on
   (E) Description: Ten-year needs assessment of the state's
transportation system
Authority: Senate Resolution 8 of the 1999-2000 Regular Session
Date Due: By May 10, 1999
Recipient: Senate Committee on Transportation and the President pro
Tempore of the Senate
   (F) Description: List of projects funded from the Environmental
Enhancement and Mitigation Program during the previous fiscal year
and a copy of the most recent criteria for allocating grants pursuant
to Section 164.56 of the Streets and Highways Code
Authority: Section 164.56 of the Streets and Highways Code
Date Due: On or before December 31 of each year
Recipient: Assembly Budget Committee, Senate Budget and Fiscal
Review Committee

   (38) Reports Due From California Travel and Tourism Commission

   (A) Description: Recommendations regarding an implementation
strategy and timeline for revision of the annual marketing plan
required by Government Code 15372.75 to include promotion of the
state's artistic, cultural, historical, and ethnic resources with a
goal of expanding the economic benefits of tourism to more
communities, both urban and rural, in California
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 204 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: No later than July 1, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (39) Reports Due From California Victim Compensation and
Government Claims Board

   (A) Description: Report on status of Victims of Crime Program
Authority: Item 8700-001-0214 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Within 30 days after the end of each month
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Evaluation of Victim of Crime Recovery Center
three-year pilot program established pursuant to an interagency
agreement with the Board of Control and the University of California,
San Francisco
Authority: Item 8700-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the projected imbalance between
revenues and expenditures for the Restitution Fund
Authority: Item 8700-001-0214 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee

   (40) Reports Due From California Watershed Council

   (A) Description: Report on the criteria and process for the new
Integrated Watershed Management Grant Program; identification of
specific bond funded programs for coordinated processes;
identification of programs that use, or will use, Environmental
Protection Indicators for California and the Legacy Project in their
decisionmaking processes when awarding bond funds
Authority: Item 0555-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By April 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (41) Reports Due From California Workforce Investment Board

   (A) Description: Report on the status of one-stop services to
individuals with disabilities and implementation of the federal
Ticket to Work program in California
Authority: Section 18010 of the Unemployment Insurance Code
Date Due: By September 30, 2004
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (42) Reports Due From Care Facilities Task Force

   (A) Description: Report analyzing issues related to funding,
dispersal, and oversight of residential care facilities
Authority: Resolution Chapter 96 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 31, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (43) Reports Due From Cemetery and Funeral Bureau

   (A) Description: Report on findings and recommendations regarding
bureau obtaining information from each of its licensees to determine
if the endowment care fund levels of the licensee's cemetery are
sufficient to cover the cost of future operation
Authority: Section 9613 of the Business and Professions Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature

   (44) Reports Due From Chancellor of the California State

   (A) Description: Use of the funds allocated pursuant to Provision
10(b), including the distribution of the funds, specific uses of the
funds, strategies employed to reach low-income and disadvantaged
students potentially eligible for financial aid, and the extent to
which districts were successful in increasing the number of students
accessing financial aid, particularly the maximum Pell Grant award
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than April 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: (i) Identifies the enrollment of new CalWORKs
students, (ii) states whether and why additional classes were needed
to accommodated the needs of CalWORKs students, and (iii) sets forth
an expenditure plan for the balance of funds
Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By November 15, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (C) Description: Report containing a recommended plan, that may
include alternative strategies, and budget for significantly
increasing the number of students graduating from nursing programs in
the state and for providing specialty training to licensed nurses in
prescribed areas of specialization
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 954 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: Results of study on the implementation, pursuant
to Section 44259.1 of the Education Code, of integrated programs of
professional preparation for teaching careers
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 896 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: No later than November 30, 2006
Recipient: Legislature

   (45) Reports Due From Children's Vision Screening Panel

   (A) Description: Conclusions and recommendations of study of
vision screening and appraisal requirements for children upon
enrollment or upon entering the first grade
Authority: Resolution Chapter 108 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: Preliminary report by June 1, 2007; final report no later
than September 1, 2007
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Health, Senate Committee on Health

   (46) Reports Due From Colorado River Board

   (A) Description: Status of progress made to live within California'
s Colorado River water allocation
Authority: Item 3460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on status of, and progress being made to,
live within California's Colorado River water allocation
Authority: Item 3460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (47) Reports Due From Commission on Aging

   (A) Description: Report detailing the financial requirements to
operate the commission, the Area Agencies on Aging Advisory Council
of California, and the California Senior Legislature, including a
recommendation on priorities for activities among these three
Authority: Item 4180-401 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By September 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (48) Reports Due From Commission on Peace Officer Standards and

   (A) Description: Study of the "7(k)" training program including
recommendations for improvement of training programs if warranted and
ongoing monitoring to ensure that training adheres to commission
Authority: Item 5480-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Preliminary report by December 1, 2000; findings in regard
to Youth Authority facilities and parole operations by December 1,
2001; audit findings in regard to the Department of Corrections'
prisons and parole operations by December 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (49) Reports Due From Commission on the Status of Women

   (A) Description: Report regarding findings of evaluation of the
compensation and classification plans for state civil service and
related employees and employees of the University of California,
Hastings College of the Law, and the California State University and
determination of where compensation and classification inequalities
exist, based on comparability of the value of work, between female
and male dominated classes of employees in state service
Authority: Section 8248 of the Government Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (50) Reports Due From Committee on Dental Auxiliaries

   (A) Description: Plan to reduce board's fund balance to
three-month operating reserve by June 30, 1998
Authority: Item 1270-001-0380 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature

   (51) Reports Due From Contractors' State License Board

   (A) Description: Report on identification of "C" specialty license
classifications that present risk to public health, safety, and
general welfare along with recommendations as to which specialty
licensing contractor classifications may be appropriate for
consolidation, redefinition, or elimination
Authority: Section 12 of Chapter 812 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: By October 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on which specialty licensing contractor
classifications, such as asbestos contractors or contractors involved
in removal or remediation of hazardous substances, are appropriate
for consolidation, redefinition, or elimination; also whether
separate classification or certification of home improvement
contractors is appropriate
Authority: Section 13 of Chapter 812 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: By October 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on which specialty licensing contractor
classifications, such as asbestos contractors or contractors involved
in removal or remediation of hazardous substances, are appropriate
for consolidation, redefinition, or elimination; also whether
separate classification or certification of home improvement
contractors is appropriate
Authority: Section 7 of Chapter 813 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: By October 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature

   (52) Reports Due From Corrections Standards Authority

   (A) Description: Report on use of funding to provide educational
services to inmates in non-jail settings such as community-based
punishment option programs
Authority: Item 6110-158-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By April 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on county grant program for planning and
development of alternative sanctions for adult mentally ill offenders
Authority: Item 5430-105-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislative committees that consider fiscal, criminal
justice, mental health, and local government issues
   (C) Description: Final analysis of the Juvenile Crime Enforcement
and Accountability Challenge grants awarded pursuant to the Budget
Act of 1996
Authority: Item 5430-401 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Final analysis of the Juvenile Crime Enforcement
and Accountability Challenge grants awarded pursuant to Article 18.7
(commencing with Section 749.2) of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 2
of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Authority: Item 5430-008-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: March 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the use of reasonable force by law
enforcement, custodial, or corrections personnel, including specified
peace officers, to collect blood specimens, saliva samples, or thumb
or palm print impressions from persons who refuse to provide those
specimens, samples, or impressions
Authority: Section 298.1 of the Penal Code
Date Due: Not later than January 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Interim report evaluating effectiveness of the
Juvenile Crime Enforcement and Accountability Challenge Grant Program
Authority: Section 749.26 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: For grants awarded before July 1, 1998, on or before March
1, 1999; for grants awarded after July 1, 1998, on or before March
1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Final analysis of Juvenile Crime Enforcement and
Accountability Challenge Grant Program
Authority: Section 749.26 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: For grants awarded before July 1, 1998, on or before March
1, 2001; for grants awarded after July 1, 1998, on or before March
1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (53) Reports Due From Delta Protection Commission

   (A) Description: Report on the status of the review of the
resource management plan, or "Delta Plan," including its efforts to
identify changes and growth pressures within the Primary Zone, and
lands within the Secondary Zone, the development of which impacts the
resources of the Primary Zone
Authority: Item 3840-001-0516 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2005
Recipient: Legislature

   (54) Reports Due From Dental Board of California

   (A) Description: Independent study conducted by outside entity
examining the board's needs for sworn peace officer positions in its
investigations unit
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 840 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: January 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report regarding all reports that the board has
received on the subject of deaths or hospitalizations as a result of
dental treatment
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 308 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Health, Senate Business and
Professions Committee

   (55) Reports Due From Department of Aging

   (A) Description: Report on status of procurement of all new sites
funded through the 1998-99 budget augmentation
Authority: Item 4170-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than March 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature

   (56) Reports Due From Department of Child Support Services

   (A) Description: Report on how local child support agency costs
should be classified as program costs or administrative costs
Authority: Item 5175-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the activities and cost-effectiveness
of the Child Support Full Collection Program positions. The report
shall describe any changes in the activities of these positions to
increase collections and the current and anticipated collections
attributed to these positions, case inventory per position, and
collections per case and per position
Authority: Item 5175-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: January 10, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the activities and cost-effectiveness
of the Child Support Full Collection Program positions, including
description of any changes in the activities of these positions to
increase collections, and the current and anticipated collections
attributed to these positions, case inventory per position, and
collections per case and per position
Authority: Item 5175-002-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: January 10, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the costs and benefits of assessing an
annual fee of $25 for never assisted child support cases for which
$500 or more is collected
Authority: Item 5175-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on filing of certified copies of judgments
and affidavits regarding relief of child, spousal, and family
support arrearages by collection of lottery winnings and income tax
refunds owed to support debtors
Authority: Section 708.730 of the Code of Civil Procedure
Date Due: Upon request, on or before December 31, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Results of establishing and promulgating
regulations by which the local child support agency may compromise an
obligor's liability for public assistance debt and regulations by
which the county child welfare department would determine whether it
is in the best interests of the child to have the case referred to
the local support agency for child support services
Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 463 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before October 1, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (57) Reports Due From Department of Conservation

   (A) Description: Status of Williamson Act subvention payment
Authority: Item 3480-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than April 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the status of the Agricultural Land
Stewardship Program
Authority: Item 3480-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly beginning October 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: An interim and a final report on the status of
the department's Resource Conservation District grants program
Authority: Item 3480-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Interim report on or before March 1, 2001, final report on
or before January 10, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the identity and location of all mines
subject to the requirements of the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act
that, as of December 31, 2000 were illegally operating without
either valid financial assurances or valid reclamation plans or were
lacking an annual lead agency inspection; detailed information on any
enforcement actions initiated by the department against these mines;
the department's work plan for bringing all remaining illegal mining
operations into compliance; also, progress reports on all
enforcement and mine closure actions initiated during the second,
third, and fourth quarters of fiscal year 2001-02
Authority: Item 3480-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2001; progress reports on
February 1, 2002, May 1, 2002, and August 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the department's abandoned mine
inventory program, including the identity of the land owner where the
mine is located; estimates on the costs to remediate both identified
and statistically extrapolated mines; and a prioritization of
abandoned mine remediation efforts
Authority: Item 3480-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Options for ensuring the existence of blowout
insurance for persons engaged in drilling or redrilling exploratory
oil and gas wells in areas where abnormally high or unknown
subsurface pressure gradients exist
Authority: Section 3219.5 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (G) Description: Annual progress report on the California at Risk:
Reducing Earthquake Hazards 1987-1992 Program
Authority: Resolution Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 1988
Date Due: Annually 1st Monday of year until 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on study that reviews whether the
inclusion of plastic beverage containers made of resins other than
polyethelene terathate has substantially increased the recycling rate
of those containers; compares the recycling rates for like types of
beverage containers covered by the California Beverage Container
Recycling and Litter Reduction Act with like types of beverage
containers not covered by the act; compares the net cost of recycling
containers covered by the act at recycling centers, supermarket
sites, and curbside recycling programs, and estimates the cost of
collection and disposal of those containers not covered by the act
and not recycled; compares the economic benefit and impact on the
state's economy of the act with an "Oregon style" nickel deposit law,
and with the situation if the act were repealed; reports the scope
of curbside recycling in California, along with an evaluation of the
benefits and cost impact of the act on curbside recycling programs;
and recommends any modifications to the act
                              Authority: Section 9 of Chapter 817 of
the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (58) Reports Due From Department of Consumer Affairs

   (A) Description: Report on progress of the department automation
Authority: Item 1655-090-702 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1989
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on public's ability to access consumer
information by telephone from a live operator and from an automated
telephone system with recorded messages
Authority: Item 1640-086-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1990
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Implementation of strategic business and
information system plans, status of meeting performance targets, and
status of implementation and impact of administrative flexibilities
Authority: Item 1111-010-702 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1994
Date Due: Commencing January 1, 1995, semiannually
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report identifying number of cemeteries and
crematories inspected or audited, number and type of consumer
complaints received, and costs associated with appropriate
Authority: Item 1111-001-0735 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: September 1, 1996, December 1, 1996, and March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Status of implementation of Department of
Consumer Affairs strategic business and information systems plans and
attainment of performance targets
Authority: Item 1111-010-0702 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Semiannually: no later than December 31, 1996, and no
later than April 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Status report regarding the Department of
Consumer Affairs' progress in expanding the number of Gold Shield
stations that can test, repair, and certify vehicles
Authority: Item 1111-001-0421 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By February 8, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Status report on the level of fraud at test and
repair shops participating in Smog Check II, including
recommendations on measures the Legislature may consider to deter
fraud, including but not limited to, increased enforcement and
changes in licensing and certification
Authority: Item 1111-001-0421 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By February 8, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle
Retirement Program, including timelines for implementation, dollars
expended on vehicle buyback, number of vehicles retired, emission
reductions the program will accrue for Smog Check II, and the level
of fraud in the program
Authority: Item 1111-001-0582 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Quarterly, beginning November 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (I) Description: Draft form of policy regarding occupational
analysis and examination development and validation to be used in the
annual reviews of the regulatory boards, programs, and bureaus under
the jurisdiction of the Department of Consumer Affairs
Authority: Section 139 of the Business and Professions Code
Date Due: At least 30 days prior to September 30, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal, policy, and sunset review committees of the
   (J) Description: Report on loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget Act
of 1994, in preceding 12 months
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 139 of the Statutes of 1994
Date Due: Commencing March 1, 1995 and annually thereafter
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to this section in the preceding 12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 162 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: By March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget Act
of 1997 on special funds and clearing account funds within the
preceding 12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: By March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Review of Bureau of Automotive Repair
Authority: Section 17 of Chapter 300 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Progress report regarding status of the
implementation of strategic business and information systems plans,
attainment of its performance targets, and impact of administrative
flexibilities provided for in previous year
Authority: Section 17 of Chapter 300 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: Semiannually, but not later than December 31, 1997 and
April 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
from special funds pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section
14.00 of the Budget Act of 1998 within the preceding 12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 324 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees
   (P) Description: Annual and progress report regarding the status
of the implementation of its strategic business and information
systems plans, the attainment of its performance targets, and the
implementation and impact of the administrative flexibilities
provided for the previous fiscal year
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 328 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 31, 1999; and no later than April
1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (Q) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of Chapter 50 of
the Statutes of 1999 (the Budget Act of 1999) within the preceding
12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 50 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees
   (R) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget Act
of 2000 (Chapter 52 of the Statutes of 2000) within the preceding
12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 52 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: By March 1, 2001
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees
   (S) Description: Quarterly reports regarding the amount of funding
expended; the measures, programs, or activities funded; and a
description of the effectiveness of the measures, programs, or
activities funded in reducing peak electricity demand and improving
energy efficiency, as measured in killowatthours of electricity
reduced per dollar expended
Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 7 of the 2001-2002 First
Extraordinary Session
Date Due: Quarterly, on or before January 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (T) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of Chapter 106 of
the Statutes of 2001 (the Budget Act of 2001) within the preceding
12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 106 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By March 1, 2002
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees
   (U) Description: Report of results of study to consider the
appropriate standards or criteria for certifying crash parts and to
include a recommendation as to which agency should oversee crash
parts certification
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (V) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget Act
of 2002 (Chapter 379 of the Statutes of 2002) within the preceding
12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 379 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
legislative oversight committee of each house of the Legislature
   (W) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget Act
of 2003 within the preceding 12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: By March 1, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
legislative oversight committee of each house of the Legislature
   (X) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to Section 14.00 of Chapter 38 of the Statues of 2005 within
the preceding 12-month period
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 38 of the Statutes of 2005
Date Due: By March 1, 2006
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees
   (Y) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget Act
of 2006 within the preceding fiscal year
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 47 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: By March 1, 2007
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees
   (Z) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget Act
of 2007 within the preceding fiscal year
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 171 of the Statutes of 2007
Date Due: By March 1, 2008
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees
   (AA) Description: Report on all loans initiated or repayments made
pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 14.00 of the Budget
Act of 2008 within the preceding fiscal year
Authority: Section 14.00 of Chapter 268 of the Statutes of 2008
Date Due: By March 1, 2009
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, appropriate
legislative oversight committees

   (59) Reports Due From Department of Corporations

   (A) Description: Report on the assessment levels necessary to
operate the Department of Corporations' programs in a fiscally sound
manner including its proposed assessment adjustments for the 2001-02
fiscal year based upon the Governor's proposed 2001-02 budget
Authority: Item 2180-001-0067 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By February 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (B) Description: Report on (i) the fees to be reduced to draw down
the State Corporations Fund balance and (ii) the projected revenue
and fund balance impact on the State Corporations Fund through
2003-04; each year from 2002 through 2004, a status update report by
November 1 on (i) the fees reduced, (ii) the revenue and fund balance
impact in the prior fiscal year, and (iii) the projected revenue and
fund balance impact through 2003-04
Authority: Item 2180-001-0067 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Upon approval of legislation reducing fees, by November 1,
2001; status update reports each year from 2002 through 2004 by
November 1
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on level of noncompliance with the
California Financial Privacy Act (Division 1.2 (commencing with
Section 4050) of the Financial Code), any changes to state or federal
law, including court decisions, that affect workload under that act,
and any staffing changes requested
Authority: Item 2180-001-0067 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By January 10, 2006
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (D) Description: The level of noncompliance with Chapter 940 of
the Statutes of 2004, and any staffing changes requested based on the
level of noncompliance
Authority: Item 2180-001-0067 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: January 10, 2007
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (E) Description: Status update report on the securities-related
transaction fees reduced, the revenue and fund balance impact in the
prior fiscal year, and the projected revenue and fund balance impact
through the 2006-07 fiscal year
Authority: Section 25608.3 of the Corporations Code
Date Due: By November 1 of each year from 2002 through 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature

   (60) Reports Due From Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

   (A) Description: Report on department progress toward meeting
requirements regarding modification of its budgeting methodologies
for standard cost items
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Preliminary report by January 1, 1998; final report by
July 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on plan to maximize federal financial
participation in the provision of services required by identified
offenders when returning to their communities as parolees; plan shall
identify procedures for making a preliminary assessment of inmate
eligibility for federal entitlement programs and for assisting
inmates with the application process prior to release from prison and
an analysis of costs and benefits derived from implementing the
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the feasibility of converting an
existing 250-unit secure housing facility in Los Angeles, commonly
known as "Ballington Plaza," into a correctional facility to house
low-level women offenders; feasibility study shall include an
estimate of the costs to structurally modify the facility for use as
a reentry center and support the security, housing, and program needs
of low-level women offender inmates and an estimated number of beds
and a projected time line for the conversion of the facility
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the circumstances, if any, in which law
enforcement agencies and other community representatives are
notified regarding the placement of parolees in group homes,
community correctional centers, half-way houses, reentry centers, and
other similar community facilities operated by the Department of
Corrections or by other public or private operators of such
facilities housing Department of Corrections parolees; the criteria,
if any, used by the Department of Corrections or by other operators
in the siting of such facilities within communities, such as their
proximity to public transportation or distance from schools or child
care facilities; and any recommendations offered by the Department of
Corrections to improve the process of siting such facilities to
minimize problems in the community and to provide appropriate
notification of the presence of parolees to law enforcement agencies
and community representatives
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report regarding the number of investigations
which were initiated in the prior year, and the amount of hours spent
by investigators per investigation; the final report shall evaluate
the workload per investigator and make a recommendation as to the
appropriate final staffing configuration for the Office of Internal
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Annually March 1, 2000 through March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on the department's evaluation of the
necessity of continuing beyond the 1999-2000 fiscal year the newly
established training standards for correctional gun officers
consisting of monthly range qualification and training
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Preliminary report on status and findings of the
evaluation of the Substance Abuse Treatment Care Unit that will be
established at the Peter Pitchess Detention Center
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By December 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on the feasibility and potential
cost-effectiveness of enrolling Department of Corrections inmates and
parolees in the state Department of Health Services AIDS Drug
Assistance Program
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By December 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (I) Description: Evaluation of the necessity of continuing beyond
the 2000-01 fiscal year the newly established training standards for
correctional gun officers consisting of monthly range qualification
and training
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report concerning the Department of Corrections'
conduct of internal affairs investigations subject to the provisions
of Chapter 806 of the Statutes of 1999 (Senate Bill 377, Polanco)
relating to retaliation-based complaints of alleged employee
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By December 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on the pilot program for female inmates
for the treatment of Type II diabetes comparing the effectiveness and
costs of diabetes treatment as provided in the pilot project program
to a program in a comparable correctional facility
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on evaluation of the department's medical
information technology systems to identify the business problems
affecting the delivery of cost-effective medical care for inmates and
the opportunities for addressing those business problems through
information technology system improvements
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (M) Description: Report on three-year pilot Global Positioning
System project for tracking high-risk offenders on parole in the
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: October 1, 2001, 2002, and 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on implementation plan for establishing
enhanced services for parolees assisted through the Transitional Case
Management Program for seriously mentally disordered offenders
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (O) Description: Report on the size, nature, and service needs of
parolees with developmental disabilities, including a review of
assessment criteria used to identify developmental disabilities, and
a plan to reduce recidivism rates of developmentally disabled
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (P) Description: Report on progress in implementing substance
abuse treatment slots, including the number of occupied slots at each
facility, the number of inmates waiting for treatment, and annual
expenditures and status of any ongoing evaluations of department
substance abuse programs
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (Q) Description: Report on the state's comprehensive plan to
comply with the settlement requirements of Plata v. Davis, et al
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By December 1, 2002
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (R) Description: Report on potential alternative uses for the
Northern California Women's Facility
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (S) Description: Updates regarding the status of the
implementation of the restructuring of the Academic and Vocational
Education and Vocational Training program, the closure of three
private Community Correctional Facilities, the increase of the Basic
Correctional Officer Academy, the program to Reduce Recidivism
through Pre-release planning and Re-entry Programs, the Substance
Abuse Treatment and Control Unit program and the Community Detention
program for low level offenders, the Drug Treatment Furlough program,
the Medical Parole program, and the expansion of the Mentally Ill
Parolee program
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Monthly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (T) Description: (i) The level of noncompliance with the
California Financial Privacy Act (Division 1.2 (commencing with
Section 4050) of the Financial Code), (ii) any changes to state or
federal law, including court decision that affect workload under that
act, and (iii) any staffing changes requested based on (i) or (ii)
Authority: Item 2180-001-0067 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By January 10, 2006
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (U) Description: Report on the Foreign Prisoner Transfer Treaty
Program, including the number of foreign-born inmates in state
correctional facilities; the number of transfer applications received
and the number of foreign inmates transferred; the provision of
program information brochures; the agency's plan to increase the
number of languages in which these brochures are available; the
number of inmates who received brochures; the status of the DCR's
efforts to update its Operations Manual; and the status of employee
training on program operating procedures
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2006
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (V) Description: Analysis of the fiscal and programmatic
implications for pursuing accreditation of medical programs at each
of its facilities as appropriate under national accreditation
standards set by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than March 30, 2006
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (W) Description: Implementation of the Farrell v. Allen remedial
plans, including, for the education remedial plan, the number of
filled new positions and the status of negotiations with the union
regarding retention and recruitment bonuses; for the sex offender
plan, the number of wards requiring inpatient and outpatient
services, the number of sex offender beds that are filled and the
number that are available, and the plan to evaluate the effectiveness
of the program; for the disabilities remedial plan, progress
completing the nine projects identified for completion in 2005-06;
for the mental health and rehabilitation remedial plan, how the
department is currently evaluating the effectiveness of the Ward Core
Program journals, the progress made to date on the development of
the second journal in the series, and how many wards are projected to
use the second journal
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2005
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst

   (X) Description: Implementation of the Plata settlement agreement,
identifying specific outcomes relating to the settlement agreement
and its goal of providing increased access and higher quality health
care services, and including information on medical related inmate
appeals, medical staff vacancies, and census data for each prison and
community hospital facility
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (Y) Description: Inmate violence and the use of disciplinary
confinement, including descriptions of any existing prison program
designed to reduce inmate violence and/or use of disciplinary
confinement, including the size, location and costs of each program;
any available outcome data on the success of these existing programs
at reducing inmate violence, other in-prison offenses, and the use of
disciplinary confinement; an evaluation of the feasibility of more
often using alternatives to disciplinary confinement, including
Confined to Quarters, Sensitive Needs Yards, and Transitional Housing
Units; the number of first releases to parole, who were paroled
within 30 days of being housed in Security Housing Units, the number
of these first releases who returned to prison within two years of
first release to parole, and an assessment of the feasibility, costs,
and benefits of developing a program to prepare Security Housing
Unit inmates for safe release into California communities
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst

