INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Skinner

                        FEBRUARY 22, 2013

   An act to amend Sections 2923.3 and 2924 of the Civil Code,
relating to mortgages.


   AB 1091, as introduced, Skinner. Mortgages: notice of default.
   Existing law requires that, upon a breach of the obligation of a
mortgage or transfer of an interest in property, the mortgagee,
trustee, or beneficiary record a notice of default in the office of
the county recorder where the mortgaged or trust property is situated
and mail the notice of default to the mortgagor or trustor. Existing
law specifies other requirements and procedures for completion of a
foreclosure sale, including recording a notice of sale prior to
exercising a power of sale. Existing law requires, under a notice of
default, that a summary of mortgage terms be provided to the
mortgagor or trustor, as specified.
   This bill would require a notice of default and the summary of
mortgage terms provided to a mortgagor or trustor to include a
statement that includes the telephone number of the Homeowners Home
Ownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere (HOPE) program or a
similar mortgage payment assistance program of the United States
Department of Treasury or Housing and Urban Development.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 2923.3 of the Civil Code is amended to read:
   2923.3.  (a) With respect to residential real property containing
no more than four dwelling units, a mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary,
or authorized agent shall provide to the mortgagor or trustor a copy
of the recorded notice of default with an attached separate summary
document of the notice of default in English and the languages
described in Section 1632, as set forth in subdivision (c), and a
copy of the recorded notice of sale with an attached separate summary
document of the information required to be contained in the notice
of sale in English and the languages described in Section 1632, as
set forth in subdivision (d). These summaries are not required to be
recorded or published. This subdivision shall become operative on
April 1, 2013, or 90 days following the issuance of the translations
by the Department of Corporations, pursuant to subdivision (b),
whichever is later.
   (b) (1) The Department of Corporations shall provide a standard
translation of the statement in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c), and
of the summary of the notice of default, as set forth in paragraph
(2) of subdivision (c) in the languages described in Section 1632.
   (2) The Department of Corporations shall provide a standard
translation of the statement in paragraph (1) of subdivision (d), and
of the summary of the notice of sale, as set forth in paragraph (2)
of subdivision (d).
   (3) The department shall make the translations described in
paragraphs (1) and (2) available without charge on its Internet Web
site. Any mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent who
provides the department's translations in the manner prescribed by
this section shall be in compliance with this section.
   (c) (1) The following statement shall appear in the languages
described in Section 1632 at the beginning of the notice of default:


   (2) The following summary of key information shall be attached to
the copy of the notice of default provided to the mortgagor or


   The attached notice of default was sent to  name of the
trustor], in relation to description of the property that secures the
mortgage or deed of trust in default]. This property may be sold to
satisfy your obligation and any other obligation secured by the deed
of trust or mortgage that is in default. Trustor] has, as described
in the notice of default, breached the mortgage or deed of trust on
the property described above.
and you may have the legal right to bring your account in good
standing by paying all of your past due payments plus permitted costs
and expenses within the time permitted by law for reinstatement of
your account, which is normally five business days prior to the date
set for the sale of your property. No sale date may be set until
approximately 90 days from the date the attached notice of default
may be recorded (which date of recordation appears on the notice).
   This amount is ____________ as of ___(date)____________and will
increase until your account becomes current.
   While your property is in foreclosure, you still must pay other
obligations (such as insurance and taxes) required by your note and
deed of trust or mortgage. If you fail to make future payments on the
loan, pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property,
or pay other obligations as required in the note and deed of trust or
mortgage, the beneficiary or mortgagee may insist that you do so in
order to reinstate your account in good standing. In addition, the
beneficiary or mortgagee may require as a condition to reinstatement
that you provide reliable written evidence that you paid all senior
liens, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums.
   Upon your written request, the beneficiary or mortgagee will give
you a written itemization of the entire amount you must pay. You may
not have to pay the entire unpaid portion of your account, even
though full payment was demanded, but you must pay all amounts in
default at the time payment is made. However, you and your
beneficiary or mortgagee may mutually agree in writing prior to the
time the notice of sale is posted (which may not be earlier than
three months after this notice of default is recorded) to, among
other things, (1) provide additional time in which to cure the
default by transfer of the property or otherwise; or (2) establish a
schedule of payments in order to cure your default; or both (1) and
   Following the expiration of the time period referred to in the
first paragraph of this notice, unless the obligation being
foreclosed upon or a separate written agreement between you and your
creditor permits a longer period, you have only the legal right to
stop the sale of your property by paying the entire amount demanded
by your creditor.
   To find out the amount you must pay, or to arrange for payment to
stop the foreclosure, or if your property is in foreclosure for any
other reason, contact:
   (Name of beneficiary or mortgagee)
   (Mailing address)
   If you have any questions, you should contact a lawyer or the
governmental agency which may have insured your loan.
   Notwithstanding the fact that your property is in foreclosure, you
may offer your property for sale, provided the sale is concluded
prior to the conclusion of the foreclosure.
   If you would like additional copies of this summary, you may
obtain them by calling insert telephone number].
   (d) (1) The following statement shall appear in the languages
described in Section 1632 at the beginning of the notice of sale:


   (2) The following summary of key information shall be attached to
the copy of the notice of sale provided to the mortgagor or trustor:


   The attached notice of sale was sent to trustor], in relation to
description of the property that secures the mortgage or deed of
trust in default].
   YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A (Deed of trust or mortgage) DATED ____.
   The total amount due in the notice of sale is ____.
   Your property is scheduled to be sold on insert date and time of
sale] at insert location of sale].
   However, the sale date shown on the attached notice of sale may be
postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee,
or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code.
The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be
made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not
present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has
been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for
the sale of this property, you may call telephone number for
information regarding the trustee's sale] or visit this Internet Web
site Internet Web site address for information regarding the sale of
this property], using the file number assigned to this case case file
number]. Information about postponements that are very short in
duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not
immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the
Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is
to attend the scheduled sale.
   If you would like additional copies of this summary, you may
obtain them by calling insert telephone number].
   (e) Failure to provide these summaries to the mortgagor or trustor
shall have the same effect as if the notice of default or notice of
sale were incomplete or not provided.
   (f) This section sets forth a requirement for translation in
languages other than English, and a document complying with the
provisions of this section may be recorded pursuant to subdivision
(b) of Section 27293 of the Government Code. A document that complies
with this section shall not be rejected for recordation on the
ground that some part of the document is in a language other than
   (g) The statement required pursuant to subdivision (c) shall also
include the telephone number of the Homeowners Home Ownership and
Opportunity for People Everywhere (HOPE) program or a similar
mortgage payment assistance program of the United States Department
of Treasury or Housing and Urban Development. 

