INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Blakeslee
    (   Coauthors:   Assembly Members 
 Gaines,   Gilmore,   and Harkey   )

                        JANUARY 20, 2009

   An act to amend Sections 1803 and 12810 of, and to add Section
38304.1 to, the Vehicle Code, relating to vehicles.


   AB 134, as amended, Blakeslee. Vehicles: off-highway motor
   (1) Existing law requires the operator of an off-highway motor
vehicle to be able to reach and operate all controls necessary to
safely operate the vehicle.
   This bill would prohibit a parent or guardian of a child who is
under 14 years of age, or an adult who is authorized by the parent or
guardian to supervise that child, from granting permission to, or
knowingly allowing, that child to operate an off-highway motor
vehicle in a manner that violates the above-described requirement. By
creating a new crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local
program. The bill would require a court, upon a first conviction, to
impose a fine of $35. The bill would also impose fines upon a 2nd or
subsequent conviction.
   (2) Existing law requires the clerk of a court in which a person
was convicted of a violation of the Vehicle Code to prepare within 5
days after conviction and immediately forward to the Department of
Motor Vehicles an abstract of the record of the court covering the
case in which the person was so convicted.
   This bill would expand the Vehicle Code violations that the clerk
of a court is required to report to the department to include
violations of special regulations with respect to operating a vehicle
on public lands, local ordinances prohibiting entry into mountain
fire districts, proper supervision requirements for a child under 14
years of age operating an off-highway vehicle, and proper supervision
requirements for a child under 14 years of age operating an
all-terrain vehicle.
   (3) Existing law establishes that specified convictions and
violations under the Vehicle Code and traffic-related incidents count
as points against a driver's record for purposes of the suspension
or revocation of the privilege to drive and that certain other
violations do not result in a violation point count.
   This bill would expand the list of violations that do not result
in a violation point count to include violations of special
regulations with respect to operating a vehicle on public lands,
local ordinances prohibiting entry into mountain fire districts,
proper supervision requirements for a child under 14 years of age
operating an off-highway vehicle, and proper supervision requirements
for a child under 14 years of age operating an all-terrain vehicle.
    (4) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse
local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the
state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that
   This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this
act for a specified reason.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: yes.