   (Z) Description: Number of filled positions and vacancies for
health care professional positions and the dollars expended on
contract registries for health care services at each institution
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Quarterly beginning September 29, 2005
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (AA) Description: Copies of the monthly status and oversight
reports submitted to the Department of Finance for any information
technology                                          projects in the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation with a ''high risk''
rating as prescribed in state policy
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Quarterly, beginning July 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (AB) Description: Report on the programs and policies that will
form the basis for the juvenile corrections system on a long-term
basis, including information on the following: the types of youthful
offenders that will be served by the state under this system; the
type of treatment programs that will be provided; the education
programs that will be provided; a description of the type of staff
and facilities that will be needed to support these programs and
policies; and a timeline of the proposed implementation of these
programs and policies
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: December 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AC) Description: Report detailing the findings of the staff
training needs assessment identifying the gap between existing
training and new training resulting from changes required by the
remedial plans in Farrell v. Allen (Super. Ct. Alameda County, 2004,
No. 03079344) and the resources required to provide any new training
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before March 30, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (AD) Description: Report identifying the number of cases appealed
to the Board of Parole Hearings Appeals Unit, the reasons for the
appeals, Board of Parole Hearings actions on the appeals, and the
number of cases appealed to the courts
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than April 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, budget committees of the Legislature

   (AE) Description: Operating budget for each correctional facility
under the control of the department, including yearend expenditures
by program for each institution in the 2005-06 fiscal year;
allotments and projected expenditures by program for each institution
in the 2006-07 fiscal year; the number of authorized and vacant
positions, estimated overtime budget, estimated benefits budget, and
operating expense and equipment budget for each institution; and a
list of capital outlay projects occurring or projected to occur
during the 2006-07 fiscal year
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Not later than February 17, 2007
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, legislative committees that consider
the state budget
   (AF) Description: Implementation and evaluation plan for funding
provided as part of Recidivism Reduction Strategies
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than September 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, legislative committees that consider
the state budget
   (AG) Description: The findings of an evaluation of all adult
prison and parole programs designed to reduce recidivism completed by
correctional program experts
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By June 30, 2007
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, legislative committees that consider
the state budget
   (AH) Description: Report on the status of the implementation of
the Perez settlement agreement as of June 30 of the prior fiscal
year, identifying specific outcomes relating to the settlement
agreement and its goal of providing increased access and higher
quality dental care services; the report shall include information on
dental staff vacancies rates, as well as the number and percentage
of applicable inmates at each rollout prison that were: (i) provided
with an initial dental examination within 90 days of arrival at an
institution, (ii) provided with subsequent examinations annually or
biennially, and (iii) seen within appropriate time frames according
to their designated treatment priority level
Authority: Item 5225-002-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On December 1, 2006, December 1, 2007, and December 1,
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AI) Description: Guidelines for the goals and performance
measures of the delivery of health care services and how the
department will compare their performance to those measures to
determine whether they are providing the appropriate level of care
Authority: Item 5225-002-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (AJ) Description: The extent to which prisons with a telemedicine
capability have achieved their performance targets
Authority: Item 5225-002-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By June 30, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AK) Description: Evaluation of the outcomes of the Project
Incarcerated Men Putting Away Childish Things (IMPACT) program on
reducing the recidivism of juvenile offenders
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By January 10, 2009
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AL) Description: Report identifying progress made in implementing
steps to improve the likelihood that parolees will obtain and
maintain employment, including employment and recidivism data
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (AM) Description: Identification of participation levels and
outcomes for each Recidivism Reduction Strategies program
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: No later than April 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AN) Description: Plan for staffing and organizational changes in
the Office of Facilities Management (OFM) and other department
offices to successfully deliver its capital outlay projects,
including those authorized by Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2007
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: January 10, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AO) Description: An operating budget for each of the correctional
facilities under the control of the department
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: February 17, 2008
Recipient: Legislative committees that consider the state budget and
appropriations, Legislative Analyst
   (AP) Description: Capital outlay projects planned and being
pursued and a listing of other special repair items and other
physical plant modifications completed and planned to comply with the
Coleman class action lawsuit related to mental health
Authority: Item 5225-301-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By January 10, 2008, and each year thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AQ) Description: Update of the facility master plan for juvenile
facilities identifying how the projects funded in the 2007-08 Budget
implement the master plan
Authority: Item 5225-301-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: October 31, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AR) Description: Impact of medical staff membership and
privileges for clinical psychologists on quality of care and
cost-effectiveness issues
Authority: Section 1316.5 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (AS) Description: Statistical report on the prevalence of the
hepatitis C virus in correctional facilities and trends in the
incidence and prevalence of the hepatitis C virus in the correctional
Authority: Section 122415 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2002, and annually thereafter
Recipient: Budget subcommittees of the Legislature
   (AT) Description: Report on the use of reasonable force by law
enforcement, custodial, or corrections personnel, including specified
peace officers, to collect blood specimens, saliva samples, or thumb
or palm print impressions from persons who refuse to provide those
specimens, samples, or impressions
Authority: Section 298.1 of the Penal Code
Date Due: Not later than January 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (AU) Description: Evaluation and report on the intensive and
specialized parole supervision program regarding repeat stalking
related offenses
Authority: Section 646.94 of the Penal Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (AV) Description: Develop and report a plan that would ensure by
January 1, 2005, that all prisoners and parolees who are substance
abusers receive appropriate treatment, including therapeutic and
academic programs
Authority: Section 3070 of the Penal Code
Date Due: December 31, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (AW) Description: Report on an Inmate Treatment and
Prison-to-Employment Plan regarding current inmate education,
treatment, and rehabilitation programs to determine whether the
programs provide sufficient skills to inmates that will likely result
in their successful employment in the community and reduce their
chances of returning to prison
Authority: Section 3105 of the Penal Code
Date Due: On or before October 1, 2007; on or before January 15,
2008; final plan by April 1, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AX) Description: A report stating how the funds appropriated by
Chapter 511 of the Statutes of 2006 were spent, the number of
positions filled, and the status of the workload study on the Revised
Program Guide for the Mental Health Services Delivery System
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 511 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2007, and on or before April 1,
Recipient: Legislative committees that consider the state budget and
appropriations, Legislative Analyst
   (AY) Description: Report on the results of the workload study on
the Revised Program Guide for the Mental Health Services Delivery
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 511 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature

   (61) Reports Due From Department of Fair Employment and Housing

   (A) Description: Report on the restrictive covenant program,
including (i) the number of applications received in fiscal year
2001-02 and the first half of fiscal year 2002-03, (ii) the number of
restrictive covenants determinations made by the department, and
(iii) the number of staff hours required to process restrictive
covenant applications during this time period
Authority: Item 1700-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By March 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Status of a mediation program for
employment-related complaints, including the number of cases
mediated, mediation outcomes, and the cases resolved and length of
time to resolve, and the costs, of successful and unsuccessful
Authority: Item 1700-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By March 30, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (C) Description: Report on implementation of subdivision (c) of
Section 12965 of the Government Code, including a showing of how many
respondents elected to transfer the proceedings to court pursuant to
those provisions in lieu of having the accusation heard by the Fair
Employment and Housing Commission
Authority: Section 9 of Chapter 911 of the Statutes of 1992
Date Due: January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature

   (62) Reports Due From Department of Finance

   (A) Description: Oversight report on the Department of Health
Services' Genetic Disease Branch Screening Information System Project
Authority: Item 4260-001-0203 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Strategy to resolve problems on the California
Developmental Disabilities Information System (CADDIS) project,
including, but not limited to, (i) identification of problems or
issues on the project, and (ii) actions, costs, and timeframes broken
out by budget year and future years to correct those problems or
Authority: Item 4300-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before September 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on outside vendor's evaluation of projects
implemented pursuant to Chapter 7.2 (commencing with Section 11786)
of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code regarding
the Information Technology Innovation Grants Program
Authority: Section 11786.4 of the Government Code
Date Due: Annual
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Budget, Senate Committee on Budget
and Fiscal Review, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, Assembly and
Senate Committees on Appropriations, chairs of the relevant policy
committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: The data that the administration shall conduct an
assessment for each of the projects managed by the office; each
assessment shall consider the costs, benefits, and any associated
risks of maintaining the project management responsibility in the
office and of moving the project management responsibility to its
respective program department
Authority: Section 12803.3 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (E) Description: Federal Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance allocations, redirections, and
expenditures, categorized by state entity and by project
Authority: Section 130312 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on data indicating extent to which
incidence of disabilities, that are medically defined or severe and
above-average in cost, or both, are evenly or unevenly distributed
among population of special education local plan areas
Authority: Section 67 of Chapter 854 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than June 1, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on extent to which funds appropriated for
mental health services and substance abuse services have not been
Authority: Section 15204.8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: Annually, beginning January 10, 1999
Recipient: Legislature

   (63) Reports Due From Department of Fish and Game

   (A) Description: Biannual updates on amount of "take" of species
and coastal sage scrub habitat during reporting period
Authority: Item 3600-001-0200 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By November 1, 1996 and March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Success of Aleutian Geese usage at Lake Earl
Wildlife Area
Authority: Item 3600-001-0200 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Biannually
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Development of Department's Comprehensive
Management System and its implementation of strategic and operational
Authority: Item 3900-001-0200 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on department's progress in developing a
computerized record keeping system
Authority: Item 3600-001-0200 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: A review of the activities, statutory mandates,
funding sources, and outcomes carried out by the Department of Fish
and Game
Authority: Item 0540-001-0140 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Provide Fish and Game Preservation Report (FGPF)
detailing (i) A plan for each of the FGPF subaccounts, such that
expenditures for any one account do not exceed available resources
for that specific account for 2006-07; (ii) A fund condition report
for each FGPF subaccount; and (iii) A plan for each dedicated account
whose fund reserves are in excess of 20 percent of the account
Authority: Item 3600-001-0200 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (G) Description: Report on the resources necessary to improve the
administration of the Section 1600 program, including an evaluation
of the resources necessary for a review of all applications and
necessary site visits to process applications and provide for ongoing
monitoring of approved Section 1600 permits
Authority: Item 3600-001-0200 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By June 30, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Progress reports for each task associated with
the department's corrective plan. These tasks include: (i) Review
Management Tools for Monitoring Budget Allotments and Activities;
(ii) Review of Methodology Used to Project Revenues; (iii) Department
Program Budget Structure Development; (iv) Department Project Codes
Review, (v) Program Activity Review, (vi) Cal STARS Index and PCA
Review, (vii) Index/PCA Budget Allotments and Program Activities
Review, and (viii) Index and Program Alignment Review
Authority: Item 3600-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Quarterly through January 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on actions the state has undertaken
containing the Quagga Mussel, including actions taken by the
Department of Fish and Game, the Department of Boating and Waterways,
the Department of Food and Agriculture, the Department of Water
Resources, and any other state agency involved in the response to
this issue. The report must also include a plan for future action and
a cost estimate for those planned actions
Authority: Item 3600-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (J) Description: Report on the streamflow funds the department
received during 2006-07 and how those funds were expended. The report
shall identify what streams the department will study in 2008-09
Authority: Item 3600-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (K) Description: Report on (i) by acre and location, how much
vegetation mapping is planned in 2007-08, (ii) a map of general
geographic areas that the Department of Fish and Game and the
Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) feel are priority locations to
conduct vegetation mapping, and (iii) a map of the known wildlife
corridors in the state, based on existing data available to the
department and the WCB
Authority: Item 3640-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (L) Description: Report providing the department's vegetation
mapping standard and advising how the department will ensure that its
standard will be updated to reflect changing technology and serve as
the state's center of expertise on vegetation mapping
Authority: Section 1940 of the Fish and Game Code
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2008
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on the financial basis and programmatic
effectiveness of the state's oil spill prevention, response, and
preparedness program
Authority: Section 8670.42 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on public's participation in the lifetime
license programs established under Sections 714, 3031.2, and 7149.2
of the Fish and Game Code, and the status of the Lifetime License
Trust Account in the Fish and Game Preservation Fund
Authority: Section 6 of Chapter 424 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report prepared jointly with Department of Water
Resources with regard to the results of the evaluation required by
Section 139.2 of the Water Code and the comparative ratings required
by subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 139.4 of the Water Code
Authority: Section 139.4 of the Water Code
Date Due: January 1, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (64) Reports Due From Department of Food and Agriculture

   (A) Description: Regarding Truckee Agriculture Inspection Station,
study to determine costs and impacts of building replacement
inspection station, and costs of repairing existing inspection
Authority: Item 8570-301-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report to update the status of the scientific
review by the University of California of the risk assessment
prepared by the Department of Food and Agriculture entitled
"Development of Risk-Based Concentrations for Arsenic, Cadmium, and
Lead in Inorganic Commercial Fertilizers," and any other related
scientific literature
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By September 1, 1998, and quarterly thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Draft rule or regulation for the protection of
public health and the environment from hazardous contaminants found
in inorganic fertilizers, including appropriate standards for
concentrations of heavy metals and other contaminants that are
protective of the public health and environment, and labeling, where
appropriate, to ensure that the public is provided adequate notice of
any contaminants which may pose a threat
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before March 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report regarding the fees charged for use of the
Analytical Chemistry Laboratory's services, including details of the
fees charged for each service, identification of the portion of the
fees that is charged for equipment depreciation, details of the fees
collected for services that utilize the mass spectrometer funded in
the 1998-99 Budget Act, and identification of the specific uses of
the fee revenue
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report that presents a minimum of three viable
alternatives for funding the California Veterinary Diagnostic
Laboratory's budget
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report evaluating the effectiveness of the
Domestic Parcels Inspection Pilot Program
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Comprehensive assessment of the effects of
research, testing, or production of genetically modified crops in
California, including safeguards and threats
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: Expenditure report detailing the monthly
expenditures for the Pierce's Disease Control Program
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2001 and quarterly for budget
year 2001-02
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (I) Description: Report detailing methods whereby the funding
source for the Medfly Preventative Release Program is shifted in
part, or in whole from the General Fund to the Agriculture Fund,
including various funding options for legislative consideration and
recommendations from the department as to the preferred change in
funding for this program
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on the use of antibiotics in agricultural
and veterinary settings and its impacts on human antibiotic
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2005
Recipient: Appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
   (K) Description: A survey of all activities and funding of the
commodity specific boards under the department's jurisdiction,
highlights of any similar activities conducted by multiple boards,
and identify any fees or assessments collected to pay for board
activities, as well as the method of assessment
Authority: Item 8570-002-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: March 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget subcommittees
of the Legislature
   (L) Description: Assessment of the Agricultural Security and
Emergency Response Office
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: March 1, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (M) Description: The diaprepes root weevil eradication effort,
including an accounting of how the monies to eradicate the root
weevil were expended and what, if any, additional outbreaks were
Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: January 10, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (N) Description: Report on all expenditures from all fund sources
for emergency detection and eradication activities relating to
agricultural plant or animal pests
Authority: Item 8570-001-0111 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (O) Description: Report on all expenditures from all fund sources
for emergency detection and eradication activities relating to
agricultural plant or animal pests or diseases

           Authority: Item 8570-001-0111 of Section 2 of the Budget
Act of 2007
Date Due: By January 10 of each year for the preceding fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (P) Description: Permanent positions established with the
Controller's office that have been funded by the department's general
Authority: Section 221.1 of the Food and Agricultural Code
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2005
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst

   (Q) Description: Report highlighting the status of the department'
s efforts to abate noxious weeds in California
Authority: Section 7274 of the Food and Agricultural Code
Date Due: Annually on or before April 1 of each year, to and
including the year 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (R) Description: Evaluation and report on the licensing fee
structure for brokers, cash buyers, commission merchants, and dealers
of farm products
Authority: Section 56571 of the Food and Agricultural Code
Date Due: Within 60 days subsequent to June 30, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (S) Description: Study on economic impact on milk pooling system
in California of increase activities in the manufacturing grade milk
process, including findings and recommendations for proposed
legislation necessary to protect the public interest in the
equalization, competitiveness, and integrity of California's milk
stabilization and marketing plan
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 626 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before July 1, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (T) Description: Evaluation of statutory and regulatory
responsibilities for mandated programs conducted by county
agricultural commissioners
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 635 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (U) Description: Report on the results of the Consumer Milk
Pricing Survey (Article 11 (commencing with Section 61581) of Chapter
1 of Part 3 of Division 21 of the Food and Agricultural Code),
including comments on the survey from consumers and those associated
with the production and sale of milk
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 682 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before March 30, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (V) Description: Economic impacts related to the use of land
fallowing in the Imperial Valley in connection with the
Quantification Settlement Agreement
Authority: Section 9 of Chapter 617 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: On or before June 30, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (65) Reports Due From Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

   (A) Description: Report on department's progress in implementing
Prefire Management Initiative, and initiative's effectiveness in
accomplishing certain outcomes
Authority: Item 3540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on expenditures for emergency fire
suppression activities
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on activities the Department of Forestry
and Fire Protection has undertaken to develop a method for funding
timber harvest plan review, the alternative funding sources that have
been developed, and a recommendation for shifting the funding basis
from the state forests
Authority: Item 3540-001-0928 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than February 15, 1999
Recipient: Policy and budget committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on expenditures for emergency fire
suppression activities
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on expenditures for emergency fire
suppression activities
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on expenditures for emergency fire
suppression activities
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Reports on expenditures for emergency fire
suppression activities
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on expenditures for emergency fire
suppression activities
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (I) Description: Expenditures for emergency fire suppression
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on actions that the Department of General
Services is taking, or plans to take, in order to address a backlog
that has developed in the design and management by the Department of
General Services of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection's
major capital outlay projects
Authority: Item 1760-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on expenditures for mobile equipment and
on recommended changes to the Department of General Services
procurement process to improve the timeliness of its mobile equipment
Authority: Item 1760-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Expenditures for emergency fire suppression
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (M) Description: Report of past, current, and future activities
(by product or acquisition) to sequester green gas (GHG) emissions,
and where feasible, quantify the benefits realized from GHG emissions
sequestering activities (by product or acquisition)
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By January 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on efforts to contract with certified
disabled veteran business enterprises during the 2007 fire season
Authority: Item 3540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (O) Description: Report on the resources and time required to
provide real time access to the department's database of the
statewide rotational hiring of rental equipment to disabled veteran
business enterprise contractors
Authority: Item 3540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (P) Description: Expenditures for emergency fire suppression
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (Q) Description: Expenditures for emergency fire suppression
Authority: Item 3540-006-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (R) Description: Report on the findings of the working group
established pursuant to Section 4123 of the Public Resources Code
regarding prefire activities
Authority: Section 4123 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (S) Description: Report on the number of easements purchased
pursuant to the California Forest Legacy Act of 2007 (former Division
10.5 (commencing with Section 12200) of the Public Resources Code),
and a description of those easements
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 657 of the Statutes of 2007
Date Due: By January 1 of each year
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (66) Reports Due From Department of General Services

   (A) Description: Report on the extent to which department attained
specified performance for first half of 1997-98 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1760-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on performance of department measured
against short-, mid-, and long-term objectives pursuant to its
Performance Measurement Plan
Authority: Item 1760-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: September 1, 1996, March 1, 1997, and September 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the extent to which department attained
specified performance for first half of 1997-98 fiscal year
Authority: Item 2180-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Status of procurement of the California
Integrated Information Network (CIIN), including problems,
accomplishments, cost changes, benefits, or schedule
Authority: Item 1760-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the findings of a business process
review with the aim of streamlining the public school construction
approval process
Authority: Item 1760-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than April 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Statewide survey of tenant occupancy in
state-owned facilities that the department operates and maintains
Authority: Item 1760-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By April 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Activities undertaken or will be undertaken
pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 14977) of Part 5.5 of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code regarding a
prescription drug bulk purchasing program
Authority: Item 1760-001-0666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before February 1, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (H) Description: List of state legal services contracts approved
pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 10335 of the Public Contract
Authority: Section 10335 of the Public Contract Code
Date Due: Quarterly until January 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: A comprehensive facilities plan for the
consolidation of Sacramento headquarters for specified state agencies
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 193 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: No later than July 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Comprehensive regional plan for the acquisition
of state office space within Sacramento region pursuant to 1992
Strategic Facilities Plan
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 193 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before July 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Data on Department of General Services'
performance as measured against its short-, mid-, and long-term
objectives for its Performance Measurement Plan
Authority: Section 15 of Chapter 300 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: September 1, 1997, March 1, 1998, September 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report providing data on Department of General
Services' performance as measured against its short-, mid-, and
long-term objectives pursuant to its Performance Measurement Plan;
performance evaluation shall measure, as appropriate, customer
satisfaction, cycle times, cost price comparison, efficiency and
effectiveness, and financial performance
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 328 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: September 1, 1998, March 1, 1999, September 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on the Department of General Services'
performance regarding the delivery of services measured against its
yearend objectives established annually by the department
Authority: Section 43 of Chapter 67 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On September 1, 1999, on March 1, 2000, on September 1,
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Quarterly reports regarding the amount of funding
expended; the measures, programs, or activities funded; and a
description of the effectiveness of the measures, programs, or
activities funded in reducing peak electricity demand and improving
energy efficiency, as measured in killowatthours of electricity
reduced per dollar expended
Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 7 of the 2001-02 First Extraordinary
Date Due: Quarterly, on or before January 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature

   (67) Reports Due From Department of Housing and Community

   (A) Description: Report on efficiencies and improvements made to
department's housing element review process
Authority: Item 2240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By February 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report concerning the results of efforts to
reduce the administrative cost of the Emergency Housing Assistance
Program, including an analysis and cost estimate of simplified fund
distribution methods
Authority: Item 2240-001-0985 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the status of the Child Care Facilities
Financing Program
Authority: Item 2240-109-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 15, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Evaluation of pilot project to mitigate
interregional impacts of substantial imbalances of jobs and housing
Authority: Item 2240-112-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report regarding the number of employee housing
plan check requests received in 2001 as a result of Chapter 702 of
the Statutes of 2000, including the outcome of each plan check, the
status of the review prior to state involvement, which entity
contacted the department to perform the plan check, and the state
cost of performing each plan check
Authority: Item 2240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By February 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Amounts available for transfer to the General
Fund from approved allocations of project funds provided from
previous General Fund transfers
Authority: Item 2240-402 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Affordability and number of units created through
disbursements of funding from the Infill Incentive and Transit
Oriented Development grant program under Proposition 1C
Authority: Item 2240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: By March 1, 2009
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (H) Description: Results of the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Family
Wellness Program
Authority: Section 50517.11 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Interim report on progress of jobs-housing
balance improvement grant program, including the number of
jurisdictions accessing the program; final report with updates to the
data contained in the interim report and a description of the
achievements by local agencies participating in the program
Authority: Section 50543 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: Interim report no later than December 31, 2002; final
report no later than December 31, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Interim reports indicating the benchmark levels
of production established, the number of jurisdictions accessing the
incentive grant program, the number of residential units building
permits issued above the established benchmark, and the success of
the additional incentives in achieving state housing policies; final
report with updates to the data contained in the interim reports and
a description of the achievements and expenditures by local
governments through the program and information regarding the number
of certificates of occupancy issued in relation to the residential
building permits issued
Authority: Section 50544 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: Interim reports: No later than December 31, 2002, and on
December 31 of each subsequent year in which funds are expended;
Final report: Within 12 months following the final allocation of
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on the number of housing trust funds
created, a description of the projects supported, the number of units
assisted, and the amount of matching funds
Authority: Section 50834 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: No later than December 31, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Annual progress report on California at Risk:
Reducing Earthquake Hazards 1987-92 Program
Authority: Resolution Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 1988
Date Due: Annually 1st Monday of year until 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (M) Description: Report summarizing generally the steps taken, and
results achieved, by state agencies in cooperating with federally
recognized California Indian tribes on matters of economic
development and improvement for the tribes, as described in Section
11019.8 of the Government Code, as added by Section 1 of Chapter 397
of the Statutes of 1998
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 397 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (68) Reports Due From Department of Industrial Relations

