INTRODUCED BY   Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife (Assembly
Members Rendon (Chair), Blumenfield, Bocanegra, Fong, Frazier, Gatto,
Gomez, Gray, and Yamada)

                        FEBRUARY 22, 2013

   An act relating to water resources.


   AB 1331, as amended, Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife. Water
resources:  Bay-Delta sustainability.  
assessments of public funding.  
   (1) Existing law establishes the Department of Water Resources in
the Natural Resources Agency, and, among other things, empowers the
department to conduct investigations of all or any portion of any
stream, stream system, lake, or other body of water.  
   This bill would require the Department of Water Resources to
provide an analysis to the Legislature by July 1, 2014, that assesses
currently available public funding and estimates the additional
level of public investment needed to ensure California meets priority
needs related to infrastructure, integrated water management, water
supply reliability, water recycling, flood management, and watershed
and aquatic ecosystem conservation and protection.  
   (2) Existing law establishes various state water policies,
including the policy that every human being has the right to safe,
clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human
consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.  
   The bill would require the State Water Resources Control Board and
the Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management of the
State Department of Public Health to provide an analysis to the
Legislature by July 1, 2014, that assess currently available public
funding and estimates the additional level of public investment
needed to ensure that all Californians have access to safe drinking
water and prioritize the projects necessary to achieve this goal.
    (3)     Existing  law establishes
various policies of the state relative to the Sacramento-San Joaquin
   This bill would express findings and declarations including, among
other things, that the November 2014 ballot currently includes a
bond measure for $11.14 billion to fund projects related to water,
and that it is in the public interest to pass a general obligation
bond that includes, but is not limited to, grants and loans to state
and local agencies to help  fund needed improvements to Delta
sustainability, healthy watersheds, and aquatic ecosystems 
 meet prescribed critical funding needs  . The bill would
 additionally  require the Delta Stewardship Council
 , on or before   to provide an analysis to the
Legislature by  July 1, 2014,  to initiate and complete
a comprehensive study on the financial needs for state funding for
implementation of   that assesses currently available
public funding and estimates the additional level of public
investment   needed to implement  the Delta Plan.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  The Legislature finds and declares all of the
   (a)  The November 2014 ballot currently includes a
  A  bond measure for $11.14 billion to fund
projects related to water supply reliability, water quality,
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta sustainability, watershed conservation
and protection, and water recycling  is currently set for the
November 4, 2014, statewide general election  . 
   (b) The freshwater resources of California are limited and if the
state is to remain economically competitive and environmentally rich,
public investment is needed to modernize water infrastructure,
integrated water management, advance water resource protection, and
improve flood management.  
   (c) Many Californians lack access to clean, safe, and affordable
drinking water. In some communities, economic conditions prevent the
community from generating sufficient funding to correct water system
deficiencies or source water quality.  
    (d)  The watersheds and aquatic ecosystems of California
are unique and irreplaceable environmental and economic resources,
including the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the largest estuary on
the West Coast. Investments in the state's watersheds can provide
regional and statewide benefits for cities, farms, industries, and
wildlife, including protecting water quality and sustainability,
improving flood control, and providing habitat and recreation.

    (   e)  It is in the public interest to pass a
general obligation bond that includes, but is not limited to, grants
and loans to state and local agencies to help  fund needed
improvements to Delta sustainability, healthy watersheds, and
  meet critical funding needs related to improving water
infrastructure, integrating water management, protecting water
resources, addressing flood management, advancing water reuse,
ensuring safe drinking water, and restoring and protecting watersheds
and  aquatic ecosystems  , including the Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta  .  In 
    (f)     In  order to  balance
  evaluate  and prioritize the  appropriate
 amount of state funding necessary to  accomplish
these improvements   meet essential water-related public
priorities  , the Legislature requires additional information.
  SEC. 2.   After adoption of the Delta Plan, as required by
Section 85300 of the Water Code, the   (a)  
  The Natural Resources Agency shall provide an analysis to
the Legislature by July 1, 2014, that assesses currently available
public funding and estimates the additional level of public
investment needed to ensure California meets priority needs related
to infrastructure, integrated water management, water supply
reliability, water recycling, flood management, and watershed and
aquatic ecosystem conservation and protection.  
   (b) The State Water Resources Control Board and the Division of
Drinking Water and Environmental Management of the State Department
of Public Health shall provide an analysis to the Legislature by July
1, 2014, that assesses currently available public funding and
estimates the additional level of public investment needed to ensure
that all Californians have access to safe drinking water and
prioritize the projects necessary to achieve this goal. 
    (c)     The  Delta Stewardship Council
shall  initiate and complete a comprehensive study of the
financial needs for state funding for implementation of the Delta
Plan. The council shall report to the Legislature on the Delta's
financing needs by July 1, 2014   provide an analysis to
the Legislature by July 1, 2014, that assesses currently available
public funding and estimates the additional level of public
investment needed to implement the Delta Plan  . 
   (d) The requirements for submitting reports under this section are
inoperative on July 1, 2018, pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the
Government Code, and the reports shall be submitted in compliance
with Section 9795 of the Government Code.