  SECTION 1.  Section 1803 of the Vehicle Code is amended to read:
   1803.  (a) (1) The clerk of a court in which a person was
convicted of a violation of this code, was convicted of a violation
of subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of Section 655 of the
Harbors and Navigation Code pertaining to a mechanically propelled
vessel but not to manipulating any water skis, an aquaplane, or
similar device, was convicted of a violation of Section 655.2, 655.6,
658, or 658.5 of the Harbors and Navigation Code, or a violation of
subdivision (a) of Section 192.5 of the Penal Code, was convicted of
an offense involving use or possession of controlled substances under
Division 10 (commencing with Section 11000) of the Health and Safety
Code, was convicted of a felony offense when a commercial motor
vehicle, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 15210, was involved
in or incidental to the commission of the offense, or was convicted
of a violation of any other statute relating to the safe operation of
vehicles, shall prepare within 5 days after conviction and
immediately forward to the department at its office at Sacramento an
abstract of the record of the court covering the case in which the
person was so convicted. If sentencing is not pronounced in
conjunction with the conviction, the abstract shall be forwarded to
the department within 5 days after sentencing and the abstract shall
be certified by the person so required to prepare it to be true and
   (2) For the purposes of this section, a forfeiture of bail shall
be equivalent to a conviction.
   (b) The following violations are not required to be reported under
subdivision (a):
   (1) Division 3.5 (commencing with Section 9840).
   (2) Section 21113, with respect to parking violations.
   (3) Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 22500) of Division 11,
except Section 22526.
   (4) Division 12 (commencing with Section 24000), except Sections
24002, 24004, 24250, 24409, 24604, 24800, 25103, 26707, 27151, 27315,
27360, 27800, and 27801 and Chapter 3 (commencing with Section
   (5) Division 15 (commencing with Section 35000), except Chapter 5
(commencing with Section 35550).
   (6) Violations for which a person was cited as a pedestrian or
while operating a bicycle or a motorized scooter.
   (7) Division 16.5 (commencing with Section 38000), except Sections
38301, 38301.3, 38301.5, 38304.1, and 38504.1.
   (8) Subdivision (b) of Section 23221, subdivision (b) of Section
23223, subdivision (b) of Section 23225, and subdivision (b) of
Section 23226.
   (c) If the court impounds a license  ,  or orders
a person to limit his or her driving pursuant to subdivision (d) of
Section 40508, the court shall notify the department concerning the
impoundment or limitation on an abstract prepared pursuant to
subdivision (a) of this section or on a separate abstract, that shall
be prepared within 5 days after the impoundment or limitation was
ordered and immediately forwarded to the department at its office in
   (d) If the court determines that a prior judgment of conviction of
a violation of Section 23152 or 23153 is valid or is invalid on
constitutional grounds pursuant to Section 41403, the clerk of the
court in which the determination is made shall prepare an abstract of
that determination and forward it to the department in the same
manner as an abstract of record pursuant to subdivision (a).
   (e) Within 5 days of an order terminating or revoking probation
under Section 23602, the clerk of the court in which the order
terminating or revoking probation was entered shall prepare and
immediately forward to the department at its office in Sacramento an
abstract of the record of the court order terminating or revoking
probation and any other order of the court to the department required
by law.
   (f) This section shall become operative on October 1, 2008.
  SEC. 2.  Section 12810 of the Vehicle Code is amended to read:
   12810.  In determining the violation point count, the following
shall apply:
   (a) A conviction of failure to stop in the event of an accident in
violation of Section 20001 or 20002 shall be given a value of two
   (b) A conviction of a violation of Section 23152 or 23153 shall be
given a value of two points.
   (c) A conviction of reckless driving shall be given a value of two
   (d) (1) A conviction of a violation of subdivision (b) of Section
191.5 or subdivision (c) of Section 192 of the Penal Code, or of
Section 2800.2 or 2800.3, subdivision (b) of Section 21651,
subdivision (b) of Section 22348, subdivision (a) or (c) of Section
23109, Section 23109.1, or Section 31602 of this code, shall be given
a value of two points.
   (2) A conviction of a violation of subdivision (a) or (b) of
Section 23140 shall be given a value of two points.
   (e) A conviction of a violation of Section 14601, 14601.1,
14601.2, 14601.3, or 14601.5 shall be given a value of two points.
   (f) Except as provided in subdivision (i), any other traffic
conviction involving the safe operation of a motor vehicle upon the
highway shall be given a value of one point.
   (g) A traffic accident in which the operator is deemed by the
department to be responsible shall be given a value of one point.
   (h) A conviction of a violation of Section 27360 or 27360.5 shall
be given a value of one point.
   (i) (1) A violation of paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (5) of
subdivision (b) of Section 40001 shall not result in a violation
point count being given to the driver if the driver is not the owner
of the vehicle.
   (2) A conviction of a violation of paragraph (1) or (2) of
subdivision (b) of Section 12814.6, subdivision (a) of Section 21116,
Section 21207.5, 21708, 21710, 21716, 23120, 24800, or 26707 shall
not be given a violation point count.
   (3) A violation of subdivision (d) of Section 21712 shall not
result in a violation point count.
   (4) A violation of Section 23136 shall not result in a violation
point count.
   (5) A violation of Section 38301, 38301.3, 38301.5, 38304.1, or
38504.1 shall not result in a violation point count.
   (j) A conviction for only one violation arising from one occasion
of arrest or citation shall be counted in determining the violation
point count for the purposes of this section.
  SEC. 3.  Section 38304.1 is added to the Vehicle Code, to read:
   38304.1.  (a) Neither a parent or guardian of a child who is under
14 years of age, nor an adult who is authorized by the parent or
guardian to supervise that child, shall grant permission to, or
knowingly allow, that child to operate an off-highway motor vehicle
in a manner that violates Section 38304.
   (b) A person convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) is
punishable as follows:
   (1) For a first conviction, the court shall impose a fine of
thirty-five dollars ($35).
   (2) For a second conviction, a fine of not less than thirty-five
dollars ($35) nor more than fifty dollars ($50).
   (3) For a third or any subsequent conviction, a fine of not less
than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than seventy-five dollars ($75).
  SEC. 4.  No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to
Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because
the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school
district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or
infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty
for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the
Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the
meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California