   (A) Description: Report indicating department's progress in
establishing and filling positions associated with workers'
compensation reform according to its proposed timeline
Authority: Item 8350-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1990
Date Due: Monthly beginning August 1, 1990
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report indicating department's progress in
filling vacant positions in the Cal-OSHA (occupational safety and
health) program according to its proposed timeline
Authority: Item 8350-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1990
Date Due: Monthly beginning August 1, 1990
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on status of pre- and post-1989 and pre-
and post-1993 backlog of cases
Authority: Item 8350-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1995
Date Due: No later than January 1, 1996, and every three months
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on accomplishments of the Targeted
Industries Partnership Program and the extent to which revenues from
fees, fines, penalties, or other assessments resulting from program
operations can be used to support the program
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the feasibility and costs of
developing, operating, and maintaining an automated database system
to assist the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement in tracking
labor infractions and carrying out its investigative and enforcement
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on the department's progress in filling
new positions; workload assigned to the new positions in the Division
of Labor Standards Enforcement; measures the department will use in
evaluating the workload and citations issued, inspections conducted,
penalties assessed, penalties collected, and back-wages collected and
distributed; projection of workload the additional positions will
accomplish during 2002-03
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On December 15, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on department's progress in filling new
positions and the workload assigned to and completed by the new
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On March 15, 2002
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on the implementation of the Workers'
Compensation Information System, including any savings that may or
may not be identified
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on the grants program, including copies of
the regulations and administrative actions taken to implement the
program, a copy of the grant application form and instructions, and a
timeline for awarding the grants and the evaluative basis by which
grants will be awarded
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2001
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on the grants program, including a summary
of the grant applications received, a summary of the grants awarded,
recommendations for improving the grants process, and
recommendations for measuring the efficacy of the grants awarded
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2002
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on redirection of Division of Occupational
Safety and Health Enforcement positions
Authority: Item 8350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (L) Description: Efforts undertaken to reduce wage claim hearing
backlogs and to improve minimum wage and overtime enforcement, as
well as an assessment of whether a continued special focus on minimum
wage and overtime law compliance is warranted
Authority: Item 7350-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than April 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Review by the Division of Labor Standards
Enforcement regarding existing restrictions under federal and state
law related to the participation of minors between 16 and 18 years of
age and minors under 16 years of age in construction projects to
ascertain whether certain types of construction work could be
performed by minors volunteering for nonprofit religious, civic, or
youth organizations and under what conditions, if any, that work
could be performed without jeopardizing their safety
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 195 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: Not later than April 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (69) Reports Due From Commission on Health and Safety and Workers'

   (A) Description: State of workers' compensation system, including
recommendations for administrative or legislative modifications which
would improve the operation of the system
Authority: Section 77 of the Labor Code
Date Due: Annually (made available to Governor and Legislature upon
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (70) Reports Due From Department of Information Technology

   (A) Description: Report identifying process to be implemented by
Department of Information Technology to (i) establish uniform format
for use by various state departments and agencies in identifying and
reporting information technology project status and need, and (ii)
enhance the coordination between Department of Information Technology
and Department of Finance in approval of application for information
technology project funding
Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: On or before December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Assessment and status report including
identification of problems, proposed solutions, cost estimates, and
timelines of specified activities including the Statewide Automated
Welfare System (SAWS) and the Statewide Automated Child Support
System (SACSS)
Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 15, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Status of state's Year 2000 computer application
conversion effort
Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By July 15, 1997, and quarterly thereafter, commencing
with October 15, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Progress made in training and certifying project
Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Quarterly, beginning September 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the status of the state's Year 2000
computer application conversion effort
Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By July 15, 1998, and quarterly thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report as to status of state's Year 2000 computer
application conversion effort
Authority: Item 9904-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By July 15, 1998, and quarterly thereafter
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Policy statements describing: (i) the maintenance
and operations reporting documentation and requirements to support
implemented information technology projects past the Feasibility
Study Report period; (ii) the system and information security plan
and policy for the state's information technology systems to ensure
the prevention of unauthorized access to the state's private
information; and (iii) the operational recovery policy to ensure
continued operation of state systems in the event of a disruption
Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: March 15, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, policy committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on state's progress regarding the Year
2000 Program in remediating mission-critical systems, system
interfaces, and business continuity planning
                              Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of
Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly, starting on July 15, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (71) Reports Due From Department of Justice

   (A) Description: Report on types, numbers, and dispositions of
civil and criminal actions filed under environmental protection laws
Authority: Item 0820-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Progress in analyzing submitted DNA samples,
including information on the number of DNA samples entered in the
database, the number of suspects identified by DNA matches, and the
projected number of DNA samples
Authority: Item 0820-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Annually, beginning December 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Analysis and interpretation of state and local
data on child death
Authority: Section 11174.34 of the Penal Code
Date Due: No later than July 1 of each year
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (72) Reports Due From Department of Managed Health Care

   (A) Description: Status update regarding the establishment of the
department and implementation of the new reform efforts
Authority: Item 2400-001-0933 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than August 30, 2000, and March 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (B) Description: Comprehensive description and status update
regarding the data collection and reporting system to be implemented
for the Independent Medical Review Process
Authority: Item 2400-001-0933 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than December 1, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the findings of financial solvency of
medical groups contracting with Knox-Keene licensed health plans
summarizing the assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses of such
medical groups in an aggregate format
Authority: Item 2400-001-0933 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Results of study to consider the feasibility and
benefit of consolidating into the Department of Managed Health Care
the regulation of other health insurers providing insurance through
indemnity, preferred provider organization, and exclusive provider
organization products, as well as through other managed care products
regulated by the Department of Insurance
Authority: Section 1342.3 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: No later than December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (E) Description: Findings of joint working group on grievance and
consumer complaint processes, enforcement of the law, and timely
payment of claims
Authority: Section 1342.4 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By January 1 of every year for five years
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Progress toward implementation of Section 1367.03
of the Health and Safety Code, relating to timely access to needed
health care services by enrollees of health care service plans
Authority: Section 1367.03 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On March 1, 2003, and on March 1, 2004
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Health, Senate Committee on
   (G) Description: Information regarding the development of the
definition of "unjust pattern" as used with regards to the
reimbursement of providers by health care service plans, including a
description of the process used and a list of the parties involved in
the department's development of this definition as well as
recommendations for statutory adoption
Authority: Section 1371.37 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (H) Description: Recommendations for any additional statutory
requirements relating to health care service plan and provider
dispute resolution mechanisms
Authority: Section 1371.38 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (I) Description: Information regarding the development of the
definition of "unfair billing pattern" as used with regards to
providers' claims for reimbursement by health care service plans,
including a description of the process used and a list of the parties
involved in the department's development of this definition as well
as recommendations for statutory adoption
Authority: Section 1371.39 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (J) Description: Recommendations for the purpose of developing a
system for responding to unfair billing patterns with regards to
providers' claims for reimbursement by health care service plans
Authority: Section 1371.39 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By July 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on the initial implementation of an
independent medical review system regarding coverage decisions by
health care service plans, including a description of assessments
imposed on plans to implement the system and changes in staffing and
other resources attributable to new responsibilities
Authority: Section 1374.36 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding standards
for quality audits of providers by health care service plans
Authority: Section 1380.1 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2000
Recipient: Governor, appropriate committees of the Legislature
   (M) Description: Findings of joint working group on grievance and
consumer complaint processes, enforcement of the law, and timely
payment of claims
Authority: Section 12923.5 of the Insurance Code
Date Due: By January 1 of every year for five years
Recipient: Legislature

   (73) Reports Due From Department of Motor Vehicles

   (A) Description: Report on departmental electronic data processing
program including ongoing, prospective, and long-term goals
Authority: Item 2740-001-044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1989
Date Due: October 1, 1989, and annually thereafter
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the status of customer wait times
Authority: Item 2740-001-044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1989
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on implementation of Assembly Bill 650
(Chapter 1126 of the Statutes of 1996), analyzing effect of Assembly
Bill 650 on vehicle registration compliance and on state and local
revenues, and detailing department's implementation costs
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Department of Motor Vehicles actions in 1996-97
to produce $7.5 million in savings in Motor Vehicle Account, and
description of Department of Motor Vehicles costs to process and
issue commercial and noncommercial driver licenses, and list of fees
charged for such items
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the impacts of the implementation of
Chapter 1126 of the Statutes of 1996, regarding proof of financial
responsibility, including assessment of the impact of the program on
vehicle registration renewal and revenues to the Motor Vehicle
Account, and an evaluation of the electronic data transfer pilot
Authority: Item 2740-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By April 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report verifying that the Department of Motor
Vehicles has ceased implementation of the Governor's Executive Order
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on projected dates for completion of each
major segment of the department's projects to replace its
occupational licensing, vehicle registration, and driver licensing
database systems, including the estimated cost of each identified
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than December 1, 1999, and quarterly thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report describing the appeals process for license
Driving-Under-the-Influence (DUI) suspensions, including current and
historical data depicting the average number of days that pass
between a request for appeal hearing and the actual hearing, the
number of appeals the department has not heard which were requested
more than 30 days earlier, and the department's plan for eliminating
its backlog of cases
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (I) Description: Report on short-, mid-, and long-term plans for
addressing anticipated workload growth in the driver safety program,
including plans for meeting statutory requirements for administrative
license suspension and negligent operator hearings, as well as
scheduling timely evaluations of drivers who may not be physically or
mentally able to safely operate a motor vehicle
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Status of the Information Technology
Modernization project, including planned milestone completion dates
versus actual milestone completion dates; planned expenditures by
phase versus actual expenditures; and description of adherence to
scope and reasons for any changes
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Not later than December 31 of each year up to and
including 2014
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the transportation
policy committees of the Legislature
   (K) Description: Summary of the published federal regulations for
the implementation and anticipated costs of the federal REAL ID Act;
description and timeline for the necessary steps the department will
need to take to implement the federal regulations; evaluation of the
department's ability to comply; description of the requirements the
federal regulations place on individuals when obtaining or renewing a
license or identification card; description of the privacy and
security measures the department will consider utilizing in order to
implement the federal regulations
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than December 15, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the transportation
policy committees of the Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on the status of the federal Real ID Act,
specifically on the status of any federal legislation to amend or
repeal the act, as well as federal regulations and funding for the
program and the department's major activities related to the Real ID
Authority: Item 2470-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: Quarterly beginning September 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate fiscal
and policy committees of the Legislature
   (M) Description: Status of the Information Technology
Modernization project, including planned milestone completion dates
versus actual milestone completion dates; planned expenditures by
phase versus actual expenditures; and description of adherence to
scope and reasons for any changes
Authority: Item 2740-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: No later than December 31 of each year up to and including
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the transportation
policy committees of the Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on the effects of authorizing the filing
of certificates of nonoperation within 90 days after the registration
expiration date and the revenue loss associated with that
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 504 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Consolidated report containing an accounting of
all revenues and expenditures associated with the special interest
license plate program submitted by organizations authorized to offer
special interest license plates
Authority: Section 5060 of the Vehicle Code
Date Due: Annually
Recipient: Legislature
   (P) Description: Revenue and expenditure data associated with the
specialized license plate program
Authority: Section 5160 of the Vehicle Code
Date Due: Annual
Recipient: Legislature
   Note two reports above and rectify. Both seem to be the same
thing. Pick one.
   (Q) Description: Supplemental budget report detailing costs of
verifying citizenship or legal residency of applicants for driver's
licenses and identification cards
Authority: Section 12801.5 of the Vehicle Code
Date Due: January 10, 1995, and annually thereafter
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (74) Reports Due From Commission on Teacher Credentialing

   Description: Comparability and equivalency of the preparation of
teachers in other states in the areas of basic skills proficiency and
fifth-year programs
Authority: Section 13 of Chapter 902 of the Statutes of 2004
Date Due: By June 30, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (75) Reports Due From Department of Parks and Recreation

   (A) Description: Success of the Aleutian Geese usage at Lake Earl
and Talawa Project property
Authority: Item 3790-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Biannually
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Assessment of the costs necessary to permit
initial public access to each land acquisition acquired in 2000-01
and 2001-02 and an estimate of the related ongoing operations and
maintenance costs of each acquisition; potential development and
ongoing costs based on the approved General Plan
Authority: Item 3790-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on a survey of the public's interest to
participate in an "Adopt a Campsite/Trail Program"
Authority: Item 3790-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Prior to March 1, 2004
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Fuel use study and a report with the department's
policy recommendations based on the fuel study for the Off-Highway
Motor Vehicle Program
Authority: Item 3790-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before April 10, 2007
Recipient: Appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
   (E) Description: Report of past, current, and future activities
(by product or acquisition) to sequester green gas (GHG) emissions,
and where feasible, quantify the benefits realized from GHG emissions
sequestering activities (by product or acquisition)
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By January 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on how the department spends the funds it
receives from the Motor Vehicle Fuel Account (which would otherwise
be transferred to the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund). The
report shall include information on the types of parks the department
manages with the funds, the types of boating activities available at
those parks, and what services the department would potentially
eliminate if the funds were no longer appropriated
Authority: Item 3790-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (G) Description: Report on the frequency of the use of the state
park passes for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war issued
pursuant to Section 5011.5 of the Public Resources Code
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 499 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2004
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (76) Reports Due From Department of Personnel Administration

   (A) Description: Data on the number of positions filled for each
classification subject to the post-and-bid hiring program included in
new contracts for Bargaining Units 1, 4, and 11
Authority: Item 1880-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003 for the period from May 2002 through
January 2003, by August 1, 2003 for the entire term of the pilot
project from May 2002 through June 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Data on the number of positions filled for each
classification subject to the post-and-bid hiring pilot program
included in new contracts for Bargaining Units 1, 4, and 11
Authority: Item 8380-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003, for the period from May 2002 through
January 2003; by August 1, 2003, for the entire term of the pilot
project from May 2002 through June 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (77) Reports Due From Department of Pesticide Regulation

   (A) Description: Report on status of statewide data base regarding
all enforcement actions taken
Authority: Item 3930-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Preliminary report on or before January 15, 1998, final
report on or before May 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on workload standards and performance
Authority: Item 3930-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Preliminary report no later than November 31, 1997, final
report on December 12, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Expenditure plan for completing risk assessments
on active ingredients listed in the high priority category in
department's Prioritization Status of Active Ingredients for Risk
Characterization Report
Authority: Item 3930-001-0106 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: August 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the grants awarded and the criteria
used for awarding the grants for the Pest Management Alliance program
Authority: Item 3930-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report including the department's plans to
investigate registration of Bt-containing crops, development of a
risk/benefit ratio for allowing this pesticide in crops, assessment
of the ecological safety of Bt toxoid left in soil, and consequences
for livestock
Authority: Item 3930-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on terms of interagency agreement
developed pursuant to Section 8616 of the Business and Professions
Code regarding structural pest control investigation and enforcement
training programs
Authority: Section 51 of Chapter 759 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature

   (78) Reports Due From Department of Rehabilitation

   (A) Description: Study of costs of providing habitation and
vocational rehabilitation work activity and supported employment
services for purpose of developing a proposal for standardized rates
Authority: Item 5130-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before February 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Study of costs of providing habilitation and
vocational rehabilitation work activity and supported employment
services for purpose of developing a proposal for standardized rates
Authority: Item 5160-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before February 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report regarding rehabilitation services provided
to individuals who are eligible for the vocational rehabilitation
program and who are also receiving Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC) or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
Authority: Item 5160-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 31, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on feasibility and desirability of
implementing longer-term changes to van purchase and modification
system, including use of upfront loans and grants and allowing
clients to assume more control of process
Authority: Item 5160-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report that includes specific activities that
have been undertaken to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) by each department and agency within state government, the
roles and responsibilities the Department of Rehabilitation should
have in ensuring compliance with the ADA, and a recommendation for
what entity within state government should have overall enforcement
responsibility for compliance with the ADA
Authority: Item 5160-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than March 15, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on the Department of Rehabilitation's
1997-98 expenditures for Business Enterprise Program administration
and recommendations regarding alternative funding options for program
administration; the amount of vending machine income collected
during 1997, the average amount credited to vendors' retirement
accounts, and the average vendor earnings during that time; and a
comparison of Business Enterprise Program retirement contributions to
the contributions made for participants in other retirement plans,
including, but not limited to, the California Public Employees'
Retirement System
Authority: Item 5160-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on the progress of all state departments
and agencies in developing and implementing their Americans With
Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance plans
Authority: Item 5160-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on the department's progress in
implementing strategies to reduce vacancies in its Field Operations
Division, including, but not limited to, the use of geographic pay
differentials, on-campus testing, higher education liaisons, and
other strategies
Authority: Item 5160-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Status updates in October of 2000 and March of 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on blind vending facilities located on
state property
Authority: Section 19640 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: Biennially, on or before January 1 of every even numbered
Recipient: Legislature

   (79) Reports Due From Department of Savings and Loan

   (A) Description: Report on condition of the Savings Association
Special Regulatory Fund and efforts by the department to protect
assets of state-chartered savings and loan associations from losses
and to recover assets when losses do occur
Authority: Item 2340-001-337 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1989
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature

   (80) Reports Due From Department of Toxic Substances Control

   (A) Description: Report of actions to increase or reduce amounts
for hazardous substance release site projects or to add or remove
projects scheduled in Item 3960-005-455 of the Budget Act of 1992 for
which prior approval has not been provided
Authority: Item 3960-005-455 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1992
Date Due: No later than 30 days after each calendar quarter
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on actions taken to reduce or increase
project funding for hazardous substance release sites for which prior
notification has not been provided
Authority: Item 3960-001-018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1993
Date Due: Not later than 30 calendar days after each calendar
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on various projects and/or actions
necessary to prevent or mitigate threat of imminent and substantial
endangerment to public health or environment resulting from current
conditions at hazardous substance release site
Authority: Item 3960-001-018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1995
Date Due: Not later than 30 days after each calendar quarter
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on any changes to department's scheduled
Authority: Item 3960-013-0710 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Not later than 30 days after each calendar quarter
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Feasibility study related to development of a new
hazardous waste manifest tracking system
Authority: Item 3960-001-0014 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report regarding actions taken by the Director of
the Department of Toxic Substances Control regarding amounts
transferred, added, reduced, or removed from projects scheduled in
Item 3960-001-0018 of the 1998 Budget Act
Authority: Item 3960-001-0018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Not later than 30 days after the end of the fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, legislative fiscal
committees acting on the Department of Toxic Substances Control's
budget, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Policy
Committee, Senate Environmental Quality Policy Committee
   (G) Description: Report on the Certified Unified Program Agency
(CUPA) program, including the status of certification of CUPAs,
estimated and proposed expenditures of state agencies that oversee
the local implementation of the CUPA program, and the impact of the
CUPA program on regulatory fees paid collectively to state and local
agencies, including a list of local CUPA fees
Authority: Item 3960-001-0557 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 10, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
                                                    (H) Description:
Report on changes in the vacancy rates in the department's permitting
Authority: Item 3960-001-0014 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before October 1, 1999, and quarterly thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (I) Description: Report on actions taken under Item 3960-001-0018
of the Budget Act of 2000 regarding site remediation
Authority: Item 3960-001-0018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, legislative fiscal
committees acting on the Department of Toxic Substances Control's
budget, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Policy
Committee, Senate Environmental Quality Policy Committee
   (J) Description: Report on actions taken under Item 3960-001-0018
of the Budget Act of 2001
Authority: Item 3960-001-0018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: 90 days after the end of the fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, legislative fiscal
committees acting on the Department of Toxic Substances Control's
budget, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Policy
Committee, Senate Environmental Quality Policy Committee
   (K) Description: Report on efforts to coordinate respective
brownfield financing programs, to identify any obstacles the
brownfield financing programs may pose to each other or synergies
they may create for one another, and the results of their efforts to
effectively target and maximize the investment of state resources
Authority: Item 3960-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on actions taken under Provision 2 of Item
3960-001-0018 of the Budget Act of 2002
Authority: Item 3960-001-0018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: Not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, legislative fiscal
committees acting on the Department of Toxic Substances Control's
budget, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Policy
Committee, Senate Environmental Quality Policy Committee
   (M) Description: Report on actions taken under Item 3960-001-0018
of the Budget Act of 2003 regarding site mitigation
Authority: Item 3960-001-0018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, legislative fiscal
committees acting on the Department of Toxic Substances Control's
budget, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Policy
Committee, Senate Environmental Quality Policy Committee
   (N) Description: Report on actions taken under Item 3960-001-0018
of the Budget Act of 2005 regarding site mitigation and brownfields
Authority: Item 3960-001-0018 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Not later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, legislative fiscal
committees acting on the Department of Toxic Substances Control's
budget, Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee,
Senate Environmental Quality Committee
   (O) Description: Number of requests received for waivers from the
requirement that responsible parties demonstrate and maintain
financial assurance regarding operation and maintenance activities at
hazardous substance release sites during the period between May 26,
1999, and January 1, 2001; the disposition of the requests and the
reasons for granting or rejecting the waivers; the number of
businesses or other entities that were required to demonstrate and
maintain financial assurance, the number that were able to comply
with the requirement, the number that were unable to comply and the
reasons why, and the history of compliance by responsible parties
that requested waivers; and financial assurance mechanisms that may
be available to responsible parties
Authority: Section 25355.2 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: January 15, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (P) Description: Recommendations on appropriate changes to
statutory requirements that govern the transport, handling, or
consolidation and transfer of non-RCRA hazardous wastes that meet
specified requirements
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 437 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: Not later than March 31, 1997
Recipient: Legislature

   (81) Reports Due From Department of Veterans Affairs

   (A) Description: Account of actions taken to increase utilization
of and access to both outpatient and inpatient services at Holderman
Authority: Item 8960-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Progress reports on the implementation of the
Corrective Action Plan for the Veterans' Home of California at
Yountville developed in response to the Internal Audits Division
report dated April 29, 1998, addressing the findings and
recommendations made in the plan
Authority: Item 8960-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Within 60 days, 6 months, and one year from release of the
Internal Audits Division report dated April 29, 1998
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the amounts of money expended to
support the 129.3 new positions allocated to the department and any
funds reverted to the General Fund as a consequence of Provision 1 of
Item 8955-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 2000
Authority: Item 8955-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: January 15, 2001, and July 15, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the status of the staff, including all
classifications needed for the provision of quality dietary and food
services at the Veterans' Home of California at Yountville
Authority: Item 8960-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: A comprehensive plan and design of the Veterans'
Home Cemetery Restoration project, including architectural renderings
of the proposed kiosk, toilet, and maintenance facilities
Authority: Item 8960-301-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 15, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on capital outlay plan for a comprehensive
renovation of the Veterans' Home at Yountville as mandated by the
Veterans' Home Bond Act of 2000
Authority: Item 8960-301-0701 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Overall comprehensive plan and design description
of the Behavior Management and Maintenance Pilot Program at the
Veterans' Home of California at Barstow
Authority: Item 8965-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 15, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (H) Description: Evaluation of program effectiveness, documented
need, and workload justification, of the Behavior Management and
Maintenance Pilot Program at the Veterans' Home of California at
Authority: Item 8965-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By April 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (I) Description: Report evaluating the Country Villa Health
Services Contract, including the issues considered and addressed by
Country Villa Health Services, a recommendation whether the
Yountville or Chula Vista homes should contract to conduct an
evaluation of the homes, a recommendation whether the Yountville or
Chula Vista homes should contract for the administration of their
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Authority: Item 8955-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2001
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on the performance of the contractor to
maximize reimbursement billings and collections at the Yountville
Veterans Home, including the status of the review of medical record
data for billing integrity, an analysis of the outstanding charges,
reimbursements, and accounts receivable, a copy of policies and
procedures adopted by the department and each home to ensure full
billing and to capture reimbursements, staff training plans, and the
status of the Meditech computer system
Authority: Item 8960-011-0995 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By December 15, 2001, and March 15, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (K) Description: Report regarding the use of funds earmarked by
the federal Veteran's Administration to regional offices in
California to educate, screen, and treat veterans with the hepatitis
C virus
Authority: Section 122406 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on the progress of the program providing a
convenient local service center for veterans
Authority: Section 974.5 of the Military and Veterans Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on department's actions to correct all the
impacts of retaliation and discrimination against "whistle blowing"
employees of the Veteran's Home of California, Barstow
Authority: Senate Resolution 20 of the 2001-02 Regular Session
Date Due: No later than November 11, 2001
Recipient: Senate Committee on Rules, Senate Budget Subcommittee No.
   (N) Description: Report, covering the two-year period from January
1, 1997, to December 31, 1998, identifying the number of spouses who
receive certain educational benefits and the total costs incurred
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 822 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Study of the life and disability insurance
coverage that is being provided for the purchasers of farms and homes
under the Veterans' Farm and Home Purchase Act of 1974
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 472 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2000
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Veterans Affairs, Senate Committee
on Veterans Affairs
   (P) Description: The status of homeless veterans in California
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 265 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before March 15, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (82) Reports Due From Department of Water Resources

   (A) Description: Report on progress of establishing new position
classifications for the department's California Energy Resources
Scheduling division
Authority: Item 3860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Information on grants to local agencies to
finance proposed water projects and investigations for water system
Authority: Section 7 of Chapter 956 of the Statutes of 1989
Date Due: January 31 of each year
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report summarizing expenditure of funds allocated
for flood, sediment, and erosion control projects
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 2 of the 1997-98 First Extraordinary
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report prepared jointly with Department of Fish
and Game with regard to the results of the evaluation required by
Section 139.2 and the comparative ratings required by subdivisions
(b) and (c) of Section 139.4
Authority: Section 139.4 of the Water Code
Date Due: January 1, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (83) Reports Due From Department of Managed Health Care

