INTRODUCED BY   Committee on Elections and Redistricting (Fong
(Chair), Bocanegra, Bonta, Hall, Logue, and Perea)

                        MARCH 20, 2013

   An act to amend Sections 338, 2187, 5001, 5002, 5004, 5005, 5200,
and 8001 of, and to add Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 5150) to
Division 5 of, the Elections Code, and to amend Section 85205 of the
Government Code, relating to elections.


   AB 1419, Committee on Elections and Redistricting. Presidential
general elections: party qualifications.
   Existing law establishes qualifications that a new political party
must satisfy in order to participate in a primary election. Existing
law provides that a new party qualifies to participate in a primary
election if, on or before the 135th day before the primary election,
it appears to the Secretary of State, after examining the statement
of voters transmitted by county elections officials, that at least 1%
of the entire vote of the state at the preceding gubernatorial
election has declared an intention to affiliate with the party or if
a petition to participate in the primary election is filed with the
Secretary of State, signed by voters numbering at least 10% of the
entire vote of the state at the preceding gubernatorial election
declaring that they represent the proposed party and desire to
participate in the primary election.
   Under existing law, a political party must participate in the
primary election in order for a candidate for partisan office to have
his or her name appear on the general election ballot with that
party's designation.
   This bill would establish requirements for a political body that
did not qualify to participate in a presidential primary election but
nevertheless seeks to participate in the presidential general
election following that primary election, including having candidates
for President and Vice President of the United States nominated by
the party appear on the presidential general election ballot. The
bill would provide that a new party is qualified to participate in a
presidential general election if it is able to satisfy the
above-mentioned voter registration or petition signature requirements
on or before the 102nd day or the 135th day, as specified, preceding
the general election.
   Existing law requires each county elections official to send the
Secretary of State, at prescribed times, a summary of the statement
of the number of voters in the county, including the number
registered as affiliated with each qualified or nonqualified party.
   This bill would require each county elections official to send the
Secretary of State an additional summary statement of the voters in
the county not less than 102 days prior to the presidential general
election, with respect to voters registered before the 123rd day
before the presidential general election. By imposing new duties or a
higher level of service on county elections officials, this bill
would impose a state-mandated local program.
   The bill would also making conforming changes.
   The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local
agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the
state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that
   This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates
determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state,
reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these
statutory provisions.


  SECTION 1.  It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this
act to comply with the holding of the United States District Court
for the Central District of California in California Justice
Committee v. Bowen (C.D. Cal. Oct. 18, 2012) No. CV 12-3956 PA
(AGRx), by requiring county elections officials to send to the
Secretary of State an additional summary statement of the voters in
the county in order to allow the Secretary of State to determine
which political parties are qualified to participate in each
presidential general election.
  SEC. 2.  Section 338 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   338.  "Party" means a political party or organization that has
qualified for participation in any primary or presidential general
  SEC. 3.  Section 2187 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   2187.  (a) Each county elections official shall send to the
Secretary of State, in a format described by the Secretary of State,
a summary statement of the number of voters in the county. The
statement shall show the total number of voters in the county, the
number registered as affiliated with each qualified political party,
the number registered in nonqualified parties, and the number who
declined to state any party affiliation. The statement shall also
show the number of voters, by political affiliations, in each city,
supervisorial district, Assembly district, Senate district, and
congressional district located in whole or in part within the county.