  SEC. 2.  Section 2924 of the Civil Code is amended to read:
   2924.  (a) Every transfer of an interest in property, other than
in trust, made only as a security for the performance of another act,
is to be deemed a mortgage, except when in the case of personal
property it is accompanied by actual change of possession, in which
case it is to be deemed a pledge. Where, by a mortgage created after
July 27, 1917, of any estate in real property, other than an estate
at will or for years, less than two, or in any transfer in trust made
after July 27, 1917, of a like estate to secure the performance of
an obligation, a power of sale is conferred upon the mortgagee,
trustee, or any other person, to be exercised after a breach of the
obligation for which that mortgage or transfer is a security, the
power shall not be exercised except where the mortgage or transfer is
made pursuant to an order, judgment, or decree of a court of record,
or to secure the payment of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness
authorized or permitted to be issued by the Commissioner of
Corporations, or is made by a public utility subject to the
provisions of the Public Utilities Act, until all of the following
   (1) The trustee, mortgagee, or beneficiary, or any of their
authorized agents shall first file for record, in the office of the
recorder of each county wherein the mortgaged or trust property or
some part or parcel thereof is situated, a notice of default. That
notice of default shall include all of the following:
   (A) A statement identifying the mortgage or deed of trust by
stating the name or names of the trustor or trustors and giving the
book and page, or instrument number, if applicable, where the
mortgage or deed of trust is recorded or a description of the
mortgaged or trust property.
   (B) A statement that a breach of the obligation for which the
mortgage or transfer in trust is security has occurred.
   (C) A statement setting forth the nature of each breach actually
known to the beneficiary and of his or her election to sell or cause
to be sold the property to satisfy that obligation and any other
obligation secured by the deed of trust or mortgage that is in
   (D) If the default is curable pursuant to Section 2924c, the
statement specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section
   (E) A statement that includes the telephone number of the
Homeowners Home Ownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere
(HOPE) program or a similar mortgage payment assistance program of
the United States Department of Treasury or Housing and Urban
   (2) Not less than three months shall elapse from the filing of the
notice of default.
   (3) Except as provided in paragraph (4), after the lapse of the
three months described in paragraph (2), the mortgagee, trustee, or
other person authorized to take the sale shall give notice of sale,
stating the time and place thereof, in the manner and for a time not
less than that set forth in Section 2924f.
   (4) Notwithstanding paragraph (3), the mortgagee, trustee, or
other person authorized to take sale may record a notice of sale
pursuant to Section 2924f up to five days before the lapse of the
three-month period described in paragraph (2), provided that the date
of sale is no earlier than three months and 20 days after the
recording of the notice of default.
   (5) Until January 1, 2018, whenever a sale is postponed for a
period of at least 10 business days pursuant to Section 2924g, a
mortgagee, beneficiary, or authorized agent shall provide written
notice to a borrower regarding the new sale date and time, within
five business days following the postponement. Information provided
pursuant to this paragraph shall not constitute the public
declaration required by subdivision (d) of Section 2924g. Failure to
comply with this paragraph shall not invalidate any sale that would
otherwise be valid under Section 2924f. This paragraph shall be
inoperative on January 1, 2018.
   (6) No entity shall record or cause a notice of default to be
recorded or otherwise initiate the foreclosure process unless it is
the holder of the beneficial interest under the mortgage or deed of
trust, the original trustee or the substituted trustee under the deed
of trust, or the designated agent of the holder of the beneficial
interest. No agent of the holder of the beneficial interest under the
mortgage or deed of trust, original trustee or substituted trustee
under the deed of trust may record a notice of default or otherwise
commence the foreclosure process except when acting within the scope
of authority designated by the holder of the beneficial interest.
   (b) In performing acts required by this article, the trustee shall
incur no liability for any good faith error resulting from reliance
on information provided in good faith by the beneficiary regarding
the nature and the amount of the default under the secured
obligation, deed of trust, or mortgage. In performing the acts
required by this article, a trustee shall not be subject to Title
1.6c (commencing with Section 1788) of Part 4.
   (c) A recital in the deed executed pursuant to the power of sale
of compliance with all requirements of law regarding the mailing of
copies of notices or the publication of a copy of the notice of
default or the personal delivery of the copy of the notice of default
or the posting of copies of the notice of sale or the publication of
a copy thereof shall constitute prima facie evidence of compliance
with these requirements and conclusive evidence thereof in favor of
bona fide purchasers and encumbrancers for value and without notice.
   (d) All of the following shall constitute privileged
communications pursuant to Section 47:
   (1) The mailing, publication, and delivery of notices as required
by this section.
   (2) Performance of the procedures set forth in this article.
   (3) Performance of the functions and procedures set forth in this
article if those functions and procedures are necessary to carry out
the duties described in Sections 729.040, 729.050, and 729.080 of the
Code of Civil Procedure.
   (e) There is a rebuttable presumption that the beneficiary
actually knew of all unpaid loan payments on the obligation owed to
the beneficiary and secured by the deed of trust or mortgage subject
to the notice of default. However, the failure to include an actually
known default shall not invalidate the notice of sale and the
beneficiary shall not be precluded from asserting a claim to this
omitted default or defaults in a separate notice of default.
   (f) With respect to residential real property containing no more
than four dwelling units, a separate document containing a summary of
the notice of default information in English and the languages
described in Section 1632 shall be attached to the notice of default
provided to the mortgagor or trustor pursuant to Section 2923.3.