   (A) Description: Status update regarding the establishment of the
department and implementation of the new reform efforts
Authority: Item 2400-001-0933 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than August 30, 2000, and March 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (B) Description: Comprehensive description and status update
regarding the data collection and reporting system to be implemented
for the Independent Medical Review Process
Authority: Item 2400-001-0933 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than December 1, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the findings of financial solvency of
medical groups contracting with Knox-Keene licensed health plans
summarizing the assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses of such
medical groups in an aggregate format
Authority: Item 2400-001-0933 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Results of study to consider the feasibility and
benefit of consolidating into the Department of Managed Health Care
the regulation of other health insurers providing insurance through
indemnity, preferred provider organization, and exclusive provider
organization products, as well as through other managed care products
regulated by the Department of Insurance
Authority: Section 1342.3 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: No later than December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (E) Description: Progress toward implementation of Section 1367.03
of the Health and Safety Code, relating to timely access to needed
health care services by enrollees of health care service plans
Authority: Section 1367.03 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On March 1, 2003, and on March 1, 2004
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Health, Senate Committee on
   (F) Description: Information regarding the development of the
definition of "unjust pattern" as used with regards to the
reimbursement of providers by health care service plans, including a
description of the process used and a list of the parties involved in
the department's development of this definition as well as
recommendations for statutory adoption
Authority: Section 1371.37 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (G) Description: Recommendations for any additional statutory
requirements relating to health care service plan and provider
dispute resolution mechanisms
Authority: Section 1371.38 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (H) Description: Information regarding the development of the
definition of "unfair billing pattern" as used with regards to
providers' claims for reimbursement by health care service plans,
including a description of the process used and a list of the parties
involved in the department's development of this definition as well
as recommendations for statutory adoption
Authority: Section 1371.39 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (I) Description: Recommendations for the purpose of developing a
system for responding to unfair billing patterns with regards to
providers' claims for reimbursement by health care service plans
Authority: Section 1371.39 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By July 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on the initial implementation of an
independent medical review system regarding coverage decisions by
health care service plans, including a description of assessments
imposed on plans to implement the system and changes in staffing and
other resources attributable to new responsibilities
Authority: Section 1374.36 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding standards
for quality audits of providers by health care service plans
Authority: Section 1380.1 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2000
Recipient: Governor, appropriate committees of the Legislature

   (84) Reports Due From Division of Environmental and Occupational
Disease Control

   (A) Description: Possible approaches to establishing the
Environmental Health Surveillance System, including the estimated
cost of each approach, and the recommended approach
Authority: Section 104324.2 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By July 1, 2003
Recipient: Appropriate committees of the Legislature

   (85) Reports Due From Division of Juvenile Justice

   (A) Description: Documentation of efforts of Youth Authority's
Victim Services Unit
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By April 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report regarding development and implementation
of expanded programming for wards that targets reducing ward length
of stay
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Treatment needs assessment identifying programs
needed for department's institutional and parole populations, and
identification of systems required to evaluate effectiveness of
department's rehabilitation programs and measures it will use to
determine effectiveness of individual programs and/or combinations of
programs on parole outcomes
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on number of wards that have received
tattoo removals, average cost of each removal, and average total cost
per ward
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on impact of employment services on
parolee recidivism
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 1, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on the Department of the Youth Authority's
plans to address declining parolee populations, including, but not
limited to: an estimate of parolee populations through 2002-03,
including characteristics of the projected population, geographic
location of the population, and a description of what special
services might be needed; an estimate of how the decline in
population will result in reductions in the number of parole agents
and whether reductions will necessitate consolidation or closure of
parole offices; a description of alternative cost-effective models
for providing parole services; and a plan for implementing new
models, with its estimates of new resources, and the redirection of
existing resources
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By September 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Report regarding internal affairs investigator
workload, including the number of Level II investigations which were
initiated in the prior year, the amount of hours spent by
investigators per investigation, and the number of Level II
investigations handled by noninternal affairs investigators
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Annually by March 1 through the year 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on programming for less serious offenders
including the feasibility of implementing a six- to nine-month
institutional program for offenders in Youthful Offender Parole Board
categories V through VII
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By April 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on the evaluation components proposed in
the assessment of programming changes or expansions needed to better
serve wards requiring substance abuse, mental health, and/or sex
offender treatment
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Preliminary report March 1, 2003, final report March 1,
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on the methodology for determining the
level of education funding in the caseload adjustments
Authority: Item 5460-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (K) Description: Report that details the condition of the
department's facilities, including identification of needed
corrections and improvements, preliminary cost estimates, and a plan
for their implementation
Authority: Item 5460-301-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By November 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on a mental health treatment program plan
which includes identification of and cost estimates for any facility
Authority: Item 5460-301-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By November 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Specific performance measures by which the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation plans to evaluate the
Behavior Treatment Programs, baseline measurements for these
programs, and projected implementation targets and projected outcomes
for March 2007, and September 2007, related to implementation of the
Farrell remedial plans
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than September 15, 2006, and March 15, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (N) Description: Report on the use of reasonable force by law
enforcement, custodial, or corrections personnel, including specified
peace officers, to collect blood specimens, saliva samples, or thumb
or palm print impressions from persons who refuse to provide those
specimens, samples, or impressions
Authority: Section 298.1 of the Penal Code
Date Due: Not later than January 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report on amount of lottery funds received and
purposes for which they are used and anticipated expenditures
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: By January 15, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (P) Description: Report on amount of lottery funds received and
the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 1996-97
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 162 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (Q) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds that
were received and purposes for which those funds were expended in
1997-98 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for 1998-99 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (R) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds received
and purposes for which those funds were expended in 1998-99 fiscal
year, including administrative costs, and proposed expenditures and
purposes for expenditure for 1999-2000 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 324 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (S) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds that the
agency received and the purposes for which those funds were expended
in the 1999-2000 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and
proposed expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2000-01
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 50 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (T) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2000-01
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2001-02 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 52 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (U) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2001-02
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposed for expenditure for the 2002-03 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 106 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (V) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds that agency
received and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the
2002-03 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2003-04 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 379 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2004
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (W) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2003-04
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2004-05 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (X) Description: Report on findings and recommendations on gassing
incidents at the department's facilities and the medical testing
authorized by Section 1768.85 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Authority: Section 1768.85 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (Y) Description: Report on tattoo removal program and success of
Authority: Section 1915 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (86) Reports Due From Division of Occupational Safety and Health

   (A) Description: Progress report on the division's provision of
information and services to non-English-speaking persons
Authority: Section 176 of the Labor Code
Date Due: On July 30, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (87) Reports Due From Employment Development Department

   (A) Description: Report regarding research and data on film
industry employment, economic impact of the film industry, film
industry employment and activity in competing states and countries,
ethnic diversity and representation of minorities in the
entertainment industry, and the effect of federal, state, and local
laws on the filmed entertainment
Authority: Section 335 of the Unemployment Insurance Code
Date Due: Biannually "by policy committees of the Legislature"
Recipient: Appropriate policy committees of the Legislature

   (88) Reports Due From Electricity Oversight Board

   (A) Description: Report on five-year prospective analysis of
electricity reliability issues, including a plan to address these
issues that proposes alternative combinations of conservation and
energy efficiency programs, investment in transmission capacity
expansion, and other appropriate actions
Authority: Item 3360-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report that presents a five-year prospective
analysis of electricity reliability issues
Authority: Item 8660-001-0462 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the specific statutory, constitutional,
or other bases on which it represents the state before the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission
Authority: Item 8770-001-0462 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the long-term budgetary needs of the
Authority: Item 8770-001-0462 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By December 31, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on price caps in the ancillary services
and real-time energy markets
Authority: Resolution Chapter 153 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: By December 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (89) Reports Due From Electronic Funds Transfer Task Force

   (A) Description: Plan for the development and implementation of a
payment dispersal system utilizing electronic funds transfer
Authority: Section 14995 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature

   (90) Reports Due From Emergency Medical Services Authority
   (A) Description: Report on the status of its appropriation of
federal Health Resources and Services Administration funding for
hospital bioterrorism preparedness activities, including a
description of the outcomes achieved and dollars expended, at the
state and local level
Authority: Item 4120-501-0995 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: May 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the status of its appropriation of
federal Health Resources and Services Administration funding for
hospital bioterrorism preparedness activities, including a
description of the outcomes achieved and dollars expended, at the
state and local level
Authority: Item 4120-601-0995 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: May 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on effectiveness of Emergency Medical
Services System including systems impact evaluations on death and
Authority: Section 1797.121 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 1 of each year
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on status of emergency medical services
for children at state and local levels
Authority: Section 1799.204 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (91) Reports Due From Division of Apprenticeship Standards

   (A) Description: Summary of educational and vocational outcomes
resulting from innovative apprenticeship training demonstration
Authority: Section 79148 of the Education Code
Date Due: By December 31, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (92) Reports Due From Department of Finance

   (A) Description: Report on the Loma Prieta Earthquake;
specifically, an update on response and recovery activities
undertaken during the previous month, an estimate of the amount of
state and federal funds obligated for each activity, and a review of
temporary sales tax receipts during previous month
Authority: Item 8860-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1990
Date Due: Monthly
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Documentation of extent to which specific savings
or efficiencies have been achieved from performance budgeting and
whether performance budgeting shall be continued in pilot departments
on permanent basis and expanded to other departments
Authority: Item 0820-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 10, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on program and fiscal review conducted by
the Department of Finance and Department of Corrections' use of local
facilities for detention of parolees, and recommendations on
statutory or regulatory changes helping control cost of local
assistance program
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Actions taken to obtain reimbursement to state as
result of review of local assistance payments to Los Angeles County
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Identification of number of positions loaned or
on temporary assignment from any state agency pursuant to Section
19050.8 of the Government Code, loaning classification and job title,
and term of and reason for position loan
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before April 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Identification of number of positions loaned from
any state agency pursuant to Section 12010.5 of the Government Code,
loaning state agency, receiving state agency, position
classification and job title, and term of and reason for position
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before April 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Documentation of extent to which specific savings
or efficiencies have been achieved from performance budgeting and
whether performance budgeting shall be continued in pilot departments
on permanent basis and expanded to other departments
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 10, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report identifying number of positions loaned
from any state agency pursuant to Section 12010.5 of the Government
Code, loaning state agency, receiving state agency, position
classification and job title, and term of and reason for position
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report identifying for past, current, and budget
years, number of managers, supervisors, and rank and file employees
by agency, department, and other entity of state government and
statewide totals, and salaries and benefits for each group
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Report identifying ratio of state managers to
supervisors and rank and file employees, ratio of supervisors to rank
and file employees, ratio of managers and supervisors to rank and
file employees by agency, department, and other entity of state
government and overall statewide ratios
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Review of California's span of control and
management/supervisor to rank and file employee ratios and recommend
standards and timelines in which to achieve them
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report listing allocations made pursuant to Item
9899-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 1997 regarding century change
information technology activities and identifying the department, the
project, and the amount for each allocation
Authority: Item 9899-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Quarterly beginning October 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report for each organizational budget contained
in the 1999-2000 Governor's Budget, the total proposed expenditures
for information technology, as well as any information technology
project expenditure of $1 million or more, by project title, in any
of the three fiscal years covered in the budget
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than January 10, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (N) Description: Report reviewing whether Veteran's Home of
California at Yountville has succeeded in contracting out for laundry
services, estimate of savings in funding and staff positions
achieved thereby in 1998-99 fiscal year
Authority: Item 8960-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (O) Description: Report listing allocations made pursuant to Item
9904-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 1998 regarding century change
information technology activities for applicant state agencies,
departments, boards, commissions, or other entities of state
Authority: Item 9904-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Quarterly, commencing October 1, 1998
Recipient: Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Assembly
Budget Committee, Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (P) Description: Report on the appropriate funding amounts and
class size ranges for necessary small elementary and high schools and
recommendations whether necessary small middle schools should be
provided funding; a review and comparison of the amount of funding
and flexibility provided to high schools in unified school districts
and those in nonunified districts
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (Q) Description: Report regarding the effectiveness of the
Department of Corrections in reducing sick leave usage and increasing
the appropriate usage of budgeted vacation and other leave time, and
an estimate of the net fiscal effect of these changes on personnel
Authority: Item 5240-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 10, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (R) Description: Information on the fiscal condition of the
Proposition 98 Reversion Account
Authority: Item 6110-485 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By May 15, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, fiscal and policy committees of the
   (S) Description: Oversight report on the Department of Health
Services' Genetic Disease Branch Screening Information System Project
Authority: Item 4260-001-0203 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (T) Description: Report on the current pro rata methodology used
in developing the 2004-05 budget
Authority: Item 9900 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By January 10, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (U) Description: Findings on whether the internal service fund
should be (i) retained as is, (ii) retained, but modified, (iii)
discontinued, but with certain features retained, or (iv)
discontinued completely
Authority: Item 2660-002-0608 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, fiscal and policy committees of the
   (V) Description: Strategy to resolve problems on the California
Developmental Disabilities Information System (CADDIS) project,
including, but not limited to, (i) identification of problems or
issues on the project, and (ii) actions, costs, and timeframes broken
out by budget year and future years to correct those problems or
Authority: Item 4300-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before September 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (W) Description: Assessment of the Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation's information technology activities, including, but
not limited to, (i) a review of Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation's information technology project management practices
and capabilities compared to Department of Finance's oversight
framework, (ii) an evaluation of the Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation's ability to implement its current information
technology projects within Department of Finance's approved
timeframes and costs, and (iii) recommendations to the Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation on how to address the assessment's
Authority: Item 5225-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (X) Description: Actions to ensure that information technology
projects are submitted and approved prior to submission to the
Legislature for budget action
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (Y) Description: Preliminary review of reorganized departmental
entities relative to maintaining effective systems of internal
accounting and administrative control
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By December 1, 2005
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (Z) Description: Final report on review of reorganized
departmental entities relative to maintaining effective systems of
internal accounting and administrative control
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than April 15, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (AA) Description: Report evaluating the current mandates
reimbursement process and providing alternatives and suggestions for
improvements to the process
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AB) Description: Update on the anticipated changes to the
Governor's Budget Presentation System (GBPS)
Authority: Item 8620-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than December 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (AC) Description: An approved Special Project Report for the
Financial Information System for California (Project #8860-30). A
communication plan between oversight entities and contractors shall
be developed and presented concurrent with the report
Authority: Item 8860-002-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: April 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (AD) Description: Update on anticipated changes to the Governor's
Budget Presentation System (GBPS)
Authority: Item 8860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: From time to time, but no later than December 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (AE) Description: Report on the need, if any, to adjust the
interest rate on money loaned from the Charter School Revolving Loan
Fund or to revise any other aspect of the charter school loan default
recovery plan
Authority: Section 41366.7 of the Education Code
Date Due: Annual
Recipient: Legislature
   (AF) Description: Amount of revenue estimated available to
community college districts during next fiscal year
Authority: Section 84758 of the Education Code
Date Due: Not later than May 15 of each year
Recipient: Legislature
   (AG) Description: Report on the financial basis and programmatic
effectiveness of the state's oil spill prevention, response, and
preparedness program
Authority: Section 8670.42 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AH) Description: Report on outside vendor's evaluation of
projects implemented pursuant to Chapter 7.2 (commencing with Section
11786) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code
regarding the Information Technology Innovation Grants Program
Authority: Section 11786.4 of the Government Code
Date Due: Annual
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Budget, Senate Committee on Budget
and Fiscal Review, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, Assembly and
Senate Committees on Appropriations, chairs of the relevant policy
committees of the Legislature
   (AI) Description: Report listing allocations made from the
Information Technology Innovation Fund, and identifying the
department, the project and the amount for each allocation
Authority: Section 11786.4 of the Government Code
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Budget, Senate Committee on Budget
and Fiscal Review, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, Assembly and
Senate Committees on Appropriations, chairs of the relevant policy
committees of the Legislature
   (AJ) Description: The data that the administration shall conduct
an assessment for each of the projects managed by the office; each
assessment shall consider the costs, benefits, and any associated
risks of maintaining the project management responsibility in the
office and of moving the project management responsibility to its
respective program department
Authority: Section 12803.3 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AK) Description: Report for all energy service contracts or
third-party agreements for the construction of any alternative energy
systems, cogeneration systems, or energy conservation measures made
in the previous fiscal year
Authority: Section 13304 of the Government Code
Date Due: December 15, 1993, and annually thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (AL) Description: Report listing all capital outlay or support
funds appropriated by the annual Budget Act or any other act for
cogeneration facilities
Authority: Section 13304 of the Government Code
Date Due: December 15, 1993, and annually thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (AM) Description: Department of Finance and the Controller jointly
report on exemptions from using the California Automated Travel
Expense Reimbursement System that have been approved and the bases
for the exemptions
Authority: Section 19822.3 of the Government Code
Date Due: No later than February 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AN) Description: Annual progress report on California at Risk:
Reducing Earthquake Hazards 1987-92 Program
Authority: Resolution Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 1988
Date Due: Annually 1st Monday of year until 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AO) Description: Report on all authorizations given to augment
the amount available for expenditure for a category, program, or
project designated in any schedule set forth for the appropriation by
transfer from any of the other designated categories, programs, or
projects within the same schedule
Authority: Section 6.50 of Chapter 587 of the Statutes of 1992
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (AP) Description: Report on authorization of any augmentation of
the amount available for expenditure for a category, program, or
project designated in any schedule set forth for the appropriation by
transfer from any other designated categories, programs, or projects
within the same schedule
Authority: Section 6.50 of Chapter 55 of the Statutes of 1993
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (AQ) Description: Report on any augmentations of the Budget Act of
1995 appropriations made by the Department of Finance
Authority: Section 6.50 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (AR) Description: Report identifying, for each approval granted
under Section 10.00 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997 to pay a
higher rate for legal services, the agency that applied for and
received the approval, the type of specialized services required, and
the total amount of anticipated expenditures for those legal
Authority: Section 10.00 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than March 2, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (AS) Description: Report regarding reductions in appropriations
for expenditures for outside counsel due to the increased
availability of Attorney General services
Authority: Section 10.10 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: By March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (AT) Description: Report on data indicating extent to which
incidence of disabilities, that are medically defined or severe and
above-average in cost, or both, are evenly or unevenly distributed
among population of special education local plan areas
Authority: Section 67 of Chapter 854 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than June 1, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AU) Description: Report of findings regarding any state agency
that moves into Elihu M. Harris State Office Building, the San
Francisco Civic Center, or the Junipero Serra State Office Building
during 1998-99 fiscal year, including actual rental amounts paid for
all functions moved into those facilities and rental amounts for the
state facilities for remainder of 1998-99
Authority: Section 11.65 of Chapter 324 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: By August 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AV) Description: Report that sets forth all positions in state
government that were abolished pursuant to Section 3 of Chapter 1023
of the Statutes of 2002
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 1023 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: On or before July 31, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
Budget Committee
   (AW) Description: Report on the effects that Chapter 1122 of the
Statutes of 2002, relating to conflicts-of-interest in public
contracting for the procurement of goods and services, including the
acquisition of information technology goods and services, will have
on the state's contracting costs
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 1122 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (AX) Description: A plan to consolidate the California Health and
Human Services Agency Data Center with the Stephen P. Teale Data
Center including, but not limited to, the consolidated data center's
organizational structure, identification of consolidated activities
that result in savings of no less than three million five hundred
thousand dollars ($3,500,000) in General Fund moneys in the 2004-05
fiscal year, and identification of data center activities that will
produce savings in future fiscal years
Authority: Section 41.5 of Chapter 225 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (AY) Description: Report on the reductions made pursuant to the
unallocated reductions included in the Budget Act of 2005
Authority: Section 4.10 of Chapter 38 of the Statutes of 2005
Date Due: No later than December 10, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AZ) Description: Report on the amount of reductions made in each
item of appropriation pursuant to this section including the
following: each specific reduction by department, agency, and
program; whether the reduction is one time or ongoing; a description
of programmatic effects; the number and description of positions
affected; and any other description necessary to fully disclose the
reduction's impact
Authority: Section 4.05 of Chapter 171 of the Statutes of 2007
Date Due: Not later than February 15, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (BA) Description: Report on extent to which funds appropriated for
mental health services and substance abuse services have not been
Authority: Section 15204.8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: Annually, beginning January 10, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (BB) Description: Procedure to expedite the preparation and
provision of the allocations schedule described in Section 17605 and
the allocation of funds by the Controller
Authority: Section 17605 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By January 10, 2005
Recipient: Legislature

   (93) Reports Due From Division of Environmental and Occupational
Disease Control

   (A) Description: Possible approaches to establishing the
Environmental Health Surveillance System, including the estimated
cost of each approach, and the recommended approach
Authority: Section 104324.2 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By July 1, 2003
Recipient: Appropriate committees of the Legislature

   (94) Reports Due From Employment Development Department

   (A) Description: Report on actual amounts expended from the
Employment Training Fund for allocation by the Employment Training
Panel for training contracts
Authority: Item 5100-001-0514 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By September 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the amount of funds the department
expects to expend to participate in California's One-Stop System for
state fiscal year 2002-03
Authority: Item 5100-001-0870 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By February 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the amount of funds transferred
pursuant to Item 7100-311-0690 of the Budget Act of 2005
Authority: Item 7100-311-0690 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By September 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the amount of funds transferred
pursuant to Item 7100-311-0690 of the Budget Act of 2006
Authority: Item 7100-311-0690 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By September 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the employment services provided to
CalWORKs recipients and parolees at the One-Stop Career Centers from
July 1, 2007, to January 31, 2008, inclusive
                                           Authority: Item
7100-001-0185 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (F) Description: Report on the amount of funds transferred
pursuant to Item 7100-311-0690 of the Budget Act of 2007
Authority: Item 7100-311-0690 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: September 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on at-risk youth employment demonstration
projects conducted by private, nonprofit entities to include
information on funding, completion rates by project component, the
number of participants remaining in or returning to school part-time
or full-time, and the number of participants who were placed in
part-time or full-time employment lasting at least three months
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 1051 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on a study by an independent research
organization to identify (i) the most effective and efficient means
of establishing eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits, and
(ii) all available federal and state resources that may be utilized
to administer the unemployment insurance program
Authority: Section 8 of Chapter 409 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By December 31, 2002
Recipient: Legislature

   (95) Reports Due From Energy Extension Service

   (A) Description: Report on revolving loan fund program to provide
low-interest loans to assist low-income fishing fleet operators with
reduction of their energy costs and conservation of fuel
Authority: Section 9101 of the Fish and Game Code
Date Due: January 1, 1994, and biennially, thereafter
Recipient: Legislature

   (96) Reports Due From Fair Political Practices Commission

   (A) Description: Plan to implement recommendations of May 28,
1998, Bureau of State Audits report on Fair Political Practices
Commission legal and technical assistance operations
Authority: Item 8620-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (97) Reports Due From FIRESCOPE Board of Directors

   (A) Description: Streamlining Office of Emergency Services Fire
and Rescue Branch operations, scope of Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid
System management, and Office of Emergency Services Fire Engine
Program management
Authority: Item 0690-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature

   (98) Reports Due From Food Biotechnology Task Force
   (B) Description: Report regarding food biotechnology issues
studied, findings, basis for the findings, and recommendations
Authority: Section 492 of the Food and Agricultural Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (99) Reports Due From Franchise Tax Board

   (A) Description: Accrual of tax revenues attributable to redesign
of Bank and Corporation Tax Computing system
Authority: Item 1730-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Semi-Annual reports beginning September 1, 1996, and March
1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Identification by fiscal year since 1992-93 of
authorized, filled, and vacant auditor positions, classification of
authorized, filled, and vacant auditor positions, and number of
supervisory auditor positions
Authority: Item 1730-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report evaluating the current tax assessment
protest process including time frames for each phase of the six
phases of the process, including for those cases remaining beyond the
time frames of the protest process, the case location in the process
and an explanation for delays that exceeded the time frames of each
phase. The report shall also include the information as was provided
to the Legislative Analyst's Office on May 3, 2001, entitled Analysis
of Franchise Tax Board Docketed Protest Cases Over 24 Months with
appropriate individual case data for each schedule type
Authority: Item 1730-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By December 10, 2001, and annually through 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the number of taxpayers and the income
distribution of taxpayers affected by the Integrated Nonfiler
Compliance Program in total and as a result of reducing the tax
liability threshold from two hundred dollars ($200) to one hundred
dollars ($100), and the amount of tax liabilities identified and the
additional taxes collected through the program in total and as a
result of reducing the tax liability threshold from two hundred
dollars ($200) to one hundred dollars ($100)
Authority: Item 1730-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By October 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Addendum to the report prepared pursuant to the
Supplemental Report of the Budget Act of 2004 related to withholding
on payments to independent contractors, including, but not limited
to, analysis regarding: tax compliance rates for independent
contractors associated with business segments for which withholding
is most practicable, estimated revenue due to compliance and
acceleration from implementing a withholding program for such
business segments, technical and administrative capabilities to
implement a withholding program for such business segments, impacts
on businesses and independent contractors, growth trends for business
segments relating to usage of independent contractors versus
employees, recommendations for more effectively matching information
return data against data reported on individual and business entity
income tax returns to improve compliance
Authority: Item 1730-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: December 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report results of program to transfer
responsibility for collection of delinquent fees, wages, penalties,
costs, and interest from Department of Industrial Relations to
Franchise Tax Board
Authority: Section 8 of Chapter 1117 of the Statutes of 1994
Date Due: On or Before January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Study on effectiveness of the income and
franchise tax voluntary disclosure program evaluating the benefits
accruing to the state as a result of the program
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 367 of the Statutes of 1994
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on Farmworker Housing Assistance Program,
its operation, costs, and proposed changes
Authority: Section 55 of Chapter 954 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Written or oral report on the development and
implementation of the California Child Support Automation System
Authority: Section 10090 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: At least twice annually
Recipient: Legislature