   (b) The Secretary of State, on the basis of the statements sent by
the county elections officials and within 30 days after receiving
those statements, shall compile a statewide list showing the number
of voters, by party affiliations, in the state and in each county,
city, supervisorial district, Assembly district, Senate district, and
congressional district in the state. A copy of this list shall be
made available, upon request, to any elector in this state.
   (c) Each county that uses data processing equipment to store the
information set forth in the affidavit of registration shall send to
the Secretary of State one copy of the electronic data file with the
information requested by the Secretary of State. Each county that
does not use data processing storage shall send to the Secretary of
State one copy of the index setting forth that information.
   (d) The summary statements and the electronic data file copy or
the index shall be sent at the following times:
   (1) On the 135th day before each presidential primary and before
each direct primary, with respect to voters registered on the 154th
day before the primary election.
   (2) Not less than 50 days prior to the primary election, with
respect to voters registered on the 60th day before the primary
   (3) Not less than 7 days prior to the primary election, with
respect to voters registered before the 14th day prior to the primary
   (4) Not less than 102 days prior to each presidential general
election, with respect to voters registered before the 123rd day
before the presidential general election.
   (5) Not less than 50 days prior to the general election, with
respect to voters registered on the 60th day before the general
   (6) Not less than 7 days prior to the general election, with
respect to voters registered before the 14th day prior to the general
   (7) On or before March 1 of each odd-numbered year, with respect
to voters registered as of February 10.
   (e) The Secretary of State may adopt regulations prescribing the
content and format of the electronic data file or index referred to
in subdivision (c) and containing the registered voter information
from the affidavits of registration.
   (f) The Secretary of State may adopt regulations prescribing
additional regular reporting times, except that the total number of
reporting times in any one calendar year shall not exceed 12.
   (g) The Secretary of State shall make the information from the
electronic data files or the printed indexes available, under
conditions prescribed by the Secretary of State, to any candidate for
federal, state, or local office, to any committee for or against any
proposed ballot measure, to any committee for or against any
initiative or referendum measure for which legal publication is made,
and to any person for election, scholarly or political research, or
governmental purposes as determined by the Secretary of State.
   (h) For purposes of this section, "electronic data file" means
either a magnetic tape or a data file in an alternative electronic
format, at the discretion of the county elections official.
  SEC. 4.  Section 5001 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   5001.  Whenever a group of electors desires to qualify a new
political party meeting the requirements of Section 5100 or 5151,
that group shall form a political body by:
   (a) Holding a caucus or convention at which temporary officers
shall be elected and a party name designated. The designated name
shall not be so similar to the name of an existing party so as to
mislead the voters, and shall not conflict with that of any existing
party or political body that has previously filed notice pursuant to
subdivision (b).
   (b) Filing formal notice with the Secretary of State that the
political body has organized, elected temporary officers, and
declared an intent to qualify a political party pursuant to either
Section 5100 or Section 5151, but not both. The notice shall include
the names and addresses of the temporary officers of the political
  SEC. 5.  Section 5002 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   5002.  Upon receipt of the notice specified in Section 5001, the
Secretary of State shall notify each county elections official of the
name of the political body, its intent to qualify as a political
party, and whether it intends to qualify for the next primary
election or for the next presidential general election.
   In preparing the statement of voters and their political
affiliations, the county elections officials shall tabulate by
political affiliation the affidavits of registration of members of
political parties qualified pursuant to Section 5100 or 5151, and
political bodies formally declaring an intent to qualify as political
parties pursuant to Section 5001. All other affidavits of
registration, except those of persons declining to state a political
affiliation, shall be tabulated as miscellaneous registrations.
  SEC. 6.  Section 5004 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   5004.  (a) If by the 135th day before any primary election, a
political body filing notice of its intent to qualify for a primary
election pursuant to Section 5001 has not qualified as a political
party pursuant to Section 5100, the political body shall be
considered to have abandoned its attempt to qualify as a political
party and shall be ineligible to participate in the following primary
   (b) If by the 102nd day before a presidential general election, a
political body filing notice of its intent to qualify for a
presidential general election pursuant to Section 5001 has not
qualified as a political party pursuant to Section 5151, the
political body shall be considered to have abandoned its attempt to
qualify as a political party and shall be ineligible to participate
in the following presidential general election.
  SEC. 7.  Section 5005 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   5005.  (a) Until otherwise provided for by statute, a political
party newly qualified pursuant to Section 5100 shall carry on its
activities in accordance with procedures applicable to any other
political party that has detailed statutory provisions applicable to
its operation as shall be designated by the newly qualified party.
The temporary officers of the newly qualified political party elected
pursuant to Section 5001 shall file notice of its selection with the
Secretary of State not later than 30 days after the political party
   (b) Until otherwise provided for by statute, a political party
newly qualified pursuant to Section 5151 shall carry on its
activities in accordance with procedures applicable to any other
political party that has detailed statutory provisions applicable to
its operation as shall be designated by the newly qualified party,
except that the newly qualified party shall not be required to use a
primary election to nominate candidates for the offices of President
and Vice President of the United States prior to the presidential
general election at which the party qualifies to participate, whose
names shall appear on the presidential general election ballot. The
temporary officers of the newly qualified political party elected
pursuant to Section 5001 shall file notice of its selection with the
Secretary of State not later than 30 days after the political party
  SEC. 8.  Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 5150) is added to
Division 5 of the Elections Code, to read:

   5150.  This chapter applies to a political body that did not
qualify to participate in a presidential primary election pursuant to
Section 5100 but nevertheless seeks qualification to participate in
the following presidential general election through the nomination of
candidates for President and Vice President of the United States by
nominating convention, or some means other than a primary election,
to appear on the ballot at the presidential general election. For
purposes of this chapter, participating in a presidential general
election does not include using the general election ballot for the
purpose of electing state party or county central committee officers.

   5151.  A party is qualified to participate in a presidential
general election under any of the following conditions:
   (a) If the party qualified to participate and participated in the
presidential primary election preceding the presidential general
election pursuant to Section 5100.
   (b) If at the last preceding gubernatorial election there was
polled for any one of its candidates for any office voted on
throughout the state at least 2 percent of the entire vote of the
   (c) If on or before the 102nd day before a presidential general
election, it appears to the Secretary of State, as a result of
examining and totaling the statement of voters and their political
affiliations transmitted to him or her by the county elections
officials, that voters equal in number to at least 1 percent of the
entire vote of the state at the last preceding gubernatorial election
have declared their intention to affiliate with that party.
   (d) If on or before the 135th day before a presidential general
election, there is filed with the Secretary of State a petition
signed by voters, equal in number to at least 10 percent of the
entire vote of the state at the last preceding gubernatorial
election, declaring that they represent a proposed party, the name of
which shall be stated in the petition, which proposed party those
voters desire to have participate in that presidential general
election. This petition shall be circulated, signed, and verified and
the signatures of the voters on it shall be certified to and
transmitted to the Secretary of State by the county elections
officials substantially as provided for initiative petitions. Each
page of the petition shall bear a caption in 18-point boldface type,
which caption shall be the name of the proposed party followed by the
words "Petition to participate in the presidential general election."