   (100) Reports Due From Governor

   (A) Description: Report on progress of the administration's review
of child care policies and resources, including information on the
child care reform options that are being modeled and analyzed by the
Authority: Item 0510-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By January 10, 2001
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (B) Description: Report on findings of the administration's child
care review and recommendations to focus limited state resources
toward serving the state's neediest families
Authority: Item 0510-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 1, 2001
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst'
s Office
   (C) Description: Plan to limit Office of Emergency Services' role
regarding disaster claims and processing
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 338 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: By December 31, 1997
Recipient: Legislature

   (101) Reports Due From Governor's Office on Service and

   (A) Description: Report detailing the expansion of the eligible
pool of grantees for the Caesar Chavez Grant Program
Authority: Item 0650-101-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature

   (102) Reports Due From Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee

   (A) Description: Proposed plan on new proposed program to replace
the existing vehicle inspection and maintenance program
Authority: Section 15 of Chapter 803 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: Not later than July 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (103) Reports Due From Inspector General for Veterans Affairs

   (A) Description: Report including (i) a description of the
specific statutory requirements affecting the Inspector General, (ii)
a list of the specific funding sources and amounts necessary to
comply with the statutory responsibilities for the 2002-03 budget
year, (iii) workload measures and performance standards for
evaluating compliance with the statutory responsibilities, and (iv) a
staffing schedule for meeting the workload measures and performance
Authority: Item 0553-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2001
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature

   (104) Reports Due From Insurance Commissioner

   (A) Description: Report regarding the effectiveness of the
provisions of Article 16.7 (commencing with Section 1758.9) of the
Insurance Code regulating credit insurance agents in protecting
consumers involved in credit insurance transactions
Authority: Section 1758.994 of the Insurance Code
Date Due: By June 30, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (105) Reports Due From Interagency Task Force on the Economic
Development of the California-Mexico Border

   (A) Description: Report of actions taken by, and progress of, each
member agency of the task force in carrying out duties with respect
to coordinating and promoting the federal administration's efforts
for sustainable development along the California-Mexico border
Authority: Resolution Chapter 143 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: Interim report by January 15, 2000, first annual report by
July 15, 2000, final report by July 15, 2002, subsequent report by
July 15, 2001, final report by July 15, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (106) Reports Due From Interagency Task Force Regarding the North
American Free Trade Agreement

   (A) Description: Assessment of impact of North American Free Trade
Agreement transportation provisions on state regulatory and
enforcement activities in areas of highway and driver safety,
taxation, and protection of labor and environment
Authority: Resolution Chapter 86 of the Statutes of 1994
Date Due: On or before December 31, 1994, and annually thereafter
until December 31, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (107) Reports Due From Joint Committee on Boards, Commissions, and
Consumer Protection

   (A) Description: Report on findings stemming from an examination
of the composition of the Medical Board of California and its initial
and biennial fees
Authority: Section 473.16 of the Business and Professions Code
Date Due: No later than July 1, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (108) Reports Due From Joint Committee on Mental Health Reform

   (A) Description: Report on the Joint Committee on Mental Health
Reform's activities identifying promising strategies and policy
recommendations relating to mental health treatment
Authority: Resolution Chapter 17 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: By May 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (109) Reports Due From Joint Committee on Workers' Compensation

   (A) Description: Report on findings and recommendations relating
to the workers' compensation system
Authority: Resolution Chapter 43 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: At the end of each legislative session until June 30, 1998
Recipient: Legislature

   (110) Reports Due From Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan
for Education

   (A) Description: Report on committee activities
Authority: Resolution Chapter 156 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: By November 30, 2002
Recipient: Legislature

   (111) Reports Due From Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan to
End Poverty in California

   (A) Description: Report on the state of poverty in California
based upon demographic data from the most recent federal census
Authority: Resolution Chapter 117 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: Within four years of the release of the 2000 Census
Recipient: Legislature

   (112) Reports Due From K-12 High Speed Network Advisory Board

   (A) Description: Recommendations for measuring the success of the
network, improving network oversight and monitoring, strengthening
accountability, and optimizing the use of the K-12 HSN and its
ability to improve education
Authority: Section 11800 of the Education Code
Date Due: By March 1, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature, Legislative Analyst

   (113) Reports Due From Legislative Analyst

   (A) Description: Report of working group convened by the
Department of Finance, the State Department of Education, and the
Legislative Analyst regarding the issue of special education funding
for Licensed Children's Institutions, including nonpublic
school/agency services
Authority: Item 6110-161-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before November 1, 1999
Recipient: Education fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (114) Reports Due From Legislative Blue Ribbon Commission on

   (A) Description: Identify gaps in programs and services related to
the education and treatment of children, adolescents, transitional
youth, and adults with autism spectrum disorders; Recommendations for
the planning of a comprehensive and integrated continuum programs,
services, and funding that will be required to address the "aging out"
of children who comprise the current autism epidemic
Authority: Resolution Chapter 124 of the Statutes of 2005
Date Due: No later than September 30, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (115) Reports Due From Long-Term Care Mental Health Innovation
Work Group

   (A) Description: Options and recommendations on improving existing
models of community-based long-term care and developing alternative
treatment models for community-based long-term care
Authority: Item 4440-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature

   (116) Reports Due From Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board

   (A) Description: Report on options for continued financing of any
enrollments in the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program financed
through Item 4280-112-0236 of the Budget Act of 2000
Authority: Item 4280-112-0236 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 1, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (B) Description: Proposal assessing the viability of providing
additional drug and alcohol treatment services for children enrolled
in the Healthy Families Program
Authority: Section 12693.95 of the Insurance Code
Date Due: By April 15, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Analysis of the data obtained by the Department
of Alcohol and Drug Programs and from the participating health plans
regarding viability of providing additional drug and alcohol
treatment services for children enrolled in the Healthy Families
Authority: Section 12693.95 of the Insurance Code
Date Due: By September 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Categories of vulnerable children and
recommendations on innovative methods available under the federal
State Children's Health Insurance Program for addressing health needs
and developing urban area initiatives
Authority: Section 12693.925 of the Insurance Code
Date Due: On or before January 30, 2004, if federal funding is
Recipient: Legislature

   (117) Reports Due From Manufacturing Technology Program

   (A) Description: Report on manufacturing technology centers,
including amounts and sources of funding, information regarding
personnel, supplies and services, facilities, and operating expenses,
and center performance
Authority: Item 2920-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (118) Reports Due From Military Department

   (A) Description: Report on the department's progress in obtaining
permanent federal funds to implement requirements of federal law that
entitle veterans to military funerals
Authority: Item 8940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On December 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Relocation efforts for the Santa Ana Armory,
including an analysis of the options for new locations given the
programmatic need of the armory, the criteria being used to determine
a suitable locations, a list of potential sites that are being
explored, the status of any ongoing discussions, and a list of sites
that have been rejected and the reasons why those sites were rejected
Authority: Item 8940-301-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: January 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (C) Description: Findings of a report by the Internal Control
Authority: Item 8940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before April 10, 2007
Recipient: Legislature

   (119) Reports Due From Native American Heritage Commission

   (A) Description: Report on the commission's ability to fulfill its
state mandated obligations
Authority: Item 3780-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (120) Reports Due From Natural Resources Agency

   (A) Description: Progress in ensuring quality and scientific
reliability of data used for establishment of California
Environmental Resources Evaluation System protocols to assess quality
and scientific reliability of data sets considered for inclusion on
CERES network
Authority: Item 0540-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1994
Date Due: Quarterly basis, beginning October 1, 1994
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Regarding expenditures from Proposition 204,
answers to questions relating to projects by subaccount selected, and
amount appropriated per project; and answers to certain questions
relating to expenditures from Bay Delta Agreement Subaccount and
Central Valley Project Improvement Subaccount
Authority: Item 3940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Recommendations to resolve federal-state dispute
regarding applicability of California Environmental Quality Act to
Department of Defense projects
Authority: Item 3960-001-0014 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Results and findings of review of funding and
institutional arrangements needed to assure implementation, by 2010,
of the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Plan and development of proposals
to ensure that, by 2010, all water quality standards and objectives
are met
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on review of funding and institutional
arrangements needed to assure implementation, by 2010, of the Santa
Monica Bay Restoration Plan and development of proposals to ensure
that, by 2010, all water quality standards and objectives are met
Authority: Item 0555-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Draft and final watershed assessment report,
including recommendations for land use prescriptions and mitigation
measures necessary to protect or restore salmonid spawning habitat in
Redwood Creek
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Draft report by January 1, 2002, final report by May 1,
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Draft and final watershed assessment report,
including recommendations for land use prescriptions and mitigation
measures necessary to protect or restore salmonid spawning habitat in
the Big River
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Draft report by April 1, 2002, final report by September
1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Draft and final watershed assessment report,
including recommendations for land use prescriptions and mitigation
measures necessary to protect or restore salmonid spawning habitat in
the Albion River
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Draft report by April 1, 2002, final report by September
1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on the State of California's participation
in the implementation of the Environmental Improvement Program for
the Lake Tahoe Basin
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By January 10, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on the criteria and process for the new
Integrated Watershed Management Grant Program; identification of
specific bond funded programs for coordinated processes;
identification of programs that use, or will use, Environmental
Protection Indicators for California and the Legacy Project in their
decision-making processes when awarding bond funds
Authority: Item 0555-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By April 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Assessment of the actions taken by the Santa
Monica Mountains Conservancy to address issues raised in the May 4,
2004, Department of Finance Management Letter and the Conservancy's
responses thereto
Authority: Item 0540-001-0140 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By January 10, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Assessment of actions taken by the Santa Monica
Mountains Conservancy to address issues raised in the May 4, 2004,
Department of Finance Management Letter and the Conservancy's
responses thereto
Authority: Item 3810-001-0401 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By January 10, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Options for funding resource management
activities related to state lands throughout the state
Authority: Item 0540-001-0140 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By January 10, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (N) Description: A review of the activities, statutory mandates,
funding sources, and outcomes carried out by the Department of Fish
and Game
Authority: Item 0540-001-0140 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: In consultation with the Sierra Nevada
Conservancy, a plan for the coordination of grant programs in the
Sierra Nevada region
Authority: Item 0540-001-0140 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By December 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (P) Description: In consultation with the Sierra Nevada
Conservancy, a plan for the coordination of grant programs in the
Sierra Nevada region
Authority: Item 0540-001-6031 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By December 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (Q) Description: Report prepared jointly with the Department of
Fish and Game on the department's activities, funding sources, and
Authority: Item 3600-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the
   (R) Description: Recommendations on coordinating the state's
invasive species activities
Authority: Item 3600-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: December 31, 2005
Recipient: Appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
   (S) Description: The actions taken, other than study, in the
2006-07 fiscal year in an attempt to stabilize the ecosystem in the
Delta and to address the Pelagic Organism Decline
Authority: Item 0540-001-0140 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: October 1, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (T) Description: The CALFED ecosystem restoration program
expenditures at departments other than the Department of Fish and
Game and rationale for why those components should stay at the
respective departments
Authority: Item 0540-001-0140 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: January 10, 2007
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (U) Description: Description of the amount of land acquired by
each department, board, commission, and conservancy within the
Resources Agency during the past year and the amount of money spent
for the acquisition, and projections for the approximate amount of
land that will be acquired by the agency during the following year
Authority: Section 12805.2 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2003, and each year thereafter
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (V) Description: Plan for the acquisition, protection,
preservation, restoration, and enhancement of wetlands, including
funding requirements and the priority status of specific proposed
wetlands projects
Authority: Section 5814 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: Not later than January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (W) Description: Master plan for the expansion and development of
the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 752 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: Not later than January 1, 2002

  Recipient: Legislature
   (X) Description: Report detailing major funding sources made
available for watershed projects in California since 1995, including
summaries of types of projects, recipients, performance measures and
monitoring, if required, and information concerning the management
and administration of funds
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 736 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: Initial report not later than November 1, 2002, updated
reports not later than November 1, 2005, and November 1 of every
third year thereafter
Recipient: Governor, Assembly Natural Resources Committee, Senate
Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee
   (Y) Description: Results of consultation with appropriate federal
agencies to assess the desirability, feasibility, and costs of
modifying the Los Angeles County Drainage Area flood control project,
as described in Section 12684.2 of the Water Code, in accordance
with Section 2309a of Title 33 of the United States Code or other
relevant law, to include multipurpose features designed to maximize
river habitat restoration, parkland, and recreational opportunities
consistent with flood control objectives
Authority: Section 12684.8 of the Water Code
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature

   (121) Reports Due From Ocean Protection Council

   (A) Description: Report on an accounting of the funding allocated
towards the implementation of the Marine Life Protection Act and
Marine Life Management Act. The report shall include a detailed
accounting of all positions funded to support these efforts and any
respective vacancy rates. Also, a detailed accounting of all
contracts, equipment, grants, and loans to support the implementation
of these acts
Authority: Item 3760-001-0565 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By January 10, 2008
Recipient: Legislature

   (122) Reports Due From Office of Criminal Justice Planning

   (A) Description: Report on amount of federal funds available to
the state under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
Authority: Item 8100-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: January 10, 1997, no later than 60 days after enactment of
federal appropriations
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Evaluation of Statutory Rape Vertical Prosecution
Pilot Program
Authority: Item 8100-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997 By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the accomplishments of the Counter-Drug
Procurement Program that identifies all local law enforcement
agencies that have used the program, the amounts and types of
equipment obtained, the number of inspections completed, and any
other data on program accomplishments
Authority: Item 8100-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By June 30, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the number of elder abuse cases
referred and filed, and the number of convictions achieved under the
Elder Abuse Vertical Prosecution Program, and the cost associated
with each step of the process
Authority: Item 8100-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Interim report on October 1, 2000, final report by October
1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on study to determine whether it would be
feasible to develop a state-operated center on computer forensics for
the purpose of collecting, compiling, and analyzing information,
including evidence seized in connection with criminal proceedings, in
computer formats to provide assistance to state and local law
enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of crimes
involving computer technology
Authority: Section 13980 of the Penal Code
Date Due: On or before June 30, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (123) Reports Due From Office of Education and the Environment

   (A) Description: Progress in developing, implementing, and
assessing the unified education strategy on the environment for
elementary and secondary schools in the state
Authority: Section 71300 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: On or before June 30, 2006
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (124) Reports Due From Office of Environmental Health Hazard

   (A) Description: Workload information for the office's
toxicologists since 1990 in consulting over and reviewing federal
permit applications related to genetically modified organisms,
recommendations regarding the office's needs to undertake the
evaluation and tracking of hazards associated with genetically
modified organisms
Authority: Item 3980-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the long-term baseline funding
requirements of the office, including a determination of the
appropriate level of funding for the office and allocation of funding
sources to support this level of funding
Authority: Item 3980-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2004
Recipient: Legislature, budget and fiscal committees of the

   (125) Reports Due From Office of Local Assistance

   (A) Description: Report on the progress of implementing the State
School Facilities Inventory Project
Authority: Item 6350-101-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1991
Date Due: Quarterly, beginning October 1, 1991
Recipient: Legislature

   (126) Reports Due From Office of Planning and Research

   (A) Description: Recommendations to resolve federal-state dispute
on applicability of California Environmental Quality Act to
Department of Defense projects
Authority: Item 3960-001-0014 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Status of the Online Volunteer Matching Program
Authority: Item 0650-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: April 1, 2007
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on performance indicators for the Online
Volunteer Matching Program
Authority: Item 0650-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: April 1, 2008
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature

   (127) Reports Due From Office of Small Business Advocate

   (A) Description: Report on study of the costs of state regulations
on small businesses, including recommendations
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 232 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: No later than October 1, 2007
Recipient: Speaker of the Assembly, Senate President pro Tempore,
Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy,
Senate Committee on Government Modernization, Efficiency and

   (128) Reports Due From Office of Statewide Health Planning and

   (A) Description: An evaluation of the current review process for
seismic safety construction plans, including recommendations to
assure initial plans are reviewed within 120 days and subsequent
reviews are completed within 30 days
Authority: Item 4140-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (B) Description: Preliminary assessment of strategy and resource
needs for development of the capacity to analyze California's
healthcare workforce, including an overview of high priority health
professions where critical shortages appear to exist
Authority: Item 4140-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By September 1, 2001
Recipient: Policy and budget committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on rural hospitals and health systems
Authority: Item 4140-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: February 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Recommendation as to whether funding for the
community-based health professions education partnership program
should be expanded to include specified medical schools
Authority: Section 92725 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Feasibility of establishing a California dental
loan forgiveness program using the same general guidelines as the
federal National Health Service Corps State Loan Repayment Program,
with specified exceptions
Authority: Section 128040 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before June 30, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Strategies to provide long-term stability and
non-General Fund support for programs established pursuant to Article
1 (commencing with Section 128200) of Chapter 4 of Part 3 of
Division 107 of the Health and Safety Code
Authority: Section 128241 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: February 1, 2005
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Training program for fire and life safety
officers setting forth its goals, objectives, and structure
Authority: Section 129856 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By April 1, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (H) Description: Annual progress report on California at Risk:
Reducing Earthquake Hazards 1987-92 Program
Authority: Resolution Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 1988
Date Due: Annually 1st Monday of year until 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (129) Reports Due From Office of the Secretary for Education

   (A) Description: Report on a contractor's independent evaluation
of the effectiveness of the Education Technology Professional
Development Program
Authority: Section 52272 of the Education Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (130) Reports Due From Office of the State Architect

   (A) Description: Report on the documentation of the status of K-14
school planchecking operations
Authority: Item 1760-001-666 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1991
Date Due: Quarterly, beginning November 1, 1991
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Annual progress report on the California at Risk:
Reducing Earthquake Hazards 1987-92 Program
Authority: Resolution Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 1988
Date Due: Annually first Monday of year until 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (131) Reports Due From Physician Assistant Committee

   (A) Description: Report identifying the budgetary impact
associated with the elimination of the fee for supervising
physicians, a plan to reduce the balance in the Physician Assistant
Fund to an amount equal to approximately three months of operating
costs, and steps the Physician Assistant Examining Committee is
taking to encourage physicians to utilize physician assistants in
underserved areas and to develop training programs for physician
Authority: Item 1430-001-0280 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (132) Reports Due From Public Employment Relations Board

   (A) Description: Report on the impact to the board of the
implementation of Senate Bill 739 (Chapter 901, Statutes of 2000),
including the workload impact and the unmet needs of the board in
order to be in compliance with this statute
Authority: Item 8320-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee

   (133) Reports Due From Quality Education Commission

   (A) Description: Recommendation of modifications regarding the
size, eligibility requirements, and funding of necessary small
Authority: Section 42289.6 of the Education Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature

   (134) Reports Due From Respiratory Care Board

   (A) Description: Report detailing a plan to maintain a reserve in
the Respiratory Care Fund equal to approximately three months of
operating costs, that addresses a possible fee increase and possible
reductions in the Respiratory Care Board's operating budget,
including restructuring and establishing spending priorities for the
board's enforcement program
Authority: Item 1455-001-0319 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (135) Reports Due From Rural Development Council

   (A) Description: Report outlining a process for incorporating as a
private nonprofit corporation, demonstrating fiscal and legal
accountability, organizational capacity, leadership, and staffing,
and support of partners and stakeholders
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 597 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (136) Reports Due From Secretary of State

   (A) Description: Report on the extent to which the Secretary of
State's museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native
American artifacts have complied with the Native American Grave
Protection and Repatriation Act, including a copy of all inventories
that have been submitted to the federal government in compliance with
the act
Authority: Item 0890-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By November 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on all official actions since prior report
including appropriations expenditure report
Authority: Section 12170 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before September 15 each even-numbered year
Recipient: Governor
   (C) Description: Report on governmental history documentation
Authority: Section 12233 of the Government Code
Date Due: Annual
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the status of repayment of the state
loan for establishment of a statewide voter registration system, and
the number of duplicate voter registrations removed from the official
roster of voters
Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 913 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: Semi-annually by January 1 and July 1
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report regarding the impact, if any, that
permitting all voters to apply for permanent absent voter status has
on increasing voter participation
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 922 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: Annually
Recipient: Legislature

   (137) Reports Due From Senate Office of Research

   (A) Description: Recommendations regarding the regulation of
polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), including relevant findings and
rulings by the European Union
Authority: Section 108923 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2004
Recipient: Senate President pro Tempore, Senate Committee on
Environmental Quality
   (B) Description: Review of the level of state assessment,
monitoring, oversight, independent research and regulation of the
biotechnology industry
Authority: Senate Resolution 34 of the 1999-2000 Regular Session
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Recommendations to address the California
hospital emergency room on-call issues
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 828 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature

   (138) Reports Due From Senate Select Committee on Developmental
Disabilities and Mental Health

   (A) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding the use of
seclusion and restraints in psychiatric settings, including
California's standards on its use, oversight, and reporting
practices, injuries, deaths, and trauma caused by its use, and the
best practices developed in other states for reducing its use in
psychiatric settings and the consequent harm to patients and staff
that results
Authority: Senate Resolution 31 of the 2001-02 Regular Session
Date Due: By March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (139) Reports Due From Senate Select Committee on the Legislature'
s Role in Global Trade Policy

   (A) Description: Report including recommendations for appropriate
legislation regarding global trade policy
Authority: Senate Resolution 38 of the 1999-2000 Regular Session
Date Due: No later than November 30, 2000
Recipient: Senate

   (140) Reports Due From Special Panel on Medication Errors

   (A) Description: Conclusions and recommendations of study on
causes of medication errors
Authority: Resolution Chapter 123 of the Statutes of 2005
Date Due: Preliminary report by March 1, 2006, and final report no
later than June 1, 2006
Recipient: Assembly Committee on Health, Senate Committee on Health

   (141) Reports Due From State Air Resources Board

   (A) Description: Report analyzing factors contributing to spring
of 1996 sharp increase in price of motor vehicle fuels
Authority: Item 3900-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 10, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: State procedures to determine locations for air
monitoring samplers, evaluating data and disseminating result of
monitoring, and how monitoring program relates to statutory
Authority: Item 3900-001-0044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 31, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Recommendations on the development of a statewide
particulate matter emission reduction incentive program
Authority: Item 3900-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2004
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on what transportation mitigation
strategies are being undertaken to assist the San Joaquin Valley Air
Quality Control District and other affected local air districts in
complying with state and federal standards
Authority: Item 3900-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Summary of data acquired through a pilot program
to determine emissions from locomotives using wayside remote sensing
devices and a determination as to whether the devices can meet
specified objectives
Authority: Section 39943 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before December 31, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Summary of administrative penalties imposed by
the state board for violation of certain regulations for calendar
years 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005
Authority: Section 43023 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (G) Description: Results of a test program that measures the
emissions benefits of California Air Resources Board (CARB) diesel
Authority: Section 43700.1 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: No later than December 31, 2007
Recipient: Senate Committee on Environmental Quality, Senate
Committee on Transportation and Housing, Assembly Committee on
   (H) Description: Findings of external scientific peer review of
the state board's predictive model
Authority: Section 43830.8 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Description of each covered vehicle project
funded by the State Air Resources Board and by districts that have
received funds pursuant to the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality
Standards Attainment Program, the amount granted for the project, the
emission reductions obtained, and the cost-effectiveness of the
Authority: Section 44295 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2001, and each March 1 thereafter,
through March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Report summarizing the potential health and
environmental impacts of leaf blowers and including recommendations
for alternatives to the use of leaf blowers and alternative leaf
blower technology if the state board determines that alternatives are
Authority: Resolution Chapter 35 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: New proposed program to replace the existing
vehicle inspection and maintenance program
Authority: Section 15 of Chapter 803 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Findings of external scientific peer review of
the California Predictive Model
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 813 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature

   (142) Reports Due From State Athletic Commission

   (A) Description: Report on the impact and effect of imposing a
limit on fees derived from the amount paid for admission to any one
boxing contest and requiring the excess of a specified amount to be
paid 1/2 to the commission and 1/2 to the Boxers' Pension Account, on
commission revenues, the sport of boxing, and the Boxers' Pension
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 436 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: By December 31, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (143) Reports Due From State Auditor

   (A) Description: Status of each community college district's
compliance with prohibitions against district's receipt of full-time
equivalent student funding for activities funded through other
Authority: Section 84752 of the Education Code
Date Due: January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Audit of the state's procurement and
reimbursement practices as they relate to the purchase of drugs for
or by state agencies
Authority: Section 8546.9 of the Government Code
Date Due: No later than May 31, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on merits of tax dispute settlement
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 138 of the Statutes of 1994
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Financial capacity of the Los Angeles County
Department of Health Services to render necessary health care
services to the residents of Los Angeles County
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 195 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By June 1, 2002, and by April 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (144) Reports Due From State Board of Accountancy

   (A) Description: Plan to reduce board's fund balance to
three-month operating reserve
Authority: Item 1120-001-0704 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature

   (145) Reports Due From State Board of Education

   (A) Description: Evaluation of the Teaching as a Priority Block
Grant Program
Authority: Section 44735 of the Education Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Evaluation research design providing assessment
method for evaluation of pupil achievement resulting from class size
reduction in kindergarten and grades 1 to 3, inclusive, commencing
with the 1996-97 school year
Authority: Section 52128.5 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before November 30, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the status of implementing the
statewide pupil assessment program
Authority: Section 60649 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: Plan to establish incentives to improve pupil
academic achievement
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 496 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: By December 31, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (E) Description: Recommendations related to pupils with
disabilities who are scheduled to receive a high school diploma in
2008, with regard to the California High School Exit Examination
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 629 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: Not later than June 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature

   (146) Reports Due From State Board of Equalization

   (A) Description: Identification by fiscal year since 1992-93 of
authorized, filled, and vacant auditor positions, classification of
authorized, filled, and vacant auditor positions, and number of
supervisory auditor positions
Authority: Item 0860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on status of current vacant positions,
including a description of recruitment efforts and employee turnover
rates for revenue and collections position classifications at the
Authority: Item 0860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: February 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (C) Description: Assessment studies preliminary to obtaining data
to update replacement cost factors and useful life tables used in the
valuation of equipment and other business property for property tax
Authority: Item 0860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: During the 1999-2000 fiscal year
Recipient: Taxation committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on unit costs of providing taxpayer
services and audit and collection activities at the board's 27 field
offices; net annual budgetary benefits of consolidating or closing 4
field offices; annual benefits of reducing or eliminating the Houston
Authority: Item 0860-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By December 1, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report regarding the reasons for having to delay
implementation of the tax exemptions provided by subdivision (b) of
Section 6353
Authority: Section 6353 of the Revenue and Taxation Code
Date Due: On or before September 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report regarding the reasons for having to delay
implementation of the tax exemption provided by Section 6356.5
Authority: Section 6356.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code
Date Due: On or before September 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report regarding the reasons for having to delay
implementation of the tax exemption provided by Section 6356.6
Authority: Section 6356.6 of the Revenue and Taxation Code
Date Due: On or before September 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report regarding the reasons for having to delay
implementation of the tax exemption provided by Section 6358.5
Authority: Section 6358.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code
Date Due: On or before September 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report evaluating the average actual costs,
including labor for applying indicia or impressions, bonding,
warehousing, and leasing stamping equipment, including case cutters
and packers,                                          associated with
applying stamps or meter impressions to cigarette packages
Authority: Section 30166.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code
Date Due: No later than July 1, 2005, with updates every two years
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Evaluation of programmatic and fiscal benefits of
the sales and use tax managed audit program
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 686 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: On or before February 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on the sales or use tax reported on
returns submitted for the reporting period for the 1998 calendar year
by graphic artists, cartoonists, illustrators, commercial
photographers, and advertising agencies, including the amount of
sales or use tax assessed by the State Board of Equalization in any
audits covering the reporting period for the 1997 calendar year that
are attributable to unreported transactions of graphic artists,
cartoonists, illustrators, commercial photographers, and advertising
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 455 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 15, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report regarding the program created by this act,
including the amount of sales and use tax revenues collected from
persons not previously registered by the board and the board's cost
to administer the provisions of this act
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 908 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature

   (147) Reports Due From State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection

   (A) Description: Report of findings and recommendations regarding
the adequacy of existing staffing levels and related policies on
department's fire engines
Authority: Item 3540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature

   (148) Reports Due From State Board of Registration for Geologists
and Geophysicists

   (A) Description: Plan to reduce board's fund balance to six-month
operating reserve
Authority: Item 1340-001-0205 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature

   (149) Reports Due From State Coastal Conservancy

   (A) Description: Report on summary of conservancy's actions with
comparisons of amounts allocated by Budget Act, amounts allocated by
conservancy, and explanation of any difference between budget
allocations and conservancy's allocations
Authority: Item 3760-301-721 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1992
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on summary of conservancy's actions with
comparisons of amounts allocated by Budget Act, amounts allocated by
conservancy, and explanation of any difference between budget
allocations and conservancy's allocations
Authority: Item 3760-301-730 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1992
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on summary of conservancy's actions with
comparisons of amounts allocated by Budget Act, amounts allocated by
conservancy, and explanation of any difference between budget
allocations and conservancy's allocations
Authority: Item 3760-301-786 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1992
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on acquisition of lands to implement
Natural Community Conservation Planning Land Acquisition program
Authority: Item 3760-001-0565 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By March 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the activities of the Southern
California Wetlands Clearinghouse including the establishment of
priorities, involvement of interested parties, and acquisition and/or
restoration of wetlands
Authority: Item 3760-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 1, 1998
Recipient: Policy and budget committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report providing the information necessary to
measure the proper funding level of the coastal access program within
the State Coastal Conservancy, including, but not limited to, a
summary of all offers-to-dedicate (OTDs) in the state by county and
by type, a prioritization of all OTDs, a prioritization list and
goals for each county, and a plan for each county for accepting the
OTDs that will help meet the county access goals
Authority: Item 3760-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Work plan for the management of Offers to
Dedicate as specified in the California Coastal Commission and the
State Coastal Conservancy Memorandum of Understanding dated November
Authority: Item 3720-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: Work plan for the management of Offers to
Dedicate as specified in the California Coastal Commission and State
Coastal Conservancy Memorandum of Understanding dated November 1999
Authority: Item 3760-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature

   (150) Reports Due From State Compensation Insurance Fund

   (A) Description: Report detailing all costs for providing
administration of workers' compensation claims for state departments,
including, but not limited to, the number of staff by
classification, salary and benefit costs, details of operating and
equipment costs, costs associated with administering each category of
workers' compensation claims, the number of open claims by category,
the number of claims closed during the past year, and a detail of
the State Compensation Insurance Fund's performance as measured by
the performance standards included in the Labor Code for claims
Authority: Item 8380-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature

   (151) Reports Due From State Council on Developmental Disabilities

   (A) Description: Recommendations from the workgroup convened to
develop alternative and expanded options for nonresidential services
and supports for persons with developmental disabilities
Authority: Section 4678 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By May 1, 2007
  Recipient: Governor, appropriate committees of the Legislature

   (152) Reports Due From State Department of Alcohol and Drug

   (A) Description: Report on recommendation for long-term plan to
revise methodology for allocation of alcohol and other drug program
funds to counties
Authority: Item 4200-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997

Date Due: No later than February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the outcomes of the effort to expand
treatment services, with recommendations on the resources that would
be required to undertake additional evaluations or program audits
Authority: Item 4200-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000

Date Due: By July 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on assessment of the extent to which local
agencies receiving funding from the department comply with the
Dymally-Alatorre Act and provide services to non-native English
monolingual speakers, and further report its actions and
recommendations to ensure compliance with the act by those local
Authority: Item 4200-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By March 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
    (D) Description: Report on the method used to distribute the
2001-02 allocation of funds appropriated by the Substance Abuse and
Crime Prevention Act of 2000 (Proposition 36)
Authority: Item 4200-001-3019 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001

Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on feasibility and advisability of
establishing a quality improvement fee for licensed narcotic
treatment providers as a means of obtaining additional federal funds
for the support of treatment services
Authority: Item 4200-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004

Date Due: By January 10, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report regarding the feasibility and advisability
of modifying the department's system for reimbursement of methadone
treatment services to account separately for the medication costs of
methadone so that the state can obtain Medicaid prices and collect
the rebates to which it is entitled from drug manufacturers
Authority: Item 4200-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005

Date Due: April 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Assessment of effectiveness of program to fund
the implementation of cost-effective local drug court systems for
adults, juveniles, and parents of children who are detained by, or
are dependents of, the juvenile court
Authority: Section 11970.2 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: Interim report on or before March 1, 2004, final report on
or before March 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature

   (153) Reports Due From State Department of Developmental Services
   (A) Description: Report on substance-exposed infants referred to
Regional Centers on Developmental Disabilities, eligibility, and
fiscal and staff resources needed
Authority: Item 4300-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1989
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the number of approved requests made
and the amount and circumstances related to any emergency
expenditures made by the department for Medi-Cal reimbursements
because of increase in population, or direct costs of caring for
additional clients
Authority: Item 4300-003-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1993
Date Due: Within 15 days after the close of each fiscal quarter
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Data on transfer of residents from Stockton
Developmental Center to other living arrangements
Authority: Item 4300-003-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1995
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Feasibility and desirability of adopting
modifications to existing rate system for community-based services,
including potential for greater authority for Regional Centers in
contracting for community-based day and residential services
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on strategic plan regarding placement and
treatment of forensic and Penal Code-related populations in
developmental centers and state hospitals
Authority: Item 4300-003-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on total number of developmental center
discharges, admissions, and readmissions, and the number of
discharges and admissions that occurred as a result of court action
and identity of party that investigated the court action
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Monthly
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on workgroup's findings and
recommendations regarding impact of applying requirements of Part 303
of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations on state early
intervention programs, including infant development programs
Authority: Item 4300-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: On or before June 30, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on how many new regional center case
management positions it has created and filled and on its prior and
new caseload ratios
Authority: Item 4300-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By April 1, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (I) Description: Comprehensive plan for providing housing and
treatment services to individuals with developmental disabilities who
are eligible for services under the Lanterman Developmental
Disabilities Act, and who have had confrontation with, or been
arrested by, law enforcement officials, or who have intensive
behavioral treatment needs
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Findings of Regional Center Core Staffing Study,
addressing classification, number, qualifications, and compensation
required for Regional Centers to meet state and federal mandates, and
be consistent with good professional and business practices
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than March 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on analysis of Regional Center's purchase
of services expenditures and factors that contribute to variances
across the statewide Regional Center service system
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than March 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (L) Description: Status updates on progress of master planning
process pertaining to the full assessment of developmental centers
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By September 30, 1998, and by January 10, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (M) Description: Implementation plan for increasing level-of-care
staff at developmental centers, including training programs planned,
and methods of recruitment being contemplated; status update shall
include number of staff hired, salary incentives provided, and
vacancies by classification
Authority: Item 4300-003-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Implementation plan due by August 1, 1998, status update
due by March 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on survey of all regional centers to
ascertain incidence of autism and pervasive developmental disorders
in California, survey shall include data on persons who entered the
regional center system during the period between January 1, 1988, to
January 1, 1998
Authority: Item 4300-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Pilot study prepared by the University of
California's Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Institute, to examine all factors surrounding the increased numbers
of persons with autism and autism spectrum disorders in California
from 1977-99
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Progress reports to Legislature tri-monthly, final report
by June 30, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (P) Description: Status update on the implementation plan for
increasing staff at the developmental centers, including the number
of level-of-care staff hired, a list of any special salary incentives
provided, remaining vacancies by classification, and the department'
s plan for filling those vacancies
Authority: Item 4300-003-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (Q) Description: Status update on the forensic population of
consumers residing in the developmental centers, including a
three-year projection of the population, the installation of security
arrangements at each developmental center, a description of training
programs, special incidents, and a listing of the referring courts
and number of consumers from the previous year
Authority: Item 4300-003-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By February 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (R) Description: Quarterly status update on the progress of
modifications at Porterville Developmental Center and Lanterman
Developmental Center
Authority: Item 4300-003-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly commencing October 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (S) Description: Report on the forensic population of consumers
residing in the developmental centers, including a three-year
projection of the population, security arrangements at each center,
training provided to employees
Authority: Item 4300-003-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (T) Description: Report on the coordination of Early Start
activities between regional centers and local education agencies and
the performance of regional centers in completing initial evaluations
and assessments within 45 days of a child's referral as required
Authority: Item 4300-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By December 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (U) Description: Comprehensive status update on the Agnews Plan,
including all of the following: (i) a description and progress report
on all pertinent aspects of the community-based resources
development, (ii) an aggregate update on the consumers living at
Agnews and consumers who have been transitioned to other living
arrangements, (iii) an update to the Major Implementation Steps and
Timelines, (iv) a comprehensive update to the fiscal analyses as
provided in the original plan, and (v) an update to the plan
regarding Agnews' employees
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: January 10, 2006, and May 15, 2006
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (V) Description: Report prepared jointly with the State Department
of Mental Health regarding the feasibility and advisability of
modifying the departments' reimbursement systems to account
separately for drugs provided for eligible developmental center
residents and state hospital patients so that the state can obtain
Medicaid prices and collect the rebates to which it is entitled from
drug manufacturers
Authority: Item 4300-003-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: April 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (W) Description: Expenditure data for costs of drugs purchased by
Regional Centers between January 1, 2006, and March 31, 2006, for
Regional Center consumers eligible for the Medicare Part D drug
benefit and projections for the rest of the calendar year
Authority: Item 4300-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: May 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (X) Description: Expenditure plan for funds appropriated in Item
4300-102-0001 for local assistance, Special Item for Medicare Part D
Authority: Item 4300-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: August 31, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (Y) Description: Report prepared jointly with the State Department
of Mental Health regarding the feasibility and advisability of
modifying the departments' reimbursement systems to account
separately for drugs provided for eligible developmental center
residents and state hospital patients so that the state can obtain
Medicaid prices and collect the rebates to which it is entitled from
drug manufacturers
Authority: Item 4440-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: April 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (Z) Description: Comprehensive status update on the Agnews Plan,
including all of the following: (i) a description and progress report
on all pertinent aspects of the community-based resources
development, (ii) an aggregate update on the consumers living at
Agnews and consumers who have been transitioned to other living
arrangements, (iii) an update to the Major Implementation Steps and
Timelines, (iv) a comprehensive update to the fiscal analyses as
provided in the original plan, and (v) an update to the plan
regarding Agnews' employees
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: January 10, 2007, and May 15, 2007
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AA) Description: Expenditure data for the costs of drugs
purchased by Regional Centers and for costs of Medicare Part D
insurance premiums between July 1, 2006, and January 1, 2007, for
Regional Center consumers eligible for the Medicare Part D drug
benefit and projections for the rest of the calendar year
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (AB) Description: Update on the development of housing projects
and the expenditure of funds
Authority: Item 4300-491 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Monthly
Recipient: Appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
   (AC) Description: Comprehensive status update on the Agnews' Plan,
including all of the following: (i) a description and progress
report on all pertinent aspects of the community-based resources
development, (ii) an aggregate update on the consumers living at
Agnews and consumers who have been transitioned to other living
arrangements, (iii) an update to the Major Implementation Steps and
Timelines, (iv) a comprehensive update to the fiscal analyses as
provided in the original plan, (v) an update to the plan regarding
Agnews' employees, and (vi) specific measures the state, including
the State Department of Developmental Services and the State
Department of Health Care Services, is taking in meeting the health,
mental health, medical, dental, and overall well-being of consumers
living in the community and those residing at Agnews until
appropriately transitioned in accordance with the Lanterman
Developmental Disabilities Services Act
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: January 10, 2008 and May 15, 2008
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AD) Description: Update on the development of the housing and the
expenditure of the eleven million one hundred fifteen thousand
dollars ($11,115,000) appropriated in Item 4300-105-0001, Budget Act
of 2004 (Ch. 208, Stats. 2004) to facilitate the development of
community-based living options for current residents of Agnews
Developmental Center
Authority: Item 4300-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: Monthly
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AE) Description: Impact of medical staff membership and
privileges for clinical psychologists on quality of care and
cost-effectiveness issues
Authority: Section 1316.5 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (AF) Description: Report on amount of lottery funds received and
purposes for which they are used and anticipated expenditures
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: By January 15, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AG) Description: Report on amount of lottery funds received and
the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 1996-97
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 162 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AH) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds that
were received and purposes for which those funds were expended in
1997-98 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for 1998-99 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AI) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds
received and purposes for which those funds were expended in 1998-99
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for 1999-2000 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 324 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AJ) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds that the
agency received and the purposes for which those funds were expended
in the 1999-2000 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and
proposed expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2000-01
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 50 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AK) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2000-01
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2001-02 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 52 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AL) Description: Report on options and recommendations developed
by workgroup established to identify a range of options to meet the
future needs of individuals currently served, or who will need
services similar to those provided, in state developmental centers
Authority: Section 104 of Chapter 93 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: By March 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (AM) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2001-02
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposed for expenditure for the 2002-03 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 106 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AN) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds that
agency received and the purposes for which those funds were expended
in the 2002-03 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and
proposed expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2003-04
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 379 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2004
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AO) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2003-04
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2004-05 fiscal year

Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AP) Description: Methodology developed for apportioning the
2004-05 unallocated reduction from the General Fund of seven million
dollars ($7,000,000) to the regional center purchase-of-service
budget. Also a summary of the approved components of the regional
center plans to meet the unallocated amount as required in Section
4631.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Authority: Section 36.5 of Chapter 228 of the Statutes of 2004
Date Due: December 1, 2004
Recipient: Fiscal and applicable policy committees of the
   (AQ) Description: Plan of options to better control regional
center costs of operating and providing state-supported services
Authority: Section 102.5 of Chapter 188 of the Statutes of 2007
Date Due: No later than October 1, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (AR) Description: System of enrollment fees, copayments, or both,
to be assessed against the parents of each child between three and 17
years of age who lives in the parent's home and receives services
purchased through a regional center, including results of a survey of
those families
Authority: Section 4620.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (AS) Description: Detailed plan for implementing a parental
copayment system for children receiving services purchased through a
regional center
Authority: Section 4620.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By April 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (AT) Description: Report on the Self-Directed Services Program
Authority: Section 4685.7 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: Annually, commencing January 10, 2008
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AU) Description: Description of how this section has been
implemented, including the number of day programs and work activity
centers receiving an enhanced rate, the number of program
conversions, the percentage of rate increase, and the effect of the
rate increase on direct care staff wages
Authority: Section 4691.8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By April 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature

   (154) Reports Due From State Department of Education

   (A) Description: Report on amount of child development funds
determined after audit to be unearned and settlement of claims
payable from unearned contract fund balances
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By March 31, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on number of refurbished computers
distributed in each region per number of pupils and cost of
Authority: Item 6110-142-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report regarding amount of child development
funds, by program, that have been determined after audit to be
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By March 31, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on restructuring necessary to implement
new child care and welfare reform structure pursuant to Assembly Bill
1542 of the 1997-98 Regular Legislative Session
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By November 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on proposed family fee schedule for
subsidized child care
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 15, 1998
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report of statewide results comparing physical
performance of California pupils to national norms
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Prior to January 1, 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on the Donated Computer Program regarding
donations solicited by any of the donor agencies which have utilized
state-funded computer refurbishment facilities, including a list of
school districts that have made donations to any of the donor
agencies in order to become eligible to receive computers through
that program, the amount of funds donated, and a list of those school
districts that have been reimbursed for these costs
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By January 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (H) Description: Report on how school districts spent funds
received under the Single Gender Academy Program in 1997-98,
including data for each district on the amount of funds received, the
amount spent during 1997-98, a detailed list of the items of
expenditure, and the amount available for expenditure in 1998-99
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By April 1, 1999
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on estimated costs in the 1998-99 fiscal
year of primary language testing in the Standardized Testing and
Reporting Program, including costs of testing students who were
mandated to be tested in their primary language by Chapter 828 of the
Statutes of 1997 and students tested at districts' option
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (J) Description: Report on amount of child development funds, by
program, that have been determined after audit to be unearned,
including settlement of claims payable by program from unearned
contract funds balances
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 31, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (K) Description: Report defining strategies, results and
effectiveness of recent expenditures and allocations for building
capacity for the state's child care needs, including amounts and
kinds of capacity increased by those efforts, barriers found in
preventing increased capacity, and recommendations for overcoming
those barriers
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: Interim report due on or before March 31, 1999; final
report due on or before December 31, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (L) Description: Report on the appropriate funding amounts and
class size ranges for necessary small elementary and high schools and
recommendations whether necessary small middle schools should be
provided funding; a review and comparison of the amount of funding
and flexibility provided to high schools in unified school districts
and those in nonunified districts
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report comparing the performance of California
pupils to national performance on physical performance tests
administered by school districts
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Prior to January 1, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (N) Description: Quarterly project reports from an independent
project oversight consultant hired by the department on the progress
of the California School Information Services System program
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Quarterly, beginning March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report on the alignment of the Golden State Exam
to the new content and performance standards, specifically the
validity and reliability coefficient of each of the exams and the
progress the department is making in ensuring that the assessments
meet industry standards
Authority: Item 6110-001-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Prior to the administration of exams scheduled for the
spring of 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (P) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds that the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 1999-2000 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (Q) Description: Limited scope audit reports of all subrecipients
the department is responsible for monitoring that receive between
$25,000 and $300,000 of federal awards for adult education, and that
do not have an organizational wide audit performed
Authority: Item 6110-156-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Annually
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, Joint
Legislative Audit Committee
   (R) Description: Report on aspects of the implementation of Title
II of the federal Workforce Investment Act regarding adult education
Authority: Item 6110-156-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2000
Recipient: Assembly Budget Committee, Senate Budget and Fiscal
Review Committee
   (S) Description: Report of working group convened by the
Department of Finance, the State Department of Education, and the
Legislative Analyst regarding the issue of special education funding
for Licensed Children's Institutions, including nonpublic
school/agency services
Authority: Item 6110-161-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before November 1, 1999
Recipient: Education fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (T) Description: Report on the Quality Assurance Focused
Monitoring Program (related to monitoring of special education
programs) and any statutory authority or fiscal adjustments needed
Authority: Item 6110-161-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before December 1, 1999, and on or before April 15,
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (U) Description: Report defining the strategies, results, and
effectiveness of recent expenditures and allocations for building
capacity for the state's child care needs
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By December 31, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (V) Description: Report on recommendations for any changes to the
family fee schedule
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (W) Description: Report on an independent evaluation of the
Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment System
Authority: Item 6360-001-0407 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By January 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (X) Description: Report describing the 2000-01 compliance
monitoring system for special education programs and the department's
special education division's staffing allocation for monitoring as
well as staffing allocations for other responsibilities within the
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By December 1, 2000
Recipient: Governor, appropriate committees of the Legislature
   (Y) Description: Report on progress on implementation of special
education monitoring reviews and their results, department special
education staffing changes, and assessment data including
participation rates and test results
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
budget and policy committees of the Legislature
   (Z) Description: Report comparing the performance of California
pupils in physical performance tests administered by school districts
to national performance
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Prior to January 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AA) Description: Report by independent project oversight
consultant on the progress of the California School Information
Services System program
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Quarterly beginning March 1, 2000, and continuing through
the duration of the program implementation
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AB) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds that the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2000-01 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AC) Description: Limited scope audit reports of all subrecipients
the department is responsible for monitoring that receive between
$25,000 and $300,000 of federal awards for adult education, and that
do not have an organizational wide audit performed
Authority: Item 6110-156-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Annually
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, Joint
Legislative Audit Committee
   (AD) Description: Report on the progress and results of the
Quality Assurance Focused Monitoring Pilot Program and any statutory
authority or fiscal adjustments needed
Authority: Item 6110-161-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2000, and on or before April 15,
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AE) Description: Report on the status of Phase I of the CalWORKs
center-based pilot program to convert CalWorks child care slots from
Alternative Payment Providers to direct contract centers, including
an update to the overall pilot implementation plan
Authority: Item 6110-494 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By March 31, 2001
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AF) Description: Report on implementation of special education
program monitoring reviews of local education agencies and their
results, including the number of noncompliance findings identified
and corrective actions developed
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Biannually (December 15th and March 15th)
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
budget and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AG) Description: Report of statewide results comparing the
performance of California pupils to national performance on physical
performance tests administered by school districts in the 2001-02
fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Prior to November 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AH) Description: Reports on the progress of the California School
Information Services System program
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Quarterly beginning March 1, 2000, and continuing through
the duration of the California School Information Services System
program implementation
Recipient: Governor, Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (AI) Description: Report on audits of child care and development
agencies to determine the level of compliance with eligibility rules,
accuracy of family fee determinations, and family fee collections
Authority: Item 6110-001-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By September 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (AJ) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2001-02 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AK) Description: Report on the sufficiency of funding for
CalWORKs Stage 2 and Stage 3 funding, including caseloads,
expenditures, allocations, unit costs, family fees, and other key
variables and assumptions used in determining the sufficiency of
state allocations
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AL) Description: Update of report specified in subdivision (a) of
Provision 4 of Item 6110-494 of the Budget Act of 2000 regarding
implementation of the CalWORKs center-based pilot program to convert
CalWORKs child care slots from Alternative Payment Providers to
direct contract centers
Authority: Item 6110-494 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By March 31, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AM) Description: Report of statewide results comparing the
performance of California pupils to national performance on physical
performance tests administered by school districts in the 2001-02
fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: Prior to November 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AN) Description: Independent project oversight consultant's
reports on the progress of the California School Information Services
System program
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: Quarterly beginning March 1, 2000, and continuing through
the duration of the program implementation
Recipient: Governor, Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (AO) Description: Report on new study of the Special Disabilities
Adjustment pursuant to Chapter 854 of the Statutes of 1997 (Assembly
Bill 602)
Authority: Item 6110-001-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (AP) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2002-03 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AQ) Description: Plan establishing expenditure priorities for the
2003-04 fiscal year that set forth the proposed state and local
activities to improve child care, including the reasons therefore, to
be undertaken in the 2003-04 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: At least 30 days prior to the commencement of public
hearings on the proposed plan and no later than March 1, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (AR) Description: Report on the amount of Proposition 98 savings
estimated to be available for reversion by June 30, 2004
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: By October 31, 2003, March 31, 2004, and May 31, 2004
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, appropriate budget subcommittees of
each house of the Legislature
   (AS) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2003-04 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AT) Description: Report on Title II of the federal Workforce
Investment Act
Authority: Item 6110-156-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2004
Recipient: Assembly Budget Committee, Senate Budget and Fiscal
Review Committee
   (AU) Description: Expenditure priorities for the 2004-05 fiscal
year that set forth the proposed state and local activities to
improve child care, including the reasons therefor, to be undertaken
in the 2004-05 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: At least 30 days prior to the commencement of public
hearings on the proposed plan and no later than March 1, 2004
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (AV) Description: Reports on the sufficiency of funding for Stage
2 and Stage 3 Setaside, including caseloads, expenditures,
allocations, and other key variables and assumptions used in
determining the sufficiency of state allocations
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AW) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2004-05 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AX) Description: Report on financial audit of the K-20 Internet
system currently administered by Corporation for Education Network
Initiatives in California, including a detailed budget for the
2004-05 fiscal year, and detailed expenditure information on the
Digital California Project since its inception
Authority: Item 6110-182-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By March 1, 2005
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AY) Description: Report on the amount of child development funds,
by program, that have been determined after audit to be unearned
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By March 31, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AZ) Description: Report on use of funds available on a one-time
basis to 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programs pursuant to
subdivision (b) of Provision 5 of Item 6110-197-0890 of the Budget
Act of 2004
Authority: Item 6110-197-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: By October 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (BA) Description: How funds expended pursuant to subdivisions (b)
and (c) of Provision 5 of Item 6110-197-0890 of the Budget Act of
2004 were allocated and expended
Authority: Item 6110-197-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: December 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (BB) Description: Information regarding the amount of Proposition
98 savings estimated to be available for reversion by June 30, 2006
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: October 31, 2005; March 31, 2006; and May 31, 2006
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, budget committees of the Legislature