   5152.  (a) Upon the occurrence of the gubernatorial election, each
party shall have its qualifications reviewed by the Secretary of
State. A party that does not meet the standards for qualification set
forth in Section 5151 shall be prohibited from participating in the
presidential general election. A party shall maintain its
qualification to participate in any subsequent presidential general
election by complying with any of the conditions specified in Section
   (b) A party seeking qualification under provisions of this section
and subdivision (c) or (d) of Section 5151 shall file formal notice
with the Secretary of State that the party intends to regain
   (c) Unless formal notice as required in subdivision (b) is timely
received by the Secretary of State, he or she may have the name of
the party omitted from any list, notice, ballot, or other publication
containing the names of the parties qualified or seeking
qualification that the Secretary of State may cause to be printed or
   (d) For purposes of subdivision (b) of Section 8001, this section
shall only be applicable to a party that has successfully obtained
that status for the first time after having been a political body,
and shall not apply to a political party that has been disqualified.
   5153.  Whenever the registration of any party that qualified in
the previous general election falls below one-fifteenth of 1 percent
of the total state registration, that party shall not be qualified to
participate in a presidential general election but shall be deemed
to have been abandoned by the voters. The Secretary of State shall
immediately remove the name of the party from any list, notice,
ballot, or other publication containing the names of the parties
qualified to participate in a presidential general election.
   5154.  No party shall be recognized or qualified to participate in
a presidential general election that either directly or indirectly
carries on, advocates, teaches, justifies, aids, or abets the
overthrow by any unlawful means of, or that directly or indirectly
carries on, advocates, teaches, justifies, aids, or abets a program
of sabotage, force and violence, sedition or treason against, the
government of the United States or of this state.
  SEC. 9.  Section 5200 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   5200.  (a) Not less than 123 days before a primary or presidential
general election, the Secretary of State shall, with the advice and
consent of the Attorney General, determine which parties are
disqualified to participate in any primary election under Section
5102 or a presidential general election under Section 5154. If it is
proposed to disqualify a party that was qualified to participate in
the next preceding direct primary, notice of intention to disqualify
shall be served by registered mail on the chairperson of the state
central committee of the party, as shown by the records of the
Secretary of State. In any event, notice of intention to disqualify
shall be given in each county of the state by publication pursuant to
Section 6061 of the Government Code. If there is no newspaper of
general circulation printed and published in any county, publication
shall be made in a newspaper of general circulation printed and
published in an adjoining county.
   (b) If the party desires a hearing on the notice of intention to
disqualify, it shall, within 10 days after service by mail or within
10 days after the last date upon which the notice was published in
any county, whichever is later, file an affidavit in the Supreme
Court pursuant to Section 13314 setting forth facts showing that the
political party is not disqualified to participate in any primary
election under Section 5102 or a presidential general election under
Section 5154. If the party does not file the affidavit within the
time specified, the notice of intention to disqualify shall
constitute final disqualification. Before the affidavit is filed, a
copy shall be personally served on the Secretary of State. When
filed, the matter shall be set for return in not more than 10 days
and shall have priority over any other pending cases.
   (c) In connection with proceedings in the Supreme Court under this
section, the Legislature hereby declares its intent to create a
speedy and expeditious method for judicial determination of the vital
questions involved, and urges the Supreme Court to accept
jurisdiction in any such proceeding. The Legislature further urges
that the court instruct any referee before whom the taking of
evidence is ordered to report back to the court in sufficient time so
that the court's final order may be made effective on or before the
80th day before the primary or presidential general election.
  SEC. 10.  Section 8001 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   8001.  (a) No declaration of candidacy for a partisan office or
for membership on a county central committee shall be filed by a
candidate unless (1) at the time of presentation of the declaration
and continuously for not less than three months immediately prior to
that time, or for as long as he or she has been eligible to register
to vote in the state, the candidate is shown by his or her affidavit
of registration to be affiliated with the political party the
nomination of which he or she seeks, and (2) the candidate has not
been registered as affiliated with a qualified political party other
than that political party the nomination of which he or she seeks
within 12 months, or, in the case of an election governed by Chapter
1 (commencing with Section 10700) of Part 6 of Division 10, within
three months immediately prior to the filing of the declaration.
   (b) The elections official shall attach a certificate to the
declaration of candidacy showing the date on which the candidate
registered as intending to affiliate with the political party the
nomination of which he or she seeks, and indicating that the
candidate has not been affiliated with any other qualified political
party for the period specified in subdivision (a) immediately
preceding the filing of the declaration. This section does not apply
to a declaration of candidacy filed by a candidate of a political
party participating in its first direct primary election subsequent
to its qualification as a political party pursuant to Section 5100 or
by a candidate of a political party participating in its first
presidential general election subsequent to its qualification as a
political party pursuant to Section 5151.
   (c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a county central committee,
subject to the bylaws of the state central committee, may establish
the length of time that a candidate for membership on that committee
must be shown by his or her affidavit of registration to be
affiliated with the political party of that committee, and may
establish the length of time that a candidate for membership on that
committee must not have been registered as affiliated with a
qualified political party other than the political party of that
  SEC. 11.  Section 85205 of the Government Code is amended to read:
   85205.  "Political party committee" means the state central
committee or county central committee of an organization that meets
the requirements for recognition as a political party pursuant to
Section 5100 or 5151 of the Elections Code.
  SEC. 12.  If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this
act contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local
agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant
to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of
the Government Code.