   (BC) Description: Report detailing the expenditures of funds
provided in Item 6110-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 2005 for legal
representation from the Attorney General's Office in litigation
related to the High School Exit Exam (Chapman, et al. v. CA
Department of Education, et al.) and providing an update on this
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: November 1, 2005, and every four months thereafter, with
the final report due on June 30, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (BD) Description: Report on the planned use of the additional
special education funds provided to Ravenswood Elementary School
District pursuant to the settlement of Emma C. v. Delaine Eastin, et
al. (N.D.Cal., No. C96-4179TEH), including the State Department of
Education's best estimate of when this supplemental funding will no
longer be required by the court
Authority: Item 6110-001-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, fiscal committees of the Legislature

   (BE) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds that the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2005-06 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (BF) Description: Report detailing the improvements made in
implementing the Reading First program in waivered classrooms
Authority: Item 6110-126-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By March 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (BG) Description: Aspects of Title II of the federal Workforce
Investment Act: (i) the makeup of those adult education providers
that applied for competitive grants under Title II and those that
obtained grants, by size, geographic location, and type (school
districts, community colleges, community-based organizations, other
local entities); (ii) the extent to which participating programs were
able to meet planned performance targets; and (iii) a breakdown of
the types of courses (ESL, ESL-Citizenship, ABE, ASE) include in the
performance targets of participating agencies
Authority: Item 6110-156-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before March 1, 2006
Recipient: Assembly Budget Committee, Senate Budget and Fiscal
Review Committee
   (BH) Description: The planned use of the additional special
education funds provided to the Ravenswood Elementary School District
pursuant to the settlement of Emma C. v. Delaine Eastin, et al.;
and, the State Department of Education's best estimate of when this
supplemental funding will no longer be required by the court
Authority: Item 6110-161-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: By January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, fiscal committees of the Legislature

   (BI) Description: Examine and evaluate the new regional market
rate survey implementation methodology, compare it with former
methodology and regional market rate ceilings, and develop a new
reimbursement structure which includes an evaluation of setting
ceilings by geographic units smaller than counties
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: September 15, 2005
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (BJ) Description: Information regarding the amount of Proposition
98 savings estimated to be available for reversion by June 30, 2007
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: October 31, 2006; March 31, 2007; and May 31, 2007
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, budget committees of the Legislature

   (BK) Description: Expenditures of funds provided for legal
representation from the Attorney General's office in litigation
related to the High School Exit Examination
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: November 1, 2006, and every four months thereafter; final
report due on June 30, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (BL) Description: Results of a study of the Special Disabilities
Adjustment pursuant to Chapter 854 of the Statutes of 1997
                                                 Authority: Item
6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (BM) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds that the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2006-07 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (BN) Description: The number of pupils taking the High School Exit
Examination during additional administrations
Authority: Item 6110-113-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By April 5, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (BO) Description: For each school, identified by cohort, the K-3
test scores, by grade, for the year prior to a school entering the
Reading First program and in the most recently completed school year;
for eligible unfunded Reading First schools test data for the year
prior to the implementation of Reading First and for the most
recently completed school year; and for each funded school,
identified by cohort, whether the school demonstrated significant
progress; the school's number of K-3 waivered classrooms; and the
school's number of K-3 nonwaivered classrooms
Authority: Item 6110-126-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (BP) Description: Data specific to English learners and
economically disadvantaged students, including data from the results
of the California Standards Tests, the California English Language
Development Test, and the California High School Exit Examination
Authority: Item 6110-128-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (BQ) Description: Expenditure plan for 2007-08 fiscal year that
sets forth the proposed state and local activities to improve child
care, including the reasons therefor
Authority: Item 6110-196-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: At least 30 days prior to the commencement of public
hearings and no later than March 1, 2007
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (BR) Description: Identifies by cohort for the previous fiscal
year each high school program funded, the amount of the annual grant
and actual funds expended, the numbers of students served and planned
to be served, and the average cost per student per day
Authority: Item 6110-197-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By November 1 of each year
Recipient: Legislature
   (BS) Description: Estimate of average daily attendance expected to
be claimed for this item for the 2007-08 fiscal year and an update
of the estimate
Authority: Item 6110-211-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: By October 1, 2006; update due March 31, 2007
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BT) Description: Report on the amount of Tobacco-Use Prevention
Education funds that the department intends to transfer from the
competitive grades 9-12 program to the formula grades 4-8 program in
the 2007-08 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-102-0231 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On or before June 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (BU) Description: Expenditures and anticipated savings for each
schedule under this item, for the purposes of implementing the Public
Schools Accountability Act of 1999
Authority: Item 6110-134-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: April 15, 2008
Recipient: Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (BV) Description: The planned use of the additional special
education funds provided to the Ravenswood Elementary School District
pursuant to the settlement of Emma C. v. Delaine Eastin, et al.; and
the State Department of Education's best estimate of when this
supplemental funding will no longer be required by the court
Authority: Item 6110-161-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By January 1, 2008
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst

   (BW) Description: Estimate of average daily attendance expected to
be claimed for this item for the 2008-09 fiscal year and an update
of the estimate
Authority: Item 6110-211-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: By October 1, 2007; update due March 31, 2008
Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (BX) Description: Reductions in positions and appropriations that
were taken as a result of the unallocated reduction in this item
including information regarding the division, position description,
and position level of all position reductions
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: Within 30 days after the enactment of the Budget Act of
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature, Legislative Analyst

   (BY) Description: Limited scope audit reports of all subrecipients
the department is responsible for monitoring that receive between
twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) and three hundred thousand
dollars ($300,000) of federal awards, and that do not have an
organization-wide audit performed
Authority: Item 6110-156-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: Annually
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, Joint
Legislative Audit Committee
   (BZ) Description: Recommendations for the prevention and
elimination of child care fraud and programmatic errors and the
identification and collection of child care overpayments
Authority: Section 8385 of the Education Code
Date Due: April 1, 2005
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (CA) Description: Recommendations based on a three-year evaluation
of the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment
for Teens Program
Authority: Section 8425 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (CB) Description: Study of Year-Round School Grant Program to
develop equitable method of phasing out program over multiyear period
Authority: Section 42269 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (CC) Description: Number of charter schools that have participated
in the Charter School Facility Grant Program under expanded
eligibility and suggestions on improving the program
Authority: Section 47614.5 of the Education Code
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (CD) Description: Report on evaluation of the effectiveness of the
extended school year curriculum and instructional program and
materials in improving pupil academic outcomes
Authority: Section 48200.7 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, fiscal and policy committees of the
   (CE) Description: Results of a study determining the effectiveness
of the extended school year curriculum, instructional program, and
materials in improving pupil academic outcomes
Authority: Section 48200.8 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislative Analyst, fiscal and policy committees of the
   (CF) Description: Report on the number of expulsions statewide,
and on the implementation and funding of community day school
Authority: Section 48664 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before October 1, 1998, and for 2 years thereafter
Recipient: Policy and budget committees of the Legislature
   (CG) Description: Analysis of Community Policing and Mentoring for
School Safety Pilot Program
Authority: Section 49355 of the Education Code
Date Due: Interim report on or before March 1, 2000; Final report on
or before March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (CH) Description: Report including data, analysis of data, and an
evaluation of the California School Age Families Education Program
Authority: Section 54748 of the Education Code
Date Due: Commencing March 1, 2005, and every five years thereafter
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (CI) Description: Report on the Pilot Project for Categorical
Education Program Flexibility established pursuant to Chapter 2
(commencing with Section 63050) of Part 35 of the Education Code
Authority: Section 63053 of the Education Code
Date Due: By February 1, 2002; by February 1, 2003; by February 1,
2004; by February 1, 2005
Recipient: Governor, education policy and fiscal committees of the
   (CJ) Description: Certification of accounting and administrative
internal control systems including recommendations and plans to
correct any inadequacy
Authority: Section 13405 of the Government Code
Date Due: By December 31 of each odd-numbered year
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CK) Description: Evaluation of pilot projects to facilitate pupil
participation and safety in high school interscholastic athletics
Authority: Section 116095 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: By January 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (CL) Description: Annual progress report regarding California at
Risk: Reducing Earthquake Hazards 1987-92 Program
Authority: Resolution Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 1988
Date Due: Annually 1st Monday of year until 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CM) Description: Efforts and progress made to offer optional
vegetarian school lunches
Authority: Resolution Chapter 62 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: By January 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (CN) Description: Report on program to improve focus schools
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 1335 of the Statutes of 1992
Date Due: January 1, 1994, and January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (CO) Description: Report on the results of survey determining
patterns of use of lottery funds for the 1995-96 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 162 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 15, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CP) Description: Review of Los Angeles Unified School District
early intervention program
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 947 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 31, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (CQ) Description: Report on results of survey of 100 local
education agencies to determine patterns of use of lottery funds for
the 1996-97 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 15, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CR) Description: Recommendations to improve compliance of state
and local education agencies with state and federal special education
laws and regulations
Authority: Section 69 of Chapter 854 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than September 1, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CS) Description: Reports of survey of representative sample of
100 local education agencies to determine patterns of use of lottery
funds for the 1997-98 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 324 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: On or before May 15, 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CT) Description: Progress in establishing data and accountability
system to obtain information on education and job training services
provided through state-funded adult education programs and regional
occupational centers and programs
Authority: Section 46 of Chapter 330 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: On or before March 1, 1999
Recipient: Budget committees of the Legislature
   (CU) Description: Results of community-wide facilities planning
pilot projects, including a training of trainers program and a
comprehensive evaluation of three pilot projects
Authority: Section 55 of Chapter 330 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 2000
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (CV) Description: Report defining strategies, results, and
effectiveness of recent expenditures and allocations for building
capacity for state's child care needs, including the amounts and
kinds of capacity increased by those efforts, barriers found in
preventing increased capacity, future capacity building activities,
and the results of pilot studies involving training CalWORKs
recipients as family child care providers
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 722 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: Interim report by March 31, 1999; final report by December
31, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (CW) Description: Report on funds shifted between local education
agency programs pursuant to the flexibility provided in subdivision
(a) of Section 12.40 of the Budget Act of 2003
Authority: Section 12.40 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: By February 1, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees for
education of the Legislature
   (CX) Description: Report on survey of a representative sample of
100 local educational agencies to determine the patterns of use of
lottery funds in those agencies for the 2002-03 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: On or before May 15, 2004
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (CY) Description: Report on funds shifted between local education
agency programs pursuant to the flexibility provided in subdivision
(a) of Section 12.40 of the Budget Act of 2004
Authority: Section 12.40 of Chapter 208 of the Statutes of 2004
Date Due: By February 1, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees for
education of the Legislature
   (CZ) Description: Report on local education agency flexible
utilization of funding to initiate conflict resolution programs
Authority: Section 12.40 of Chapter 38 of the Statutes of 2005
Date Due: By February 1, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (DA) Description: Report on any local educational agencies that
have shifted funds between programs pursuant to the flexibility
provided in subdivision (a) of Section 12.40 of the Budget Act of
Authority: Section 12.40 of Chapter 47 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: By February 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees for
education of the Legislature
   (DB) Description: Description of use of funds appropriated for
capacity building incentive grants for grades 7 to 12, inclusive, to
enhance existing, or establish new, health-related career pathway
standards-based curriculum development, development of a sequence of
courses, and materials and equipment
Authority: Section 43 of Chapter 79 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (DC) Description: Current guidelines regarding access to data
within the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System,
summary of the ways in which other states interpret and apply the
federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to longitudinal
pupil data, and suggestions for options to ensure access that is
consistent with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Authority: Section 35 of Chapter 174 of the Statutes of 2007
Date Due: No later than August 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (DD) Description: Best statewide practices for the prevention,
detection, identification, and investigation of improper payments and
fraud in all subsidized child care programs
Authority: Section 42 of Chapter 177 of the Statutes of 2007
Date Due: By September 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (DE) Description: Report on any local educational agencies that
have shifted funds between programs pursuant to the flexibility
provided in subdivision (a) of Section 12.40 of the Budget Act of
Authority: Section 12.40 of Chapter 268 of the Statutes of 2008
Date Due: By February 1 of each year
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees for
education of the Legislature

   (155) Reports Due From State Department of Public Health

   (A) Description: Action plan to address issues related to fiscal
accountability and the selection process for temporary management
appointments as identified in the Bureau of State Audits Report
Authority: Item 4265-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: November 1, 2007
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (156) Reports Due From State Department of Social Services

   (A) Description: Report on performance of Los Angeles County and
compliance with an incremental 3-year plan to significantly improve
performance of the county's child support enforcement program
Authority: Item 5180-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1989
Date Due: December 31, 1989, and quarterly thereafter
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on data to be included in the new Child
Welfare Services Case Management System: safety indicators, stability
indicators, family functioning indicators, and cultural integrity
Authority: Item 5180-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1991
Date Due: July 1, 1994, and annually thereafter
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Implementation schedule for interim Statewide
Automated Welfare System
Authority: Item 5180-005-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1994
Date Due: Quarterly beginning July 1, 1994
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the Interim Statewide Automated Welfare
System (ISAWS)
Authority: Item 4130-001-0632 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Draft proposals to make improvements in areas of
kinship adoptions, open adoptions, adoptions of older and minority
children, and concurrent planning for children in out-of-home care
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on actions to establish or implement
Governor's adoption initiative, including legislative, regulatory, or
other policy recommendations that have been identified or
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By February 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on effectiveness of the child care
advocates program
Authority: Item 5180-001-0270 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: No later than March 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report that details actions to be taken in the
event enhanced federal funds for the Statewide Automated Support
System (SACSS) project are discontinued
Authority: Item 5180-141-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Prior to October 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report of audit of Welfare Programs Division,
Children and Family Services Division, Office of Systems and
Technology, and Community Care Licensing Division
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than March 31, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on status of the new child support
incentive system to be implemented pursuant to federal law
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than February 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on how current and planned automation
systems meet the business requirements of counties in determining
eligibility for benefits, case management, and informational
interfaces with other data bases necessary to implement the state and
federally required statewide automated welfare system
Authority: Item 4130-001-0632 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before February 1, 1999
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (L) Description: Report on increase in productivity by the
Disability Evaluation Division as a result of the augmentation
provided in Item 5180-001-0001 of the 1998 Budget Act
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than February 1, 1999, and annually thereafter
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on proposed family fee schedule for
subsidized child care
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than December 15, 1998
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on CalWORKs program service funds
allocated to counties to fund transportation services for CalWORKs
Authority: Item 5180-101-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By April 15, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report regarding funds provided to counties for
funding of additional emergency response services for the protection
of children
Authority: Item 5180-151-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than April 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (P) Description: Report to assess potential alternatives for the
placement of the Department of Social Services' projects currently
administered by the Health and Welfare Data Center including a
methodology describing how this could be accomplished, clear
definitions of which organizations will have responsibility, and a
determination of the appropriate phase at which the project could
Authority: Item 4130-001-0632 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By April 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (Q) Description: Report on the implementation of the Substance
Abuse/HIV Adoptions Program including the program's outcomes, and an
assessment of its effectiveness and degree to which it has
accomplished its goals
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By March 1, 2000 and by December 30, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (R) Description: Report on the amount spent by counties on
substance abuse and mental health treatment services for CalWORKs
recipients receiving those services
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Semiannual
Recipient: Legislature
   (S) Description: Information collected from the counties regarding
the types of and reasons for sanctions on individuals in the
CalWORKs program
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (T) Description: Report on study to determine how foster family
agency and nonrelative foster family home placements are and should
be utilized to meet the needs of children and families, including
recommendations to improve the quality of care and cost-effectiveness
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than June 30, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (U) Description: Report on the amount spent by counties on
substance abuse and mental health treatment services for CalWORKs
recipients and the number of recipients receiving those services
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Semiannual
Recipient: Legislature
   (V) Description: Report on data collected on unmet needs for child
care facility safety
Authority: Item 5180-151-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By June 30, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (W) Description: Strategic plan which reflects the statutory
requirements and policy objectives of Chapter 270 of the Statutes of
1997 (Assembly Bill 1542, Aroner) into the Statewide Automated
Welfare System (SAWS). The plan shall identify: (i) measurable
program objectives and benefits that the state will achieve through
automation and (ii) the SAWS milestones at which the state will
reassess the automation approach for the state's welfare system
Authority: Item 0530-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By May 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (X) Description: Report on the extent to which counties
transferred funds from administration to benefit provisions in the
Special Circumstances Program, as a result of statutory changes
enacted associated with the 2001-02 budget
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By March 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (Y) Description: Strategic plan which reflects the statutory
requirements and policy objectives of Chapter 270 of the Statutes of
1997 (Assembly Bill 1542, Aroner) into the Statewide Automated
Welfare System, including measurable program objectives and benefits
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By May 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (Z) Description: Report describing the five-year maintenance and
operation plan for the Interim Statewide Automated Welfare System
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (AA) Description: Report detailing the finding of the Senate Bill
160 Phase II rate study steering committee regarding foster care
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By September 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (AB) Description: Report on the feasibility of adopting a pilot
project for a sliding-scale system of universal eligibility for
in-home supportive services in counties that have adopted public
authorities for the provision of those services, with services to be
provided either through the In-Home Supportive Services Program or as
personal care option services under the Medi-Cal Program
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (AC) Description: Report on characteristics of families that
reached the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
time limit in the 2001-02 fiscal year; characteristics of families
likely to reach the state CalWORKs time limit in the 2002-03 fiscal
year; recommendations for assistance strategies
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Before February 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (AD) Description: Report providing options for providing an
automatic transitional food stamp benefit for former CalWORKs
recipients for up to three months after the recipient leaves cash
assistance, including estimated grant costs, additional food stamp
benefits to California families, the effect on family ability to
maintain independence, and any information about the effective date
of federal provision of the benefit

Authority: Item 5180-141-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: By March 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (AE) Description: Report detailing the status of implementing an
automated telephone system to address calls regarding administrative
hearings to the department's toll-free number
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (AF) Description: Report on whether state or federal foster care
funding could be adapted to serve the board and care needs of
children who are in residence with their parent(s) in a drug
treatment program
Authority: Item 5180-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003
Recipient: Policy and budget Committees of the Legislature
   (AG) Description: Report summarizing results of a project to
develop mental health, alcohol, and other drug and domestic violence
outcomes systems for CalWORKs clients
Authority: Item 5180-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (AH) Description: Recommendations for the adoption facilitator
registry program including how to implement a department program to
accept and compile complaints against registered adoption
facilitators and to provide public access to those complaints through
the department's Internet Web site
Authority: Section 8632.5 of the Family Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (AI) Description: Make recommendations as to whether any changes
in current law regarding resident representation to continuing care
retirement community governing boards are needed
Authority: Section 1771.8 of the Health and Safety Code
Date Due: On or before Apri1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (AJ) Description: Report regarding the number of foster children
placed with relatives, the availability of relative placements, and
the incidences of crimes perpetrated against foster children who are
living in the homes of relatives
Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 949 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: By January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (AK) Description: Report on the effect of Chapter 824 of the
Statutes of 2000 regarding abandonment of newborn babies
Authority: Section 6.5 of Chapter 824 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003, January 1, 2004, and January
1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (AL) Description: Results of establishing and promulgating
regulations by which the local child support agency may compromise an
obligor's liability for public assistance debt and regulations by
which the county child welfare department would determine whether it
is in the best interests of the child to have the case referred to
the local support agency for child support services
Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 463 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before October 1, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AM) Description: Report regarding progress in planning for
federal child and family service review and findings of review upon
its completion; and progress in implementing the California child and
family service reviews
Authority: Section 10601.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: Annually, beginning with the 2002-03 fiscal year
Recipient: Assembly Budget Committee, Senate Budget Committee,
appropriate policy committees of the Legislature
   (AN) Description: Implementation plan for the evaluation required
by Section 10609.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code regarding
child welfare services budgeting methodology
Authority: Section 10609.6 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: On or before June 30, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AO) Description: Proposed methodology for budgeting the child
welfare services program to meet the requirement and outcomes
identified in Section 10601.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Authority: Section 10609.9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By February 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (AP) Description: Report regarding the effects upon program
efficiency and integrity of implementation of the midquarter
reporting requirement set forth in subdivision (a) of Section 11265.3
of the Welfare and Institutions Code regarding eligibility
determinations for the CalWORKs and food stamp programs
Authority: Section 11265.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: April 2005
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AQ) Description: Options for any legislation necessary to further
carry out the intent of Section 11322.5 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code for CalWORKs participants to maximize benefits of
the federal Earned Income Tax Credit
Authority: Section 11322.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: No later than December 1, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AR) Description: Report on the use of child care pursuant to
Section 11465.6 which provides for a county program for reimbursement
of licensed family homes and relative caregivers for child care for
foster children
Authority: Section 11465.6 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: On or before June 30, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AS) Description: Budgeting methodology for funding in support of
all components of the CalWORKs program and all state programs funded
with federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Authority: Section 15204.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: By November 15, 2001
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AT) Description: Report regarding the development of new
approaches to child protection, including the results of actions
taken to achieve those goals
Authority: Section 16500.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (AU) Description: Report on implementation of the Statewide Child
Support Registry pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 6
(commencing with Section 16575) of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Authority: Section 16576 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: On or before October 1, 1998
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (AV) Description: Implementation plan for the Statewide Child
Support Registry. The implementation plan shall explain in general
terms, among other things, how the Statewide Child Support Registry
will operate to ensure that all data can be accessed and how data
shall be integrated for statistical analysis and reporting purposes
with all child support order data contained in the Statewide
Automated Child Support System or its replacement and the Los Angeles
Automated Child Support Enforcement System (ACSES) Replacement
Authority: Section 16576 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: January 31, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (AW) Description: Report on implementation of a simplified and
shorter application form for nonassistance food stamp cases,
including a simplified form
Authority: Section 18901.8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2001
Recipient: Appropriate committees of the Legislature

   (157) Reports Due From State Energy Resources Conservation and
Development Commission

   (A) Description: Report on independent evaluation process that
reviews the status and progress of the Renewables Program and makes
recommendations concerning its continuance beyond the present
statutory authorization
Authority: Item 3360-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Preliminary report not later than November 1, 2000; final
report not later than March 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on transition plan and an operation plan
concerning prescribed topics relating to administration and oversight
of statewide energy efficiency programs
Authority: Item 3360-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report that presents a five-year prospective
analysis of electricity reliability issues
Authority: Item 8660-001-0462 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the specific statutory, constitutional,
or other bases on which the commission represents California before
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Authority: Item 3360-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On or before November 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on alternative fee structures for imposing
fees on developers seeking approval for site power plants and
generators for the ongoing costs associated with compliance
Authority: Item 3360-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Status of the implementation of the Energy Action
Plan, specifying outcomes anticipated and a timeline for achieving
these outcomes
Authority: Item 8665-001-0465 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2004
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Report findings from reviewing any existing
studies on the potential cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency of
utilizing retroreflective sheeting materials on highway signs
Authority: Section 14102 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before May 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: List of geothermal resource projects selected and
prioritized by the commission
Authority: Section 3822.1 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: By April 1 of each year
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on assessment of options for electrical
load aggregation in small rural counties and legislation, if any,
which may be necessary to achieve any identified potential net
economic benefits that are attributable to electrical load
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 479 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: On or before July 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (J) Description: Quarterly reports regarding the amount of funding
expended; the measures, programs, or activities funded; and a
description of the effectiveness of the measures, programs, or
activities funded in reducing peak electricity demand and improving
energy efficiency, as measured in killowatthours of electricity
reduced per dollar expended
Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 7 of the 2001-02 First Extraordinary
Date Due: Quarterly, on or before January 1, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriate
policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature

   (158) Reports Due From State Librarian

   (A) Description: Report on the types of grants awarded and the
accomplishments of the program established pursuant to the California
Civil Liberties Public Education Act which requires the State
Librarian to establish a program for provision of grants for the
purpose of educating about the internment of Japanese-Americans
during World War II
Authority: Section 13025 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (B) Description: Results of the use of funds provided for the
purposes of the California Native American Public Education Grant
Authority: Section 13042 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the California Library Literacy and
English Acquisition Services Program with regards to the amount of
allocated funding, number of schools and libraries participating in
the program and the types of services provided with the funds
Authority: Section 18884 of the Education Code
Date Due: by March 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (159) Reports Due From State Personnel Board

   (A) Description: Monitoring of state personnel practices that
contribute to the disparity of adverse actions against minority state
employees in comparison to nonminority counterparts
Authority: Item 1880-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1993
Date Due: Quarterly, beginning October 1, 1993
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on positions converted to Career Executive
Assignment (CEA) positions
Authority: Item 1880-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999, and on or before June 30,
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (C) Description: Review of each Career Executive Assignment (CEA)
position created or converted from June 30, 1995 to January 1, 1999
at the time that it becomes vacant to ascertain whether it meets
current standards for CEA positions and whether or not that CEA
position shall be retained or eliminated
Authority: Item 1880-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By January 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (D) Description: Data on the number of positions filled for each
classification subject to the post-and-bid hiring program included in
new contracts for Bargaining Units 1, 4, and 11
Authority: Item 1880-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003 for the period from May 2002 through
January 2003; By August 1, 2003 for the entire term of the pilot
project from May 2002 through June 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (E) Description: Data on the number of positions filled for each
classification subject to the post-and-bid hiring pilot program
included in new contracts for Bargaining Units 1, 4, and 11
Authority: Item 8380-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003, for the period from May 2002 through
January 2003; by August 1, 2003, for the entire term of the pilot
project from May 2002 through June 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (F) Description: Data showing a three-year history of
appointments, prior to the post-and-bid pilot program, to the
designated post-and-bid classifications and transfers of employees
within those classifications
Authority: Item 8380-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By March 1, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (G) Description: Pursuant to Section 18670 of the Government Code,
the State Personnel Board shall conduct an investigation and quality
assurance review of the personnel practices of the Board of Prison
Terms, with particular emphasis on the Deputy Commissioner
classification, including, but not limited to, hiring, transfers,
promotions, and adverse actions
Authority: Section 4 of Chapter 131 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: On or before December 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Senate Rules Committee, Speaker of the Assembly

   (160) Reports Due From State Public Defender

   (A) Description: Report on progress towards the implementation of
an Automated Case Management and Tracking System
Authority: Item 8140-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: By January 1, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on safeguards that exist in California to
ensure that the innocent are not executed
Authority: Item 8140-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
2000Date Due: No later than February 12, 2001
Recipient: Legislature

   (161) Reports Due From State Special Schools

   (A) Description: Report on amount of lottery funds received and
purposes for which they are used and anticipated expenditures
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: By January 15, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on amount of lottery funds received and
the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 1996-97
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 162 of the Statutes of 1996
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1998
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (C) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds that
were received and purposes for which those funds were expended in the
1997-98 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 1998-99 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: No later than January 15, 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: Report regarding amount of lottery funds received
and purposes for which those funds were expended in the 1998-99
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for 1999-2000 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 324 of the Statutes of 1998
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2000
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds that the
agency received and the purposes for which those funds were expended
in the 1999-2000 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and
proposed expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2000-01
fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 50 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2000-01
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2001-02 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 52 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2002
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2001-02
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposed for expenditure for the 2002-03 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 106 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2003
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds that agency
received and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the
2002-03 fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2003-04 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 379 of the Statutes of 2002
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2004
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on the amount of lottery funds received
and the purposes for which those funds were expended in the 2003-04
fiscal year, including administrative costs, and proposed
expenditures and purposes for expenditure for the 2004-05 fiscal year
Authority: Section 24.60 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
Date Due: No later than January 15, 2005
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (162) Reports Due From State Teachers' Retirement System

   (A) Description: Report on final expenditures under Item
1920-002-835 of the Budget Act of 1995, including accounting and
explanation of changes of estimates previously reported
Authority: Item 1920-002-835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1995
Date Due: January 10, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report regarding revision of estimate of
expenditures for external advisors for the 1996-97 fiscal year,
including an accounting and explanation of changes
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 10, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Final report on expenditures for external
advisors pursuant to Item 1920-002-0835 of the Budget Act of 1996,
including an accounting and explanation of changes from estimates
previously reported
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before January 10, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490 of the Budget Act of 1996 relating to unanticipated system
costs and promoting better service
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Quarterly throughout the 1996-97 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on final expenditures, including an
accounting and explanation of changes from estimates previously
reported regarding expenditures for external investment advisors
proposed for the 1997-98 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 10, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on revision of estimate for expenditures
for external investment advisors to be made during 1997-98 fiscal
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: On or before January 10, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490 of the Budget Act of 1997 regarding unanticipated system
costs and promoting better service to system's membership
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: Quarterly throughout the 1997-98 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on expenditures for purposes of meeting
unanticipated costs of the State Teachers' Retirement System and
promoting better service to the system's membership
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: On a quarterly basis throughout the 1998-99 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report regarding any revision of previous
estimate of expenditures for external investment advisers, including
an accounting and explanation of the changes, and regarding the
amount of, and basis for, investment adviser expenditures proposed
for the 2000-01 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2000
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on final expenditures for external
investment advisers under Item 1920-002-0835 of the Budget Act of
1999, including an accounting and explanation of changes from
estimates previously reported to the Legislature
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490 of the Budget Act of 1999 for the purposes of meeting
unanticipated system costs and promoting better service to the State
Teachers' Retirement System membership
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On a quarterly basis throughout the 1999-2000 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report regarding any revision of the system's
estimate of expenditures for external investment advisers to be made
during the 2000-01 fiscal year pursuant to Section 22353 of the
Education Code, including an accounting and explanation of the
changes, and proposed investment adviser expenditures for the 2001-02
fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on the final expenditures for external
investment advisors under Item 1920-002-0835 of the Budget Act of
2000, including an accounting and explanation of changes from
estimates previously reported to the Legislature
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490-0835 of the Budget Act of 2000 for meeting unanticipated
system costs and promoting better service to the system's membership
Authority: Item 1920-490-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Quarterly during the 2000-01 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report regarding any revision of the system's
estimate of expenditures for external investment advisors to be made
during the 2001-02 fiscal year pursuant to Section 22353 of the
Education Code, including an accounting and explanation of the
changes, and expenditures proposed for the 2002-03 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (P) Description: Report on final expenditures under Item
1920-002-0835 of the Budget Act of 2001 for support of the State
Teachers' Retirement System, including an accounting and explanation
of changes from estimates previously reported to the Legislature
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (Q) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490-0835 of the Budget Act of 2001 for the purposes of meeting
unanticipated system costs and promoting better service to the system'
s membership
Authority: Item 1920-490-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Quarterly throughout the 2001-02 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (R) Description: Report regarding any revision of the estimate of
expenditures for external investment advisers to be made during the
2002-03 fiscal year pursuant to Section 22353 of the Education Code,
including an accounting and explanation of the changes, and regarding
the amount of, and basis for, investment adviser expenditures
proposed for the 2003-04 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2003
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (S) Description: Report on final expenditures under Item
1920-002-0835 of the Budget Act of 2002 (regarding investment advisor
expenditures) including an accounting and explanation of changes
from estimates previously reported to the Legislature

  Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (T) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490-0835 of the Budget Act of 2002
Authority: Item 1920-490-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: On a quarterly basis throughout the 2002-03 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (U) Description: Report on any revision of the estimate of
expenditures for external investment advisers to be made during the
2003-04 fiscal year pursuant to Section 22353 of the Education Code,
including an accounting and explanation of the changes, and regarding
the amount of, and basis for, investment adviser expenditures
proposed for the 2004-05 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2004
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (V) Description: Report on the final expenditures under Item
1920-002-0835 of the Budget Act of 2003
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (W) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490-0835 of the Budget Act of 2003 for the purposes of meeting
unanticipated system costs and promoting better service to the system'
s membership
Authority: Item 1920-490-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Quarterly throughout the 2003-04 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (X) Description: Report on any revision of the estimate of
expenditures for external investment advisers to be made during the
2004-05 fiscal year pursuant to Section 22353 of the Education Code,
including an accounting and explanation of the changes, and regarding
the amount of, and basis for, investment adviser expenditures
proposed for the 2005-06 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2005
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (Y) Description: Report on the final expenditures under Item
1920-002-0835 of the Budget Act of 2004
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (Z) Description: Report on expenditures made pursuant to Item
1920-490-0835 of the Budget Act of 2004 for the purposes of meeting
unanticipated system costs and promoting better service to the system'
s membership
Authority: Item 1920-490-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: On a quarterly basis throughout the 2004-05 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (AA) Description: Any revision of the estimate by STRS of
expenditures for external investment advisers to be made during the
2005-06 fiscal year pursuant to Section 22353 of the Education Code,
including an accounting and explanation of the changes and regarding
the amount of, and basis for, investment adviser expenditures
proposed for the 2006-07 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: No later than January 10, 2006
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AB) Description: The final expenditures under this item,
including an accounting and explanation of changes from estimates
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AC) Description: Expenditures made pursuant to this item
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (AD) Description: Any revision of the estimate by STRS of
expenditures for external investment advisers to be made during the
2006-07 fiscal year pursuant to Section 22353 of the Education Code,
including an accounting and explanation of the changes and regarding
the amount of, and basis for, investment adviser expenditures
proposed for the 2007-08 fiscal year
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: January 10, 2007
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AE) Description: The final expenditures under this item,
including an accounting and explanation of changes from estimates
previously reported
Authority: Item 1920-002-0835 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: January 10, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (AF) Description: Expenditures made pursuant to this item
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Legislature
   (AG) Description: Expenditures made pursuant to this item for
unanticipated system costs and promoting better service to the system'
s membership
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: Quarterly throughout the 2007-08 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (AH) Description: Expenditures made pursuant to this item for
unanticipated system costs and promoting better service to the system'
s membership
Authority: Item 1920-490 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: Quarterly throughout the 2008-09 fiscal year
Recipient: Legislature
   (AI) Description: Report on a prescription drug program and a
program to provide health benefits to retired members of the
retirement system
Authority: Section 25950 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before April 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature

   (163) Reports Due From State Water Resources Control Board

   (A) Description: Regarding expenditures from Proposition 204,
answers to questions regarding projects by subaccount selected, and
amount appropriated per project; and answers to certain questions
regarding expenditures from Bay Delta Agreement Subaccount and
Central Valley Project Improvement Subaccount
Authority: Item 0540-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Plan to implement the Nonpoint Source Management
Program's Technical Advisory Committee recommendations
Authority: Item 3940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: November 30, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Regarding expenditures from Proposition 204,
answers to questions regarding projects by subaccount selected, and
amount appropriated per project; and answers to certain questions
regarding expenditures from Bay Delta Agreement Subaccount and
Central Valley Project Improvement Subaccount
Authority: Item 3940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By January 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Reports on a baseline needs analysis for the core
regulatory program (the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System, Chapter 15, Non-Chapter 15, and Stormwater programs),
including current-program responsibilities under state and federal
law and an assessment of needs for a cost-effective compliance
assurance and enforcement program
Authority: Item 3940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Preliminary report by April 1, 2000; final report by
January 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the projected workload, personnel
requirements, and regulatory steps needed to implement a water
quality permitting program to conserve and protect wetlands that are
not subject to regulation pursuant to the Clean Water Act (33 United
States Code Section 1251 et seq.)
Authority: Item 3940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: Not later than June 30, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Actual or estimated expenditures of the Water
Rights Division, including the level of program funding and positions
used for permitting, enforcement, hearings, and other activities for
the 2005-06 and 2006-07 fiscal years; allocation of administrative
costs; and a schedule of fee revenues by category
Authority: Item 3940-001-3058 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: On or before January 10, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report with information regarding the board's
information technology (IT) projects. The report shall include
information on ongoing and proposed IT projects, one-time design and
development costs, and ongoing maintenance costs
Authority: Item 3940-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: On January 10, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees of
the Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on certain information relating to ports
of call and sewage, graywater and blackwater discharge releases, and
other pertinent information, set forth in subdivision (b), upon a
vessel's departure from its first port or place of call in California
beginning in 2006
Authority: Section 72425 of the Public Resources Code
Date Due: On or before October 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature

   (164) Reports Due From Student Aid Commission

   (A) Description: Report on efforts to conduct outreach for the Cal
Grant entitlement program
Authority: Item 7980-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By January 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on efforts to improve the process by which
high schools submit grade point average verification forms
Authority: Item 7980-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: By December 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on the institutions audited, the rate of
noncompliance with each major program requirement, and the steps
taken to address noncompliance
Authority: Item 7980-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: September 30, 2008
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (D) Description: All one-time costs estimated to be necessary for
relocation of the commission
Authority: Item 7980-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2008
Date Due: Not later than August 1, 2008
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (E) Description: Study concerning topics relating to educational
opportunities for veterans
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 572 of the Statutes of 2000
Date Due: No later than December 31, 2001
Recipient: Governor, fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature

   (165) Reports Due From Superintendent of Public Instruction

   (A) Description: Recommendations to simplify revenue limit
apportionment process to make it more understandable and reduce
unnecessary workload at state and local levels
Authority: Item 6110-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: By November 1, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on plan to improve transition between
school and work in the public elementary and secondary schools
Authority: Item 6110-166-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: No later than March 15, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report describing amount of carryover funds
relating to vocational education programs in community colleges,
specifically the Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) program
Authority: Item 6110-166-0890 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: Annually, no later than February 1st
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for, and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in, the
apprentice program during the 1998-99 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: Not later than October 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in the
apprentice program during the 1999-2000 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Not later than October 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in the
apprentice program during the 2000-01 fiscal year, with information
to be provided by the school district, county office of education,
program sponsor, and trade; in addition, the hours of related and
supplemental instruction proposed for the 2000-01 and 2001-02 fiscal
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: Not later than October 1, 2001
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in the
apprentice program during the 2001-02 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2002
Date Due: Not later than February 1, 2003
Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in the
apprentice program during the 2002-03 fiscal year, with information
to be provided by the school district, county office of education,
program sponsor, and trade
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Not later than February 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on progress of the independent project
oversight of the California School Information Services program
Authority: Item 6110-140-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2003
Date Due: Quarterly
Recipient: Governor, Legislature, Legislative Analyst
   (J) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in the
apprentice program during the 2003-04 fiscal year, with information
to be provided by the school district, county office of education,
program sponsor, and trade
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2004
Date Due: Not later than February 1, 2005
Recipient: Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for, and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in, the
apprenticeship program during the 2004-05 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2005
Date Due: February 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for, and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in, the
apprenticeship program during the 2005-06 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: No later than February 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on the amount of funds expended for, and
the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered in, the
apprenticeship program during the 2006-07 fiscal year
Authority: Item 6110-103-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2007
Date Due: No later than February 1, 2008
Recipient: Legislature
   (N) Description: Review of the Beginning Teacher Support and
Assessment System regarding the articulation of teacher preparation
programs and teacher induction programs to eliminate duplicative
Authority: Section 44279.25 of the Education Code
Date Due: By December 1, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (O) Description: Independent comprehensive evaluation of the
implementation, impact, cost, and benefit of the California Peer
Assistance and Review Program for Teachers
Authority: Section 44507 of the Education Code
Date Due: January 1, 2004
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (P) Description: Independent multiyear comprehensive evaluation of
the implementation, impact, costs, and benefits of High Priority
Schools Grant Program for Low Performing Schools
Authority: Section 52055.656 of the Education Code
Date Due: Preliminary results no later than June 30, 2004, interim
report no later than June 30, 2005, final report no later than June
30, 2005, and final report by June 30, 2006
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (Q) Description: Evaluation research design providing assessment
method for evaluation of pupil achievement resulting from class size
reduction in kindergarten and grades 1 to 3, inclusive, commencing
with the 1996-97 school year
Authority: Section 52128.5 of the Education Code
Date Due: On or before November 30, 1997
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (R) Description: Report describing effectiveness of pilot grant
program established pursuant to Section 52244 of the Education Code,
to award grants for advanced placement examination fee costs for
economically disadvantaged pupils
Authority: Section 52243 of the Education Code
Date Due: No later than January 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature
   (S) Description: Effectiveness of school interdistrict transfer
program established pursuant to Article 1.5 (commencing with Section
48209) of Chapter 2 of Part 27 of the Education Code
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 160 of the Statutes of 1993
Date Due: By January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (T) Description: Recommendations to increase parental
responsibility and involvement in public education
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 485 of the Statutes of 1995
Date Due: On or before January 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (U) Description: Progress of Compton Unified School District in
meeting conditions of certain recovery plans
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 767 of the Statutes of 1997
Date Due: Beginning on January 1, 1998, and annually thereafter
until certain conditions are met
Recipient: Legislature
   (V) Description: Results of High-Tech High School Grant Program
created by Article 3.5 (commencing with Section 51725) of Chapter 5
of Part 28 of the Education Code
Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 705 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By May 1, 2003
Recipient: Appropriations committees and education committees of the
   (W) Description: Results of the effectiveness of the California
Information Technology Career Academy Grant Initiative set forth in
Chapter 8.8 (commencing with Section 52290) of Part 28 of the
Education Code
Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 709 of the Statutes of 2001
Date Due: By May 1, 2003
Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (X) Description: Recommendations related to pupils with
disabilities who are scheduled to receive a high school diploma in
2008, with regard to the California High School Exit Examination
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 629 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: Not later than June 1, 2007
Recipient: Legislature
   (Y) Description: The number and percentage of pupils who failed to
receive a diploma of graduation from high school in 2006 due to the
failure of those pupils to pass the high school exit examination
required by Section 60851 of the Education Code, aggregated by
ethnicity, English learner status as defined by subdivision (a) of
Section 306 of the Education Code, and other information as may be
determined necessary to understand the meaning and consequences of
the failure to pass the high school exit examination
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 674 of the Statutes of 2006
Date Due: By June 30, 2007
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (166) Reports Due From Superior Court of San Diego County

   (A) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding the best
practices in civil, juvenile, and criminal court cases involving
domestic violence
Authority: Section 6219 of the Family Code
Date Due: On or before May 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (167) Reports Due From Superior Court of Santa Clara County

   (A) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding the best
practices in civil, juvenile, and criminal court cases involving
domestic violence
Authority: Section 6219 of the Family Code
Date Due: On or before May 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (168) Reports Due From Superior courts participating in domestic
violence demonstration project

   (A) Description: Findings and recommendations regarding the best
practices in civil, juvenile, and criminal court cases involving
domestic violence
Authority: Section 6219 of the Family Code
Date Due: On or before May 1, 2004
Recipient: Legislature

   (169) Reports Due From Task force funded by Schedule (a) of Item
4440-001-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2000

   (A) Description: Study on the shortage of mental health workers in
publicly funded mental health services and recommendations for
expansion of various programs to address the shortage
Authority: Section 4341.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
Date Due: Progress report on or before May 1, 2001, final report on
or before May 1, 2002
Recipient: Legislature

   (170) Reports Due From Task Force On Court Facilities

   (A) Description: Survey of all trial and appellate court
facilities in the state with documentation of state of existing
facilities, need for new or modified facilities, currently available
funding options, impact of creating additional judgeships, effect of
trial court coordination and consolidation, administrative and
operational changes which can reduce need for facilities,
recommendations regarding funding mechanisms, sources, and
responsibilities, and proposed transition plan if funding
responsibility is to be changed
Authority: Section 77654 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (B) Description: Report including all elements of interim reports
required under Section 77654 of the Government Code, incorporating
any changes recommended by the task force in response to comments
Authority: Section 77654 of the Government Code
Date Due: On or before July 1, 2001
  Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (171) Reports Due From Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency

   (A) Description: Report on the performance and accomplishments of
the regulations review unit
Authority: Item 2920-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1996
Date Due: On or before April 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Review of Loan Guarantee Program activities
Authority: Item 2920-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: By December 1, 1997
Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report detailing the Small Business Loan
Guarantee program operations and achievements, including a plan
setting out options for making the program self-sufficient without
support from the state General Fund
Authority: Item 2920-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998

Date Due: By December 1, 1998
Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report detailing the 1997-98 and 1998-99 budgets
for each small business development center, the new centers
established in 1998-99, the number of small businesses served and
projected to be served by each center in 1997-98 and 1998-99, the
number of jobs created through each center, and the status of program
development and implementation of privately funded small business
development center projects
Authority: Item 2920-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: By March 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Report regarding performance data concerning all
overseas trade offices, including the number of private sector
inquiries received by overseas trade offices, the businesses served
and type of international trade assistance provided, and a breakdown
of overseas trade office income and expenditures
Authority: Item 2920-012-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
Date Due: No later than January 1, 1999
Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report on measures established to evaluate the
performance of all foreign trade offices
Authority: Item 2920-012-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998

Date Due: By January 1, 1999
Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: Report on the aerospace retention initiative and
Joint Strike Fighter competition
Authority: Item 2920-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000

Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2001, and March 1, 2002
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (H) Description: Report on the status of the Small Business Loan
Guarantee Program
Authority: Item 2920-011-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: By February 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (I) Description: Report on the Next Generation Internet Network
Authority: Item 2920-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Not later than February 1, 2001
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (J) Description: Status report concerning implementation of the
competitiveness strategy for the Manufacturing Technology Program,
including fiscal and performance data allowing comparison of
manufacturing center operations
Authority: Item 2920-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2000
Date Due: Not later than March 1, 2001
Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on implementation of the competitiveness
strategy for the Manufacturing Technology Program
Authority: Item 2920-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2001
Date Due: No later than December 1, 2001, for 2000-01 and March 1,
2002, for 2001-02
Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees of
the Legislature
   (L) Description: Compilation of information submitted by each
electing county, city and county, and city pursuant to the reporting
requirements of the capital investment incentive program
Authority: Section 51298 of the Government Code
Date Due: No later than October 1, every two years commencing
October 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (M) Description: Report on findings of review of state's
international trade programs and plan for improving the coordination,
cost effectiveness, and capability of the state's international
trade programs to increase the state's international competitiveness
Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 242 of the Statutes of 1999
Date Due: Within 90 days of effective date of Chapter 242 of the
Statutes of 1999
Recipient: Governor, Legislature

   (172) Reports Due From Tourism Commission

   (A) Description: Changes in methodology for evaluating the
outcomes for the Tourism Marketing Program
Authority: Item 0520-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 2006
Date Due: January 10, 2007
Recipient: Legislature Reports Due From Transit districts

(B) Description: Summary report and related findings with respect to
the unauthorized operation of, interference with, entry into, or
climbing on or in, transit facilities, property, or vehicles
Authority: Section 99170 of the Public Utilities Code
Date Due: On or before January 1, 2006
Recipient: Legislature Reports Due From Transit operators
   (C) Description: Report containing a description of each public
works project financed with public funds, procured through the
design-build process, and completed on or before November 1, 2005
Authority: Section 20209.12 of the Public Contract Code
Date Due: Within 120 days of the design-build project being put into
operation or by December 1, 2005, whichever occurs first
Recipient: Legislative Analyst Reports Due From Veterinary Medical
   (D) Description: Report on revenue collections and corresponding
budget expenditures by application and license fees to clearly
delineate the revenue collections and expenditures associated with
different board exams
Authority: Item 1560-001-0777 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1997
Date Due: No later than January 10, 1998
Recipient: Legislature

   (173) Reports Due From Working Group to Undertake Major Teacher
Credential and Accreditation Reform

   (A) Description: Report with recommendations relative to
undertaking major teacher credential and accreditation reforms that
shall include Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1999
Date Due: On January 1, 2000, and June 1, 2000
Recipient: Legislature
   (b) The requirement to delete a report pursuant to subdivision (a)
shall not prohibit the Legislative Counsel from including the report
on a future publication of the list, if the report is required by
law to be listed pursuant to Section 10242.5.
  SEC. 5.  This act is an urgency statute necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health, or safety within the
meaning of Article IV of the Constitution and shall go into immediate
effect. The facts constituting the necessity are:
   In order to reduce existing and future costs, and uncertainty and
confusion, arising from the reporting requirements of state agencies,
it is necessary for this act to take effect immediately.